Podcasts by 1068 Pubcast

1068 Pubcast

The 1068 Pub is open for business.

Further podcasts by 1068 Pub

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 4 - The Labradoodle Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.802748

On this episode, the 1068 Pub tries the Blue Moon fall seasonal pack while we discuss... nothing... because we get too derailed to say anything meaningful about anything.


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 5 - The Liquid Lumbadator Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.793953

On this episode, the 1068 Pub enjoys our Blue Moon buzz as we discus...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 6 - The Chewin on IPAs Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.789211

On this episode, the 1068 Pub drinks 6 different IPAs whilst Corallus Cheats. A Lot. Cheater McCheaterson. Listen

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 8 - The Gimme Dat Beef Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.782179

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters hash out their definition of a sport and ask a woman if she pregnant. And the correct answer is 5.


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 9 - The Hot Hefes Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.777015

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters welcome Earnshaw, the first official guest at the 1068 Pub. Meanwhile, Freedom drinks warm beer, Milliardo has his first whisky tasting, and Corallus loves...

1068 Pubcast
After Hours 2 - LOTR: Did the White City Fall? from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.766865

In the After Hours format, the 1068 Pub stress tests the "talk about shit we find entertaining" claim. It's also a great way to keep the mics rolling when full attendance isn't possi...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 19 - The Woefully Titled Butt Stuff Episode from 2023-12-13T14:01:39.729162

In this back-to-our-roots episode, the 1068 Pubcasters welcome Earnshaw as we do a 3-player Mad Lib the News and a Freedom's Pub Trivials. Meanwhile, Milliardo works on his mad rapping skills, Mill...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 22 - The Rarest And Most Perfect Episode from 2022-08-22T12:22

In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters enjoy Milliardo's Sack as they conduct a blind taste test of 3“bottom shelfers” (under $30). They then share in Milliardo's pain ...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 21 - The Freedom Wins Episode from 2021-10-13T12:31

In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters conduct a blind taste test of 6 different Scotches in an all new segment called "Milliardo's Sack". The 6 Scotches each represent one of the 6 whiskey region...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 17 - The O Canada Episode from 2018-10-19T15:00

1068 Pubcast
After Hours 3 - LOTR: Forth Eorlingas! from 2018-09-28T13:42

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 16 - The Corallus Wins Episode from 2018-06-26T15:00

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 15 - The Christmas Switchmas Episode from 2018-01-12T11:00

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 14 - The Poppin' Sour Cherries Episode from 2017-09-15T16:00

In this, the first ever IN-PERSON episode, the 1068 Pubcasters torture themselves with sour beer while revisiting all the fun had during a vacation weekend. The beers we try are:


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 13 - The Balvenie Episode from 2017-07-13T13:30

In this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters put themselves in timeout in Corallus's Whisky Corner. We try the Balvenie 12-year doublewood. Balvenie. Ball-VIN-eeee.

Then, we cuddle up for Freedo...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 12 - With Apologies to Mehico from 2017-06-16T12:12

... and Ireland, and Jamaica, and India, and Scotland, and Australia, and... oh geez... definitely Mexico again....

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters blind taste test Mexican bee...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 11 - The 27 Subscribers Episode from 2017-05-10T13:33

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters recline their chairs and try Redbreast. The whisky. Don't make this weird. They also tackle three of life's greatest questions in an all new ...

1068 Pubcast
After Hours 1 - The Trump of Our Lives from 2017-01-27T15:16

This is a brand new show format, designed to keep the conversation going when full attendance isn't possible. We'd love to hear your feedback.

In this special edition episode, Freedom an...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 10 - The Stenographer Episode from 2017-01-13T18:36

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters do a blind taste test of the Fat Tire& Friends Collabeeration pack. Meanwhile, the pub gets an official stenographer, Milliardo shares his throbbing surpris...

1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 7 - The Back on the Horseshoe Episode from 2016-05-12T15:23

On this episode, the 1068 Pubcasters reveal two new segments and hop into a doodle-dee-doo time machine. Which is clearly the best kind of time machine.


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 3 - The Look at our Whiteface Episode from 2015-09-24T12:25

On this episode, the 1068 Pub tie up our hair in cornrows while still buzzed on light beer.


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 2 - The Light Beer Extravaganza! from 2015-09-24T12:24

On this episode, the 1068 Pub tries 7 different light beers while proving that Spanish ghosts don't exist.


1068 Pubcast
Pubcast 1 - The Better Late Than Never 4th of July Episode from 2015-09-24T12:22

On this episode, the 1068 Pub tried Red Strip, Killians Irish Red, Labatt Blue, Blue Moon, and PBR while we discuss problems in South Carolina and dildos.
