Podcasts by Bureau of Complaint

Bureau of Complaint

Everything sucks. Discuss.


LJ Pemberton (formerly Laura Jean Moore) is the co-creator and former co-host of Livin' and Lovin' in NYC, a podcast about sex and love that has been featured in the Village Voice, Savage Love, WNYC, Thrillist and FILTHY. Her award-winning stories, essays, and poetry have appeared in VICE, the Brooklyn Rail, Hobart, the Cobalt Review, [PANK], the Electric Encyclopedia of Experimental Literature, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from Columbia University. You can find her on twitter @ljabouttown.

Tye Pemberton is the co-creator of the webseries Quick Brick Tips. His fiction has appeared internationally in Versal, and domestically in California's Watchword. His nonfiction can be found at TheRumpus.net, BookTrib, The Life Sentence, PopMatters, and in the journal We Still Like. He holds an MFA from Columbia University. You can find him on twitter @pemberto.

Find out more at bureauofcomplaint.com.

Further podcasts by LJ Pemberton & Tye Pemberton

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Bureau of Complaint
Episode Three: Healthcare (Part Two) from 2019-11-18T00:47:01

In which we continue our conversation with Angie Horn about how much healthcare sucks in America by going deep on the commodification of humans since the founding of our country (hello slavery!), t...

Bureau of Complaint
Episode Two: Healthcare (Part One) from 2019-10-16T05:33:01

In which guest host, Angie Horn, joins us to complain about healthcare in the United States, among other related shitty things in American politics and norms.

Note: The Nixon tapes refere...

Bureau of Complaint
Episode One: Baby Boomers from 2019-07-15T04:28:20

Episode One: in which we complain about Baby Boomers, and more specifically white Baby Boomers, and their predilection for racism and feeling special. Two (old) millennials go off.
