Podcasts by AI Zen with Andrew and Jen

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen

A podcast where a designer and a data scientist break down how to create awesome AI experiences.

Twitter: @AIZenPodcast

Further podcasts by Andrew Freed & Jennifer Sukis

Podcast on the topic Design

All episodes

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Privacy by Design from 2021-02-03T20:36:14

In this episode we get to talk with Listen

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
The need to know what we don't know from 2020-11-30T21:17:08

We all have implicit biases and assumptions that come into play whenever we're designing and building shtuff. Jen and Andrew share the sad, the horrifying and the sometimes amusing stories of wh...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
The future of designing the future from 2020-08-04T00:44:30

Andrew and Jen bounce ideas around with futurist Clayton Bunyard, Ph.D., about biological design thinking, weird skills we'll need in the future, STEM vs STEAM, and how video conferencing tools ...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Designing valuable, feasible AI use cases from 2020-03-06T17:12:25

Andrew asks Jen about her methods for helping teams vet and prioritize all the ways AI could be designed into their products.

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
AI under the hood from 2020-01-20T22:26:08

Jen and Andrew get into the inner workings of a few simple AI applications and exactly HOW those magic-like experiences are built.

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
AI we can be thankful for from 2019-11-22T22:32:28

AI has done so many good things for us already. For Thanksgiving, Andrew and Jen reflect on how AI is improving our lives, our world, and our futures.

1. Examples of AI making our life bet...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
AI horror show! from 2019-11-13T02:54

Three tales of AI nightmares and apocalyptic robots

Andrew and Jen go to the dark places of our possible horrific futures with AI, discuss what it would take for them to become reality, an...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Data drives research, drives design, drives data from 2019-08-23T18:20

Keith Vertrees, Director of User Research with a background in data science, talks data driven design, the data skills designers need, the business skills data scientists need, why we should spe...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Can data and design come together? from 2019-08-16T19:13

What's going happen as data and design teams work closer and closer together to continuously deliver AI? Will roles overlap? Will skills transfer? Do we need to get aligned on our meme reference...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
A wee bit about model maintenance from 2019-08-02T19:21

Why can’t I just launch my AI widget and be done? Andrew tells us about what to expect and plan for once you've set your AI free and talks through a hypothetical chatbot where new questions abou...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Oh no, AI mistakes! from 2019-07-27T03:29

Did you know you can design your AI system to tell you how it needs to be fixed? In episode three we talk about some real world examples of false/positives, true/negatives and all the things to ...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Designing with AI from 2019-06-03T21:41

00:00:51 - How designing for AI is the same as designing for "not AI"

00:06:20 - How designing for AI differs from other types of design

00:15:00 - The kinds of things AI can be used...

AI Zen with Andrew and Jen
Starting your AI project from 2019-05-23T01:48:13

Episode highlights

  • 00:04:00 - My executive told me to add AI to my project, now what?

  • 00:05:56 - Should I use AI or rules?

  • 00:17:11 - Adding ML to you...
