Podcasts by COVER/LINE


COVER/LINE is where politics meets pop culture. By going behind the scenes and inside the world of political fashion, art, and celebrity, CNN's Hunter Schwarz and Kate Bennett bring you a new way to experience politics.

Further podcasts by CNN

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

The Political Runway: Making a (Fashion) Statement from 2018-02-11T12:00

Over the last year there has been an increase in social movements, from the rise of The Women's March to the #MeToo and TimesUp campaigns. From politicians to celebrities to average citizens, ...

The Political Runway: Dressing the Part from 2018-02-10T12:00

Many people think of Jacqueline Kennedy as the first modern-day First Lady, but in fact there are other notable First Ladies who helped set the precedent for the type of First Lady Mrs. Kennedy wou...

The Political Runway: D.C.'s Dress Code from 2018-02-09T18:42:30

Over the years, politicians have developed a dress code all their own. From blue and red ties for men, to skirt suits and pearls for women, the public has grown accustomed to seeing politicians in ...

Welcome to Cover/Line! from 2017-02-15T22:12:08

COVER/LINE dishes on everything from President Trump's latest executive orders to Melania Trump's latest fashions, from what the press corps is actually talking about to how politics is p...
