Podcasts by Daf In-Sight

Daf In-Sight

4-5 Minute insights from the daily "daf yomi"

Further podcasts by Rabbi Effie Kleinberg

Podcast on the topic Judentum

All episodes

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 39 from 2023-12-10T22:01:44

Why we cannot blame the stadium gladiator ox for its behavior

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 38 from 2023-12-09T22:18:56

Why it's all worth davening over and over even for the same hope and request!

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 37 from 2023-12-08T07:46:24

If I am not sure whether I said the Shabbat Amida on Shabbat do I have to repeat it?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 36 from 2023-12-08T04:30:25

Can a pledge to give tzedakah be canceled by the shemittah year?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 35 from 2023-12-06T22:49:40

How to calculate damage inflicted by a few people in one incident

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 34 from 2023-12-06T05:14:04

The rationale behind the penalty for one's possessions causing damage

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 33 from 2023-12-05T05:08:29

Trespassers who get injured on private property- who's at fault?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 32 from 2023-12-04T04:23:16

Wreckless driving and fender benders - is this like a horse rider or a person sprinting in a crowded area?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 31 from 2023-12-02T21:10:46

When someone is holding something in their hand that causes damage, is that considered an extension of one's body?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 30 from 2023-11-30T21:33:53

Pouring dirty water into the public street that causes people to slip- who's liable for the damage?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 29 from 2023-11-30T21:27:21

Damage that is caused by something that is no longer in one's possessions

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 28 from 2023-11-30T04:29:11

Is a disruptive person allowed to banned from a private/public minyan? What if the owner of the minyan has a personal grudge against this guy?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 27 from 2023-11-28T22:41:46

How much effort does a person have to exert to prevent damage that was inevitably going to take place because of someone else's negligence?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 26 from 2023-11-27T22:16:14

Adam Muad LOlam- Man is always responsible for his actions - the case of the soldier who's gun misfired while on break from the army

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 25 from 2023-11-27T04:27:35

The source for a Kal vachomer argument from Miriam

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 24 from 2023-11-25T22:41:27

Provoking an animal that ends damaging someone else or the person who provoked - what is the responsibility of the animals owner?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 23 from 2023-11-24T04:28:54

The use of a timer for lights on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 22 from 2023-11-23T21:59:42

How can I fulfill lighting Chanuka candles on Friday afternoon of Shabbat Chanuka?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 21 from 2023-11-22T23:37:34

Occupying someone's empty house that has a bomb shelter when one's own house does not at a time of war- does the occupant have to pay rent? utilities?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 20 from 2023-11-22T04:24:06

Zeh Nehene VZeh Lo Chaser- Why were the people of Sdom destroyed?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 19 from 2023-11-21T05:19:57

Am I responsible for damage caused by my under bar/bat mitzvah children? What if they cause the damage with my items?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 18 from 2023-11-20T04:21:51

Is a dog owner required to pick up his dog's excrement on the sidewalk or in someone's private hard?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 17 from 2023-11-19T04:17:17

Why Torah is compared to water and vice-versa

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 16 from 2023-11-17T04:03:16

What was built on King Chizkiyahu's grave and what its significance is

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 15 from 2023-11-17T03:57:04

Keeping dangerous pets or hazards around one's house- is it ever allowed?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 14 from 2023-11-16T04:26:02

When an apartment is bought based on a false appraisal, is the sale void? What if the seller can't undo the sale? What is the appraiser's role?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 13 from 2023-11-15T04:23:03

When a snake catcher is called to catch a dangerous snake at someone's house but the negotiation over the price breaks down!

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 12 from 2023-11-14T04:31:11

How far should/may a person go to avoid machloket?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 11 from 2023-11-13T04:18:06

If someone crashes their car into another vehicle, how is the damage assessed and evaluated? What's included/excluded?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 10 from 2023-11-12T05:37:22

5 people sat on a bench... 6th guy came along and... the bench broke- who pays?

Daf In-Sight
Bav Kamma 9 from 2023-11-09T19:00:19

Which mitzvot items require the principle of hiddur mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 8 from 2023-11-09T17:00:40

Can one leave out the owner of an insurance policy and deal directly with their company in the event of an accident?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 7 from 2023-11-09T05:37:50

Can someone who causes a car accident pay for the damage in movable products instead of cash?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 6 from 2023-11-07T19:00:59

When a driver splashes water in people waiting at a busstop, does he have to pay for their dry cleaning?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 5 from 2023-11-07T04:32:21

What is the law of someone who has a contagious virus and causes others to get sick from food he contaminates as the damage is not evident?

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 4 from 2023-11-05T20:51:01

How far does halacha go with laying responsibility on a person even for unintentional damage

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 3 from 2023-11-04T22:57:39

The source for the obligation to pay damages caused to another person or their belongings as well as premeditated damages

Daf In-Sight
Bava Kamma 2 from 2023-11-03T05:24:45

Introduction to Masechet and Seder Nezikin

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 82 from 2023-11-03T05:18:13

What is the meaning that Avraham kept the entire Torah before it was given & 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 81 from 2023-11-02T04:29:19

Laws of modesty between family members: parents/grandparents/siblings/aunts/uncles

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 80 from 2023-10-31T18:00:10

Yichud of a female pilot in a cockpit of an airplane

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 79 from 2023-10-31T06:50:17

When a person finds out about a death in the family after a period of time, do they still sit shiva?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 78 from 2023-10-29T22:43:58

Is a father believed to say his son is not the firstborn?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 77 from 2023-10-29T04:20:50

Can one prohibition coexist with another prohibition on the same person or item?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 76 from 2023-10-27T05:03:51

Appointing converts to positions of authority over the community

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 75 from 2023-10-27T04:57:07

Why we are lenient in cases of "sheik sfeika"?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 74 from 2023-10-26T04:07:24

May a Karaite marry in the Jewish community?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 73 from 2023-10-25T04:06:41

Can a woman be believed to give testimony in certain areas of halacha? Yichus? Kashrut?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 72 from 2023-10-23T22:22:05

Allowing a small prohibition for a large group to avoid a bigger sin

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 71 from 2023-10-23T03:40:25

The role of Eliyahu Hanavi in the geula

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 70 from 2023-10-22T03:38:19

When you see flaws in others it's really just a mirror into yourself

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 69 from 2023-10-19T21:28:30

The land of Israel is "higher " than all other lands

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 68 from 2023-10-19T21:13:54

Why Rabbi Shimon extracted reasons for mitzvot from the verses of the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 67 from 2023-10-19T04:16:42

Why we don't accept converts from Amon and Moav

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 66 from 2023-10-17T19:54:02

The concept and rationale behind mamzerut

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 65 from 2023-10-16T21:46:20

The status of fictitious kiddushin

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 64 from 2023-10-15T22:01:23

The mitzvah of parents to marry off their children

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 63 from 2023-10-14T22:43:34

Using paper bills/cash for kiddushin

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 62 from 2023-10-13T12:33:30

Should we pray for people who get sick when they foolishly put their lives at risk?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 61 from 2023-10-13T04:00:02

Analysis of the double condition of Gad and Reuven

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 60 from 2023-10-12T23:15:17

Why everyone should have a Rabbi/mentor

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 59 from 2023-10-11T21:42:37

Ani Mehapech B'charara in the story of Yaakov and blessings

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 58 from 2023-10-09T22:10:57

When Rav Huna changed his words to bring peace with Rabbi Chiya

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 57 from 2023-10-08T21:21:10

The difference between the slaughtered bird and the bird that is set free in the metzora bird-offering

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 56 from 2023-10-07T22:57:15

The mouse and the hole analogy- which one do you go after?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 55 from 2023-10-05T21:23:44

When we allow a low-level prohibition to be performed to avoid someone else violating a serious prohibition

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 54 from 2023-10-05T17:00:46

The secret message of the clothing of the kohen gadol

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 53 from 2023-10-04T20:44:10

How and when to avoid machloket in the area of mitzvah performance

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 52 from 2023-10-03T21:00:34

Marriage of a younger sister before the older sister had not taken please

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 51 from 2023-10-03T03:41:02

When a kiddushin does not lead to a consummation

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 50 from 2023-10-01T21:36:35

The depth behind the principle of "kofin oto ad sheyomar rotzeh ani"

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 49 from 2023-09-30T22:25:13

When a man betroths a woman on condition that he is a tzaddik while at that moment he is a rasha!

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 48 from 2023-09-28T21:50:10

At what point in a workers day does the obligation kick in to pay them? Is there a deeper layer to this law?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 47 from 2023-09-28T20:45:18

Can a betrothal done with a loan be effective? What is the law of delivering an NFT as a form of mishloach manot on Purim?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 46 from 2023-09-28T05:43:37

What did R' Yochanan mean when he said, "there is a table, a piece of meat, and a knife, but nothing to eat!"?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 45 from 2023-09-27T03:08:22

Would it be disrespectful/prohibited to appoint one's father to be an agent/shaliach even for a mitzvah purpose?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 44 from 2023-09-25T19:47:10

How do we confirm a rumor that came from a nearby location?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 43 from 2023-09-23T20:36:15

If you have access to private information that is about you that somebody else wrote and it is negative information, are you allowed to open it and get access to it?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 42 from 2023-09-23T20:34:22

The limits of shlichut- You can't have someone perform a mitzvah of the "body" (tefillin, tzitzit, sukkah) on your behalf- how shofar is an exception to this rule

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 41 from 2023-09-21T22:05:13

Why it is better to perform a mitzvah on one's own than have a shaliach/messenger do it on one's behalf.

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 40 from 2023-09-21T21:22:41

How to understand the concept of half-liable/half-meritorious where one good or bad deed will tip the scale. What were the Rabbis trying to teach us here and how does this impact the days of Ros...

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 39 from 2023-09-21T03:13:43

Do people involved/on their way to perform a mitzvah receive protection from Hashem?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 38 from 2023-09-19T21:55:10

Could Moshe have possibly lived longer than 120 years?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 37 from 2023-09-18T20:54:20

The criticism of the Jewish people's low motivation to bring the Pesach sacrifice during the desert travels

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 36 from 2023-09-17T20:00:56

Our relationship with Hashem as His children and His servants

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 35 from 2023-09-15T07:42:02

The parameters of women who volunteer to perform time-bound mitzvot. With a blessing? What about the mitzvah of hearing the shofar?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 34 from 2023-09-14T21:38:06

Why women are obligated in Hakhel when it is a time-bound mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 33 from 2023-09-14T03:00:35

Standing in respect of others involved in the performance of mitzvot

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 32 from 2023-09-13T20:06:16

May a Rebbe forgo his honour?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 31 from 2023-09-12T17:18:39

The level or honoring parents of Avimi vs. Dama ben Netina

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 30 from 2023-09-12T03:14:32

What is the meaning of the the word "veshinantam" and how is it achieved?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 29 from 2023-09-11T03:13:29

When a father is unable or refuses to perform a brit Milah on his son, who does the mitzvah "belong to"? Can it be "given" to someone specific?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 28 from 2023-09-09T21:09:06

The commitment to give a donation to the Beit Hamikdash/Charity- how binding is it? Verbal? Written?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 27 from 2023-09-08T00:00:23

What is a wealthy person's/needy person's obligation in oneg shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 26 from 2023-09-07T19:45:16

Is there a mitzvah to give testimony? Does it have to be oral testimony or can it be written?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 25 from 2023-09-06T20:31:07

The principle of kol harauy lbila applied to laws of woman's mikvah

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 24 from 2023-09-06T03:32:24

The halachot and parameters of malpractice

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 23 from 2023-09-05T05:39:23

When a servant comes into possession of something, does he ever become the owner of it? Who does the land of Israel belong to?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 22 from 2023-09-03T21:57:56

Why the Hebrew servant is punished on his ear

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 21 from 2023-09-02T21:12:51

Why the Torah permitted the soldier at war to marry the gentile captive woman?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 20 from 2023-08-31T20:51:51

What is the purpose of the shemitta year?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 19 from 2023-08-31T20:20:01

Can an under bar-mitzvah aged boy effect a kiddushin?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 18 from 2023-08-31T00:53:57

Can a slave ever receive more than one severance payment?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 17 from 2023-08-29T21:53:51

Do workers get paid for sick days? What about the ethics of a work-strike directed to improve salary?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 16 from 2023-08-28T20:00:16

Is severance pay a requirement for all workers or only the Hebrew servant?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 15 from 2023-08-28T02:06:35

The unique law and parameters of the Eved Ivri vis-a-vis his master

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 14 from 2023-08-27T03:45:59

Is chalitza a required mitzvah or just a matir/way to enable the woman to get married again? How much effort must be expended to perform this mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 13 from 2023-08-25T06:16:32

Performing kiddushin with stolen items

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 12 from 2023-08-25T06:10:35

Why Rav gave lashes to those who betrothed/performed kiddushin through intimate relations

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 11 from 2023-08-24T04:34:47

Is a woman allowed to decide an amount that she would be able to influence

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 10 from 2023-08-23T05:18:46

Rabbi Yehuda Ben Beteira and the Rabbis who wanted to leave Eretz Yisrael to learn Torah with him

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 9 from 2023-08-22T04:10:34

What is the source that intimate relations can create a betrothal/kiddushin?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 8 from 2023-08-21T05:28:05

Can one be mekadesh with a bank cheque or direct deposit?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 7 from 2023-08-20T03:39:52

What is a case where a woman gives the money and effects a marriage?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 6 from 2023-08-18T05:09:49

Do weddings require Rabbis to be the officiants?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 5 from 2023-08-18T04:58:33

The purpose and parameters of the chuppah

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 4 from 2023-08-17T05:06:28

Does a civil marriage require a get in order for the woman to get married under a chuppah?

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 3 from 2023-08-16T05:30:15

The custom to create Kiddushin with money and specifically a ring that must be owned by the chatan

Daf In-Sight
Kiddushin 2 from 2023-08-15T03:40:18

The deeper connection between burial and marriage in the opening Gemara and why the Rabbis utilized a gzeira shava to teach this concept

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 90 from 2023-08-14T04:08:40

The meaning of the closing lines of the Masechet about the mizbeach crying tears over the divorce of a husband and wife and 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 89 from 2023-08-13T03:45:54

What breaches of modesty or behavior constitute grounds for divorce in halacha?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 88 from 2023-08-11T05:02

Can a husband be forced to give a get? Does that work if its financial sanctions?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 87 from 2023-08-10T20:59:44

Who were the Neki'ei Ha'daat of Yerushalayim and were there practices meant to be stringency or law?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 86 from 2023-08-09T22:57:18

What is the status of a get written in the handwriting of the husband without witnesses?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 85 from 2023-08-09T03:28:18

The main words required to be written in a get

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 84 from 2023-08-08T05:46:34

A condition in a divorce that requires a violation of a Torah law

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 83 from 2023-08-07T11:08:47

Are later generations of Rabbis allowed to disagree with the halachic opinions of earlier generations?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 82 from 2023-08-06T05:53:50

When do we compare betrothal to divorce?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 81 from 2023-08-04T06:45:01

The comparison of earlier and later generations in their passion for mitzvot

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 80 from 2023-08-04T06:39:27

Why we add the dating of the gentile kings in the divorce document

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 79 from 2023-08-03T06:04

Can the airspace above one's property "collect" what comes into it?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 78 from 2023-08-02T03:56:10

Is a woman considered divorced if the husband can pull the get away from her while it in her hands?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 77 from 2023-08-01T04:34:36

Does a get have to be physically placed in the woman's hand?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 76 from 2023-07-31T06:10:32

Is there a mitzvah to visit Eretz Yisrael even for a short time?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 75 from 2023-07-29T20:36

When a person stipulates a divorce with a humiliating condition, what are the parameters of this?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 74 from 2023-07-28T04:18:58

When one party in a transaction refuses to accept a payment or gift that is to due to them

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 73 from 2023-07-27T21:50:25

When an unavoidable circumstance gets in the way of a business transaction or a disruption of wedding plans

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 72 from 2023-07-27T20:44:41

Can doctors opinions be relied upon to establish a halachic status?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 71 from 2023-07-26T03:26:13

Can testimony be written if a witness cannot speak or come to court in person?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 70 from 2023-07-25T04:58:43

The power and independence of a shaliach to carry out his senders instructions even when the sender is not fully functioning healthwise

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 69 from 2023-07-24T03:26:32

Rabbinic medical recipes and segulot- what is their applicability in contemporary context?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 68 from 2023-07-23T03:29:07

The search for shamir and its eternal lesson

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 67 from 2023-07-21T04:03:05

Why Rav Sheshet wouldn't eat in the house of the Exilarch and the connection to Yosef's criticisms of his brothers

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 66 from 2023-07-21T03:16:20

Writing and delivering a get based on voice instructions alone without seeing the husband- what if they are delivered over the phone?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 65 from 2023-07-20T08:44:24

The laws of the Jewish slave/eved ivri only apply when we are counting the yovel- why make such a fuss about this mitzvah as the opener to Parshat Mishpatim?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 64 from 2023-07-19T03:10:53

What does the Talmud mean by using the word 'get' without explaining what kind of document it's referencing?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 63 from 2023-07-18T03:31:06

The principle and application of when we say witnesses have completed their mission regarding writing, signing, and delivering documents

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 62 from 2023-07-16T18:02:52

Giving words of support/encouragement to Jewish/gentile farmers working their land during the shemitta year

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 61 from 2023-07-16T04:16:34

Mesayea Ldvar Aveira- Assisting a sinner, when is it problematic?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 60 from 2023-07-14T04:06:27

Was the Torah recorded along the way as the events and commandments were being given or was it all recorded at the end of the 40 year sojourn in the desert?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 59 from 2023-07-14T03:28:47

The requirement to honor a kohen with the first aliya - Can a kohen forgo this honor due to him?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 58 from 2023-07-13T03:03:52

The story and lesson of the capture of the son and daughter of Rabbi Yishmael Kohen Gadol

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 57 from 2023-07-12T03:15:18

Analysis of the story of the death by suicide of the 400 boys and girls during the Roman persecution

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 56 from 2023-07-11T08:29:40

The fundamental problem at the core of what led to the destruction of the Temples and Jerusalem

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 55 from 2023-07-10T03:21:08

Who was most responsible for the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 54 from 2023-07-09T03:22:13

What happens if a person forgot to seperate challah from one's matzah for Pesach?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 53 from 2023-07-06T21:06:50

What happens when a person intentionally damages someone but the damage is not visible?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 52 from 2023-07-06T20:04:08

When damage takes place that is not visible - e.g. food becoming not kosher

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 51 from 2023-07-06T06:46:38

The oath that is required for a person who partially admitted to a claim that he owes money

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 50 from 2023-07-05T05:58:37

The rationale behind the land payments in loan situations

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 49 from 2023-07-04T03:28:26

Women's interest in marriage vs. men's and the halachic ramifications

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 48 from 2023-07-03T03:30:04

The roots and application of the the principle of "mipnei tikkun olam"

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 47 from 2023-07-02T04:56:07

Does land sold to a gentile lose its sanctity for tithes and shemitta?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 46 from 2023-06-30T03:22:20

How far do we go to rescue and redeem rebellious Jews who have sold themselves to gentiles or have converted to another religion?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 45 from 2023-06-30T03:16:22

The halachot of Torah books written by gentiles or heretics and those that are printed by a machine

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 44 from 2023-06-28T19:23:48

The prohibition to leave Eretz Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 43 from 2023-06-27T16:30:03

A person cannot achieve full understanding/clarity of Torah ideas without having stumbled over them

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 42 from 2023-06-26T17:00:07

How do transactions work on an item that does not yet exist/davar shelo ba l'olam?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 41 from 2023-06-25T20:47:39

The mitzvah of shevet vs. peru urevu and can a woman be pressured to get married for this mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 40 from 2023-06-24T19:45:05

analyzing the principle of fulfilling the dying wishes of a parent before they pass away

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 39 from 2023-06-23T03:32:56

How the Rabbis attempted to Solve tricky marriage issues in the area of mamzer

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 38 from 2023-06-23T03:23:50

When Purim falls on a Friday, is a non-Jerusalemite allowed to join the Purim Seudah which takes place on Erev Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 37 from 2023-06-22T03:24:08

The law of loan cancellation in shemitta when a borrower insists on paying back their loan

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 36 from 2023-06-21T03:22:42

The principle and mechanism of shemittat kesafim and how it is still possible with a prozbol document to fulfill this mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 35 from 2023-06-20T07:12:12

The dangers and pitfalls of taking an oath even when one assumes it is truthful

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 34 from 2023-06-19T03:12:50

Should last names be included in the wiring of one's name in a ketuba or get?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 33 from 2023-06-18T03:30:14

The principle and history of the enactments of Rabbeinu Gershom regarding marriage & divorce

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 32 from 2023-06-16T03:14:15

Can I appoint an agent to make my property or chametz ownerless if all they are doing is speaking?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 31 from 2023-06-16T03:08:23

The discussion of why the Jewish people did not circumcise while they travelled in the desert

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 30 from 2023-06-15T03:19:27

What happens when a husband conditions a get on whether or not he can fix the marriage but the wife is not appeased?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 29 from 2023-06-14T03:18:27

How the poskim used the concepts of the daf to apply leniency after the Holocaust to release women from their marriages where the whereabouts of the husbands were unknown

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 28 from 2023-06-13T03:28:05

Is bribery ever allowed when a Jew is being judged in the gentile court system?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 27 from 2023-06-12T03:24:08

What happens when a get is lost and then found?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 26 from 2023-06-11T03:27:42

The decree of the Rabbis to cause delays in the process of writing and delivering a get

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 25 from 2023-06-09T03:17:10

Can a Get be retroactively assigned to whom it was meant to be given when both wives have the same name?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 24 from 2023-06-09T03:06:24

What happens with a Get that has a name of one person where there are other people in his town with the same name?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 23 from 2023-06-07T22:16

May a gentile or a Jew who converts to another religion write or deliver a get?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 22 from 2023-06-07T03:23:32

Can you deliver mishloach manot with a monkey or a drone?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 21 from 2023-06-06T03:25:10

Why a get that is attached to the ground is invalid for effectuating a divorce

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 20 from 2023-06-05T03:27:24

The concept of beautifying mitzvot as it applies to writing a Get and Torah scroll

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 19 from 2023-06-03T20:57:41

The Shabbat law of opening a book that has printed letters on the outside of the pages

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 18 from 2023-06-02T04:24:20

How the cancelling of loans impacts the ketuba pay-out

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 17 from 2023-06-02T03:52:47

Which is the better exile to be in Jewish history: Rome or Babylonia?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 16 from 2023-05-31T20:12:03

When you need to light a fire to save someone's life, do you need to measure out the oil for the fire?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 15 from 2023-05-31T03:12:17

May a person wash netilat yadayim in a bathroom?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 14 from 2023-05-29T21:24:20

Does yehareg veal yaavor apply to monetary law?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 13 from 2023-05-28T21:05:16

Why a servant would ever not want to be free if given the opportunity?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 12 from 2023-05-28T03:21:40

When a person's slave has to run away to a city of refuge- how does he get support?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 11 from 2023-05-25T03:53:01

Are you allowed to save a seat on the bus for someone else who will get on in a few stops?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 10 from 2023-05-25T03:19:04

The "law of the land is the law"/dina dmalchuta dina- what are the parameters?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 9 from 2023-05-24T21:26:16

What happens if the witnesses don't know how to sign their names?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 8 from 2023-05-23T17:00:55

Is there a mitzvah to live/settle in Eretz Yisrael?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 7 from 2023-05-22T21:17:22

The laws of moser- handing over dangerous Jews to gentile authorities

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 6 from 2023-05-21T20:22:12

Do not being fear into one's house and speak softly while preparing for Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 5 from 2023-05-20T20:09:22

When being stringent can cause uninvited mockery of earlier generations

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 4 from 2023-05-18T17:30:52

Does the passing of the ketuba from the chattan to the kallah at a chuppah require appointed witnesses?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 3 from 2023-05-18T16:30:46

The process of establishing and verifying the Get document- what does it take?

