Podcasts by Cmon Lets BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle

Good banter sessions on life

Further podcasts by Pax Flores

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
Life Re-defined pt 2 from 2020-07-14T03:27:25

Post COVID life. How's it gonna be.

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
Banter on Banter (Wine) from 2020-07-07T19:10:54

Working from home, recording and publishing a podcast where Hearts, Dicky's & Robin's are discussed and simultaneously redefining our life.

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
Let's Talk About Race...Sort Of from 2020-06-09T06:33:51

A light banter about race relations #cmonletsbanter

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
Emotional intelligence while being sheltered in place from 2020-04-27T00:24:06

How emotional intelligent are we? How does age play into this? How does being sheltered in place affect us?

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
#3 or so from 2020-04-24T03:39:46

I am not counting

C'mon Let's BANTER - Paxy & Len_Shizzle
#2 from 2020-04-24T03:09:29

Banter sesh
