Podcasts by Ask Palpatine

Ask Palpatine

I am Emperor Palpatine. I rule the galaxy.I know that a lot of you hate me -- don't bother to deny it, I have seen it -- but I think that's just because you haven't gotten to know me. I'm not the loveless murderer people make me out to be. Really. Once you get to know me you'll find out that I'm really a nice guy.Honestly.

Further podcasts by Hoggworks Studios

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 42: Turning a Jedi from 2014-05-04T01:30:20

In this episode, Emperor Palpatine answer"How do you turn a Jedi?" And then he sings a cool song.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine is Coming Back! from 2014-04-20T03:04:13

Holy crap, here I am!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 303: Gettin' the Girl from 2010-03-23T04:03:21

theres this girl at my school named cheyanne I really like her can you give me advice on how I should ask her out I pray that the force be with me.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 202: Load-Bearing Chicks from 2010-03-01T04:47:49

This week's question is: Who gets the most ladies? You or Kirk?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 201: Unicorn Fingers from 2010-02-16T13:21:52

The question for this episode is: Can you shoot more than lighting from your fingertips, like fire? The song is Poker Face, by Lady Gaga

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine Season 2! from 2010-01-24T02:45:32

Ask Palpatine season 2 is coming February 16. It will be 20 episodes long, so send in your questions now!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 38: Clone Trooper Happy Meal from 2009-02-14T17:38:49

If I'm using Clone Troopers for hot dogs, why not turn them into an entire meal?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 37: Fun Times on Hoth from 2009-01-14T20:32:05

After a significant wait, Palpatine brings you 3 questions in a single episode!

Ask Palpatine
Amazon won't let me get their new Amazon Mobile App! from 2008-12-04T06:45:22

I want to get their FREE app, but they won't let me! Why? Because I'm not in the US. Because for some reason, I can only get something from them, for free, if I'm in the right countr...

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 36: Sith Holidays? from 2008-11-22T21:42:04

Do you celebrate normal holidays, or special Sith holidays?

Ask Palpatine
Puppet Wars from 2008-11-12T02:39:02

Where we respond to Loren Feldman's response to a blog entry we wrote which was critical of him.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 35: How Hot Dogs are Made from 2008-11-09T21:32:30

Have you ever wondered how hot dogs are made? Palpatine tells you!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 34: The REAL Rebel Threat from 2008-10-11T12:43

Palpatine talks to Vader about the REAL reason the Empire is fighting the Rebels, and what the TRUE cost of their campaign of terror is.

Ask Palpatine
Stephen Colbert Interviews Sarah Palin from 2008-10-08T21:59:29

The Colbert Report's Stephen Colbert snags an exclusive interview with VP hopeful Sarah Palin. This is an exclusive!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine: A Better Vader: Designed! from 2008-09-24T02:33:18

We're proud to announce the winners of the first Ask Palpatine contest: Design a Better Vader. Man, these designs were awesome.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 33: YMCA from 2008-09-16T19:16:12

This week I answer THREE questions. Hold on to your bantha, it's going to be a heck of a ride!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 32: Dracus Remembered from 2008-09-05T05:09:52

This week we look back at the too-short life of Darth Dracus. I'm going to miss that little guy.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 31: Win! Win! Win! from 2008-08-26T04:42:30

This is just a reminder that the"Design a Better Vader" contest closes on August 31, so you've only got a few days to submit your designs to http://forum.askpalpatine.com/, for the c...

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 30: Good Times With Weapons from 2008-08-22T22:03:58

This is a bit of video from a wrap-party we had after we finished filming the pieces with Cuddles, Snuggles, and Dracus. It's tragic, to see such a promising young Sith stolen from us in his p...

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 29: Amazing Grace from 2008-08-21T03:43:39

This week I answer several of your questions. Plus, the Sith Choir!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 28: National Anthems from 2008-08-18T14:26:10

Are there any planetary or country national anthems in your galaxy?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 27: Review of Clone Wars: The Movie from 2008-08-17T16:35:25

Instead of a question, this week me and my special guest Darth Dracus review the new"Clone Wars" movie. Also, Dracus tries, but fails, to be very much intimidating.

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 26: Fast-Moving Death Star from 2008-07-31T01:18:04

Do I have any funny Death Star anecdotes? And how fast can the Death Star go?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 25: Design a Better Vader! from 2008-07-30T17:02:13

Why don't I rebuild Darth Vader to make him look cooler? Because you have to design him first, for our first ever contest! With Prizes!