Daf In-Sight
Gittin 2 from 2023-05-17T19:01:21

Why does the Mishna begin with a decree about delivering the divorce document as opposed to the context of when a divorce must take place?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 49 from 2023-05-16T21:47:30

The signs we will see in the days leading up to Mashiach and 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 48 from 2023-05-16T03:30:28

Who were those "great of faith" that vanished when the Beit Hamikdash was destroyed?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 47 from 2023-05-15T03:23:48

The greatest educational principle in all of the Talmud

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 46 from 2023-05-13T21:28:24

Why the kohanim had to ask for atonement on a sin that nobody in the city had committed

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 45 from 2023-05-12T03:23:48

The reason why the elders of the courts need to say they were not guilty when a dead body is found on the outskirts of their city

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 44 from 2023-05-11T20:37:06

The great "sin" of speaking in between arm and head tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 43 from 2023-05-11T03:30:51

The 3 statements shared with Jewish soldiers before a battle- who says them and why not use the same person for all 3?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 42 from 2023-05-10T03:28:21

The critical message of the Mashuach Milchama to the soldiers of Israel

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 41 from 2023-05-08T22:24:31

The prohibition to flatter and not criticize a person who is sinning

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 40 from 2023-05-07T19:55:41

The humility of realizing what the true purpose of machloket and spreading Torah is all about

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 39 from 2023-05-07T04:31:14

How Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua carried forward the teachings of Rabbi Akiva

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 38 from 2023-05-05T03:13:39

When the kohanim give their blessing, should the tzibbur be standing or sitting?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 37 from 2023-05-04T21:01:46

What was the great sanctification of Hashem by the tribe of Yehuda?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 36 from 2023-05-03T20:05:35

What was the real message of the image of Yaakov appearing to Yosef in Mitzrayim during a moment of temptation?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 35 from 2023-05-02T21:00:04

How the meraglim knew that the giants viewed them as "grasshoppers"

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 34 from 2023-05-02T03:22:48

The two approaches of Kalev and Yehoshua to the meraglim

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 33 from 2023-04-30T21:32:15

Why the angels can't hear prayers in Aramaic

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 32 from 2023-04-29T19:31:47

Why we pray silently and not outloud?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 31 from 2023-04-27T21:22:04

The two Jews in history who were called fearing of God: Avraham and Iyov. What was unique about this fear of God?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 30 from 2023-04-27T20:23:32

How was the Song of the Sea composed? What do these different approaches teach us about leadership?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 29 from 2023-04-26T22:01:42

Why are we stringent in a case of doubt on a potential Torah prohibition?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 28 from 2023-04-25T22:10:04

Why the husband is also tested by the bitter waters that his wife drinks

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 27 from 2023-04-24T20:08:57

The deeper meaning and special context of the phrase "bo bayom" in the Mishna

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 26 from 2023-04-24T03:22:34

The blessing of fertility for a innocent woman and comparison to the Jewish people during sefirat haomer

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 25 from 2023-04-22T20:18:06

When a woman breaches the norms of modesty, does her husband have to divorce her?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 24 from 2023-04-21T04:13:16

If a husband is unable to issue the seclusion warning, is a court allowed to do so on his behalf?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 23 from 2023-04-20T21:24:35

The difference between a Kohen and the daughter or a kohen?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 22 from 2023-04-19T21:07:46

The reward we receive for going the extra mile- what about two shuls in one's neighborhood- is there a need to go to the further shul?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 21 from 2023-04-18T23:37:40

The Torah being compared to love

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 20 from 2023-04-18T03:27:46

The power of Torah study for the Sotah and through Jewish history

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 19 from 2023-04-17T03:28:51

Discussion and analysis of the kohen directly assisting the Sotah with the waving offering and how this is applied to questions of contact between genders

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 18 from 2023-04-15T20:05:52

Can the bitter waters be consumed through a straw?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 17 from 2023-04-13T20:30:55

Why does Judaism emphasize getting married?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 16 from 2023-04-13T16:30:09

When a halacha Lmoshe misinai uproots an explicit verse in the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 15 from 2023-04-12T21:48:42

The purpose and reason for yhe dust that was added to the Sotah waters

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 14 from 2023-04-11T04:02:33

Why did Moshe so badly desire to go into Eretz Yisrael?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 13 from 2023-04-11T04:01:33

What was Moshe busy with when the Jewish people crossed the split sea?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 12 from 2023-04-09T18:27:57

How were Yocheved's parents allowed to conceive a child during the years of famine?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 11 from 2023-04-08T19:32:57

The redemption was merited through the righteous women

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 10 from 2023-04-06T19:35:47

Who is greater: the perfect tzaddik or the ba'al teshuva? Yosef or Yehuda? Who became the line of the Jewish kings?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 9 from 2023-04-06T19:28:47

The enemies of Moshe and David had no possibility to overcome their greatness

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 8 from 2023-04-04T21:50:33

The principal source and explanation of not doing mitzvot "chavilot chavilot"

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 7 from 2023-04-04T17:19:30

Why the Sotah procedure was facilitated by the Great Court in Jerusalem

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 6 from 2023-04-03T23:06:09

Are the laws of Sotah a unique area of halachot governing relationships or are they part of the laws of general adulterous relationships?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 5 from 2023-04-02T16:30:27

Is there a mitzvah to be humble? What is the source of this?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 4 from 2023-04-01T20:42:47

What is so terrible about not washing netilat yadayim?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 3 from 2023-03-30T19:44:04

What is the "ruach shtut" that enters a person before they sin?

Daf In-Sight
Sotah 2 from 2023-03-30T15:30:01

Background to the Masechet; Why are marriage-matches compared to the splitting of the sea, and what role does prayer have in finding one's marriage partner?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 66 from 2023-03-29T21:15:43

Which is greater: Reciting a beracha or saying amen? 3 Takeaways from the masechet

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 65 from 2023-03-28T20:36:01

Is there a requirement to correct a Torah Scroll in which a few mistakes were found?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 64 from 2023-03-28T03:27:39

The reason for the prohibition of moving bones from one from one grave to another

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 63 from 2023-03-26T16:00:01

The impurity of the 'tehom' hidden depths

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 62 from 2023-03-25T20:19:51

Recieving offerings and donations from gentiles for the Beit Hamikdash and shuls

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 61 from 2023-03-23T19:56:07

Does a convert have a requirement to honor his gentile parents?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 60 from 2023-03-23T16:00:34

Can a person say one kaddish that will be dedicated to a mother and father that passed away close in time?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 59 from 2023-03-23T01:04:04

The rules of carrying/wearing weapons for women

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 58 from 2023-03-22T00:45:54

The Nazir that became a metzora- why he is able to shave and not truly violate his requirement to grow his hair

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 57 from 2023-03-21T00:35:20

Is there a prohibition for a mother to round off her son's hair?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 56 from 2023-03-19T23:12:28

The importance of a teacher being positive toward their students

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 55 from 2023-03-18T19:30:32

Can a kohen travel on an airplane carrying a corpse?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 54 from 2023-03-16T23:56:30

Can a kohen attend medical school?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 53 from 2023-03-16T23:48:06

The principle that a sword that comes into contact with a corpse takes on the same impurity

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 52 from 2023-03-16T02:34:26

The impurity given from the skull and spine of a person's body

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 51 from 2023-03-15T00:26:39

The custom to bury in a coffin vs. directly in the ground in Eretz Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 50 from 2023-03-13T20:51:50

The question of whether fat gives off tumah

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 49 from 2023-03-12T22:22:34

May a kohen/nazir come into contact with the corpse of a gentile?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 48 from 2023-03-11T19:17:24

Explaining the inherent unique kedusha of the Kohen

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 47 from 2023-03-10T04:31:07

A Kohen gadol and Nazir arrive at a "met mitzvah" together. Which one becomes impure to do the burial?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 46 from 2023-03-09T22:27:23

At what point does the Nazir have permission to begin drinking wine again?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 45 from 2023-03-08T20:24:45

The symbolism of the nazir cutting his hair at the entranceway of the mishkan/mikdash

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 44 from 2023-03-07T16:30:27

Cases where a kohen may become impure to exhume and move a body to a new grave and when this can be done in general

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 43 from 2023-03-06T16:30:25

How Eliyahu Hanavi was allowed to revive a child who was a "gosses"?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 42 from 2023-03-06T03:50:54

The law of kohanim in contemporary times when they have become impure to a corpse and have no way to become pure again

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 41 from 2023-03-04T21:49:01

The commandment of a metzora to shave his hair and beard

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 40 from 2023-03-03T04:26:02

Hair removal using a chemical solution- is there a Torah violation of removing the 'corners of one's head'?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 39 from 2023-03-02T15:00:02

The halachot of haircutting for a nazir and the peyot of one's head

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 38 from 2023-03-01T21:12:20

The laws of alcohol for kohanim peforming the avodah and poskim deciding on halachic matters

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 37 from 2023-02-28T19:53:25

The principle and halachic application of "noten taam lifgam"

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 36 from 2023-02-27T17:30:13

Do we make beracha acharona on coffee/tea?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 35 from 2023-02-26T21:59:33

The rationale behind the nazir prohibition to consume grape skin/pits

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 34 from 2023-02-25T20:26:33

What is the halacha of making a borei pri hagafen on grapes?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 33 from 2023-02-23T22:05:21

Did the Jews know about the impending destruction of the second Beit Hamikdash?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 32 from 2023-02-23T21:10:23

Analysis of Rabbi Tarfon's idea of how a person accepts nezirut

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 31 from 2023-02-22T22:10:55

Debate of Beit Shammai/Hillel over mistaken hekdesh

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 30 from 2023-02-21T20:33:08

The rationale behind the timing of parents introducing different mitzvot to their children

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 29 from 2023-02-20T22:08:48

Can extended family influence the educational decisions of parents?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 28 from 2023-02-19T21:25:45

Using a wig from gentile hair for a head covering

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 27 from 2023-02-18T20:20:39

Bringing atonement for those who are no longer living

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 26 from 2023-02-16T21:39:29

What to do with unspecified funds from a nazir and for tzedakah

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 25 from 2023-02-16T21:24:50

What is the nature of authoritativeness of a halacha lmoshe misinai?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 24 from 2023-02-15T23:10:31

We do not know the value of our actions, big or small

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 23 from 2023-02-14T17:30:39

The concept of aveira lishma applied to the laws of lashon hara

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 22 from 2023-02-13T22:42:56

Is bringing suffering to cause a result of being more healthy a good idea from a Torah perspective?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 21 from 2023-02-12T17:07:30

A husband's ability to nullify his wife's vows vs. a Sage's ability

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 20 from 2023-02-11T21:24:58

When a friend hears an acceptance of nezirut and respond "Me too!"

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 19 from 2023-02-09T19:43:15

When is it good to become a nazir?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 18 from 2023-02-09T18:46:06

What day does an impure Nazir become pure and start the count again? Day 7 or 8?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 17 from 2023-02-08T20:12:40

Does a nazir who stands in a cemetery and violates his restrictions receive punishment for doing so?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 16 from 2023-02-07T21:54:27

Can a person become a Nazir bzman hazeh?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 15 from 2023-02-06T21:40:24

2 concurrent halachic experiences- good or bad?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 14 from 2023-02-05T21:47:03

The law of one who takes on being a Nazir, like "Moshe on the 7th of Adar"

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 13 from 2023-02-04T20:24:07

A person who commits to become a nazir when he has a baby born

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 12 from 2023-02-02T20:01:11

Does the principle of shomea k'oneh work with becoming a Nazir by hearing somebody else's Nazir acceptance?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 11 from 2023-02-02T19:15:19

Can two Nazirs pay for each others offerings?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 10 from 2023-02-01T21:39:26

Can a non-person (object or item)/non-Jew become a nazir?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 9 from 2023-01-31T20:57:53

The debate between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel over becoming a Nazir on something that isn't a wine product

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 8 from 2023-01-30T21:16:52

Becoming a Nazir for 365 consecutive nazir periods

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 7 from 2023-01-29T17:30:40

The Nazir can only gave his status by units of days not by hours

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 6 from 2023-01-28T19:54:18

Unspecified nezirut is 30 days long- why doesn't the Torah spell this out?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 5 from 2023-01-26T22:52:13

How often a nazir "olam" is allowed to.get a haircut and why

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 4 from 2023-01-26T17:48:48

The 3 root flaws that the nazir's prohibition come to correct

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 3 from 2023-01-25T22:28:01

Can a Nazir drink kiddush or havdala wine?

Daf In-Sight
Nazir 2 from 2023-01-24T22:15:06

What are the factors that motivate a person to become a nazir?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 91 from 2023-01-23T22:24:44

How the yezter hara tricks people into sinning and 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 90 from 2023-01-22T20:15:21

Can one nullify a vow or oath before the actual date that it kicks in?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 89 from 2023-01-21T20:20:42

The halachot of making a vow that one cannot keep

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 88 from 2023-01-20T04:30:27

The halacha of a husband not benefitting from somethings his wife has/receives

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 87 from 2023-01-19T19:16:50

The principle and analysis of toch kdei dibbur k'dibbur

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 86 from 2023-01-18T21:17:31

The spiritual idea behind property liens/shibud

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 85 from 2023-01-17T22:07:30

The link between hefker and neder

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 84 from 2023-01-16T23:09:31

May one give Maaser money to one's relatives?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 83 from 2023-01-15T21:10:50

Analysis of the prohibition of a nazir to become impure via a dead corpse

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 82 from 2023-01-14T21:21:09

The halachot of which kind of vows a father/husband is allowed to nullify

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 81 from 2023-01-13T00:08:37

Why was the Beit Hamikdash destroyed? Another answer

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 80 from 2023-01-12T18:33:17

The halachic ethics of limited resources between cities and countries applied to the vaccination campaign during the Covid-19 pandemic

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 79 from 2023-01-11T22:34:52

How to view the silence of a husband after his wife's vows

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 78 from 2023-01-11T04:43:04

The rule and source that one expert/mumcheh judge is sufficient to release vows

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 77 from 2023-01-09T22:32

The laws of who may or may not serve on the panel of judges for hatarat nedarim

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 76 from 2023-01-08T23:47:32

Defining the term "yom" when it comes to nullifying vowsm

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 75 from 2023-01-07T22:51:56

The special laws related to mikva and purity laws before, during, after going into the mikva

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 74 from 2023-01-05T21:13:13

Ben Azzai's desire to learn from Rabbi Akiva as a person and role model

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 73 from 2023-01-05T17:30:58

The deeper understanding of why a woman's vows are shared with her husband to allow him to undo them

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 72 from 2023-01-04T20:28:58

The deeper layer of understanding the custom of Torah scholars to nullify the vows of their daughters before they leave the home to get married

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 71 from 2023-01-04T01:43:03

The deeper meaning of the word "hafara"

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 70 from 2023-01-03T00:08:06

The difference between hatarat nedarim and hafarat nedarim

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 69 from 2023-01-01T19:43:54

Can a vow be nullified and ratified at the same time? What about eating one matzah and fulfilling both matzah and motzi in the same bite?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 68 from 2022-12-31T19:54:03

Can a vow be half-dissolved?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 67 from 2022-12-30T01:50:55

Can a father dissolve the vows of an adopted daughter?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 66 from 2022-12-29T22:06:21

Dissolving vows to maintain dignity- Finding the good points in the other person

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 65 from 2022-12-28T16:50:28

The special teachings of Rabbi Meir in the Mishna related to Ahavat Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 64 from 2022-12-27T17:00:29

The 4 individuals who are considered "dead" while they are alive

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 63 from 2022-12-27T05:06:10

Which Adar does a vow or yartzheit or Bat Mitzvah fall when "Adar" is mentioned without specifying the 1st or 2nd on a leap year

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 62 from 2022-12-25T21:02:07

Is a Torah scholar allowed to pretend to be an idolater in order to avoid paying taxes?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 61 from 2022-12-24T21:00:32

How to count the yovel year in the 50 year Shemitta cycle?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 60 from 2022-12-23T04:59:27

What do we mean when we use the term Shabbat and Chodesh?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 59 from 2022-12-22T22:13:02

Nedarim being compared to building illegal private sacrificial altars

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 58 from 2022-12-21T19:20:15

The requirement to get rid of/destroy shemitta produce that is no longer growing in the field

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 57 from 2022-12-20T22:27:06

Buying plants from tree nurseries in the year following shemitta

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 56 from 2022-12-19T21:00:48

Why do we turn over beds in a house of mourning?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 55 from 2022-12-18T23:32:40

Rava's novel explanation of the verse on the journeys of the Jewish people in the desert

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 54 from 2022-12-18T04:21:06

Is fish categorized under meat? May women going to the mikvah have a meal of fish on that same evening?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 53 from 2022-12-15T22:46:56

Is it better to use an Etrog from shmitta sanctity or not in the Sukkot following a shmitta year?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 52 from 2022-12-15T22:40:10

The custom not to eat meat during the 9 days befote 9th of Av

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 51 from 2022-12-15T04:38:46

The 3 categories of arayot and their meaning: To'evah, Tevel, Zima

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 50 from 2022-12-14T04:10:31

Analysis of Rabbi Akiva's relationship with his wife and with his students

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 49 from 2022-12-13T04:16:54

How could Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai be so praiseworthy of working?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 48 from 2022-12-11T20:30:03

Can one prohibit someone else from learning from their seforim?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 47 from 2022-12-10T20:38:14

Whether a vow applies to something that doesn't yet exist

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 46 from 2022-12-09T04:22:04

How many times is considered "too many" for making a vow to prohibit others from benefiting?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 45 from 2022-12-09T03:47:53

How many people are required to be present to declare something ownerless?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 44 from 2022-12-08T05:05:33

Can a person make an object or business ownerless for only one day?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 43 from 2022-12-07T04:15:36

The difference between different types of gifts that one plans to get back in return with application to sale of chametz on Pesach and fields in Israel during Shemitta

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 42 from 2022-12-06T05:26:18

Does Shemitta produce and the land become automatically owner less or only through a verbal declaration?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 41 from 2022-12-04T21:08:03

The deep commentary of the Maharal on healing from illness

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 40 from 2022-12-03T18:00:34

Where does one insert the prayer for individuals who are sick in the silent amida?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 39 from 2022-12-02T00:27:14

