Podcasts by Beers With Entrepreneurs

Beers With Entrepreneurs

A curious conversation over beers with startup founders who are pursuing incredible dreams. Cheers!

Further podcasts by Wei

Podcast on the topic Wirtschaft

All episodes

Beers With Entrepreneurs
Episode 3 - Focal with Lachlan Shum from 2019-08-25T07:24:37

If you read the book "Lean Startup" then you know that the success of startups depend on being able to pivot and validate a new product. Lachlan Shum is the founder of Focal who has made significan...

Beers With Entrepreneurs
Episode 2 - FreeUBI with Josh Cliffords from 2019-04-06T00:00

Join us with Josh Cliffords to find out how FreeUBI will make universal sustainable income a reality and redefine the definition of free. Josh has travelled across the world, been mugged by unscrup...

Beers With Entrepreneurs
Episode 1 - Ysplit with Boateng from 2019-03-20T08:08:10

Boateng Opoku-Yeboah co-founder of Ysplit will be sharing with us on what it's like to be in the thick of it at an early stage startup. Ysplit is a payments company on a mission to make splitting b...
