Podcasts by Anti-depressants Kill or Cure

Anti-depressants Kill or Cure

Welcome to a brand new pod cast, Anti-depressants Kill or Cure.
Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88

Further podcasts by Denise Collins

Podcast on the topic Gesundheit und Fitness

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Anti-depressants Kill or Cure
Side effects or symptoms from 2018-12-30T17:16:09

Many of the side effects of SSRI’s sound like the symptoms people are seeking relief from.

Anti-depressants Kill or Cure
SSRI side effects from 2018-12-30T16:07:04

SSRI drugs can be fatal if given to people who are not depressed. So why are people experiencing Anxiety prescribed antidepressants?

Anti-depressants Kill or Cure
The beginning of the end from 2018-12-30T14:39:38

This is the first episode of Antidepressants Kill Or Cure
