Podcasts by AMAs podcasts

AMA's podcasts

Your everyday podcasts on the Marrow Thieves book!

Further podcasts by Marine Lefebvre

Podcast on the topic Bücher

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AMA's podcasts
Rap from 2020-02-17T16:04:43

A creation of a rap on the book to tell Frenchie's story.

AMA's podcasts
Evaluation and thoughts on the novel from 2020-02-13T14:39:01

In this podcast we discuss on our thoughts about the novel.

AMA's podcasts
Climate change from 2020-02-05T16:25:50

Analysis questions to a specialist about why the author included climate change in her book.

AMA's podcasts
Survival guide from 2020-02-05T15:57:14

Asking questions on application of an ideal survival guide with Frenchie and Miig.

AMA's podcasts
Actors from 2020-02-04T16:09:13

Comprehension questions about which actors would represent the best cast for The Marrow Thieves movie.

AMA's podcasts
Quiz from 2020-02-03T14:58:31

3 questions about knowledge on The Marrow Thieves
