Podcasts by 365 day Marketing challenge - CMH

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH

I am challenging myself for 365 days to learn something new in the area of sales and marketing. These are my revelations.
Cover art photo provided by Tom Barrett on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wistomsin

Further podcasts by Chad Halbur

Podcast on the topic Wirtschaft

All episodes

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 33 - WC3 - Summary #4 from 2019-01-07T12:04:43

WarriorCon 3 summary #4. We are all in the technology industry. Navin K. Problem/possibility, 4 principals, Production, Plan

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 32 - WC3 summary#3 R. Perry presentation from 2019-01-02T12:48:28

R. Perry points on problem and possibility / 4 principals / production / plan

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 31 - WC3 summary #2- Foundational Fact Map from 2019-01-02T12:24:29

Foundational Fact Map - Fruit / Feelings / Focus / Facts

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 30 - WC3 audio summary from 2018-12-17T12:36:38

Trifecta of Insanity and 4 stages of Money

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day29 - you need to think BIGGER !! from 2018-11-27T12:32:28

In order for you to grow you need to have people in your world that think bigger than you currently do. You need to continue to build new relationships that challenge you and motivate you to be more.

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 28- Not Sales.... it is a moral obligation to serve. from 2018-11-19T13:12:25

Sales can have a negative connotation. Instead think of it this way.. “If you believe in the product or service you are selling, then you have a moral obligation to try and serve your customers in ...

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 27- Gratitude for Gifts from 2018-11-08T04:10:30

Opportunities can come at some of the most unexpected times and from some of the most unexpected places. I am grateful for the blessings and gifts of relationships.

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 26 - False belief patterns from 2018-11-06T12:44:25

Clients come in with their own preconceived notions and bias. Some of which are false belief patterns which lead to objections in our offering. How to overcome objections!

365 day Marketing challenge - CMH
Day 25 - A guided walk to your WHY from 2018-11-06T04:33:25

Finance and investment advisors are commodities, but a more wholistic family wealth advisor who challenges your WHY is a unique!
