Higher Self Meditation - Spirit& Spirituality - a podcast by Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)

from 2019-03-14T21:09:25

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Connect with your higher self in this deep meditation, led by Nikki Hartley who is a Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher and much, much more! She teaches at the University of Colorado. Don't forget to check out my interview with Nikki that we put up on Monday about positive money mindset! Visit Nikki's website www.mindbodymana.com and follow her on social @mindbodymana.


Julie's Reiki Certification & Angel School Course

2 Days Only - Saturday, April 13 & Sunday, April 14


Students will: 

  1. Earn 2 certifications in one weekend.

  2. Become a certified Master Teacher in Reiki Energy Healing.

  3. Learn How to Communicate with Angels and Loved Ones (and bring through messages).

  4. Develop Your Spiritual Gifts.

  5. Learn Energy Healing.

  6. Receive Supervised Practice.

  7. Become a Jancius Angel Energy Advanced Practitioner which gives you the ability to work on clients (and accept payment from clients) after level 3. 

Register for the Course at:  www.jancius.com


Continue the Conversation on Instagram!

Follow Julie, then ask a question on social media and Julie may answer it on the podcast! Or she might just ask you to be on the show!

Instagram: www.instagram.com/angelpodcast/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/angelpodcast/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOL5Dgsssv7A4C7SLvyqWg?view_as=subscriber


Be on The Show

Want to record a session for the podcast or tell a story about your loved ones coming through from the Other Side? Have a story about Angels helping you? Email us at: juliejancius@gmail.com


Meet Julie in Person!

Blonde Boutique in Glen Ellyn

April 11, 2019 from 6 - 10 pm

Julie will be giving mini-Angel Message Readings that night!

Blonde Boutique Website

Blonde Boutique Instagram


Prayer Jar

Add your name (or the name of a family member/friend) to Julie's prayer jar, and she will pray for you/them every morning. All you have to do is subscribe on Julie's website:  www.jancius.com


Show Notes

*Show notes recorded by Sonix.AI. I know it's not the best transcription, but being a mom too, I don't have time to go in and edit it! If anyone wants to volunteer for this job, let me know! : )

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to this guided meditation where you'll be accessing your highest self. Please allow yourself ample time to do this meditation and remember — Do not ever operate a heavy machinery or car while listening to this recording. And now let's begin. Allow yourself to get completely comfortable. Either lying in a chair. Or on your bed. Taking a nice big deep breath.


[00:00:48] And as you release it. Imagine the tension beginning to leave your body


[00:01:01] With your eyes closed.


[00:01:04] I want you to focus your attention at the bottoms of your feet. Imagine that there are cords. Going from the soles of your feet deep down into the earth. Grounding you. Connecting you. Imagine that there is now a stream of liquid relaxation flowing up through the center. Of those cords


[00:01:52] And into the soles of your feet. Imagine that liquid relaxation


[00:02:07] Is now spreading throughout the bottoms of your feet. Relaxing you


[00:02:21] Feeling very calm and peaceful. Any outside noises that you may become aware of. Will simply help you to relax more


[00:02:42] And more. That liquid relaxation. Is now spreading


[00:03:00] Spreading to the tops of your feet. Your ankles. Relaxing you even more. You feel yourself sinking deeper. And deeper down. Continuing to focus on this very pleasant feeling. That liquid relaxation. Now spreads through your shins. Your calves. Your knees. Your thighs


[00:04:06] And your legs are feeling very relaxed. Now. Sinking deeper. And deeper down. That liquid relaxation is now flowing through your hips. Your pelvis. Your stomach. Feeling very relaxed. And so peaceful. And feels so good. To just let go


[00:05:01] And allow this liquid relaxation. To spread throughout. Your body


[00:05:14] Through every nerve. Or again in muscle. Liquid relaxation. Is now flowing into your chest. Filling your heart and lungs