Praying for those who are ill- what kind of prayer is allowed?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 38 from 2022-12-02T00:20:31

What did the Rabbis mean that to receive prophecy a person must be a gibor and and an ashir? was this literal? metaphorical?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 37 from 2022-11-30T20:24:20

Which areas of Torah study should one learn on Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 36 from 2022-11-30T05:38:51

The requirement of parents to give their children Torah education and to even pay for it

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 35 from 2022-11-29T04:11:17

What areas of Torah may be taught to a person who is the subject of a vow against them?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 34 from 2022-11-27T22:09:37

Can a guest at a wedding take home food and flowers at the end of the wedding?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 33 from 2022-11-26T19:32:49

The halacha of a person paying back a debt to someone who prohibited upon himself benefit through a vow

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 32 from 2022-11-24T22:56:53

Why Hashem took away the kehuna from Shem and gave it to Avraham

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 31 from 2022-11-24T21:23:34

Who is included in "the offspring of Avraham "? Who had greater merit in akeidat Yitzchak?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 30 from 2022-11-23T20:15:55

Head coverings/kippa for young children- is it a requirement? from what age?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 29 from 2022-11-22T21:10:08

The difference between kedushat damim and kedushat haguf

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 28 from 2022-11-22T04:17:40

The foundations of the concept of dina dmalchuta dina

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 27 from 2022-11-21T07:15:27

The parameters of nidrei anusin

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 26 from 2022-11-20T07:12:21

The sensitivity and caution we must have toward honoring our parents

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 25 from 2022-11-18T04:04:41

The concept that we are bound to the prohibitions of the Torah already from Har Sinai

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 24 from 2022-11-18T03:58:45

The halacha of neder havai- exaggerated vows

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 23 from 2022-11-16T21:52:33

The source and halachic parameters of kol nidrei and hatarat nedarim of Erev Rosh Hashana

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 22 from 2022-11-15T21:11:46

What the Rabbis meant when they said without the cheyt haegel we only would have been given the 5 books of the Torah and Yehoshua

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 21 from 2022-11-14T22:47:40

Exaggerated statements in the laws of vows; better to say little and do much

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 20 from 2022-11-14T04:02:42

The importance of parents being in a strong relationship before they bring children into the world

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 19 from 2022-11-13T04:29:33

Taking a risk by invoking the nazir status of Shimshon

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 18 from 2022-11-11T04:24:53

What happens when a person makes an unspecified/vague vow?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 17 from 2022-11-10T23:14:58

Can an oath be made on a Rabbinic Mitzvah? i.e a person says they won't light Shabbat candles

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 16 from 2022-11-09T21:56:49

Can a person vow not do a mitzvah? What about an oath not to do a mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 15 from 2022-11-09T04:27:17

The mutual obligation in a marriage for intimacy and the scope of the requirement

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 14 from 2022-11-07T16:30:13

Does a neder mean that the goods of this world are bad or is there another way to look at it?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 13 from 2022-11-06T20:14:50

Can one associate a neder with a firstborn animal? How do Shabbat and Yom Tov receive their sanctity?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 12 from 2022-11-06T04:31:52

Halachot and customs of the yartzheit

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 11 from 2022-11-04T05:54:52

Does a vow count if it's made on condition?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 10 from 2022-11-03T17:00:27

What language may a vow be made in? Can Shema and Tefilla be recited in any language?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 9 from 2022-11-02T20:22:08

The Rabbis disdain and discouraging teachings against making vows

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 8 from 2022-11-01T18:49:40

Can one send a shaliach to dissolve a vow on their behalf? Does this work for hatarat nedarim?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 7 from 2022-10-31T19:47:54

Does the principle of "yad" statements apply by commitments to tzedaka?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 6 from 2022-10-30T16:30:18

Are there "yad" statements for kiddushin?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 5 from 2022-10-29T20:11:11

Do vows go after the heart or the speech/words of the vow?

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 4 from 2022-10-27T20:15:24

The Torah prohibition to delay keeping one's vows and application to tzedaka and starting Shabbat meals on time

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 3 from 2022-10-27T18:14:38

Two sides to the mitzvah of the vow- positive commandment of keeping one's word and also negative commandment of not transgressing one's word

Daf In-Sight
Nedarim 2 from 2022-10-26T15:00:15

3 opening ideas: Why Nedarim is in Seder Nashim; the severity of making vows; how many types of nedarim are there?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 112 from 2022-10-25T15:00:06

The lessons learned from Rav Zeira's aliyah and 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 111 from 2022-10-24T16:30:02

One who dwells in Eretz Yisrael is like one who has no sins

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 110 from 2022-10-23T16:30:59

Explanation of the teaching one who lives outside of Eretz Yisrael is as one who has no God

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 109 from 2022-10-22T19:53:05

The witnesses who sign on the ketuba must know what they are signing about

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 108 from 2022-10-21T03:30:46

The laws of inheritance and how they are impacted by sons who are studying Torah

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 107 from 2022-10-20T20:55:47

Tevillat Keilim of glazed earthenware, glass, and plastic

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 106 from 2022-10-19T21:28:08

The halachot of waiting in line and not cutting in front

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 105 from 2022-10-19T03:28:18

The prohibition and idea that judges may not accept bribes

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 104 from 2022-10-17T18:27:35

End of life halachot based on the narrative of Rebbi Yehuda Hanasi

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 103 from 2022-10-15T18:21:59

The death of Rebbe Yehuda Hanasi and when he came back to make kiddush on Friday night for his family

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 102 from 2022-10-15T17:40:42

The halacha of custody in situations of divorce- up to age 6 and after, son vs. daughter

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 101 from 2022-10-14T04:00:03

Is a commitment to support someone else financially binding even when the cost goes up significantly?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 100 from 2022-10-13T16:30:29

What information can be withheld before getting married?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 99 from 2022-10-12T19:59:28

When an agent attempts to benefit his employer, does this action get undone automatically?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 98 from 2022-10-11T19:06:40

When a messenger receives a gift/profit after purchasing on behalf of a sender, who is entitled to the benefit?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 97 from 2022-10-10T19:45:42

The principle and philosophy of acting "beyond the letter of the law" (lifnim meshurat hadin)

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 96 from 2022-10-08T19:23:37

Torah scholars may not prevent their students from learning from their ways and actions

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 95 from 2022-10-08T19:16:01

The argument of a wife that she only agreed to a sale because she didn't want to get in a fight- what weight does this statement have?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 94 from 2022-10-06T22:39:08

When 2 documents are produced for one piece of property, how is the true owner revealed?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 93 from 2022-10-06T22:31:04

Joint ventures where not all investors give the same amount- how are profits shared?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 92 from 2022-10-05T19:56:49

Can a borrower choose whether to pay back a loan in cash or in land?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 91 from 2022-10-04T03:24

Is a child required to pay off the debts of their parent from their land and movable possessions?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 90 from 2022-10-03T22:23:34

The halachot relevant to a person who converts to Judaism together with his gentile wife- is a new ketubah required? chuppah? Sheva brachot?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 89 from 2022-10-03T04:55:15

What happens after the shemitta year has passed and a lender tries to collect his loan without producing a prozbol document?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 88 from 2022-10-02T02:55:06

The law, background, and spiritual idea behind protecting the institution of lending and borrowing

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 87 from 2022-09-29T20:42:40

Can we trust a store owner to require someone to pay merely based on the credit statements in his store notebook?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 86 from 2022-09-29T20:36:17

When one person benefits in a completely legal way that ends up causing a loss, is that problematic?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 85 from 2022-09-29T06:39:08

Who to give tzedakah to first: A "neighbor" or a relative? A local charity or one you are passionate about in another city?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 84 from 2022-09-27T18:00:53

Tofes Lbaal Chov Bmakom Shachav LAcherim, Lo Kanah: Can I save a seat on the public bus for my friend?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 83 from 2022-09-24T19:37:36

The principle of "siluk" when a husband relinquishes his rights to futures in his wife's property

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 82 from 2022-09-24T19:31:19

Where should the ketubah be stored?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 81 from 2022-09-24T19:23:55

A document that is used to collect on a loan in the future: is it considered to be "already collected" or not?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 80 from 2022-09-22T20:42:08

The different types of properties a wife brings into the marriage and the husband's access and rights vis-a-vis those properties

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 79 from 2022-09-22T20:36:15

The halacha of muvrachat property that a wife is trying to evade

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 78 from 2022-09-21T17:30:27

The halachic differences between land and movable items

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 77 from 2022-09-21T03:00:50

Was there a rainbow in the days of Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi? What does the rainbow symbolize?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 76 from 2022-09-20T03:28:21

The halachot of using an item that has a defect even after discovering the defect - can it still be returned at that point?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 75 from 2022-09-19T01:34:04

What does it mean to be "born" in Yerushalayim? What does it mean to be "metzapeh" for the city?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 74 from 2022-09-17T21:15:43

The halachot of revealing history and information about a potential match for dating/shidduchim

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 73 from 2022-09-16T04:17:48

The law of stipulation before a marriage that is breached or broken after the marriage takes place

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 72 from 2022-09-16T03:31:29

The laws of dat yehudit and dat moshe and what happens when these are not followed in a marriage

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 71 from 2022-09-15T02:41:23

Requests that a husband/parent may not make of their child

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 70 from 2022-09-13T18:56:27

The laws of Nedarim and Shabbat that intersect in the area of speech/words

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 69 from 2022-09-12T20:38:48

Analyzing The unusual style of Rav's question that he wrote to Rabbi Yehuda HaNask

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 68 from 2022-09-11T21:17:40

The person who doesn't give tzedakah is compared to an idolater

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 67 from 2022-09-10T19:03:57

The story of Mar Ukva's charity practices and the laws of how much tzedaka one should/may give

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 66 from 2022-09-08T17:55:51

why Rav Yochanan cried when he met the daughter of Nakdimon Ben Gurion

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 65 from 2022-09-08T17:50:05

The story of Choma and Rava and halachot of professionals interacting with opposite gender

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 64 from 2022-09-07T16:00:46

The halacha of a spouse who refuses to be intimate out of spite or to cause emotional pain to their spouse

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 63 from 2022-09-06T18:16:13

The lessons learned from Rebbe Akiva's 24 straight years of studying Torah

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 62 from 2022-09-05T19:33:41

The first part of the story of Rabbi Akiva's marriage and what drew and attracted his wife to want to marry him

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 61 from 2022-09-05T03:56:35

Can one rely on a miracle to save someone else's life? Put themselves in danger or at risk to save someone?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 60 from 2022-09-03T21:22:24

The source and application for the 24 month period of nursing before a woman may get remarried

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 59 from 2022-09-02T03:20:15

The halacha that a wife can demand a ketuba if her husband doesn't allow her to work- the evils of wasting time

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 58 from 2022-09-01T20:50:45

The halacha of a wife who wants to keep her earnings and waive her right to her husband's payments

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 57 from 2022-08-31T19:03:47

What happens when a ketuba is lost or destroyed? Does it need to be replaced right away?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 56 from 2022-08-30T20:42:23

The concept of tnai/stipulation regarding ketubah and betrothal

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 55 from 2022-08-29T16:30:05

Does Shemittat Kesafim apply to the ketubah and any additions to the ketubah?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 54 from 2022-08-28T20:15:04

May a wife forgo/waive the payment from the ketubah?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 53 from 2022-08-27T19:11:49

The ketuba enactment that requires the possessions to be given only to the wife's sons and whether she can be mochel/forgo this right

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 52 from 2022-08-25T16:00:34

The great mitzvah of redeeming captives and its limitations- application to freeing captured Israeli soldiers

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 51 from 2022-08-25T15:00:34

The principle of "kol haomed ligzoz kgazuz dami" applied to the case of an etrog without its pitam

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 50 from 2022-08-24T20:02:12

The principle of not exceeding 1/5th of one's money in giving tzedakah

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 49 from 2022-08-23T16:15:12

The requirement and obligation of a father to support his children and whether the courts may force this upon the father

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 48 from 2022-08-22T17:21:43

Using someone else's money or mitzvah items (tefillin, tallit) to perform a mitzvah/tzedakah

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 47 from 2022-08-21T16:15:26

The halacha of a chattan and kallah (bride/groom) refraining from going to work during the week of 7 berachot

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 46 from 2022-08-20T20:46:20

Analysis of hirhur aveira and venishmarta mikol davar ra

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 45 from 2022-08-18T22:16:53

The severity and punishment for the "motzi shem ra"

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 44 from 2022-08-18T18:21:37

The "dina d'bar metzra" when 2 ownership documents are given to a landowner

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 43 from 2022-08-17T18:14:27

Was there more than one Rav Zeira? Who was Rabbi Zeira?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 42 from 2022-08-16T20:25:47

The case of a seducer/rapist who denies and then admits guilt and application to contemporary societal view

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 41 from 2022-08-16T04:03:57

The penalty cannot be passed from one generation to the next- the deeper idea behind this halacha

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 40 from 2022-08-14T19:03:38

In the principle of עשה דוחה לא תעשה , does a positive mitzvah of one person push away negative mitzvah of another person?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 39 from 2022-08-14T03:18:46

Analsysis of the cases of ones and mefateh

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 38 from 2022-08-12T03:25:56

The Torah source for the ketubah institution from the words מוהר הבתולות

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 37 from 2022-08-11T15:30:11

The principle of קים ליה בדרבה מיניה in modern times when lashes are not administered - does the monetary payment kick in?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 36 from 2022-08-10T16:30:37

The permitted case of a captive woman marrying a Kohen and the spiritual idea behind this halacha

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 35 from 2022-08-09T16:30:54

The principle of קים ליה בדרבה מיניה when the sin leading to execution was done unintentionally

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 34 from 2022-08-08T16:23:24

The principle of "ma'aseh shabbat" and application to manufactured products on shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 33 from 2022-08-07T19:37:04

The story of Chanania Mishael and Azarya and the statue if Nevuchadnezzar

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 32 from 2022-08-05T04:24:56

Analysis of law קים ליה בדרבה מיניה- When one has a monetary and lashes obligation simultaneously

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 31 from 2022-08-04T22:34:28

Analysis of the principle of קים ליה בדרבה מיניה

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 30 from 2022-08-04T20:15:37

Were the 4 types of execution replaced when there was no longer a Sanhedrin to carry out the punishments?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 29 from 2022-08-04T05:12:51

Analyzing the unique positive mitzvah of "v'lo tihiye l'isha"

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 28 from 2022-08-03T04:47:41

The prohibition to teach Torah to one's slave and how this was allowed with Eliezer the servant of Avraham

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 27 from 2022-08-02T04:18:57

The story of Yosef and his brothers not recognizing him because he had grown a beard

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 26 from 2022-08-01T05:03:18

analysis of why a husband may not give testimony on behalf of his wife

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 25 from 2022-07-30T21:19:19

The mitzvah of challah before and after the exile in Jewish history

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 24 from 2022-07-28T20:33:23

The priestly blessing being said by those who are not kohanim- application to parent blessing of children on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 23 from 2022-07-28T19:23:58

Establishing the lineage of a person with the last name "Cohen" as a true kohen

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 22 from 2022-07-27T16:00:24

analysis of the principle and mechanics of hapeh she'asar and application to story of Avraham/Sarah and Avimelech

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 21 from 2022-07-27T03:21:30

Analysis of when we say eid naaseh dayan- that a witness may also serve as a judge

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 20 from 2022-07-25T20:36:01

The principle of testimony needing to be remembered and relayed to the court directly

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 19 from 2022-07-25T03:23:35

The fascinating teaching of Rabbi Natan on 3rd party financial recovery payments

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 18 from 2022-07-23T23:56:31

Verifying witnesses' signature using different methods

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 17 from 2022-07-21T22:01:59

Why does Beit Hillel seem tk permit lying to the bride about her beauty?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 16 from 2022-07-21T21:53:39

The debate of Beit Shammai vs. Beit Hillel what to say to a bride at a wedding

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 15 from 2022-07-20T16:30:52

When do we invoke majority/rov and when do we invoke the principle of kavua/fixed?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 14 from 2022-07-19T16:30:17

When do we apply the principle of 'shetika k'hodaa'/silence is affirmation

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 13 from 2022-07-18T16:30:53

Rabbi Yehoshua's teaching "ein apotropos l'arayot"

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 12 from 2022-07-18T03:21:32

The principle of bari vs. shema/certain vs. uncertain claims in cases of believability in a dispute

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 11 from 2022-07-16T18:00:53

The principle of zachin l'adam shelo b'fanav on the individual and national scale

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 10 from 2022-07-14T16:45:04

The role of the ketuba in establishing the marriage and its spiritual influence on the home

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 9 from 2022-07-14T15:00:30

Analysis and deeper understanding of the story of David and Batsheva

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 8 from 2022-07-13T15:00:20

The relevance and deeper meaning behind the 7 blessings under the chuppah and their connection to the marriage

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 7 from 2022-07-12T15:00:25

Analysis and beautiful depth behind the bracha of eirusin/betrothal- "asher asar lanu et haarusot..."

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 6 from 2022-07-11T16:30:37

The laws of intimacy following the wedding on Friday night

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 5 from 2022-07-11T03:12:39

The Rabbis interpretation of what every soldier must carry in their weapons kit

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 4 from 2022-07-09T20:56:42

The origin and idea behind the celebration of the seven festive days following the wedding

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 3 from 2022-07-08T03:26:45

What happens when a parent dies right before the wedding is meant to begin? Do we push off the wedding?

Daf In-Sight
Ketubot 2 from 2022-07-07T20:00:57

Introduction to Ketubot and discussion of who picks up the bill for the wedding feast

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 122 from 2022-07-06T19:38:44

The bat kol that says a woman may get remarried- 3 takeaways from the masechet

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 121 from 2022-07-06T03:19:47

The leniency arguments for resolving aguna cases in situations of "waters that have no end"

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 120 from 2022-07-04T20:55:36

The law of the "meguyad" and testifying a fatal injury to allow a wife to get remarried

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 119 from 2022-07-03T16:30:43

The concept of sfeik sfeika as it impacts pregnant women entering cemeteries

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 118 from 2022-07-02T18:30:47

The challenge and curse of loneliness

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 117 from 2022-06-30T17:00:04

The 5 individuals who may not testify about the death of a woman's husband

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 116 from 2022-06-30T16:00:58

Analyzing The idea of a story that happened - maaseh shehaya that caused the Rabbis to make decrees

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 115 from 2022-06-29T16:30:26

The story of Yitzchak Reish Galuta and the Jewish community in Spain

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 114 from 2022-06-29T06:27:58

Chinuch of children for positive and negative mitzvot: who's responsibility is it?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 113 from 2022-06-28T03:25:51

Why the deaf-mute may not seperate terumah

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 112 from 2022-06-27T03:22:58

The halachic status of a deaf-mute from the times of the Mishna until the contemporary times

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 111 from 2022-06-26T03:15:15

Is there ever a situation where we can force a yavam to perform chalitza?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 110 from 2022-06-24T06:06:35

The power of the Rabbis to uproot a halachic action that was performed inappropriately

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 109 from 2022-06-24T03:03:32

The meaning of the phrase that a judge should act as if gehenom is open beneath him

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 108 from 2022-06-23T04:16:52

Defining Miyun

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 107 from 2022-06-22T04:09:55

The rule that there are no marriages that can be performed on condition

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 106 from 2022-06-21T05:38:02

The custom of Ashkenazi communities of Yizkor

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 105 from 2022-06-20T03:27:11

Discussions about kavana/intention during our prayers- Where to direct our eyes and heart

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 104 from 2022-06-19T05:10:28

Which parts of the chalitza process are critical for the process to be complete and which are not critical?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 103 from 2022-06-17T04:12:15

The concept of an aveira lishma

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 102 from 2022-06-17T04:06:43

Can a minhag push aside a halachic practice?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 101 from 2022-06-16T03:13:32

Introduction to the mitzvah of chalitza and its contemporary application

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 100 from 2022-06-15T02:59:31

The law of priesthood lineage following the father and application to intermarriage

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 99 from 2022-06-14T03:21:56

The law of a pre-bar-mitzvah with regards to terumah and tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 98 from 2022-06-13T03:23:24

Is/When is a Rav allowed to answer a question where there is a vested interest in the conclusion?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 97 from 2022-06-12T02:53:44

The difference between the framework of a Jewish marriage/kiddushin and gentile marriage

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 96 from 2022-06-10T03:20:07

Different explanations of the teaching that a Torah Scholar's lips move in the grave when his Torah is being taught after his death

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 95 from 2022-06-10T03:19:19

When a husband doesn't allow his wife to drink the sota waters

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 94 from 2022-06-09T03:16:26

Would a single witness be believed to testify for a yevama that her yavam has died when the witness is interested himself in marrying this woman?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 93 from 2022-06-08T03:09:03

The debate about whether a person can acquire or impact an object or situation that will only happen in the future in the here and now

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 92 from 2022-06-06T17:54:37

The proof of Rabbi Yochanan as compared to a pearl under a shard

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 91 from 2022-06-06T03:24

The requirement of a woman to check even after witnesses testify before getting remarried

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 90 from 2022-06-02T18:00:39

