Podcasts by Create an Impact - Podcast

Create an Impact - Podcast

The action we take today, will impact our lives tomorrow. Create an Impact Talks are hosted by a start-up called GOT BAG, who crafted the world’s first backpack made of Ocean Plastic. We at GOT BAG are dedicated to raise awareness about the plastic pollution of our oceans. Meet our growing network of visionary minds, friends and partners. In each episode, you get insights about our guests, learn what drives them to take action for the better and be inspired to keep spreading the word.
- Create an Impact with us? Get in touch: podcast@got-bag.com

Further podcasts by GOT BAG Family

Podcast on the topic Firmengründung

All episodes

Create an Impact - Podcast
#06 GOT BAG trifft Fridtjof Detzner from 2021-07-20T22:00

In dieser Folge spricht Benny mit Fridtjof Detzner. Fridtjof ist Mitbegründer des Website-Baukastens Jimdo. 2017 hat er eine Reise gemacht, die sein Leben verändert hat. Seitdem stellt er mit Plane...

Create an Impact - Podcast
#05 GOT BAG meets Co-Founder and CEO of Plan A Lubomila Jordanova from 2021-07-13T22:00

In this episode Benny talks to Lubomila Jordanova who founded Plan A, the first software that enables businesses to monitor and reduce their emissions. Lubomila takes us on a journey through her li...

Create an Impact - Podcast
#04 GOT BAG meets Founder and CEO of BOSAQ Jacob Bossaer from 2021-07-06T22:00

Jacob Bossaer has founded BOSAQ to provide a sustainable water solution to the world, right after coming back from one of the most extreme places on earth. In this episode he tells us how it all ca...

Create an Impact - Podcast
#03 GOT BAG meets Co-founder and CEO at PlanBlue Joost den Haan from 2021-06-30T11:00

In this episode Benny talks to Joost den Haan, who himself creates a big impact for our oceans. His company PlanBlue provides data to help saving the sea floor and marine life. Joost grew up in the...

Create an Impact - Podcast
#02 GOT BAG trifft York Hovest from 2021-06-22T22:00

In dieser Episode nimmt uns York Hovest mit auf die Reise durch sein spannendes Leben. Von der Reise durch die Welt als Fotomodel, über das Begleiten des Dalai Lama als Fotograf, bis hin zur Überqu...

Create an Impact - Podcast
#01 GOT BAG meets Sea Shepherd's CEO Captain Alex Cornelissen from 2019-11-22T19:51:11

In this episode, Alex Cornelissen, CEO of Sea Shepherd Global, an international environmental organisation dedicated to protecting our oceans, shares insights about their current actions. He talks ...