[00:05:44] Allowing you to breathe deeper. And even more relaxed. Now that liquid relaxation is spreading to your shoulders. Softening all the muscles there in your shoulders. It might even feel like a great weight


[00:06:24] Has just been lifted. From your shoulders. Allowing you to relax even more. Sinking deeper down. The liquid relaxation now spreads. From your shoulders. Down through. The. Softening. Each and every muscle. Now that liquid relaxation spreads


[00:07:31] From your shoulders down through each arm. Down through those. Your forearms. Your wrist. Your hands. All the way down through your fingertips. So calm. So peaceful. The liquid relaxation is now spreading


[00:08:25] Through your neck. Three or Chen and. Through your cheeks. Three or four


[00:08:55] On top of your hand. Every part of your face is completely relaxed now. In fact. Your entire body. From the tips of your toes to the top of your head is filled with this wonderful. Liquid. Relaxation


[00:09:37] And right now you are feeling so calm and so peaceful. Enjoying this pleasant feeling allowing your mind. Your body. And your highest self. To be in complete. Harmony. Perfectly relaxed


[00:10:24] And calm. As you enjoy this deeply relaxed state


[00:10:44] Allow the sound of my voice to guide you. Into just. The right state every sensitivity. To easily become aware of the presence. Of your true


[00:11:06] Highest Self. Scan your body. With this relaxed awareness. Notice any areas of tension. And then let them release. As you contemplate


[00:11:46] That which you are now doing for yourself is for your very highest benefit. And your higher self. Is always present


[00:12:10] Whether or not you are consciously aware of it. Now. To give you everything you need. In the way of guidance. And support. To free you from those problems. Any unnecessary limitations. That are getting ready. To be released easily


[00:12:58] In just the right way. For you. To keep whatever is of value. For you. Releasing. Dissolving whatever needs to release the problems now


[00:13:33] Feel yourself breathing as you go even deeper into relaxation. Letting your unconscious mind handle the reevaluation of these problems in the healing. Loving Light


[00:14:03] Of your highest self. As you become aware of it now in some way. Or another. Begin to have a sense. Begin to truly become aware now that your body. Is being surrounded. By a golden white light of pure. Loving. Energy


[00:14:55] A golden white light surrounding your body. Now. This is becoming more apparent to you


[00:15:13] In many interesting ways. Breath by breath. You feel good. As you picture and imagine this light all around you. And you begin to recognize. In a surprising


[00:15:52] And secure way. That this light is full of intelligence. And a deep healing power


[00:16:11] And it is welcoming you into its presence. Now. In such a way. That you are learning to remember. That it is always surrounding you that it has always. Surrounded you. And from now on. You can think about it. And that causes your experience of the presence of your highest self to be enhanced even more. As you learn to listen to its guidance with more and more trust. With each. Relaxed breath. Opening deeper and deeper to its healing energy. Deeper. And deeper. Learning to trust your own true. Inner goodness


[00:18:06] Your own true inner goodness.


[00:18:19] As you do this the light begins to lift you up. Lifting you up higher and higher


[00:18:33] Into the presence of your highest self. Think about all the ways you used to think you weren't worthy of contacting this inner goodness. In that dissolves into the light that is surrounding you. And you feel yourself being lifted. Higher. And higher. Opening more. And more. Offer. Any doubts. Or hesitations into this light. In such a way. That you sense them becoming obsolete and then dissolving as you breathe the light into your being. To be carried to every cell of your body. Ride along


[00:20:12] With the oxygen that you breathe. It's being delivered so. Effortlessly. That your unconscious mind. Whether or not. You think about it consciously now. Relax with the feeling of this goodness. Gently touching. Every part of your being. Bringing healing. They choose and waiting energy. Everywhere. That it is needed. You feel yourself going higher


[00:21:20] And closer to your highest self. And you get to share in this process by taking a wonderful breath as you imagine this light. This healing loving energy spreading throughout your being. Deeper


[00:22:14] And deeper. Easily. Effortlessly. With each. Dissolving what ever thoughts or feelings may arise. Whether good or bad give in to this he. Allowing. Offering all your thoughts all your feelings


[00:23:20] Into this light.


