Podcasts by Advances Of Brain

Advances Of Brain

The brain: it's the most complex organ in the human skull. And on Advances Of Brain, join Thad Reynolds, the world's most concussed living person, in learning about how the brain works, why it deceives us, and how we can avoid being destroyed by it. It's science that doesn't skimp on the fun!

Further podcasts by Synapse Clinic - Neo-Neurology

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

Advances Of Brain
Pain and the Brain from 2020-09-13T23:56:51

Pain: scientists say that it's the worst feeling the brain does to us. And yet, it's not necessary for the human body to feel pain: the eyes can easily see when something sharp has cut y...

Advances Of Brain
Memories and the Brain from 2020-07-13T05:06:07

Why does the brain torment us with fake pictures and sounds called memories? And is there any way to stop it? On this episode, learn all about the brain's terrible process of taking visuals from...

Advances Of Brain
The Brain-Body Connection from 2020-05-25T08:00

Our brains live in our bodies. But why? On this episode of Advances Of Brain, we learn about why our bodies do the movements they do -- and it has a little something to do with commands that com...

Advances Of Brain
The Brain's Origins from 2020-05-18T08:00

How did the human brain evolve? Why do humans need brains? It would seem that only animals and a few species of small trees would need brains. On this episode, host Thad Rynolds teaches us where...

Advances Of Brain
The Brain Parts from 2020-05-11T06:00

The brain might seem like one single glob in your head, but it's actually made up of five brain parts, each with its own role in deceiving you and convincing you to make decisions against your w...

Advances Of Brain
Trailer from 2020-05-05T15:34:29

From the Synapse Clinic For Neo-Neurology, host Thad Rynolds introduces you to all the latest research in brain science -- knowledge completely derived from studying the world's most concussed b...