The courts permission to punish extra measures not by Torah law

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 89 from 2022-06-02T17:00:01

Analysis and source of the principle of "hefker beit din hefker"

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 88 from 2022-06-02T16:00:53

The analysis of how the Rabbis permitted one witness when the Torah generally requires two witnesses

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 87 from 2022-06-01T19:11:10

The opening mishna and concept of agunah in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 86 from 2022-06-01T04:09:37

Analysis of the penalty that Ezra levied on the tribe of Levi when they refused to return to the Land of Israel

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 85 from 2022-05-31T05:15:47

Why the Rabbis strengthened their words more than the words of the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 84 from 2022-05-30T04:36:23

Analysis and lesson of the story of Rebbe trying to study Torah with R Elazar ben Shamua

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 83 from 2022-05-29T02:38:11

Analysis of the principle ein adam oser davar sheeino shelo

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 82 from 2022-05-26T18:30

Does the sanctity of the Land of Israel change throughout history? How does it impact the special mitzvot tied to the land itself?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 81 from 2022-05-26T16:30:50

The mitzvah status of separating Terumah and Maaser in post-Temple era

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 80 from 2022-05-26T02:54:57

Modern day halachic application of premature baby births

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 79 from 2022-05-25T04:08:12

Contemporary application of King David praying for Mefiboshet to survive when it could have meant someone else would take his place

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 78 from 2022-05-24T03:24:13

Surrogacy motherhood: Determining who is the true mother of a fetus born after a conversion to Judaism?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 77 from 2022-05-22T16:30:53

Is one permitted to bring a weapon into a shul? What kind? Must it be covered?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 76 from 2022-05-21T19:28:46

The kings unique dispensation and power to breach a path for himself

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 75 from 2022-05-20T04:11:11

Defining and applying the category of petzua daka to contemporary fertility situations

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 74 from 2022-05-19T16:30:25

What is the purification process for a kohen to be able to eat terumah after becoming impure?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 73 from 2022-05-19T03:18:41

Does the mitzvah of bikkurim apply during the shmitta year?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 72 from 2022-05-17T22:39:41

Why the Jewish people didn't do circumcisions during the years in the desert

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 71 from 2022-05-17T03:03

Analyzing the two stages of the circumcision of milah and periya and the blessings we make at the brit milah

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 70 from 2022-05-16T05:35:38

The karet punishment for someone who lives without a brit milah

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 69 from 2022-05-15T03:32:11

The case of a woman who had a relationship with her betrothed before getting married

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 68 from 2022-05-13T05:35:30

When a marriage happens does one spouse follow the customs of the other? What is the source of this idea?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 67 from 2022-05-12T22:11:49

The principle that we follow majority in cases of risk and danger and are not concerned about minority possibilities

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 66 from 2022-05-11T19:10:50

The concept of property a wife brings into the marriage and the rules associated with it - shevach beit aviha

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 65 from 2022-05-10T16:30:37

Are women obligated in the mitzvah of peru urevu? How is it different than the husband's obligation?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 64 from 2022-05-09T16:30:17

The story of Yitzchak and Rivka praying for a child and why Hashem answered specifically to the prayer of Yitzchak

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 63 from 2022-05-08T16:30:46

Different ways to understand how the ideal marriage is created

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 62 from 2022-05-07T17:30:50

Analysis of the tragic story of 24000 students of Rabbi Akiva dying during the period between Pesach and Shavuot

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 61 from 2022-05-05T19:38:21

The mitzvah of peru urevu, shevet yitzrah, and marriage

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 60 from 2022-05-05T19:32:42

The law and analysis of whether a gentile corpse carries impurity for the law of the kohanim

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 59 from 2022-05-04T16:00:15

The negative mitzvah not to bring an animal for a sacrifice in the Beit Hamikdash that was used to buy a dog

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 58 from 2022-05-03T20:14:13

The principle and source of the concept of gilgul shevua/extending an oath

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 57 from 2022-05-02T22:58:27

What is the chuppah at a wedding and.how has it evolved?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 56 from 2022-05-01T21:55:12

Is there ever a situation that suspends the rule of a kohen marrying a dovorced?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 55 from 2022-04-30T22:01:57

Is there a residual relatinship between a wife and her late husband after death?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 54 from 2022-04-28T17:00:56

Does a Noachide/gentile have a mitzvah requirement to honor his parents?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 53 from 2022-04-28T15:30:51

Is the mitzvah of yibum only on the man/yavam or also on the woman/yevama?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 52 from 2022-04-27T20:07:06

The halachic discussion around a couple living in their in laws home before/after marriage

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 51 from 2022-04-26T19:56:46

The status of yibum betrothal (maamar) according to Beit Shammai and the application of their language to a fascinating question in the laws of berachot over miracles and Jewish graves

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 50 from 2022-04-25T21:05:19

Does our lifespan have a fixed number of years or can it go above or below what was predetermined for us?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 49 from 2022-04-25T05:44

The story in the scroll of King Menashe killing Yeshayahu the prophet

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 48 from 2022-04-24T04:06:10

The source and analysis of the concept of ger shenitgayer kattan shenolad dami

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 47 from 2022-04-20T21:06:02

Explanation of the teaching that converts are compared to a "sapachat"

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 46 from 2022-04-20T19:26:43

The question of a convert who was circumcised but did not yet go in the purifying waters of the mikvah when Shabbos came in- can he observe a full halachic Shabbos?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 45 from 2022-04-20T15:30:08

Analsysi of the case of the man from the intermarried couple trying to get married and the advice he was given

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 44 from 2022-04-20T03:48:40

The analysis of why yibum may only be performed with one widow and not two widows, connection to the story of Yehuda and Tamar

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 43 from 2022-04-18T21:30:54

The concept of aveilut yeshana/chadasha in halacha and machshava

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 42 from 2022-04-18T04:03:06

Analysis of the 3 month waiting period before any yibum or re-marriage known as "havchana"

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 41 from 2022-04-16T21:25:24

How the case of the yevama in doubt was applied to a halacha in two etrogim that got mixed up

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 40 from 2022-04-14T22:30:54

The ability to eat matzah ashira/matzah mixed with fruit juce/boiled matzah on erev Pesach and for the mitzvah of Matzah on Seder night

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 39 from 2022-04-14T22:22:33

The halacha that te yavam and yevama need to understand what they are saying and responding to during the chalitza ceremony

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 38 from 2022-04-13T16:30

Is Yibum the same as marriage or is it different? In what ways?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 37 from 2022-04-12T16:30:06

analysis of the halacha and story that Rav and Rav Nachman would get married for one day when they travelled to another city without their wife

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 36 from 2022-04-12T03:26:25

The halacha of a nursing mother who becomes widowed and seeks to get remarried- how long must she wait? What if the baby does not nurse?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 35 from 2022-04-10T16:30:46

The contradiction between two mishnayot one utilizing the principle of rov/majority and the other the principle of eidim/witness testimony

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 34 from 2022-04-09T20:31:06

The mitzvah of the kohanim to eat terumah- who is included in the mitzvah and what beracha is made?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 33 from 2022-04-07T19:39:47

The prohibites shabbat melacha of havara/kindling a fire- is its essence the creation of the flame or the consumption of the fire?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 32 from 2022-04-07T15:30:13

The halacha of not burying righteous people next to wicked people and the source for a separate Jewish cemetery

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 31 from 2022-04-06T20:48:28

The law of whether testimony that is offered in writing as opposed to verbal is effective

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 30 from 2022-04-05T20:53:09

The principle of the isha katlanit and its contemporary application

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 29 from 2022-04-05T03:22:18

The law that a husband may annul his wife's vows even when the vow was taken under duress

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 28 from 2022-04-03T16:30:59

The cases where Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel agree instead of disagree

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 27 from 2022-04-02T20:09:42

The halacha of 2 sisters married to 2 brothers and application to the laws of mourning

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 26 from 2022-03-31T22:43:17

Analysis or new Mishna at beginning of Perek

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 25 from 2022-03-31T21:46:41

The law and concept of a person not being believed to incriminate himself and on which case this person would be believed

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 24 from 2022-03-31T03:17:59

The requirement of a conversion to be with sincerity and desire and not for an ulterior motive

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 23 from 2022-03-29T19:09:12

The halachic status child of an intermarriage vis-a-vis being Jewish and being a member of a tribe of the Jewish people

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 22 from 2022-03-29T00:13:58

The principle and ramifications of the law of a convert having the status of a newborn person- the question of the Nazi who desired convert

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 21 from 2022-03-27T23:09:45

The enactments of Shlomo Hamelech: eiruv, netilat yadayaim, shniyot/secondary forbidden relationships

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 20 from 2022-03-26T20:00:27

The midah of prishut/self-denial and whether we should pursue it

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 19 from 2022-03-25T00:44:15

Does marriage in Judaism require consent?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 18 from 2022-03-24T19:31:38

Is chalitza a mitzvah from the Torah? How is it similar to divorce and do we make a bracha on its performance?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 17 from 2022-03-24T06:53:13

Who were the People of Tarmod and why are they so central to our Gemara?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 16 from 2022-03-23T06:33:16

Why Rabbi Dosa gave a special blessing to Rabbi Akiva and not also to Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya and the connection to the Haggada of Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 15 from 2022-03-22T03:00:45

Why Rabbi Yehoshua did not speak and share his opinion in the debate between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 14 from 2022-03-21T06:52:16

The different approaches of Beit Hillel and Shammai, their love and friendship, and why we follow Beit Hillel

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 13 from 2022-03-20T03:32:52

The prohibition and definition of lo titgodedu applied to contemporary issues of different practices in communities

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 12 from 2022-03-18T04:55:06

The halacha of forcing the brother to make a choice to do chalitza or yibum but not to leave the woman in a limbo state

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 11 from 2022-03-18T04:48:46

The law of yibum as it applies to the sotah and contemporary application of the shiur kdei tumah for yichud and also at a wedding

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 10 from 2022-03-16T21:23:01

The mitzvah prohibition of the man who performs chalitza to subsequently get married to that same woman

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 9 from 2022-03-16T02:38:11

The words of insult and harshness that teachers once gave to their students and how that looks in contemporary Jewish education

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 8 from 2022-03-14T21:18:53

The depth behind the Torah commandment against a man marrying two sisters

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 7 from 2022-03-13T22:37:05

The principle and deeper idea of davar shehaya bichlal

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 6 from 2022-03-12T18:23:57

What/Who do we fear: The Beit Hamikdash or Hashem who commanded us to build the Beit Hamikdash?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 5 from 2022-03-11T07:15:17

The great value of Shalom bayit and how it is prioritized over certain prohibitions

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 4 from 2022-03-10T17:46:38

The concept of smuchin/juxtaposed verses and the unique nature of the book of Devarim

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 3 from 2022-03-09T23:30:36

Which is the preferred mitzvah: yibum or chalitza?

Daf In-Sight
Yevamot 2 from 2022-03-09T05:17:35

Background to the name of the Masechet, the concept of yibum, and why yevamot if the first Masechet of Seder Nashim

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 27 from 2022-03-08T04:39:21

The beautiful comparison between the mizbeach/altar and one's table in the home. 3 takeaways from Masechet Chagiga and Seder Moed

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 26 from 2022-03-07T04:56:38

Analysis of the incredible miracle of the lechem hapanim and how the kohanim were able to move the shulchan

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 25 from 2022-03-06T11:29:11

Can there be a part of the Land of Israel which is impure or causes impurity?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 24 from 2022-03-04T04:18:23

The laws of vessels combining items contained inside of them applied to fridge/freezer in the laws of separating challah from two batches of dough

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 23 from 2022-03-04T03:40:51

The practical and spiritual principle that a vessel combines the disparate items that are inside of it

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 22 from 2022-03-03T04:08:46

The halachot of asking mechila at a gravesite when a person has insulted someone who is deceased

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 21 from 2022-03-02T03:56:13

Halachic applications of the laws of chatitza: may one purify themselves in a mikva while wearing a bathing suit or loose fitting clothes?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 20 from 2022-02-28T22:58:19

Application of the laws of intention by tumah/tahara to the laws of shmura matzah on Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 19 from 2022-02-27T17:00:33

The halacha of netilat yadayim and mikva in a pile of snow

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 18 from 2022-02-26T21:04:21

Do we say Hamavdil bein Kodesh LKodesh or Bein Kodesh Lchol when transitioning from Yom Tov to Chol Hamoed?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 17 from 2022-02-24T21:22:58

Is the day following Shavuot one of great celebration or is there an issue with full-blown celebration on this day?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 16 from 2022-02-24T17:00:08

Analysis and explanation of why the Mishna warns against asking certain questions about the creation of the world

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 15 from 2022-02-23T17:00:07

How Rabbi Meir permitted himself to continue studying Torah from Acher even when he had become a full heretic

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 14 from 2022-02-22T20:03:06

The wizard is compared to the king and the prophecy of Yeshayahu

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 13 from 2022-02-21T17:00:38

Is it permissible to teach Torah to gentiles?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 12 from 2022-02-20T17:00:02

When Hashem scolded the world to stop expanding and the comparison to Moshe stopping the donations to the building of the mishkan

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 11 from 2022-02-19T21:22:40

The law and concept not teach the details of creation to more than one person

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 10 from 2022-02-17T22:23:33

The deep connection between Shabbat laws and the building of the Mishkan and the meaning behind the Mishna's statement "mountains hanging by a thread"

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 9 from 2022-02-17T17:00:14

Why there is a difference between reviewing one's Torah learning 100 times versus 101 times

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 8 from 2022-02-16T21:22:20

Analysis of The case of 5 korbanot chagiga being brought on the first day of Yomtov and the remaining 5 on the following day

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 7 from 2022-02-15T17:00:45

The parameters of the mitzvah reiya and not to show up empty handed to the Beit Hamikdash without a sacrifice

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 6 from 2022-02-14T19:48:29

What details did Hashem give to Moshe at Har Sinai? Was anything left out? When did the concept of 'Torah lo bashamayim hee' come into effect?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 5 from 2022-02-14T03:49:37

Analyzing the notion that Hashem removes righteous people before their assigned day of death to cause them to avoid sinning

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 4 from 2022-02-12T21:25:53

Why Shmuel was concerned about being judged when his spirit was raised from the dead to give advice to Saul?

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 3 from 2022-02-10T22:01:32

The teaching that the Jewish people are like converts to Judaism when they go up on aliya l'regel

Daf In-Sight
Chagiga 2 from 2022-02-10T17:00:31

The meaning of the two concepts of aliya lregel- to see and to be seen by Hashem- what does this mean?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 29 from 2022-02-09T17:00:31

The closing teaching that Tzaddikim do not have rest even when they are in olam haba. 3 takeaways from Masechet Moed Katan.

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 28 from 2022-02-09T06:13:28

The 3 things in life that are not dependent on ones merits: lifespan, children, and parnassa

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 27 from 2022-02-07T22:23:27

The important service and mitzvah of levaya of the dead body and how this mitzvah is applied in the contemporary setting

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 26 from 2022-02-06T18:53:24

Tearing kriya over seeing Jerusalem and the Har Habyit without a Beit Hamikdash in contemporary times

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 25 from 2022-02-05T20:23:29

The halacha that one should tear kriya if they are present when the soul leaves the body- this is compared to a Torah scroll that is burning which also requires tearing kriya

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 24 from 2022-02-03T23:18:21

The source and laws of tearing ones clothes/kriya as part of the mourning process.

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 23 from 2022-02-03T21:51:06

In what cases and circumstances may someone get married while they are in mourning of shiva or shloshim and afterward?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 22 from 2022-02-02T20:33:20

When does the mourning period begin? what if a family member will not be attending the burial?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 21 from 2022-02-01T21:39:30

The halachic principle of gadol habayis - when does shiva begin for the mourners when a body is flown overseas to be buried in Israel?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 20 from 2022-01-31T17:00:28

The importance of comforting mourners/nichum aveilim and whether we do so on Shabbat, Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 19 from 2022-01-30T20:29:38

The laws of shiva and shloshim when they come up against Shabbat and Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 18 from 2022-01-29T18:20:41

The permission to get engaged on Chol Hamoed- different approaches to the concept of bashert and shidduchim

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 17 from 2022-01-27T22:23:05

Haircuts for people in mourning

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 16 from 2022-01-27T18:00:32

Should Torah be taught in a public setting or private setting? What about mitzvot in general?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 15 from 2022-01-27T04:16:58

The laws of mourning when it comes to the speech, greetings, and Torah study of a mourner in a house of mourning

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 14 from 2022-01-25T22:31:52

The halachic background and discussion of Shaving on Chol Hamoed in contemporary times

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 13 from 2022-01-24T17:00:48

The principle of giving work to a destitute employee on Chol Hamoed who has nothing eat

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 12 from 2022-01-23T19:39:02

The principle of work permitted when it is tzorech moed. Does a salaried worker need to use their vacation days over Chol Hamoed?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 11 from 2022-01-23T04:30:02

Is Chol Hamoed ever called a Yom Tov? what's the same and what's different? What if a person davens a YomTov Shacharit on Chol Hamoed?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 10 from 2022-01-21T05:11:27

The rules of conducting business activity on Chol Hamoed and how to understand how many people keep their businesses open.

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 9 from 2022-01-20T19:35:13

Should a person interrupt their Torah study to perform another mitzvah?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 8 from 2022-01-19T22:00:42

The principle and application of ein mearvin simcha bsimcha

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 7 from 2022-01-18T17:00:10

Why a Kohen is not allowed to examine a metzora on Chol Hamoed? Does the rule change in an unwalled city?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 6 from 2022-01-17T21:32:16

Halachic discussion over whether work is permitted on Chol Hamoed to perform a mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 5 from 2022-01-16T19:40:53

The permitted activities on Chol Hamoed to benefit the public- marking graves to prevent impurity

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 4 from 2022-01-15T20:27:35

The debate and contemporary application of Tosefet Shemitta

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 3 from 2022-01-14T04:22:35

Is plowing permitted or prohibited during the Shemitta year? How can the plowing process teach us about spiritual and personal growth?

Daf In-Sight
Moed Katan 2 from 2022-01-13T17:23:30

Opening introduction to the concept and special opportunity of chol hamoed in contrast to yomtov and the weekday, Rabbinic permission to engage in activities to avoid financial loss to encourage si...

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 32 from 2022-01-12T20:52:06

The idea and message behind hagbah- lifting up the Torah for all to see. 3 takeaways from the Masechet.

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 31 from 2022-01-11T18:04:10

The rule when reading the tochacha/curse sections of the Torah, that we may not stop in the middle or make a blessing over this section

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 30 from 2022-01-10T17:00:27

The special maftir and haftara readings of Shekalim, Zachor, Parah and Hachodesh- what happens when there is a clash of two possible haftarot- Rosh Chodesh on Shabbat during the 7 weeks of comfort ...

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 29 from 2022-01-09T19:09:53

The Divine Presence exists in the shuls and batei medrash in the exiles of the Jewish people

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 28 from 2022-01-08T19:00:20

The precious prayer said before going to sleep asking forgiveness and releasing any wrongdoings others did to a person throughout the day

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 27 from 2022-01-06T18:03:17

May a Navi be stacked on a Chumash or vice-versa? What about a Navi and book of Ketuvim?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 26 from 2022-01-06T17:33:17

Was Jerusalem split among the tribes of Israel? What about Har Habayit?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 25 from 2022-01-05T18:17:40

The public reading and translation of the tochacha - the good, the bad, and the ugly

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 24 from 2022-01-04T17:00:04

The origins of the unique institution of reading the haftara on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 23 from 2022-01-03T17:00:05

May an under-bar-mitzvah age child receive an aliyah? Does it matter which parsha or aliyah it would be for?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 22 from 2022-01-02T20:04:33

The special blessings of Rosh Chodesh in reward for the women's efforts in preventing the sin of the golden calf

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 21 from 2022-01-01T21:02:29

Should a person who is making a blessing over the Torah read along with the Baal Koreh?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 20 from 2021-12-30T18:30:24

The value of mitzvah performance at the earliest possible time of day versus the value of kiddush Hashem in public and brov am hadrat melech

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 19 from 2021-12-30T17:00:15

How much of the Megilla must be read to fulfill the mitzvah of kriat megilla

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 18 from 2021-12-29T17:00:34

Laws of Parshat Zachor together with the baal koreh

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 17 from 2021-12-28T19:19:14

The laws and deeper idea behind reading the megilla out of order

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 16 from 2021-12-27T17:00:10

The episode of Yosef and Binyamin crying on each other shoulders when they reunited- what did this moment symbolize?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 15 from 2021-12-26T17:00:49

The principle that one should attribute one's ideas to the source they come from

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 14 from 2021-12-25T19:57:22

The most effective moment in Jewish history that brought the Jewish people to do teshuva

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 13 from 2021-12-23T22:15:47

How to understand Yaakov telling Rachel that he could beat Lavan with his own deception- what did Yaakov mean by this?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 12 from 2021-12-23T17:00:15

Why the Jewish People were deserving a decree of annihilation at the time of the Purim story?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 11 from 2021-12-22T21:20:28

The opening speech of Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak that the decree on the Jewish people in the Purim story was by a common person as opposed to a king

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 10 from 2021-12-21T17:00:58

The Megilla's use of the words "Vayehi Biymei" as words of foreboding and crisis

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 9 from 2021-12-20T22:10:22

When the Torah was translated into Greek, was this cause for celebration or mourning?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 8 from 2021-12-19T17:00:38

The difference between a person in quarantine with unconfirmed case of tzaraat and the confirmed metzora

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 7 from 2021-12-18T20:51:42

The idea behind drinking wine on Purim and the specific requirement to achieve a loss of intellect through the drinking

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 6 from 2021-12-16T17:18:25

The teaching that Torah is called a "metzia"/a finding- every person has their role and part of the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 5 from 2021-12-16T17:11:09

The laws of fast days when their date falls on Shabbat- why was 10 Tevet different than the other fasts?