Ask Palpatine
24: Jedi Toss from 2008-07-06T23:36:04

What's my favorite sport? Also, I sing a full song this episode!

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 23: Killing Jar-Jar Binks from 2008-07-06T23:09:15

Since you're so powerful, why haven't you killed Jar-Jar Binks?

Ask Palpatine
Stephen Colbert calls out Merlin Mann from 2008-06-20T11:51:55

The REAL Stephen Colbert calls Merlin Mann to task for not taking the challenge. You're all about Getting Things Done Merlin; why aren't you getting THIS done?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 22: Metal Detector from 2008-06-20T03:41:43

Can the force find gold better than my metal detector?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 21: Star Wars Exposed! from 2008-06-14T02:33:45

"Why did you let that Lucas guy film a documentary about you?"

Ask Palpatine
20: My lightsabre from 2008-06-06T03:15:29

"What happened to your lightsabre?"

Ask Palpatine
19: George Lucas is ruining my life. from 2008-06-04T03:35:34

Why do Stormtroopers suck? And why do they only suck some of the time?

Ask Palpatine
18: How Can I Answer Your Questions? from 2008-05-31T05:22:24

How Can I answer your questions if I live a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?

Ask Palpatine
It's the Stephen Colbert Puppet Challenge! from 2008-05-20T05:51:54

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you something special: The Stephen Colbert Puppet Challenge.

Ask Palpatine
17: Interview with Jason Calacanis from 2008-05-06T05:00:32

In this special episode, I sit down with fellow Sith dark master Jason Calacanis, founder of Mahalo.

Ask Palpatine
16: The Long Con from 2008-05-02T23:41:49

I answer two questions this episode:"Why did you tell Anakin that you could save the ones he loved?" and"Does it bother you when people make fun of you?"

Ask Palpatine
15: The Sex Lives of Emperors from 2008-04-18T03:16:36

Two questions this week:Have u ever had sex?Are there any illegitimate sithlings running around?

Ask Palpatine
14: Making Time For You from 2008-04-14T23:26:02

How do I find the time to do this show?

Ask Palpatine
13: Time Travel from 2008-04-14T02:56:18

Can you use the force to time travel?

Ask Palpatine
12: Reading Your Mind from 2008-04-13T04:47:19

After some time away, I answer the question: If I can read your minds, why do I need you to e-mail me questions?

Ask Palpatine
Ask Palpatine 11 - Cloning a Sith Army? from 2008-03-25T23:42:33

This week, the question is:"Why did you make your clone army using a bounty hunter, instead of a Sith?"

Ask Palpatine
10: The Colbert Report Interview from 2008-03-15T03:01:54

Emperor Palpatine gets interviewed by Stephen Colbert!

Ask Palpatine
9: Nine Questions from 2008-03-06T08:19:18

This week, Palpatine answers nine viewer questions. Because he loves you that much.

Ask Palpatine
8: How does Darth Vader use the bathroom? from 2008-02-17T21:59:42

The answer to this question is fascinating. Seriously. You'll be surprised.

Ask Palpatine
7: Cooking Ewoks from 2008-02-08T23:36:12

How does Palpatine like his Ewoks prepared? This question, and FIVE MORE, are answered in this very special -- and very awesome -- episode!

Ask Palpatine
6: Killing Darth Plaguis from 2008-01-30T21:26:44

This episode I answer the question"Why did you kill your master, Darth Plaguis, in his sleep rather than facing him like a man?"

Ask Palpatine
5: Is Tom Cruise a Sith Lord? from 2008-01-24T16:36:36

I need to quash all the rumors, and clear this up once-and-for-all: Tom Cruise may be a whacko Scientologist, but he is NOT a Sith Lord.

Ask Palpatine
4: Thermite Lollipops from 2008-01-17T19:42:08

I answer two questions this week, because the first one honked me off. I mean, seriously, why does everybody keep asking if I have nuclear weapons?

Ask Palpatine
3: Jedi Romance Tips from 2008-01-11T04:50:59

This time I answer the age-old question"Are there any Jedi tricks to sway the ladies?"The answer is yes.

Ask Palpatine
2: Death Star Design Flaws. from 2008-01-08T16:12:03

In this episode I answer the question"Why did you build a flaw into the Death Stars?"

Ask Palpatine
1: Give me your questions. Now. from 2008-01-06T01:16:22

I am Emperor Palpatine. I rule the galaxy.Would you like to get to know more about me? I'm really a nice guy, underneath the terror, the tyranny, and the iron-fisted rule.
