Podcasts by Minimalist Homeschooling

Minimalist Homeschooling

The ultimate goal for a minimalist homeschooler is to achieve effective and impactful education for their children with fewer resources, less stress, and greater simplicity. A minimalist approach focuses on decluttering, prioritizing, and optimizing the learning experience. Achieve Maximum Learning Outcomes with Minimal Resources.

Want your kid to become a more powerful communicator? The secrets to guiding them (yes, many times by role modeling) to speak and write so they will be understood, handle conflicts, and understand others?

Further podcasts by Geraldine Schmid

Podcast on the topic Firmengründung

All episodes

Minimalist Homeschooling
9. How to set up your week systematically with Marketinggenius Jennifer de la Torre from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.797359

Listen in on this Episode where Marketinggenius Jennifer de la Torre, known for Nice Girls Finish Last, introduces her tool to how she systematically structures her week. Go to check her out: h...

Minimalist Homeschooling
12. Strategy: Are you chunking your Goals&Targets to the right size? from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.788597

Strategy: Being able to Chunk Goals and Targets to perfected sizes 

  • how do () size their goals so they feel in control? 

Here are signs that your Strategy needs improvemen...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Urgency 1. from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.754059

Minimalist Homeschooling
23. Urgency 2 - Affirming the Why from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.749560

Minimalist Homeschooling
What if my child doesn't make decisions fast? 6 Step Formula from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.729329

Ready to start making tough and small decisions with less stress?

Today we will review two formulas you can use with your child when having difficulties making decisions: ...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Patterns of Tonality 1: What's the most effective way to teach my child to adjust their tones? from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.725746

What's the most effective way to teach my child to adjust their tones? 

Recognizing patterns is what our brains do best. Finding and practicing Patterns-of-Tonalities is the best way to te...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Patterns-of-Tonalities Series 3: Freedom&Presence vs. having the “inside voice” from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.722471

Patterns-of-Tonalities Series 3: Freedom & Presence vs. having the “inside voice” 

How do I teach my child to NOT follow other people's tonalities? 


This is a controversial...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Unlocking Autonomy in Homeschooling: Can'Freedom Levels'Be the Game-Changer? from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.718846

To learn more about The Story Weavers, visit www.thestory-weavers.com

How Can "Freedom Levels" Revolutionize Your Hom...


Minimalist Homeschooling
Self-Doubt in Minimalist Homeschooling: When the Mind Belittles Your Endeavors from 2023-12-14T10:24:34.714849

The Quiet Whisper of Self-Doubt: Why Do We Minimize Ourselves?


Our minds are ceaseless chatterboxes, a constant stream of thoughts, evaluations, and judgme...

Minimalist Homeschooling
What do we do (as parents) to smother or stop a childs interest in a subject? from 2023-11-15T09:33:05

Podcast Summary:
Explore how parents can inadvertently stifle their children's natural curiosity and learn effective ways to nurture their burgeoning interests, covering to...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Part 1: Unlocking the Secrets of"Study"and"Desire"in Learning from 2023-10-30T19:06:24

  • The podcast explores Leonardo da Vinci's assertion about the relationship between study and desire.
  • Leonardo's definition of "study" during the Renaissance was broad, encompassing o...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Will my child be adequately socialized? from 2023-10-25T23:00

Sponsored by The Story Weavers - www.thestory-weavers.com 

If you would like to read the blog post, go to https://www.thestory-weavers.com/pages/blog?p=dissecting-socializing-in-the-realm-...

Minimalist Homeschooling
My Kid Dislikes Reading... What Do I Do? from 2023-10-22T23:00

Sponsored by The Story Weavers. The Minimalist Homeschooler Program www.thestory-weavers.com

Episode Notes:

  • Understanding the Reason: Listen
Minimalist Homeschooling
Is your child bored while writing? from 2023-10-20T11:44:03

  • The danger of being bored while writing.
  • Reasons for feeling bored: being dishonest with oneself, choosing the wrong topic, or approaching a topic inadequately.
  • How the mind...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Are You a Negotiator or Tyrant in Creating Routines for Your Homeschool? from 2023-10-15T23:00

visit the Story Weavers Blog for more information or transcription of this Blog: https://www.thestory-weavers.com/pages/blog?p=are-you-a-negotiator-or-tyrant-in-creating-routines-for-your-homesc...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Know your Reason for talking from 2022-03-25T00:00

Minimalist Homeschooling
Advanced Tonalities from 2022-03-23T10:27:02

If you change your tone of voice, would your kid be more involved in learning? Challenge yourself to learn different tonalities to use in your homeschool.

Minimalist Homeschooling
The"Obviously"Tonality from 2022-03-23T00:00

Minimalist Homeschooling
21:The Framework to Paraphrase, A tool you will use throught your life from 2021-06-21T10:49:13

Focus on developing your paraphrasing skills this week. In the deep dive (download in the resource library of www.thestory-weavers.com), there are four stories with question prompts to practice usi...

