Podcasts by Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD

The rubric "Miscellanea" constitutes a collection of lectures held by visiting fellows in various different contexts at the Center for Advanced Studies LMU. | Die Rubrik "Miscellanea" versammelt Vorträge von Gastwissenschaftlern, die in ganz unterschiedlichen Kontexten am Center for Advanced Studies LMU arbeiten.

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Podcast on the topic Kunst

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Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Knowledge Creation in Museums from 2022-03-29T17:42:21

Museums are often considered as instruments of dissemination of knowledge created elsewhere, but museums have a deep history as institutions of knowledge creation behind the scenes of their public ...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Gesundheitsversorgung, Forschung und Ausbildung. Herausforderungen einer Universitätklinik from 2022-03-29T16:55:50

Im Zuge des Aktionsmonats „Gesunde Universität“ an der LMU spricht der ehemalige Ärztliche Direktor des Klinikums der LMU, Karl-­Walter Jauch, über die verschiedenen Anforderungen, die sich heutzut...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Platforms and their Societal Impact. A Force for Good? from 2022-03-29T16:55:50

Platform businesses connect at least two sides, e.g. a buyer and a seller of a good or service, and have grown tremendously in importance in recent years. Indeed, platform business models form the ...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Diversity. Fashion Term or Scientific Concept? from 2022-03-24T14:58:50

The term "diversity" is nowadays on everyone's lips and has become a key concept in the governance of institutions. The task of the panel discussion at CAS is to scientifically enlighten the concep...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Is Critique Obsolete in the Age of Post-Truth? from 2022-03-24T14:58:50

Dr. Sebastian Schindlers Habilitationsprojekt befasst sich mit der Aufgabe von Kritik in Zeiten der post-faktischen Politik. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, dass sich gegenwärtig in der Gesellsc...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
CAS Showcase: Global History from 2022-03-24T14:58:50

The series "CAS Showcase" invites professors from LMU to talk about their discipline's State of the Art.| Roland Wenzlhuemer is Professor for Global History at LMU Munich.

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Epischer Rhythmus im Anschluss an August Wilhelm Schlegel from 2022-03-24T14:58:50

Wo immer es um bewusste Formung von Prosa geht, stehen Fragen der Bindung und Verknüpfung zur Diskussion. Dass Prosa eine freie bzw. ungebundene Rede ist, bedeutet nicht, dass sie sich – wie es bei...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Levels: Descriptive, Explanatory, and Ontological from 2022-03-24T14:58:50

Christian List focuses in his CAS-lecture on the category of levels in philosophy of science. He develops different perspectives against the background of reasoning and argumentation in general. | ...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
European Public Values in an Online World from 2018-11-13T17:30

Online digital platforms, which are overwhelmingly Americanbased and operated, have penetrated every sector of American and Western-European societies, disrupting markets and labor relations, circu...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Juristisches Schreiben from 2017-01-26T19:30

Die Herausbildung der Kategorie wissenschaftlicher Objektivität beruht nicht nur auf Praktiken des Sehens und der bildnerischen Darstellung, sondern ebenso auf Praktiken des Schreibens und der pros...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Forced Migration from 2016-12-07T19:30

Laut UNCHR-Bericht vom Juni 2015 sind weltweit ca. 60 Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht. Zeitgleich mit dieser erzwungenen Mobilität findet die globalisierte Ökonomie Gefallen an Ortlosigkeit und f...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Why do we face so many fallacies, biases, and dilemmas in (sustainable) phosphorus management? from 2016-06-09T19:15

The rubric "Miscellanea" constitutes a collection of lectures held by visiting fellows in various different contexts at the Center for Advanced Studies LMU. | Center for Advanced Studies: 09.06.201...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Six Degrees of Separation: The Foax as More from 2015-10-29T19:00

Forgeries are mimetic practices of unique cultural, economic and political relevance. They alter reality, make history and perform cultural work. The conference aims to engage an interdisciplinary ...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
How Obesity in Children is Progressing in Mexico from 2015-06-09T19:00:01

Obesity has increased overwhelmingly over the last years. Especially in Mexico the amount of people being overweight or adipose has grown more than in any other countries: Seventy percent of all Me...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
50 Years German-Israeli Relations from 2015-05-28T18:30

Anlässlich des 50. Jahrestags der offiziellen Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Staat Israel widmet sich der Workshop der Geschichte des deutsch-is...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Illegale Kapitalströme und globale Gerechtigkeit from 2015-04-14T19:15

Die Entwicklungsländer leiden unter ganz erheblichen illegalen Kapitalabflüssen, die meistenteils auf Steuerflucht zurückzuführen sind: Multinationale Konzerne verschieben ihre Gewinne in Steueroas...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Die Trennung von Sex und Reproduktion from 2014-12-08T19:00

Der Vortrag wird sich mit der nicht allzu fernen Zukunft beschäftigen, in der − mit einem europäischen Durchschnitt von 1,5 Kindern pro Familie − das Thema Konzeption sehr viel bestimmender werden ...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Discovering America: George Washington's Journey to a New Nation from 2014-11-27T18:00

During his first days in office as president, GeorgeWashington organized a journey that fundamentally changed how the American people perceived their relationship with the new federal government. I...

Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Miscellanea (LMU) - HD
Digital Curation and the Performing Arts from 2014-05-08T19:00

As first Digital Curator for the Performing Arts at the New York Public Library, Doug Reside gives a talk about his work at the library and demonstrates different possibilities of conserving the li...
