Podcasts by Behind the Orange Curtain

Behind the Orange Curtain

A conversational podcast where Lynda, Farin, & Janelle , three OC moms, discuss parenting, life and raising families in the OC.

Further podcasts by Joy

Podcast on the topic Kindererziehung

All episodes

Behind the Orange Curtain
Kids after school activities from 2020-02-18T22:55:11

Welcome back! Today we are talking about kids after school activities- the what where when why....???

Behind the Orange Curtain
Kids Clothes - Getting Dressed from 2020-02-15T16:24:26

To choose or not to choose - that is the question! Do you let your child pick their outfits or do you pick it for them? We discuss the pros and cons of each school of thought.

Behind the Orange Curtain
Surviving sick season from 2020-02-11T20:48:41

Flu season is in full force - we discuss some ways to combat it through supplements, vitamins and old-school methods.

Behind the Orange Curtain
Coffee Shop Talk from 2020-02-04T23:16:40

Motherhood: Powered by love fueled by coffee. Please join us on a short but sweet coffee house convo