Minimalist Homeschooling
22. Communication Expert Debra Fine: How to start any Conversation and what question to ask your child if not"How was your day?" from 2021-06-19T23:00

Master the Art of Conversation with Debra fine, as she talks about What to say to start any conversation, and what questions could you ask instead of "How was your day?" Visit her website at http...

Minimalist Homeschooling
20. Eric Edmeades: Applying the 6 human needs&Talking about Education and more. from 2021-06-15T23:00

An amazing Business- and Familyman and Powerful Communicator Eric Edmeades, talks with us about how he uses the 6 human needs in his team and family and has great insight about the educational syst...

Minimalist Homeschooling
19. Tool: Do you want your child to consider your/ other peoples perspective more often? from 2021-06-15T12:55:55

Check out www.TheStory-Weavers.com to download the deep dive, sentence starters cards and more. 

Minimalist Homeschooling
18. Flow States and How can I support my Gifted Kid from 2021-03-25T00:00

Over a Facebook live Chrissy gave us deep insight into Flowstates, specifically for gifted children.

Minimalist Homeschooling
17. How do Story Weavers kids take the skills into everyday life from 2021-03-20T09:05:47


We are live. Hey, everybody excited to be on early in the morning or late in the evening across the world with Amanda. So today we're having tea time or water time with a story Weav...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Are you snapping at your kids more than you would like right now? Use the Power of ANTICIPATION. from 2021-01-23T17:30:39

My story of the week. I am a bit more snappy this week, because of a lack of sleep. (I admit it, its clubhouse). My Strategy: Leaders use the Power of Anticipation.

Minimalist Homeschooling
THE BEGINNING of THE YEAR of becoming a Masterful Storyteller. from 2021-01-13T16:33:57

I don't know if you were aware that stories are the most powerful and influential way of transferring information from one person to another. You've learned most of what you now know from storie...

Minimalist Homeschooling
How to get massively driven in less than 60 seconds.Even if you have to finish a project right now and you feel stuck. from 2020-09-12T10:59:41


Use this Strategy when: You are in the middle of a project or task you have to finish, but you hit a wall.

Experiencing struggle t...

Minimalist Homeschooling
Develop THE NOT THE DO LIST by the Rachel Martin, CEO in Eventmanagment from 2020-03-11T13:00:01

Rachel Martin owns a highly successful Event management company. The Tool we learn from her: Her NOT-To-Do-List. Download the tool @ geraldineschmid.com/podcast

Minimalist Homeschooling
7."Yes, you have to do the work, no you don´t have to give everything up in the process"Mom of 3, Entrepreneur earning multiple 6 figures Cat Stancik from 2020-02-21T08:00:11

Mom of 3 kids, and an Entrepreneur who build multiple 6 figures with her business Cat Stancik talks with us about the Lost Art of Relationship and becoming Human again. How she believes you need to...

Minimalist Homeschooling
06 Increase productivity and stamina in knowing how to build the habits you want with Hanlie van Wyk from 2020-01-31T13:20:26

Author of the 11th Habit book, Hanlie van Wyk shares with us her framework to build habits that increase happiness, productivity lower mistakes rate and more. If you want to build a habit, let´s se...

Minimalist Homeschooling
05 What does a Spartan Para-Olympian say in tough moments? Kacey Mccallister from 2020-01-16T11:50:37

Imagine your child getting hit by a truck and losing their legs. That is what happened to the parents of Kacey Mccallister. What the doctors told them, was a gift. Today he takes part in the Spart...

Minimalist Homeschooling
04 What to do when People don´t ask you for help and how DISC Personality Profiles can change your approach. With Communications Expert Kristin Frade from 2020-01-16T11:45:14

Did you ever notice that people are different? ;) Kristin Hace Frade brings actual practical advice in using the DISC Profile to change your communication approach. This is a sneak peek for the up...

Minimalist Homeschooling
02 What do you do, when your Team doesn't take over the responsibility to solve problems on their own, but instead run to you? Bestselling Author Paul Cherry will tell you exactly what to do from 2020-01-16T10:15:06

What do you do, when your Team doesn't take over the responsibility to solve problems on their own, but instead run to you? What is a thought-provoking Question you can ask your teenager in an exam...

Minimalist Homeschooling
03 What Justin Noland is conscious about when facing a challenged child who has experience horrific situations from 2020-01-16T10:00:03

What do you do, when your child is sexting, opens up to you about being addicted, or raped? Justin Noland's experience is beyond measurement, as a teacher, school director, speaker and guidance to ...

Minimalist Homeschooling
01 How does former NFL Athlete Niyi Sobo deal with conflict, that he say´s always works - In Family&In Business from 2020-01-16T09:30:01

Former NFL Athlete Niyi Sobo, now coaching athletes on a high-performance mindset and how to dominate under pressure, will talk about how we deal with conflict in business and in the family. This ...

Minimalist Homeschooling
00 Why is it fundamental to your success that you become Influential? from 2019-12-23T17:19:17

The Influential Parentpreneur Podcast is to those among us who can't turn off, and don´t know why anybody would want to. 

To those who are wondering, not just how to Impact oneself to feel...