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 4 from 2021-12-15T21:30:56

The law of reading Megilla when Purim falls on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 3 from 2021-12-14T19:51:41

The cryptic interpretation of Yonatan Ben Uziel that served as the basis for Rav Kook's eulogy for Theodor Herzl

Daf In-Sight
Megilla 2 from 2021-12-13T20:53:16

The meaning behind the principle and idea that a Jewish court may not uproot the decrees and rulings of earlier courts without specific criteria

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 31 from 2021-12-12T16:00:22

The circle dance of tzadikkim that will take place at the end of days; 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 30 from 2021-12-11T18:00:50

The great celebration of 15 Av as the day the tribes were permitted to intermarry

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 29 from 2021-12-09T16:15:33

The origins of the 9th of Av rooted in the sin of the spies and how it can be corrected

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 28 from 2021-12-09T16:00:51

The requirement to say Hallel on certain days on the Jewish calendar and why we cannot say it every single day

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 27 from 2021-12-08T16:00:06

Laws around whether kohanim with bandages or different blemishes may give their priestly blessing

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 26 from 2021-12-07T16:00:02

The fast day of 17 Tammuz and the significant of the walls being breached

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 25 from 2021-12-06T19:49:16

The story of Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Eliezer praying for rain and why only Rabbi Akiva's prayer is answered

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 24 from 2021-12-05T21:38:58

The practice of Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa's wife to heat the oven every week before Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 23 from 2021-12-05T04:20:41

Choni the Circle Drawer

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 22 from 2021-12-03T05:28:06

The jailer and the jesters who were going to olam haba and what we can take from this story

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 21 from 2021-12-03T05:15:49

the incredible story and lessons from the life of Nachum Ish Gamzu

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 20 from 2021-12-01T20:46:43

The story of Rabbi Shimon and the ugly man he met on his journey and the incredible lessons from this story

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 19 from 2021-11-30T16:00:47

The story and lessons of when Nakdimon ben Gurion helped the Jews celebrate their festival and his prayer for rain

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 18 from 2021-11-29T16:30:33

The celebration known as Yom Nikanor and its connection to the holiday of Chanuka

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 17 from 2021-11-28T22:33:32

The concept that kohanim should not drink wine even after the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash perhaps it will be rebuilt any moment

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 16 from 2021-11-28T04:29:32

Analysis of Rab Adda teaching of a person feels bad about a sin he has done but still does not fully repent he is compared to one who has gone in a mikva but is still holding a dead sheretz

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 15 from 2021-11-26T03:00:45

The rule prohibiting Rabbis from establishing the first fast day in a series of fasts on a Thursday

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 14 from 2021-11-25T20:26:02

The inclusion of a shofar/trumpet in the prayers of fast days and why we do not have this practice in contemporary times

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 13 from 2021-11-24T17:00:31

The ideal time to daven mincha on a fast day, discussion about the blessing of the kohanim at mincha on a fast day

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 12 from 2021-11-23T18:15:22

The laws of calculating when the fast days end, when to daven mincha/maariv, and how to navigate with saying shema- what if one travels from America to Israel on a fast day?

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 11 from 2021-11-22T17:00:37

The debate about how Judaism views those who deny themselves physical pleasures: the Nazir, and one accepts voluntary fasts upon oneself

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 10 from 2021-11-21T20:03:29

Learning Torah while one is travelling/driving- what kind of Torah learning is permitted?

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 9 from 2021-11-20T20:09:50

Why we needed the 3 leaders/shepherds of Moshe, Aharon, and Miriam

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 8 from 2021-11-18T21:42:01

May one pray for an end to 2 crises at the same time? Is there a difference between an individual and the community? In Israel vs. outside of Israel?

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 7 from 2021-11-18T16:24:05

Why the Torah is compared to water. How we are able to access the wisdom of Hashem in our world and the deeper meaning of the stories of Bereishit.

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 6 from 2021-11-17T19:26:41

The blessing on rain after experiencing (seeing vs. hearing) a drought and the timing of the birkat hachama

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 5 from 2021-11-16T20:24:55

Analysis of the teaching that Yaakov Avinu never truly died

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 4 from 2021-11-15T16:30:42

Is a Torah teacher/scholar allowed to get angry? If yes, in what circumstances is this permitted?

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 3 from 2021-11-14T20:42:59

The delay in requesting rain until the 7th of Cheshvan

Daf In-Sight
Taanit 2 from 2021-11-13T19:24:10

The addition of Mashiv Haruach UMorid Hageshem to the bracha of Mechayeh Meitim, and the idea of tefilla as service of the heart

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 35 from 2021-11-11T20:04:55

The idea and laws of the shaliach tzibbur- 3 takeaways from Masechet Rosh Hashana

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 34 from 2021-11-11T15:00:36

The evolution of having 3 sets of shofar blasts and the reasons for the mitzvah of blowing the shofar

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 33 from 2021-11-10T18:28:02

The source for the sounds of the shofar and the 100 blasts of the shofar on Rosh Hashana

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 32 from 2021-11-09T22:07:01

Is Rosh Hashana a happy or sad day? Should we rejoice or be serious? Is crying appropriate during the tefillot of Rosh Hashana?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 31 from 2021-11-08T16:46:51

The enactments of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai to commemorate the Beit Hamikdash- analyzing the removal of the strip of crimson wool on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 30 from 2021-11-07T20:26:23

The mixup of the shir shel yom/song of the day in the Beit Hamikdash and we do not recite it at mincha

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 29 from 2021-11-07T05:41:41

The message and symbolism of Moshe's hands in the battle with Amalek

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 28 from 2021-11-04T17:00:27

The 3 categories of shofarot that may be used to fulfill the mitzvah of tekiat shofar- the speech of Rav Kook on Rosh Hashana 1934 warning of the darkening clouds over the heads of European Jewry

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 27 from 2021-11-04T15:30:23

Blowing a shofar into a pit- application to reading the megilla, reciting havdala, listening to shofar using a microphone, telephone or video conference, and hearing aids

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 26 from 2021-11-03T19:54:55

The principle of 'ein kateygor naaseh saneygor'- the prosecutor cannot become the accuser- application to a Kohen who kills someone while driving- may they still give the Kohen blessing?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 25 from 2021-11-02T21:19:53

The power of the court in establishing the new month- comparing leaders from different generations in Jewish history

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 24 from 2021-11-01T16:00:34

Kiddush Levana that is recited when seeing the moon through glasses or a window

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 23 from 2021-10-31T18:51:16

Can first responders or on-call doctors return on Shabbos from emergency calls?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 22 from 2021-10-30T18:41:28

Can a witness who was hired to offer false testimony take the payment?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 21 from 2021-10-28T19:19:13

The story of how King Shlomo used his intuition to issue judgments

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 20 from 2021-10-28T15:55:43

How could the courts pressure the witnesses to lie about seeing the moon when there was actually no moon?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 19 from 2021-10-27T19:37:42

The special history of the 28th of Adar

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 18 from 2021-10-26T19:56:07

The judgment of Rosh Hashana and the meanings of 'kivnei maron'

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 17 from 2021-10-25T15:00:42

A step by step guide to the 13 Middot of Rachamim of Hashem

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 16 from 2021-10-24T17:42:01

The 4 points of judgment during the year and why saying malchuyot helps us with our judgment on Rosh Hashana

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 15 from 2021-10-24T03:03:53

The halachot of the etrog in a Shemitta year- application to which tefillot are not said because Tu Bishvat is a happy day

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 14 from 2021-10-21T19:19:26

Rosh Hashana for the trees and what the rule is for an etrog since it stays on the tree for the entire winter

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 13 from 2021-10-21T15:18:20

The Torah prohibition to enjoy from the new grain in the spring before the 16th of Nissan- what if the grain is grown by a gentile farmer?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 12 from 2021-10-20T15:11:16

The meaning of a vow that is made for the current year when there is only one day or less than 30 days in the month- application to the bracha of Barech Alenu

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 11 from 2021-10-19T15:00:10

The exodus from Egypt took place in stages but the actual redemption was very quick, similarly the creation of the world happened in the blink of an eye

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 10 from 2021-10-18T15:00:35

The historical events that took place on Rosh Hashana including Yosef being let out of prison and greeting Paroah

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 9 from 2021-10-17T19:45:43

Analyzing the teaching of Rabbi Akiva that tosefet kedusha is learned from the shemitta year

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 8 from 2021-10-16T17:30:30

The first of Tishrei is the day of judgment not only for the Jewish people but for all of humanity- explaining the idea of Hashem running the world balancing din and rachamim

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 7 from 2021-10-14T16:30:18

Analysis of Nissan being the first month in the counting of the months and the idea behind Rosh Chodesh as the first mitzvah given to the Jewish people as a nation

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 6 from 2021-10-14T15:30:54

The requirement of the courts to coerce people to fulfill their promises- why this coercion is considered to be a valid action by the one who did the action?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 5 from 2021-10-13T16:42:31

Was the requirement to stay over in Jerusalem for one night only or for all the days of the Chag?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 4 from 2021-10-12T17:17:56

The rule and concept behind the requirement to stay over in Jerusalem after bringing a korban

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 3 from 2021-10-11T16:30:11

The different dates of Jewish and gentile Kings for documents- was Koresh a righteous gentile or Jewish?

Daf In-Sight
Rosh Hashana 2 from 2021-10-10T18:55:13

Does a son of a king automatically become king after his father dies? Why does our Masechet not begin with the main topic of Rosh Hashana?

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 40 from 2021-10-09T18:44:41

The halachot of feeding wild animals and pets on Shabbat and Yom Tov, 3 takeaways from the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 39 from 2021-10-07T17:51:01

When a melacha is performed in a way that is not the usual way but then that method becomes normalized, does it then become prohibited?

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 38 from 2021-10-07T16:30:15

The story of Rabbi Abba making aliyah to Eretz Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 37 from 2021-10-07T03:05:44

Halachot of getting engaged and married on Shabbat and Yom Tov and separating Challah on Shabbat/Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 36 from 2021-10-05T17:31:31

The halacha of not carrying out judgment on Shabbat and Yom Tov and application to capturing criminals on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 35 from 2021-10-04T16:30:09

The requirement to tithe foods when Shabbat begins and application to stop eating and drinking when Shabbat begins before making kiddush

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 34 from 2021-10-03T20:20:19

When a series of small actions leads to the performance of a melacha- application to cooking water

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 33 from 2021-10-02T19:53:03

The halachic analysis and contemporary application of turning on electricity on Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 32 from 2021-09-30T19:52:52

The halacha of cutting paper on Yom Tov and application to tearing toilet paper

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 31 from 2021-09-30T19:49:10

When an item can be used sometimes in a prohibited way and a permitted way, are we concerned one will make a mistake? example of electric wheelchair using without motor on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 30 from 2021-09-30T03:14:56

The prohibited and permitted cases where clapping and dancing may or may not happen on Shabbat/Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 29 from 2021-09-29T04:08:09

The halacha of stolen money being paid back to uber used for public uses and needs

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 28 from 2021-09-26T17:35:32

The debate about what kinds of food utensils and items may be fixed on Yom Tov and which may not be fixed on Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 27 from 2021-09-26T16:30:37

The case of the challah that became tameh and difference between melacha on Shabbat vs. Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 26 from 2021-09-25T17:30:57

The halacha of a posek determining the halachic status of an animal or a forbidden mixture on Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 25 from 2021-09-23T17:53:56

The discussion of why Hashem chose to give the Torah specifically to the Jewish people

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 24 from 2021-09-23T17:47:20

The principle of 'k'dei sheya'asu' and the question of the turned on radio on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 23 from 2021-09-23T03:49:55

The analysis of pushing a stroller on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 22 from 2021-09-22T04:09:10

The requirement for a room to be dark during intimacy and the source and idea behind this halacha

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 21 from 2021-09-19T20:48:09

Why voluntary/vowed offerings may not be brought on YomTov in contrast to offerings that are 50% Jewish-owned- the concept of Hashem's table

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 20 from 2021-09-19T18:33:11

The story of Hillel the Elder and the students of Beit Shammai on Yom Tov in the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 19 from 2021-09-18T18:00:44

The Torah prohibition of bal te'acher to not delay in bringing a voluntary offering and its connection to shalosh regalim

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 18 from 2021-09-17T04:03:07

Going in a mikvah on Shabbat, Yom Kippur, Tisha Bav- application to contemporary times

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 17 from 2021-09-17T04:02:42

Cooking/Baking in a pot on Yom Tov the full amount when one only needs a portion of the contents- application to carrying and smoking cigarettes on Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 16 from 2021-09-14T18:41:32

The neshama yeteira/extra soul we are granted to have on Shabbat- the spiritual and physical sides of this soul

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 15 from 2021-09-14T18:35:14

A person's income is decided during the Aseret Yemei Teshuva

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 14 from 2021-09-14T02:40:56

The rules of grinding spices and salt on Yom Tov and application to grinding potatoes and preparing charoset for Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 13 from 2021-09-13T03:09:51

The principle of melechet machshevet on Shabbat and compared to other halachot - application to physical and spiritual mishkan

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 12 from 2021-09-11T18:17:37

The principle of ochel nefesh and its extension to allow activities on Yom Tov that are non-food preparation oriented

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 11 from 2021-09-09T17:45:38

The nature of the dove that it doesn't travel too far from its cote- idea from Ishbitzer Rebbe on an infant and his mother and Rav Kook's special message to a group of olim from Germany in the 1930's

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 10 from 2021-09-09T16:00:18

The principle of 'breira' - retroactive designation and its application to Yom Tov, tumat ohel- application to kohanim entering me'arat hamachpela

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 9 from 2021-09-08T20:43:21

The balance between marit ayin and Simchat Yomtov - applications to business meeting in non-kosher restaurant, using lights on a timer on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 8 from 2021-09-06T04:47:31

Can the mitzvah of Simchat Yom Tov be fulfilled by eating chicken?

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 7 from 2021-09-05T17:50:23

The story of the faulty egg sale, application to other cases of erroneous sales and discussion of the deeper idea of why the story is part of the Gemara

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 6 from 2021-09-05T16:46:52

Burying the dead on Yom Tov asking gentiles or the Jewish community- contemporary application of honoring the deceased

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 5 from 2021-09-04T17:30:31

The difference between the 2 day holiday of Rosh Hashana vs Yom Tov in chutz Laaretz - the deeper idea of 'yoma arichta'

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 4 from 2021-09-02T18:30:56

The principle of ein mevatlin issur lchatchila and its application by Chanuka and everyday life

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 3 from 2021-09-02T16:30:10

The discussion of whether the egg is sold by weight or quantity of eggs- how this halacha impacts the principle of nullification/bittul in a pile

Daf In-Sight
Beitzah 2 from 2021-09-02T05:21:08

Rabba's principle of 'hachana' and its application to preparing for Shabbat during the week

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 56 from 2021-08-31T20:34:59

Top 3 Takeaways for Masechet Sukkah and the story and lesson of Miriam bat Bilgah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 55 from 2021-08-30T21:53:36

The special Tom tov and opportunity of Shemini Atzeret

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 54 from 2021-08-29T21:19:16

Halachot of when to say kaddish for Kriyat hatorah on shabbat Rosh Chodesh, and chol hamoed

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 53 from 2021-08-28T17:30:22

How the 15 steps of the Beit Hamikdash came to be

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 52 from 2021-08-26T19:00:02

The yetzer hara is more powerful by great tzadikkim

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 51 from 2021-08-26T17:00:30

Why the joy and celebration of Simchat beit hashoeva was around the drawing of the water and not the pouring of the water?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 50 from 2021-08-25T17:00:03

The instruments played at the Simchat beit hashoeva and the question of listening to music in contemporary times after the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 49 from 2021-08-24T17:00:28

The special interpretation of the verses in Shir Hashirim and the midda of tzniyut

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 48 from 2021-08-23T18:19:42

Is there a requirement of simcha on shemini atzeret and on the first night of Sukkot?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 47 from 2021-08-22T20:07:17

The special text of the berachot on Shemini Atzeret vs. Sukkot

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 46 from 2021-08-21T18:55:47

Do we make a new bracha for each day of sitting in the sukkah? what about each time the tefillin is taken off and put back on?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 45 from 2021-08-19T20:29:59

When Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai helped the entire world with his righteousness

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 44 from 2021-08-19T20:28:19

The minhag of the arava ceremony in the Beit Hamikdash and in contemporary times and whether we make a bracha on this minhag

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 43 from 2021-08-18T19:18:18

Taking a lulav on the first day of Yom Tov that occurs on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 42 from 2021-08-17T17:30:23

Returning the lulav to a container of water after use on YomTov, Shabbat. and Chol hamoed

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 41 from 2021-08-16T18:26:19

The source for holding the poles of the Sefer Torah while receiving an aliyah and the minhag to say yashar koach/hazak uvaruch

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 40 from 2021-08-15T17:30:12

4 Minnim practices and laws during the year of shemitta in Israel

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 39 from 2021-08-14T18:07:12

The bracha on the 4 minnim has to be said before performing the mitzvah of the 4 minnim

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 38 from 2021-08-12T20:59:21

Shomea K'oneh on Hallel, Vows and Tefilla

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 37 from 2021-08-12T18:06:29

The connection between Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur and Sukkot

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 36 from 2021-08-11T16:56:19

The mitzvah to bind together the 4 minim and which materials can be used

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 35 from 2021-08-10T16:17:07

The requirement that an etrog have the potential to be eaten

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 34 from 2021-08-09T18:13:27

The number of each of the 4 minim required for the mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 33 from 2021-08-08T20:09:23

Visible vs. non-visible change to an object to enable it halachic use

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 32 from 2021-08-07T20:21:26

Kosher symbols for the hadas used in the 4 minim of the holiday.

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 31 from 2021-08-05T19:40:10

Dried Up Lulav & Etrog, when there are only 3 out 4 species

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 30 from 2021-08-05T19:28:47

Mitzvah Haba Baaveira by a Torah mitzvah vs. Rabbinic mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 29 from 2021-08-04T21:06:57

When it rains on Sukkot

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 28 from 2021-08-03T17:56:02

The incredible students of Hillel

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 27 from 2021-08-02T16:30:26

Must a Sukkah belong to its owner? what if its stolen?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 26 from 2021-08-01T21:39:58

eating and drinking outside of the Sukkah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 25 from 2021-08-01T04:58:56

The principle of osek bmitzvah patur min hamitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 24 from 2021-07-30T05:01:59

Using walls made out of canvas material that can flap in the wind

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 23 from 2021-07-29T20:36:42

A sukkah on top of a ship, chanukah candles in a windy area

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 22 from 2021-07-29T03:29:52

Shade vs. Sunlight Ratios and application to Kohen flying in a plane over a cemetery

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 21 from 2021-07-27T20:50:45

Even the conversations of talmidei chachamim are holy

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 20 from 2021-07-26T20:41:44

Sleeping under a bed in a Sukkah and application to bunkbed

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 19 from 2021-07-25T21:14:33

The application of mekabel tumah to the laws of bamboo mats for schach

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 18 from 2021-07-24T20:52:48

The kosher status of drinking water in NYC

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 17 from 2021-07-22T23:01:13

Gaps in schach

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 16 from 2021-07-22T16:30:55

The halachot of moving a sefer Torah from place

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 15 from 2021-07-21T16:30:39

Using schach made from broken or old furniture

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 14 from 2021-07-20T16:30:56

The idea that tefilla is compared to a pitchfork

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 13 from 2021-07-19T17:00:07

Using fruits/vegetables as schach

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 12 from 2021-07-18T20:40:03

what materials are kosher for schach?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 11 from 2021-07-18T20:33:29

The debate of Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Eliezer about why we build sukkot

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 10 from 2021-07-15T22:29:12

analysis of the story of Rav Nachman with the travelling Rabbis

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 9 from 2021-07-15T22:23:02

Using a stolen sukkah for the mitzvah of sitting in a Sukkah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 8 from 2021-07-14T17:00:55

The schach has to be used for the purpose of providing shade

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 7 from 2021-07-14T03:23:56

Do the walls of the Sukkah have the same halachic requirements as the roof/schach?