[00:23:27] To be healed. And transformed in just the right ways. For your own


[00:23:40] Highest benefit. You are completely ready now. To arrive in the presence


[00:24:08] Of your higher self. On the count of three. Imagine yourself standing easily erect. And at ease. In the presence of your highest self. Surrounded by this loving. Beautiful energy. Recognize that this is the unconditional love. Of your own inner purity. The true integrity of your being


[00:25:20] That is so pure so free that it is not tainted or diminished by anything you have ever thought. Or said. It is not tainted or diminished by anything. That has been


[00:25:49] The. Or to you. By anyone else


[00:26:07] As you think about this. Now. Your unconscious mind. And the energizing or a. Of your highest self. Completely. And effortlessly. Reevaluate all of your life experiences. Beliefs. And. Attitudes in such a way that you are released. From what. Ever you need to be released from. In order to come into total alignment. With their purity. And your highest self. In such a way that it flows unobstructed through out your being. Now


[00:27:22] Free. That in and again. As your unconscious mind also keeps every thing that is truly of value to you. From your life experience


[00:28:03] This helps to keep make things easy for you. To come into full. Open alignment. With the presence and energy. Of your highest self. Your true being. Imagine a stream of gold and white light


[00:28:39] Streaming into the top of your head. From this source of infinite. Loving. Healing intelligence. You


[00:29:07] Imagined it flowing down into your heart. It's filling your hearts. With loving. Healing energy. Loving Healing energy feeling your heart. That begins now. To radiate


[00:29:51] Throughout your entire body. Throughout your being. Permeating. Every cell of your being with this infinite healing nothing energy. That recognizes your true needs. Even if you yourself. Haven't yet consciously recognized them. Relax into this light. And allow it to lift. These needs. Out of your being. To present. Them. Into the loving intelligence of this light as. Offerings. And quest for purification. Healing. And enlightenment. Powerful genuine learnings of all kinds. For the sake of your highest benefit. And the highest benefit of all beings


[00:32:12] Open to this. Make an energy gesture. With your whole heart and soul. That this be so. Now relax. Feeling it permeating and surrounding your body. In a protective. And magnetic or. That draws these blessings to you


[00:33:06] As you experience these wonderful relaxed feelings thinking whatever thoughts that are being exposed and the light of your highest self. You can now ask questions of your highest self. Carrying on in inner dialogue


[00:33:41] And an inner communion. In. Any way you wish. I will remain silent for a few minutes


[00:36:04] In a moment. I will count from one to five. Bringing you back to normal waking consciousness. On the count of fun. Understand that all you have learned and experienced in this healing session will only continue to grow. In beneficial ways in your being. Thus generating new and deeper bonds. Between your higher self. And your ordinary. Waking consciousness. Your dream consciousness and your deep sleep state. In such a way. That you are more. And more weight. To your own inner goodness. Expressing it more. And more easily. Joyfully. And in all ways appropriately for the highest benefit of yourself. And all beings. Now. In moment by moment


[00:37:47] Day by day into your future. One. Beginning to come back. Coming back more and more. All the energy and learnings of this experience being effortlessly enjoyably absorbed into your being. Being absorbed into every cell of your body. Three. Moving your fingers and toes. Moving your fingers and toes. More and more awake


[00:38:58] Carrying these new learnings and empowerment into your future. Starting now. For. Breathe in wakeful energy. Taken another deep breath of wakeful energy. Clearing your head. Balancing your energies feeling wonderful in every way


[00:39:40] Five. Open your eyes


[00:39:44] Fully coming back wide awake.



