Podcasts by 慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery

慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery

秉承漢傳佛法的本義,慈山寺是一所以傳統修持,奉行正信佛教的觀音道場,祈望能以境說法,淨化人心。 為實踐人間佛教,慈山寺推出一系列「網上修﹒學」,讓大眾透過網上學習,靜心內觀,無礙修持。

Tsz Shan Monastery is a Mahāyāna Buddhist monastery established for the preservation of the inheritance of the Dharma preached by Śākyamuni Buddha. The Monastery's natural environment provides visitors with a tranquil and uncontaminated sanctuary for spiritual purification.
To practice Humanistic Buddhism, Tsz Shan Monastery has established the “E-Learning Platform” and launched activities and events online for mindfulness and insights as well as providing unimpeded Dharma teaching.

Further podcasts by 慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery

Podcast on the topic Buddhismus

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慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery
愚人天堂 A Fool’s Paradise from 2021-06-20T04:00:21

1592大文豪威廉.莎士比亞於著作《羅密歐與朱麗葉》,提及「A Fool’s Paradise 」,劇中多處呈現觀念的衝突和愛情的矛盾,幾百年來一直活躍於世界各地的舞台之上,無遠弗屆。 到底「愚人天堂」與千古佛法有何同異?且看嘉賓,何以輕談淺說,道出其觀點與啟發?

慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery
藥師佛聖號及藥師灌頂真言 Chanting the name of Medicine Buddha and Medicine Buddha Sutra from 2020-05-22T07:03:23


本寺誠邀大衆以清淨心,一心持名,恭誦真言。藉誦經功德聚集正念,祈福香港,消除疫情,各衆皆得健康。| Bhaiṣajyaguru is the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Commonl...

慈山寺 Tsz Shan Monastery
???????????? Chanting the name of Medicine Buddha and Medicine Buddha Sutra from 2020-05-22T07:03:23


????????????????????????????????????????????????| Bhai?ajyaguru is the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mah?y?na Buddhism. Commonl...