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 6 from 2021-07-13T03:28:28

The requirement of kavana in the mitzvah of Sukkah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 5 from 2021-07-12T04:14:26

The concept of halacha lmoshe misinai and its application to measurements in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 4 from 2021-07-11T03:27:37

Minimum # of walls for Sukkah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 3 from 2021-07-09T03:55:24

The concept of dirat keva vs. arai- temporary vs. permanent with the Sukkah

Daf In-Sight
Sukkah 2 from 2021-07-08T16:21:57

The law of a sukkah that goes above 20 amot

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 88 from 2021-07-07T17:00:44

The case of the baal keri and 3 takeaways

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 87 from 2021-07-06T19:03:40

Sins between man and his fellow that need to be forgiven

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 86 from 2021-07-05T19:24:31

The power of teshuva motivated out of love for Hashem

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 85 from 2021-07-04T17:30:07

The halacha of a person choosing to die rather than violate the laws of Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 84 from 2021-07-03T18:30:29

The numerous sources that highlight the value of saving life even when needing to violate the laws of Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 83 from 2021-07-01T20:04:03

Saving one's own life that by benefiting from someone else's possessions.

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 82 from 2021-07-01T19:58:59

the logic behind the sin of murder

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 81 from 2021-06-30T21:56:16

Eating on Yom Kippur eve is like fasting for 2 days

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 80 from 2021-06-30T03:07:42

The unique law of achila gasa/overeating on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 79 from 2021-06-29T03:29:18

Measurements for food and drink regarding breaking one's fast on Yom Kippur in case of need qms illness

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 78 from 2021-06-28T04:17:43

The cases in which it would be permitted to bathe and anoint a katan on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 77 from 2021-06-26T20:26:39

The background to the halachic status of the prohibitions of anointing and washing on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 76 from 2021-06-24T21:29:43

The prohibition not to leave over the manna to the next day

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 75 from 2021-06-24T21:23:38

the manna removed desires from people

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 74 from 2021-06-23T17:00:19

The test that came before the manna fell down called 'inuy'

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 73 from 2021-06-23T03:57:20

The concept that Jews of all generations have accepted the commitment to the Torah even not having been at Har Sinai

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 72 from 2021-06-22T03:28:26

The 3 crowns of the Beit Hamikdash and the 4th crown of Rabbi Shimob bar Yochai

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 71 from 2021-06-20T21:26:41

The extra clothing and hat of the Kohen gadol

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 70 from 2021-06-20T04:00:25

Why the Kohen gadol reads two portions from one Torah

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 69 from 2021-06-18T05:49:15

The elimination of the yetzer hara for avoda zara

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 68 from 2021-06-18T05:42:57

The Kriyat hatorah of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 67 from 2021-06-16T21:26:56

Was the Ish Iti allowed to eat on Yom Kippur?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 66 from 2021-06-16T03:18:33

Rabbi Eliezer never taught that which his Rebbi did not teach to him

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 65 from 2021-06-15T03:13:16

The interdependence and interconnectedness of the 2 goats of Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 64 from 2021-06-14T06:41:24

Saving someone life on Yom Kippur with the mother goat of the scapegoat

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 63 from 2021-06-12T19:21:09

the concept of mechusar zman and application to reading a bar mitzvah parsha early

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 62 from 2021-06-11T04:30:04

The concept behind the two goats of Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 61 from 2021-06-10T22:45:05

Bald Nazir ending his process

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 60 from 2021-06-09T21:00:02

Doing the service of Yom Kippur out of order

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 59 from 2021-06-08T19:25:59

How the sprinkling was performed on the mizbeyach ketoret

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 58 from 2021-06-07T20:17:40

The rules of chatzitza as they relate to the bowls of blood, kiddush and hamotzi

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 57 from 2021-06-06T21:07:43

The mixing of the two bloods of the goat and bull and applying it on the mizbeach zahav

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 56 from 2021-06-05T20:46:53

The source for reciting the seder avodah on Yom Kippur during mussaf

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 55 from 2021-06-03T19:00:36

The tradition of the Kohen gadol to count the sprinkling of the blood of the goat on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 54 from 2021-06-03T18:55:39

Analysis of the aggadda about the keruvim embracing when the Beit Hamikdash was being destroyed

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 53 from 2021-06-02T20:27:08

How the Kohen Gadol would exit the holy of holies

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 52 from 2021-06-01T20:48:05

The aron kodesh that was hidden away and the jar of manna that was hidden inside of it

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 51 from 2021-05-31T16:30:22

Debate over whether Pesach Sheini is brought in a state of impurity or not, individual vs. the entire nation

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 50 from 2021-05-30T18:41:43

The halacha of shearing the sheep as a gift to the kohanim vis a vis Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 49 from 2021-05-29T19:30:12

The case of chafina that was performed by a second Kohen together with the Kohen gadol

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 48 from 2021-05-27T19:45:49

Why the Kohen gadol carried the ketoret spoon in his left hand

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 47 from 2021-05-27T19:28:56

The connection between tzniyut and the reward of the Kohen gadol

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 46 from 2021-05-26T22:05:35

Is shabbat hutra or dchuya

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 45 from 2021-05-25T16:30:53

The fire of the mizbeyach that was used to light the menorah on a daily basis

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 44 from 2021-05-24T16:45:40

The ketoret was atoning for lashon hara

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 43 from 2021-05-23T16:30:40

The ketoret of Yom Kippur vs. the ketoret of all year round

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 42 from 2021-05-22T19:23:56

The purifying power of the parah aduma and the seir mishtale'ach

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 41 from 2021-05-20T18:47:35

The source and idea behind the crimson wool thread that was tied to the goat sent away

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 40 from 2021-05-20T17:47:45

The way in which the Kohen gadol would designate the goats for Hashem and for azazel

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 39 from 2021-05-19T09:31:34

The 2 stage process of achieving kedusha in one's life

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 38 from 2021-05-18T17:34:16

The concept of tzaddik yesod olam and the personality of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 37 from 2021-05-17T19:35:18

The Kohen gadol reciting the explicit name of Hashem on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 36 from 2021-05-16T15:13:15

The understanding of the 3 levels of sin: cheyt, Avon, Pesha

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 35 from 2021-05-16T00:05:20

Nobody was poorer than Hillel or wealthier than Rabbi Elazar ben Charsom, yet they made time for Torah

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 34 from 2021-05-13T18:42:20

When Yom Kippur coincides with Shabbat- how the korban mussaf of Shabbat was performed

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 33 from 2021-05-13T16:30:24

The principle of ein maavirin al hamitzvot by Beit Hamikdash and tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 32 from 2021-05-12T19:30:48

The process of purifying the hands of Kohanim.

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 31 from 2021-05-11T21:01:51

why the Kohen dried off after the mikva and the special rule of the clothing of the Kohanim on their bodies

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 30 from 2021-05-10T22:20:14

Clothing of kohanim during the avodah

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 29 from 2021-05-09T18:23:14

The thought of doing a sin is worse than doing the sin itself

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 28 from 2021-05-08T19:47:57

The unique role of Eliezer the servant of Avraham in teaching Avraham's Torah to others

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 27 from 2021-05-06T20:12:54

Which parts of the korbanot may be performed by non-kohanim?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 26 from 2021-05-06T16:30:48

The Kohen going the ketoret and brit milah sandek could only have one time experience

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 25 from 2021-05-05T19:33:34

The prohibition to sit in the azara of the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 24 from 2021-05-04T21:31:12

the debate over whether the lighting of the menorah in the beit Hamikdash was a full fledged service

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 23 from 2021-05-03T20:56:47

The comparison of a Talmid Chacham to a King - when revenge and responding to an insult is permissible/prohibited?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 22 (Reflections on the Meron tragedy) from 2021-05-02T14:36:40

Analyzing the procedure and stories of how the kohanim were rewarded with the opportunity to perform the service in the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 21 from 2021-05-01T19:23:51

The 5 elements that were missing from the second Beit Hamikdash that had been present during the first Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 20 from 2021-04-29T18:00:32

Why the timing of the Terumat Hadeshen was moved earlier on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 19 from 2021-04-29T16:30:01

Why Hashem invited the Kohen Gadol into the holy of holies on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 18 from 2021-04-28T21:42:48

Debate between Tzedukim and Rabbis on the Ketoret service of Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 17 from 2021-04-27T17:00:03

What does the Cohen Gadol have right to over the other kohanim and over non-kohanim?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 16 from 2021-04-26T20:10:09

Why there were stones that were stored in the Beit Chasmonaim chamber

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 15 from 2021-04-25T17:22:55

The principle of "kol pinot sheata poneh" as found in laws of korbanot, birkat kohanim, lulav, and kriyat hatorah- why we turn to the right

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 14 from 2021-04-24T19:13:53

the law of a Kohen gadol whose wife passes away while he is mid-service, impact for Yom Kippur and related topic on Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 13 from 2021-04-22T17:30:13

When the Kohen gadol goes out of commission, what happens to his replacement when he is able to come back?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 12 from 2021-04-22T17:00:44

The debate and analysis whether Jerusalem was split up into two tribes

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 11 from 2021-04-21T17:00:12

The reason and message behind Tzara'at of the house

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 10 from 2021-04-20T17:00:06

The conditions for the Shechina - Divine presence resting on the Temple

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 9 from 2021-04-19T21:44:35

Analyzing the root causes that led to the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 8 from 2021-04-18T17:00:16

The parameters of hesach daat by while wearing tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 7 from 2021-04-17T18:12:24

the kal vachomer of the tzitz to tefillin and the halacha of touching one's tefillin during tefilla

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 6 from 2021-04-15T19:51:32

The avnet/sash of the Kohen Gadol and the Kohen hedyot- where they made from different materials?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 5 from 2021-04-15T19:44:49

Will the Kohanim have to redo the 7 days of preparation in the time of Mashiach?

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 4 from 2021-04-14T17:00:21

The connection between the Kohen gadol preparing for Yom Kippur and Moshe preparing for receiving the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 3 from 2021-04-13T19:59:22

The deeper connection between the deaths of Nadav and Avihu as an introduction to the holy day of Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Yoma 2 from 2021-04-12T21:54:12

The connection between the 7 days of preparation of the Kohen gadol before Yom Kippur and the 7 days before the inaugural day of the mishkan

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 22 from 2021-04-11T17:00:45

The half shekel requirement obligation during and after the period of the Beit Hamikdash- 3 takeaways from Masechet Shekalim

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 21 from 2021-04-10T20:24:37

The principle of kol Yisrael chaveirim on the regel

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 20 from 2021-04-08T20:55:47

The different offerings and other points of difference between the Kohen gadol vs the Kohen hedyot

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 19 from 2021-04-08T17:00:02

The principle of karov in relation to shekalim and its source in eglah arufah

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 18 from 2021-04-08T03:58:42

The requirement of the menorah and other vessels of the Beit Hamikdash to be specific and precise dimensions and weight

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 17 from 2021-04-06T20:53:31

The gate of King Yehoyachin and the story behind his exile and the keys to the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 16 from 2021-04-05T21:08:56

The property of the aron kodesh that it was to be completely golden covered inside and out- application to yeshiva admission and students of Torah

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 15 from 2021-04-04T20:17

The story of Nachum Ish Gam Zu and Rabbi Akiva

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 14 from 2021-04-03T20:43:58

The questionable behavior of Beit Avtinas and Garmu

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 13 from 2021-04-01T17:30:34

Analysis of the arrangements amd contributions to the Oral Torah of Rabbi Akiva: Midrash Halachot-Hagadot-Klalim-Peratim

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 12 from 2021-04-01T16:00:43

Analysis of Rabbi Akiva's ruling that consecrated funds may be used directly to pay Temple worker wages

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 11 from 2021-03-31T17:00:47

The requirement for the vessels of the Beit Hamikdash to be specific dimensions and in their precise locations

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 10 from 2021-03-30T19:02:56

The communal funds were used to purchase (among other items) the material for the korban omer and shtei halechem - these had to be grown from the Land of Israel

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 9 from 2021-03-29T19:46

Analysis of the special contributions of the family of Rabban Gamliel

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 8 from 2021-03-28T19:59:38

The principle and source of marit ayin and why it is not enough to be above suspicion before God

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 7 from 2021-03-26T06:13:07

The importance and parameters of quoting the author of a Torah teaching when delivering that persons Torah to others

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 6 from 2021-03-25T23:33:29

The source of cheyt haegel as the basis for the half-shekel requirement

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 5 from 2021-03-25T23:26:26

Analyzing the rule of lost shekalim that are subsequently found

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 4 from 2021-03-24T22:25:43

Why Hashem had to show Moshe what the machatzit hashekel looks like

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 3 from 2021-03-23T22:58:09

The debate between tannaim whether kohanim are required or exempt from giving the machatzit hashekel

Daf In-Sight
Shekalim 2 from 2021-03-22T23:09:49

The approaches of the rishonim to the mitzvah of machatzit hashekel and why we have a Yerushalmi masechet in the daf yomi cycle

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 121 from 2021-03-21T18:00:15

The blessings of pidyon haben and connection to the final page of Pesachim

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 120 from 2021-03-20T23:14:36

The status of the mitzvah of maror without a Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 119 from 2021-03-18T19:00:03

Analyzing the halacha of not eating any foods or drinks after the korban Pesach meat/matza has been eaten

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 118 from 2021-03-18T18:00:56

The story and meaning behind the words "Hashem's truth endures" that is recited in Hallel

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 117 from 2021-03-17T18:00:53

Why the first blessing of the amida/shemoneh esreh finishes with only mentioning Avraham's name and not including Yitzchak and Yaakov

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 116 from 2021-03-16T18:00:22

Analazying the blessing of Gaal Yisrael at the end of of the Maggid section

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 115 from 2021-03-15T18:00:03

Analyzing the 3 interpretations of the Torah's name for matzah called 'lechem oni'

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 114 from 2021-03-14T19:50:50

Is Charoset a mitzvah to eat or not? What is the symbolism behind Charoset?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 113 from 2021-03-13T20:35:32

The 3 people that Hashem despises and when it is permitted to hate someone else

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 112 from 2021-03-11T21:42:17

The principle of doing with less enhancement on Shabbat in order to not be dependent on others for charity

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 111 from 2021-03-11T19:51:33

The debate of Rambam and Ramban on the existence of demons and the contemporary view of this issue

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 110 from 2021-03-10T22:02:52

Introduction to the discussion of the Gemara on demons

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 109 from 2021-03-09T20:28:09

The concept of Leil Shimurim and the practices of the seder reciting shefoch chamatcha, opening the door and the cup of Eliyahu

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 108 from 2021-03-08T23:25:31

The requirement and parameters of reclining at the seder - women's requirement in this mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 107 from 2021-03-07T22:21:53

The prohibition of eating on the afternoon of Erev Pesach to build up appetite for the matzah- application to Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 106 from 2021-03-06T20:43:50

The requirement level of women in reciting havdala and what happens when Tisha Bav falls after Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 105 from 2021-03-04T21:14:21

The laws and parameters of not eating before one makes havdala- what to do when has no supplies for havdala until the next day?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 104 from 2021-03-04T19:13:45

The division statements of havdala - kohanim, Leviim, Yisraelim

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 103 from 2021-03-03T18:00:18

The source, history and text of the havdala said in the arvit prayer at the conclusion of Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 102 from 2021-03-02T18:00:04

The concept of ein osin mitzvot chavilot chavilot as applied to kiddush, havdala, and birkat hamazon

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 101 from 2021-03-01T18:00:53

The principle and parameters of kiddush b'makom seudah: how much must one eat/drink, what is considered "one" location, what if there is a break between the kiddush and seudah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 100 from 2021-02-28T18:00:51

The concept of Pores mappah umekadesh on erev Shabbat and Yomtov- application to when Purim falls on a Friday when to have the seuda

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 99 from 2021-02-27T20:02:40

The 4 cups of wine at the Pesach Seder reflecting the 4 stages of the redemption from Egypt- why use wine?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 98 from 2021-02-25T20:22:30

Analyzing the halacha that the onein mourner does not bring korbanot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 97 from 2021-02-25T19:58:53

The rule of one sin offering being guaranteed by a back up chatas- analyzing the principle zeh achar zeh

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 96 from 2021-02-24T19:03

The halachic and hashkafic difference between Pesach Mitzrayim and Pesach Dorot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 95 from 2021-02-23T18:30:28

The different requirements of Hallel between the first and second Pesach and with or without the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 94 from 2021-02-22T23:08:16

Discussion of the length of of the earth and firmament in relation to halacha of derech rechoka

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 93 from 2021-02-21T19:48:35

The law of a katan who became bar mitzvah or a convert who became Jewish in between the first and second Pesach- must they bring a korban pesach?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 92 from 2021-02-20T22:32:38

Why Hashem gave us Pesach Sheini

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 91 from 2021-02-18T21:47:26

The different nature of Pesach 1 vs. Pesach 2 when it comes to the obligation of women in the mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 90 from 2021-02-18T18:00:23

Analyzing The opinion of Rav Yitzchak that the impure individuals by korban Pesach were involved in meit mitzvah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 89 from 2021-02-17T22:01:12

Analysis of the baraita of the 5 hides that got mixed together where one hide had a blemish

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 88 from 2021-02-16T18:30:16

The comparison of kibbutz galuyot to the creation of the heavens and the earth and the application to contemporary times and the atchalta dgeulah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 87 from 2021-02-15T18:00:51

The concept of the 4/5 prized possessions of Hashem in this world and the dual role or Avraham in history

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 86 from 2021-02-14T21:32:53

The principle and parameters of ein maftirin achar hapesach afikoman- different interpretations of this phrase

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 85 from 2021-02-13T19:45:52

The principle and parameters of brov am hadrat melech and application to korban Pesach, prayer, and megilla on Purim

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 84 from 2021-02-11T18:30:23

The halacha and deeper idea behind not breaking the bones of pure meat but impure meat this rule does not apply

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 83 from 2021-02-11T17:30:34

The mitzvah and reason behind the prohibition to break the bones of the korban Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 82 from 2021-02-10T18:39:42

The halacha of public shaming those who were negligent and allowed their korban Pesach to become impure- applications of when shaming is and is not permitted in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 81 from 2021-02-09T23:24:46

When does the day begin for the counting of clean days for a nidah and for korban Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 80 from 2021-02-08T20:25:44

The principle and explanation behind the concept of ein korban tzibbur chaluk- we try not to split up the nation for the korban Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 79 from 2021-02-07T19:55:07

The debate of whether a 50-50 pure/impure status of the nation tips to a majority status to enable the nation to bring the Pesach on time

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 78 from 2021-02-06T21:44:47

The halacha that the korban Pesach is specifically brought because of the eating component and how this differs from other korbanot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 77 from 2021-02-04T22:12:19

The principle and parameters of tumah hutra vs. Dchuya b'tzibbur and its application to korban Pesach and chanuka

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 76 from 2021-02-04T22:04:52

The debate between Rav and Shmuel whether the temperature of the bottom food item or the top food item impacts the kosher status of a hot liquid absorption - application to hilchot shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 75 from 2021-02-03T22:03:06

The concept of beror lo mitah yafeh based on veahavta lereyacha kamocha

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 74 from 2021-02-02T21:49:43

The application of k'bolo kach polto as applied to the laws of salting meat in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 73 from 2021-02-01T22:37:52

How the principle of mekalkel impacts a korban Pesach that is slaughtered in error on erev Pesach that fell on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 72 from 2021-01-31T19:49:08

The concept and applications of when a mitzvah is performed but it was done by mistake/error- does it count? In what cases?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 71 from 2021-01-30T19:40:04

The mitzvah of Simchat yomtov during the time of the Beit Hamikdash and after this time

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 70 from 2021-01-28T22:00:26

The requirement to eat the korbanot when one is already full, the special extra significance of the korban Pesach in this halacha

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 69 from 2021-01-28T18:51:17

Why the korban Pesach must come from a male sheep or goat as opposed to the korban chagiga

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 68 from 2021-01-27T22:15:44

The principle and parameters of the concept "chaviva mitzvah b'shaata"- to perform a mitzvah at its preferred time

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 67 from 2021-01-26T22:07:55

The various states of impurity in the bringing of the korban Pesach and the sending out of the camps for the impurities

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 66 from 2021-01-25T19:53:25

The aggadda warning not to be boastful with wisdom or prophetic ability

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 65 from 2021-01-24T21:44:50

The flaying of the skin of the korban Pesach when Erev Pesach falls on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 64 from 2021-01-23T20:17:25

The nature of the hallel that was recited during the bringing of the korban Pesach and the hallel that is recited at the seder

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 63 from 2021-01-21T21:30:50

The law, source and analysis of the prohibition to slaughter the korban Pesach while one still has chametz in their posession

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 62 from 2021-01-21T19:07:44

The halacha, source, and analysis of a person who is uncircumcised in eating the korban Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 61 from 2021-01-20T20:24:04

The lishma requirement for those eligible to eat the korban and those registered for the korban

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 60 from 2021-01-19T20:54:01

The concept of lishma by Korban Pesach and the sources for this halacha in the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 59 from 2021-01-18T20:38:19

The requirement for a Kohen to eat the meat of a sin offering in order to achieve atonement for the owner of the offering- how this eating effects atonement and the role of the Kohen in Am Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 58 from 2021-01-17T18:07:28

The timing of the afternoon Korban Tamid when Erev Pesach falls on Erev Shabbat and how this effects daily mincha prayer

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 57 from 2021-01-16T19:39:57