God, Universe, Source, Spirit, Guardian Angel, Angel, Angel Message, Angel Messages, Angel Reader, Angel Readers, Angel Whisper, Angels, Anxiety, Archangel, Archangels, Arch Angel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Ask Angels, Attraction, Law of Attraction, The Secret, Oprah, Super Soul Sunday, Soul Sunday, Aura, Aura Field, Author, Awakening, Being, Bliss, Bible, Bible Verse, Bliss and Grit, Buddhism, Catholic, Chakra, Chalene, the Chalene Show, Realitv, Change Your Life, Chicago, Naperville, Wheaton, Chicagoland, Christian, Christianity, Church, Pastor, Preacher, Priest, Co Create, cocreate, Consciousness, Spirit Guide, counselor, therapist, Dax Shepard, Death, Depression, Died, Grief, Divine, Doctor, Dream, Angel Therapy, Gabrielle Bernstein, Ego, Empath, Energy, Energy Healing, Enlightened, Zen, Enlightenment, Enneagram, Fabulous, Faith Hunter, Family, Feelings, Goal Digger, Jenna Kutcher, Ancient wisdom, Brandon Beachum, girl boss, badass, life coach, sivana, good, gratitude, great, school of greatness, greatness, the school of greatness, lewis howes, the Charlene show, rise podcast, Rachel Hollis, Tony Robbins, the Tony Robbins Podcast, guardian angels, guides, happy, happier, happiness, Hay House, summit, hayhouse, healed, healing, health, heart, heart math, heaven, help, high vibration, higher self, highest self, holy, I AM, illness, inner peace, inspiration, intention, intuitive, jewish, joy, Julia Treat, Julie Jancius, learn, lesson, light worker, Louise Hay, Love, Marriage, Magical, Manifest, Manifesting, Marie Kondo, Master Class, Meditate, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, the Long Island Medium, the Hollywood Medium, Message, Metaphysics, ACIM, A Course In Miracles, Method, Mindful, Mindfulness, Miracles, Mom, Motherhood, Naturopath, New Age, Passed Away, Past Lives, Peace, Positive, Power, Pray, Prayer, Prosperity, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychology, Purpose, Quantum Physics, Life Purpose, Ray of Light, Reiki, Relax, Religion, Robcast, Sadness, Depression, Sahara Rose, School, Science, Shaman Durek, Shift, Sleep, Soul, Source, Spirit, Spirit Team, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Gifts, Spirituality, Stress, Synchronicity, Tara Williams, Tarot, Teacher, Thinking, Thoughts, Transcended State, Transcendence, Universe, Vibration, Vortex, Wellness, Worry, Worship, Yoga, Zen, Afterlife. Sounds True, Circle, A Course in Miracles, Marianne Williamson, near-death experience, spirit guides, awaken your inner, elevator, wild mystic, transformation church, 111, 11, 11:11, metaphysics, sacred living, divine beings, the sivana podcast, sivana, philosophy, millennial, millennials, mantra, buddah, hindu, vedanta and yoga, monk, the astrology hub, buddha at the gas pump, the unusual buddha, living open, the cosmic calling, rewilding for women, empowering women, shamanism, the deconstructionist, faith, joe and charlie, alcoholics anonymous, 12 step recovery, alanon, atheist, friendly atheist, hippie, new age, what's your sign, intuitives, healers, dream freedom, law of attraction secrets, marriagetoday audio podcast, marriage today, Ancient Wisdom, shaman, love and marriage, love & marriage, the examen with Fr. James Martin, Sadhguru, Sadhguru's Podcast, yogi, mystic, spiritual master, So you think you're intuitive, podcast pray as you go, pray as you go, your daily prayer podcast, mindful living spiritual awakening, redefining wealth, the positive head, classic BYU speeches, homilies, Richard Rohr, animal, horoscope, the enneagram journey, highest self podcast, sahara rose, Deepak Chopra, 131 Method Mindset, realitv.

Copyright: Chicago Energy Healing

Further episodes of Angels and Awakening

Further podcasts by Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)

Website of Julie Jancius: Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium, Teacher (God, Intuition, Manifest, Soul, Higher + Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Grief, Consciousness, Life After Death)