The story of the Kohen who improperly wore gloves to avoid getting dirty while working in the Beit Hamikdash- applications to chatzitza of the hands by different mitzvot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 56 from 2021-01-14T20:56:21

The laws of the pasuk "baruch shem kevod" said after Shema and the source and idea behind this phrase

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 55 from 2021-01-14T20:49:08

The parameters of the custom not to perform melacha on 9 Av and the special law for Torah scholars

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 54 from 2021-01-13T19:53:47

The source and halachic status of making havdala on motzai Shabbat and what to do when Tisha BAv begins when Shabbat ends

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 53 from 2021-01-12T23:10:44

Analsysis and message of the story of Chanania, Misha'el, and Azariah and the statue at the time of Nebuchadnezzar

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 52 from 2021-01-11T23:23:44

The parameters of the second day of Yom Tov outside of Israel and how one should practice when travelling to Eretz Yisrael from outside of Israel and vice versa

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 51 from 2021-01-10T22:34:28

The concept of minhag hamakom when one plans to return vs. stay in the new location- application to communities moving from home countries and aliyah to Israel

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 50 from 2021-01-09T20:02:27

The difference between Hashem's names in this world and the next

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 49 from 2021-01-08T03:20:26

The law and analysis of why an am haaretz is not being permitted to eat meat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 48 from 2021-01-08T03:15:26

The concept of exempting oneself from a mitzvah when one can obligate themselves as well

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 47 from 2021-01-07T00:13:50

The principle and parameters of Ochel Nefesh on yomtov and application to service in the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 46 from 2021-01-05T23:47:35

The distance of a mil regarding seeking out water for netilat yadayim and ten men for a minyan

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 45 from 2021-01-04T20:20:56

The concept of rotzeh b'kiyumo as applied to chametz, idolatry and other items prohibited to benefit from them

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 44 from 2021-01-03T22:37

The concept and sources of the principle of ta'am k'ikar

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 43 from 2021-01-02T20:08:06

The source and requirement for women to eat matzah on Pesach and observe the chametz prohibitons- analysis of women's role in the redemption from Egypt

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 42 from 2020-12-31T21:59:49

The story and messages of Rav Matnah and the townspeople who came for water for their matzah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 41 from 2020-12-31T21:52:56

The question of yesh bishul achar afiya- is a cooking process that occurs after something was baked significant? Application to dipping challah into hot soup on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 40 from 2020-12-30T20:06:54

The source and parameters of the minhag of kitniyot and the concept of shmurah matzah and application to the machine made matzah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 39 from 2020-12-29T20:52:03

The parameters of which vegetables may be used for the mitzvah of maror- the requirement of tasting the maror vs. Matzah- what if someone loses their sense of taste?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 38 from 2020-12-28T20:50:05

The requirement and parameters of matzah being owned by the one fulfilling the mitzvah- application to guests a Seder

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 37 from 2020-12-27T19:53:36

The baking that takes place through a maaseh ilpas and whether it would create a challah requirement- defining the halachic process of baking and application to use of electric stove for baking matzah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 36 from 2020-12-26T19:40:48

Why matzah cannot be made from wheat of bikkurim- application to priority in berachot for bread of different grains, matzah for people who suffer from celiac disease

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 35 from 2020-12-25T00:02:07

The requirement of shemira for the matzah- comparisons to making tzitzit, tefillin, and korbanot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 34 from 2020-12-24T23:50:10

Using a chametz product that has become repulsive for medical use

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 33 from 2020-12-23T22:32:39

The case of how to properly squeeze the juice out of a tameh grape without having impurity- application to laws of squeezing on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 32 from 2020-12-22T18:00:29

Analysis of the case of Chametz of Terumah that was eaten on Pesach by a non-kohen and its application to the sale of chametz from a different time zone

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 31 from 2020-12-21T20:07:59

Collateral chametz in the possession of a Jew vs. a gentile- application to tevilat keilim cases

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 30 from 2020-12-20T18:00:02

Explanation of the principle of 'ein mevatlin issur lchatchila' and its application to the case of a mixture of chametz and non-chametz in a pot

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 29 from 2020-12-19T19:20:55

The concept and explanation that chametz prohibits in a mixture on Pesach even the tiniest amount

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 28 from 2020-12-17T20:25:44

The parameters and reasoning behind the prohibition to leave over chametz even after Pesach is over- chametz she'avar alav haPesach

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 27 from 2020-12-17T19:07:47

Analysis of the debate between Rabbi Yehuda vs. Chachamim about the methods of destroying the chametz

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 26 from 2020-12-16T18:30:24

The debate between Rava and Abaye of benefiting without intending to do so and the context of benefiting within the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 25 from 2020-12-15T19:46:21

The parameters of yehareg veal yaavor and when one may save one's own life when another person's life will be lost

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 24 from 2020-12-14T21:16:05

The parameters of prohibitions of eating and benefiting from forbidden foods

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 23 from 2020-12-13T18:30:53

The halacha of doing business with non-kosher food species- application to owning a non-kosher hotel or restaurant

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 22 from 2020-12-12T19:58:30

The discussion of the prohibition of eating a forbidden item and whether it extends to benefiting as well- application to the rule of not placing a stumbling block before a blind person

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 21 from 2020-12-10T23:19:59

The definiton of bi'ur chametz and the debate about how it should be done- what to do when no fire is available or permissible?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 20 from 2020-12-10T23:14:04

Debate on Terumah- can it be actively or only passively made impure?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 19 from 2020-12-09T18:50:37

The parameters of Rabbi Akiva's teaching on the impurity that gets passed on from an earthenware vessel- the principle of "tziruf" and its application to writing/erasing the letters before/after Ha...

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 18 from 2020-12-08T18:54:39

The source of Rabbi Yosi's opinion in the teaching of his Rebbe- Rabbi Akiva- the unique law and deeper idea of earthenware that it can only become impure through what comes inside of it as opposed...

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 17 from 2020-12-07T18:30:38

The source and concept of a Biblical mikvah for vessels only requiring 3.5 ounces of water to purify- the debate and halacha of this kind of mikvah inside and outside the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 16 from 2020-12-06T18:30:13

The test of Chagai to the kohanim and how it posed a challenge to the opinion of Rav- what lesson was Chagai was teaching with his test?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 15 from 2020-12-05T19:00:15

The rationale of Rabbi Meir to permit making chametz terumah impure by burning it together with impure chametz terumah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 14 from 2020-12-03T21:00:50

The parameters of the Torah commandment "lo titgodedu"- not to create factions within the Jewish people- does this only apply to prohibitions or even customs?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 13 from 2020-12-03T18:00:51

Analysis of the story of the bag of chametz that needed to be sold before the chametz prohibition set in

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 12 from 2020-12-02T21:09:38

The debate over the latest time to eat chametz- application to longer or shorter days and how it impacts this timing

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 11 from 2020-12-01T18:00:39

The crux of the debate whether one should continue to search for chametz beyond the 14th of Nissan- application to laws of gittin, dancing on Shabbat, basar v'chalav, and marriage on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 10 from 2020-11-30T22:32:40

What happens when one fails to search for the chametz by the required time?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 9 from 2020-11-29T18:00:05

The requirement to watch over the found chametz to make sure it doesn't get lost- source of the custom to put out 10 pieces of chametz for the search

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 8 from 2020-11-28T20:12:12

Is one required to search for chametz in a location that may have danger lurking there? Analysis of concept that we do not rely on miracles

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 7 from 2020-11-26T22:17:15

The text of the bracha for the searching of chametz- why there is no bracha for bittul or bedika?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 6 from 2020-11-26T19:19:54

Prepare for Pesach 30 days before by studying the laws before the Yom Tov - the source for this idea and whether it applies to other holidays

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 5 from 2020-11-26T04:50:07

The parameters of the time for the mitzvah of "tashbitu" and analysis of the source in the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 4 from 2020-11-24T21:08:23

The bedika/search for the chametz takes place at night with a candle- may the lights in one's house be left on during the search? Can a flashlight be used for the search?

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 3 from 2020-11-23T20:28:01

The halacha for a teacher/student to be concise in their teaching/learning

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim 2 from 2020-11-22T18:11:40

The principles of bedikat, bittul and bi'ur chametz- why searching for chametz is needed after the verbal bittul is already complete

Daf In-Sight
Pesachim Introduction from 2020-11-21T19:00:08

The order of Pesachim in Seder Moed, the deeper meaning behind the name of the Masechet

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 105 from 2020-11-19T19:21:57

The halacha of repairing the Beit Hamikdash and who is allowed to be involved in this work

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 104 from 2020-11-19T19:13:54

Issues of chatitza by the ramp in the Beit Hamikdash during the service of the kohen- application to wearing tefilling on top of a cast on one's arm

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 103 from 2020-11-19T16:00:23

The parameters and source of Rabbinic prohibitions being lifted in the Beit Hamikdash- "ein shvut b'mikdash" - application to law of shechita while wearing a bandage

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 102 from 2020-11-18T19:23:27

The use of a temporary tent on Shabbat and its parameters- application to opening/usinf umbrellas on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 101 from 2020-11-17T20:10:38

The domain status of Jerusalem and why eruv chatzerot was never setup in Jerusalem

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 100 from 2020-11-16T18:00:06

The appropriate behavior of husbands and wives while being intimate- discussion of curses of Chava and halachic anaylsis of women's practice to refrain from reciting kiddush levana

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 99 from 2020-11-15T19:21:05

Spitting from private to public domain and vice versa- teaching of Resh Lakesh about the expected behavior of a Torah student

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 98 from 2020-11-14T22:22:52

The status of a ledge that protrudes from a window in a house and defining reshut hayachid- application to a front porch

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 97 from 2020-11-12T23:56:43

Tying tefillin knots on Shabbat- what is considered permanent vs. temporary and how it works if someone borrows tefillin and needs to adjust the straps

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 96 from 2020-11-12T22:18:49

Tefillin on Shabbat, Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed- Sephardim, Ashkenazim, and in Eretz Yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 95 from 2020-11-11T22:37:29

Bringing tefillin in from outside the eruv to protect them from getting damaged or stolen- application to question of women wearing tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 94 from 2020-11-10T19:49:39

When the eruv string becomes ineffectice over Shabbat- can a gentile be called to fix it? May a Jew violate a Rabbinic prohibition to fix it? Should we tell people the eruv is down? Clar...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 93 from 2020-11-09T21:32:31

Joining enclosures together for shared Shabbat common area - application to joining groups for minyan

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 92 from 2020-11-08T22:03:30

Joining people in different rooms/areas to make up 10 men for a minyan- application to balcony minyanim

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 91 from 2020-11-07T20:27:25

Violating a Rabbinic prohibition to bring a sefer Torah during a time of danger- when a shvut d'shvut may be violated

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 90 from 2020-11-06T01:32:41

Whether we say pi tikra yored v'sotem on a portico structure

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 89 from 2020-11-05T18:19:44

Carrying from roof to roof items that were there from before Shabbat vs. Items that were still inside before Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 88 from 2020-11-04T22:12:09

The case of the water that flows on its own from private to public domain- how this impacts cases of indirect melacha

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 87 from 2020-11-03T18:45:40

The parameters of the law of transferring between domains via a makom petur/exempt domain- analysis of the enactment of Shlomo

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 86 from 2020-11-02T18:44:04

Defining the parameters of the owner's right of use in a residence that is rented out- what kind of items count for this law and how does it work in a hotel setting?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 85 from 2020-11-01T18:30:06

When an owner retains rights of usage in a residence he is renting out- does the renter need to contribute to the eruv? Does the owner need to live in the courtyard?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 84 from 2020-10-31T19:16:39

Does the law of moving muktzah extend to touching muktzah?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 83 from 2020-10-29T21:08:58

The measurement of challah to separate from the dough and its comparison to the manna

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 82 from 2020-10-29T16:45:43

The measurement of food required for extending/joining the Shabbat boundary. Application and deeper idea within the laws of birkat hamazon

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 81 from 2020-10-28T21:53:20

Establishing an eruv on someone's behalf who doesn't know that it's being done for them- application to chatzer, mavoi, techum, city Eruv- and the case of someone who explicitly does not want to be...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 80 from 2020-10-27T19:30:42

The amount of food required to establish eruv chatzerot/shituf mavoi - what happens if the food geta diminished on Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 79 from 2020-10-26T20:58:09

Who is eligible/inelligible of taking over possession of the eruv for a joint alleyway?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 78 from 2020-10-25T22:07:05

The requirement for eruv chatzerot to be set up before bein hashmashot- application to Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbat- should the eruv be made of chametz or matzah?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 77 from 2020-10-24T19:38:14

The Rabbis were sometimes stricter than what is required by Torah law- paramaters and understanding behind this principle

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 76 from 2020-10-22T21:32

Parameters of windows built into the wall in between properties/homes and application to the laws of eruv and yichud/prohibited seclusion

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 75 from 2020-10-22T19:30:24

Joint eruv partnerships where one party forgets to contribute- does this nullify the partnership retroactively? Application to making berachot on behalf of another and making a mistake

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 74 from 2020-10-21T21:16:07

The residence that is in a shul- is that considered a halachic residence- would it require the shul to have a mezuza?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 73 from 2020-10-20T20:26:14

The law of eruv for a student at the Rebbe's house- application to guests staying at a hotel, in a communal dining room, and scenario of hotel owner being Jewish

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 72 from 2020-10-19T20:17:33

Defining the parameters of a place of residence in halacha regarding eiruv chatzerot, lighting chanuka candles, and mezuza

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 71 from 2020-10-18T20:37:09

The halacha of renouncing domain rights on Shabbat- application to one who forgot to be mevatel/nullify befors the onset of the 6th hour on Erev Pesach

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 70 from 2020-10-17T20:04:55

May an heir renounce the domain rights when the parent passes away on Shabbat? How far this rule extends in terms of the heirs continuation of the parent

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 69 from 2020-10-15T20:42:22

The difference between one who violates Shabbat law in private vs. public and how to define the parameters of public desecration of Shabbat- how many times must the desecration occur? What is consi...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 68 from 2020-10-15T20:35:19

The requirement to check the eruv in a city before Shabbat, who should be the one to check and how often this should be done

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 67 from 2020-10-14T20:28:30

Abaye's teaching that permissible violation of a Rabbinic decree doesn't require one to ask questions about the action until after- was this a blanket allowance?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 66 from 2020-10-13T20:50:18

Rental of gentile domain after Shabbat has begun- application to sale of chametz on Shabbat before Pesach, gift giving on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 65 from 2020-10-12T21:14:01

The potential for wine to be a positive factor in revealing the true depths of who a person truly is- how all of this comes out on Purim

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 64 from 2020-10-11T20:19:45

The prohibition and source of deciding halacha or praying while intoxicated with wine

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 63 from 2020-10-08T22:54:11

How to setup an eruv chatezrot in an apartment building with Jewish and gentle residents to carry in the hallways and stairwells

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 62 from 2020-10-08T18:00:33

The parameters of renting the shared area from the gentile in order to effect the eiruv allowing carrying in that space on Shabbat- how this law evolved over history

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 61 from 2020-10-08T16:15:15

The law of eruv chatzerot when one of the residents of the shared area is a gentile or a Jew who does not observe the Torah and mitzvot

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 60 from 2020-10-07T16:45:49

The halacha of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that a city is treated as 4 amot is "prophetic words"- various interpretations of this concept of prophecy in the post Temple era

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 59 from 2020-10-06T16:45:56

The city that only has one entrance vs. a city that has road with an entrance and exit- is the status based on straight vs. curved roads or the ability to go from one end to the other without obstr...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 58 from 2020-10-05T16:45:35

The measuring procedure for the Shabbat boundary, ir miklat- city of refuge, and the eglah arufa- beheaded heifer in a murder case investigation

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 57 from 2020-10-04T17:25:59

Rav Ashi's calculation of the extra space beyond the limits of the Levite city- application of this calculation to discussion in halacha about the requirement to use a microscope while checking sha...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 56 from 2020-10-03T18:18:36

The extra 2000 amot of land around the Levite cities, how it was calculated, and why it has unique status in the land of Israel

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 55 from 2020-10-01T19:00

How to interpret the pasuk of lo bashamayim hi- is it a reference to Torah Study or Teshuva?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 54 from 2020-10-01T16:00:18

The story of Rabbi Preida and the student who needed to study the shiur 400 times, application to the idea of maaser of one's time for others

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 53 from 2020-09-30T18:33:04

The debate between Rav and Shmuel about the "new" King of Egypt and its application to a debate in monetary law

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 52 from 2020-09-29T19:12:55

The penalty of going beyond the shabbat boundary and this law also being learned from the prophet Yeshayahu

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 51 from 2020-09-28T20:04:47

Quoting a halacha in the name of a Sage that never said it- when this is allowed and how it fits with contradicting statements from other places in Shas

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 50 from 2020-09-26T19:44:22

The principle of kol sheeino bzeh achar zeh - vlo b'vat achat - application to the laws of ma'aser and the meaning behind this halacha and concept

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 49 from 2020-09-26T18:42

The halacha of two alleyways and the courtyard in the middle- principle of kofin al midat sedom and when it is applied

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 48 from 2020-09-24T20:42:05

The halachic concept, source and depth behind the principle of a person's 4 amot of space- application to mechitza in shul

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 47 from 2020-09-24T17:00:40

The machloket between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Yosi regarding the parameters around which a person may leave Eretz Yisrael to study Torah- what happens when there is a clash with honoring one's pa...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 46 from 2020-09-23T21:59:43

The principle of Rabbi Akiva being the authority in a machloket and Rabbi Yehuda's opinion being regarded over Rabbi Meir- application to the tefilla of Avinu Malkeinu

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 45 from 2020-09-22T20:26:09

Defending a city from a siege through defense or preemptive strikes

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 44 from 2020-09-21T23:18:28

Permission to leave techum Shabbat to save a life, application to hatzalah returning from an emergency call on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 43 from 2020-09-20T19:45:37

Is there a vertical Shabbat techum- boundary above 10 tefachim? Applications to riding on a wagon or bicycle on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 42 from 2020-09-18T01:30:30

The parameters and background to the institution of techum Shabbat, halachic status of food that went beyond the techum and was then brought back in intentionally

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 41 from 2020-09-17T18:00:16

Halacha of fast days that fall on Friday- do we break the fast before Shabbat begins? private vs. Public fast days, the story of Rabbi Akiva and application to breaking fasts when one is ill, choic...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 40 from 2020-09-17T14:00:49

The tefillot of Rosh Hashana- do we add for Rosh chodesh? What about when Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbat? Is there Hallel or mention of joy? Do we make a shehecheyanu?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 39 from 2020-09-16T19:38

The nature of Rosh Hashana as a 2 day holiday that is really one long 48-hour period of holiday, applications to the laws of mourning and contrast to yomtov sheini of other holidays

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 38 from 2020-09-15T17:39:38

When Shabbat and Yom Tov fall consecutively, application to eruv, laws of Yom Tov, the concept of hachana as a prohibition and as a requirement for preparing before Shabbat and Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 37 from 2020-09-14T22:52:42

The principle of breira, its application to choosing which eruv is effective after the fact and questions about the use of parchment set aside for a sefer Torah to be used for non-holy purposes

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 36 from 2020-09-13T17:45:36

The parameters and explanation behind the principle of techum Shabbat - is it Rabbinic or Biblical?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 35 from 2020-09-12T18:47:40

When the eruv food is destroyed or lost but it is unclear whether it was destroyed before or after Shabbat began, application to a doubt in the laws of beracha acharona

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 34 from 2020-09-11T02:30:57

The effectiveness of an eiruv inside of a house that is locked and nobody has a key- may one break the lock to get in? Can one ask a gentile to do so?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 33 from 2020-09-10T21:10:59

Are tree branches considered to be private or public domain? The prohibition of "moshit"- passing between 2 people and the prohibition of the Levites to see the holy vessels of the mishkan

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 32 from 2020-09-09T19:40:37

The concept and parameters of allowing one to violate a minor sin in order to prevent someone from violating a major sin, application to cheyt ha'eygel

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 31 from 2020-09-08T18:45:58

The principle of mitzvot lav lehanot nitnu- does this apply only Torah mitzvot or even Rabbinic mitzvot? What is the nature of the mitzvah to comfort mourners and to bring joy to a chattan and kallah?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 30 from 2020-09-07T17:41:52

The concept of an Ohel zaruk- is it more like a car? A plane? How does it work for kohanim to fly on planes that fly over cemeteries?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 29 from 2020-09-06T17:45:04

The story of Rabbi Chanina and the onion that caused him to fall deathly ill, the concept and importance of praying for others

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 28 from 2020-09-05T18:40:17

The bracha on and usability of keshut- dodder for eruv chatzerot, story of Rabbi Zeira and discussion around performing mitzvot with the reward as a motivation

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 27 from 2020-09-04T01:45:42

The kinds of foods that may be used for eruv chatzerot, techum, and shituf mevo'ot, application to laws of berachot and water on Yom Kippur

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 26 from 2020-09-03T18:36:14

The institution of eiruv chatzerot - what was included in this institution and how does it work

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 25 from 2020-09-02T18:01:17

The principle of pi tikra yored v'sotem- the edge of a roof can conceptually descend and form a wall, analysis of when this is applied and discussion of modern day overpass bridges being used as pa...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 24 from 2020-09-01T18:23:20

What kind of gardens or parks are considered part of the eruv and which ones cause the eruv to be called into question when they are larger than 2 sa'atayim?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 23 from 2020-08-31T17:45:20

The parameters of an area not enclosed for dwelling (karpef), the source for this halacha in the mishkan, calculating the area of 2 sa'atayim (in ft) according to Rav Chaim Naeh, Rav Moshe Feins...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 22 from 2020-08-30T17:45:36

The principle of atu rabim u'mevatlei mechitza, at what point an area is too large to be able to turn it into a private domain and what kinds of mechitzot may be used for these larger areas

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 21 from 2020-08-29T19:53:08

The institutions of King Shlomo: netilat yadayim and eruvei chatzerot, why this was accomplished during the days of shlomo and why it was considered such an incredible accomplishment

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 20 from 2020-08-28T01:30:37

The case of an eruv that was set up on Shabbat intentionally/unintentionally and how it impacts one's ability to continue carrying within it

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 19 from 2020-08-27T17:30:08

The teaching of Resh Lakesh that Avraham Avinu rescues any Jew from hell who has a circumcision, and the punishment of a Jew who has forbidden relations with a gentile

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 18 from 2020-08-26T18:13:06

The aggadda of God creating man and woman as one creation and then splitting them, the source for 2 of the 7 berachot made at a wedding, the evils of not joining in the congregation's communal prayer

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 17 from 2020-08-25T18:00:22

The laws of carrying when an eruv is dismantled or broken on Shabbat, do people need to be warned and told not to continue carrying in such a circumstance?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 16 from 2020-08-24T18:00:25

The case of building an eruv in the wilderness and why the Rabbis used the example of a caravan- was this an exclusive halacha or just the most typical case at the time- analysis of their principle...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 15 from 2020-08-23T18:15:34

The principle of omed merubeh al haparutz (the solid sections of the fencing are greater than the breached/open sections) and the invalidation of an eiruv when an opening is more than 10 amot- appl...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 14 from 2020-08-22T18:59:34

The rules of a lechi that is suspended above the ground more than 3 tefachim/handbreadths, machloket acharonim in the law of mechitza teluya

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 13 from 2020-08-21T03:00:18

Analysis of the machloket Beit Shammai vs. Hillel, meaning of the phrase, "eilu v'eilu divrei elokim chaim"

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 12 from 2020-08-20T17:39:29

How many walls are needed to permit carrying in a reshut hayachid? 3? 4? What constitutes a wall for this purpose?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 11 from 2020-08-19T19:17:24

Defining the parameters and power of the tzuras hapesach to transform a space into a private domain on Shabbat, application to laws of mezuza in different scenarios

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 10 from 2020-08-18T18:38:53

Different methods for making sure the entryway to an alleyway is not wider than 10 amot, application to a section of an eruv that could not be used as an entrance because it had field mines

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 9 from 2020-08-17T21:26:49

The status of the space in between the side-posts, the logic of min b'mino v'neior, guard duty on shabbat and minimizing prohibition, deeper idea behind this principle

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 8 from 2020-08-16T18:30:55

The status of a body of water in the construction of an eruv

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 7 from 2020-08-15T21:34:21

Following 2 chumrot/stringencies or kulot/leniences in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 6 from 2020-08-14T00:00:45

The parameters of a reshut harabim: width of roads, 600,000 people- all at one time? In one day? On one street? In one city? Does it include visitors/non-residents?

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 5 from 2020-08-13T18:30:42

What is the maximum permitted width of a breach in the wall of an alleyway to maintain its status of a place that can be carried within it, the new status of chatzer and mavui in the days after the...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 4 from 2020-08-12T18:30:12

The special limmud of Eruvin to bring mashiach, the principle of lavud in the laws of eruvin and in what cases it may not/may not be applied

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 3 from 2020-08-11T18:28:54

The principles of Eruvin are modeled after Torah structures of Sukkah and the Beit Hamikdash, the principle that we are more lenient in certain cases within a group because the group members can re...

Daf In-Sight
Eruvin 2 from 2020-08-10T19:00:38

The difference between a korah- crossbeam and a lechi- side-post, the deeper idea behind the institution of eiruvin and introduction to the masechet

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 157 from 2020-08-09T19:34:19

How could Rabbah bar Rav Huna be measuring the water in his bathtub even if it was only mitasek? Closing thoughts on masechet Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 156 from 2020-08-08T19:12:10

Understanding how Chazal could use the stars and constellations to understand human nature, the concept of ein mazal l'yisrael

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 155 from 2020-08-07T04:00:43

Feeding dogs on Shabbat, the special merit of dogs in yetziat mitzrayim

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 154 from 2020-08-06T20:18:16

The permission to untie a load on an animal on Shabbat to alleviate the pain, application to trash bin on wheels

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 153 from 2020-08-05T20:41:10

The principle of amira l'nochri on Shabbat, can a gentile act as an agent for halachic purposes?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 152 from 2020-08-04T20:22:40

The mitzvah of nichum aveilim when there are no mourners- applications to the wording of hamakom, which takes precedence: comforting mourners or visiting the sick, comforting mourners over phone or...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 151 from 2020-08-03T20:21:42

How will the days of mashiach look different than the world as it is right now?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 150 from 2020-08-02T21:15:36

The prohibition of asking a gentile to perform a melacha for a Jew on Shabbat- the reasoning behind it, and application to a case where there was a great need, mitzvah, or issue of kavod habriyot

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 149 from 2020-08-01T20:41:57

Someone who is punished because of another person's actions, this person will be pushed away by Hashem, application to granting full forgiveness to those who wrong or insult a person

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 148 from 2020-07-31T03:45:40

Reading out guest names and table numbers for a Shabbat meal, applications to name cards and waiters calling out guest names

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 147 from 2020-07-30T20:36:31

Halachot of laundering- rubbing or shaking off dust from clothing on Shabbat, subjective to how particular a person is, application to one person cleaning off clothes of another on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 146 from 2020-07-29T14:26:23

The prohibition to hang clothes to dry, in what cases there would be no marat ayin

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 145 from 2020-07-28T23:07:43

Squeezing the liquid out of a pickle on Shabbat, when it is prohibited/permitted, applications to latkes and gravy in meat on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 144 from 2020-07-27T19:56

Which fruits may/may not be squeezed on shabbat, application to squeezing a lemon on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 143 from 2020-07-26T18:00:36

Removing shells and bones from the table on Shabbat, the actions of Rabbi Zechariah ben Avkulos that led to the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 142 from 2020-07-25T19:43:22

The case of carrying fruit in a basket that also contains a stone, analysis of the melacha of meamer

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 141 from 2020-07-23T22:16:56

How to remove dirt on a piece of clothing on Shabbat, difference between libun and menapetz

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 140 from 2020-07-23T22:10:57

The halacha of separating egg-white and yolk, application to painting nail polish on Shabbat.

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 139 from 2020-07-22T20:22:38

Veering from the truth to prevent a person from violating a prohibition unwittingly or intentionally

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 138 from 2020-07-21T21:04:46

Defining the melacha of meshamer - is it borer or meraked, or a bit of both? The debate between the Rabbis in Yavne over the future of the Jewish people during the great crisis after the Temple des...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 137 from 2020-07-20T18:00:22

Delaying a brit milah when the baby is ill, application to a time when government makes a policy out of health concern to delay the brit milah

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 136 from 2020-07-19T20:06:06

The concept of a stillborn and how brit milah would be permitted on 8th day falling on Shabbat, application to taking blood from a dead body on Shabbat to identify the body

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 135 from 2020-07-18T19:28:05

The halacha of a mother expressing milk to relieve pain of not being able to nurse her child on Shabbat, application to using nursing pumps on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 134 from 2020-07-17T01:00:54

The source and requirement of hatafat dam brit- is blood integral to the performance of the mitzvah of brit milah?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 133 from 2020-07-16T18:00:18

The concept of hiddur mitzvah in the performance of mitzvot and specifically by milah, application to doctor adding stitches on Shabbat to ensure no scarring happens on the skin

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 132 from 2020-07-15T19:30:06

The source for brit milah overriding Shabbat laws, how to understand this law- is shabbat merely pushed aside for the mitzvah or is Shabbat suspended for that time? Application to if there will be ...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 131 from 2020-07-14T20:47:33

The prohibition and analysis to tie tzitzit strings onto a tallit on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 130 from 2020-07-13T21:51:23

The joy and sacrifice in history of Jews performing brit milah, how the joy of performing mitzvot by our ancestors was passed down for eternity

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 129 from 2020-07-12T20:18:25

The parameters around violating shabbat for a woman who is in labor, applications to anxiety, and use of a dula on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 128 from 2020-07-11T19:24:57

The laws around mothers nursing/carrying their infants/children in a place without an eiruv, application to children who are unable to walk

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 127 from 2020-07-10T01:00:09

The requirement to judge others favorably and not suspect holy people of inappropriate behavior, how and when this applies

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 126 from 2020-07-09T18:00:31

The mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, what is the definition of a guest- in-town vs. Out-of-town, the requirement to escort guests out of one's home

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 125 from 2020-07-08T20:44:49

The muktzah status of items connected to the ground, applications to electric devices plugged into the wall such as fans or electric clocks

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 124 from 2020-07-07T19:00:17

The laws of moving a kli shemelachto lheter when there is no clear purpose for doing so

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 123 from 2020-07-06T19:00:49

The roots of the halachot of muktzah, the principles of kli shemelachto l'issur/heter, applications to moving items without any purpose whatsoever, to calm anxiety or avoid embarrassment

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 122 from 2020-07-05T19:00:34

Analsysis of cheese making, cutting and grating on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 121 from 2020-07-04T19:51:04

The laws of trapping/killing insects that: pose a threat for injury or poisonous, or those that pose no threat to life or injury

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 120 from 2020-07-03T02:00:07

The halacha of 'gram kibui', when it is permitted/prohibited and the application to the kosher light switch

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 119 from 2020-07-02T19:00:57

The importance and requirement for every individual to prepare for Shabbat with a personal touch rather than having others prepare on one's behalf

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 118 from 2020-07-01T19:00:17

The power of observing Shabbat and the failure of the Jewish people when the man did not fall

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 117 from 2020-06-30T19:00:34

The requirement and source of having 3 meals on Shabbat, the power of these 3 meals

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 116 from 2020-06-29T19:49:48

The meaning of the upside down nuns in the pesukim of 'vayehi Binsoa haaron'

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 115 from 2020-06-28T19:59:09

The laws of what may rescued in the event of a house fire, in what scenarios may the fire be extinguished?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 114 from 2020-06-27T20:17:13

The source for changing special clothing for Shabbat is from the clothing of the kohanim, the law that a talmid chacham should have clean clothes

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 113 from 2020-06-26T02:00:48

The requirement and source to have special clothing for shabbat. Application to undergarments, clothing for inclement weather, and facemasks to protect from a virus

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 112 from 2020-06-25T19:35:18

How long must a knot be tied for to be considered permanent? Application to tying shoelaces. Analysis of aggadda of yeridat hadorot.

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 111 from 2020-06-24T19:00:30

Defining the parameters of the melacha of kosher/matir- tying/untying- does a knot need to made in order to violate this melacha?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 110 from 2020-06-23T19:00:50

The permissible and prohibited cases of causing pain to animals, application to hunting

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 109 from 2020-06-22T19:00:59

The laws of taking medicine on Shabbat- applications to vitamins, food supplements, tylenol and painkillers

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 108 from 2020-06-21T20:08:39

The melacha of tanning/salting on Shabbat and whether it applies to food- applications to pickling, shaking salt into soup or other dishes on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 107 from 2020-06-20T19:30:21

Analsyis of the law of trapping a snake on Shabbat to prevent it from biting

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 106 from 2020-06-19T03:00:13

The prohibition of trapping on Shabbat and the parameters regarding domesticated animals, creatures that are not typically trapped, lesson of the Freebird- Tzippor Dror

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 105 from 2020-06-18T19:00:17

The parameters of the melacha of tearing for destructive (mekalkel) vs. Constructive (tikkun) purposes, application to breaking a stuck door to let someone out on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 104 from 2020-06-17T19:00:16

The deep idea/difference between Emet and Sheker, halacha regarding bringing two letters together on Shabbat- applications to opening and closing books with writing on the side, playing scrabble, p...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 103 from 2020-06-16T19:41:42

The opinion of Rabbi Yosi that koteiv prohibition also includes symbols or images, applications to fingerprinting, rubik's cube, being filmed by a CCTV, and the Shabbat thermometer

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 102 from 2020-06-15T20:33:09

The difference between boneh and makeh b'patish

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 101 from 2020-06-14T20:39:01

The principles of gud achis, mechitza tluya, and lavud- application to making an eiruv in a camp setting with bunkhouses

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 100 from 2020-06-13T19:48:24

The halachic status transferring from the sea to a boat and vice-versa- application to carrying on a boat on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 99 from 2020-06-11T19:45:31

The status of the airspace above reshut harabim vs reshut hayachid

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 98 from 2020-06-11T19:15:21

The principle of 4 amot in public vs. private domain, application to going less than 4 amot in a case of need

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 97 from 2020-06-10T19:44:12

The sin of mekoshesh eitzim and the timeless message of this story

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 96 from 2020-06-09T21:57:52

The source for the melacha of transferring between domains on shabbos, connection to Moshe telling the nation to stop contributing donations to the mishkan

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 95 from 2020-06-08T21:04:11

The prohibition of milking animals on Shabbat, applications to nursing mothers on Shabbat and milking cows in Israel where no gentiles are able to assist

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 94 from 2020-06-07T20:47:53

The rule of kavod habriyot to respect a dead body, application to preventing autopsies on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 93 from 2020-06-06T19:18:54

The concept of "Chai noseh et atzmo", difference between humans and animals, application to carrying a toddler on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 92 from 2020-06-05T04:32:28

When two people do a melacha together that couldn't be done alone, should they be obligated for violating Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 91 from 2020-06-04T20:04:38

Whether disparate items in a vessel become formed into one entity, applications to carrying cigarette packs and key rings on Yom Tov

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 90 from 2020-06-03T19:39:46

One violation of Shabbos for an action that combines multiple potential violations, application to how far one may go in violating shabbat for a severely I'll person

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 89 from 2020-06-02T19:15:31

Why Har Sinai is called Har Sinai? What is the idea that the Jewish people were chosen to receive the Torah?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 88 from 2020-06-01T19:45:42

The kabbalat hatorah of Shavuot vs. Purim, the "excuse" of being forced to accept the Torah

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 87 from 2020-05-31T19:15:32

Moshe added a day to preparing for the Torah on his own initiative- why Hashem agreed, and what it means that Moshe did this without Hashem telling him

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 86 from 2020-05-30T20:09

What day was matan Torah? Shavuot as the source for Yom Tov sheini in galut

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 85 from 2020-05-27T21:46:06

The Rabbis authority from the secrets Hashem gives them, debate on hasagat gevul for forbidden mixtures

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 84 from 2020-05-27T20:39:37

The permissible and prohibited cases of forbidden mixtures- reasoning behind the prohibition

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 83 from 2020-05-27T20:33:38

Do not miss out on the learning of the Beit Midrash, learn Torah even on the day of death

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 82 from 2020-05-26T18:38:45

The lesson Rav Huna taught his son about healthy living as part of a Torah life, applications to avoiding danger and vaccination for children

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 81 from 2020-05-25T19:35:32

Using a muktza stone/item for cleaning oneself in order to avoid embarassment/maintain hygiene, application to tearing from toilet paper roll on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 80 from 2020-05-24T19:30:29

The minimum ink prohibited for transferring between domains- defining the melacha of writing and erasing on Shabbat, 1 vs. 2 letters

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 79 from 2020-05-23T20:53:15

The parchment used for Sefer Torah, Tefillin, Mezuza- the concept of going up in kedusha and not down

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 78 from 2020-05-22T03:00:59

Carrying out a tax receipt on Shabbat- application to a door entry card or pass, requirement to check one's pockets for muktzah before leaving ones house on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 77 from 2020-05-21T19:51:36

The halacha of combining solid food and liquid for applications in the laws of beracha acharona, eating on Yom Kippur, and Nazir

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 76 from 2020-05-20T20:22:56

Measurements of food and other items for the prohibition of carrying between domains on Shabbat, may we reevaluate these amounts in contemporary context?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 75 from 2020-05-19T19:00:04

The melachot of shochet and tzovea- slaughtering and dyeing- applications to consumer purchasing, eating strawberries and the like on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 74 from 2020-05-18T19:16:29

The principle and conditions of permitted borer on Shabbat, application to when one changes their mind and decides not to eat after the borer was complete

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 73 from 2020-05-17T20:02:36

Analyzing the principle of melacha sheeino tzricha lgufa, application to the melacha of borer- separating on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 72 from 2020-05-16T19:30:48

The opinion of Abaye according to Tosfot- when one must violate Shabbat out of fear of repercussions- applications to military conscription, Doctors treating patients

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 71 from 2020-05-15T04:17:26

When one has a choice of violating multiple lighter prohibitions or one severe prohibition, which path should be taken? Application to pikuach nefesh with non-kosher food

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 70 from 2020-05-14T20:02:15

Fire is a paradox, Halacha focuses on the creative power of fire as explained by Seforno and Rav Hirsch

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 69 from 2020-05-13T21:40:15

Is Shabbos the culmination of the week or the energy for the week to come? The halacha of losing track of time in the desert

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 68 from 2020-05-12T20:43:02

The "tinok shenishba" in the laws of Shabbat, berachot, and marriage - two approaches to the concept

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 67 from 2020-05-12T03:59:15

Darkei Emori- applications to alternative medical treatments

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 66 from 2020-05-10T19:32:09

Abaye quoting his step-mother regarding remedies for ailments, application to why when praying for sick we use the mother's name

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 65 from 2020-05-09T19:52:18

Wearing an ear cloth on Shabbat- applications to gloves and earmuffs in cold weather, and gloves and masks during a virus pandemic

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 64 from 2020-05-08T07:47:10

The rule of Marit Ayin and being careful not to be suspected by others of wrongdoing even when the action is permitted, applications to plunging toilets on Shabbat, hanging to dry drenched clothes,...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 63 from 2020-05-07T20:55:15

Weaponry in halacha and hashkafa, walkie talkies for hatzala members, Jewish guard at the royal Palace on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 62 from 2020-05-06T19:14:50

Rings on Shabbat and wedding band for men

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 61 from 2020-05-05T20:10:44

The order of putting on shoes, tying laces, special connection between shoes and tefillin

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 60 from 2020-05-04T19:49:15

The spiked sandal, halacha about having a separate pair of shoes for Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 59 from 2020-05-03T19:38:20

Wearing a plastic cover on a hat on Shabbat, the crown of Jerusalem kf Gold that Rabbi Akiva purchased for his wife

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 58 from 2020-05-02T19:52:10

Halachot of carrying personal Identification without an eiruv on Shabbat: soldiers dog tags, youth movement pins, passport/id card, patient wristbands

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 57 from 2020-04-30T19:57

Permitted ornaments for women on Shabbat- why the halacha changed, applications to pocket and wrist watches

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 56 from 2020-04-30T19:51:04

Whoever says Shlomo sinned is mistaken, why Shlomo married 1000 gentile women

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 55 from 2020-04-29T19:40:50

Does suffering come only as the result of sin?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 54 from 2020-04-28T21:11:03

The requirement of protesting the halachic violations of others

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 53 from 2020-04-27T21:46:01

Explanation of the story of the man who miraculously grew breasts to nurse his baby after his wife tragically passed away

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 52 from 2020-04-26T19:01:12

The requirement of shevitat beheima- animals must rest on Shabbat, applications to leashes, seeing eye dogs, reflector belts, schlepping boxes unnecessarily

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 51 from 2020-04-25T20:00:38

The Rabbinic prohibition of food cooked by a non-Jew for a Jew- application to coffee

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 50 from 2020-04-24T06:04:09

Is beautification for a man a prohibition of not adorning like a woman? The double-edged sword of beauty

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 49 from 2020-04-23T20:50:44

Shabbat melachot are learned from the mishkan and creation of the world, where the #39 comes from

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 48 from 2020-04-22T21:05:19

The principle of hatmana, insulating foods for and on Shabbat, the mandate to eat hot foods on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 47 from 2020-04-21T20:37:24

Is there binyan with items? Applications to: sliding door that comes off track, broomstick, salt shaker/baby bottle, folding chairs and strollers

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 46 from 2020-04-20T21:41:47

Can you make somebody else's items muktzah without their consent or knowledge

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 45 from 2020-04-19T21:35:54

Muktzah status of chanukiyah and solutions for moving inside chanukiya on Shabbat to prevent it from being stolen or having to leave window open

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 44 from 2020-04-18T18:47:39

The principle of basis l'davar asur by Shabbat candles, candlesticks, trays and tables

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 43 from 2020-04-16T20:18:04

The muktzah principle of migo d'itkatzai bein hashmashot- applications to wet clothing hung to dry before Shabbat, and permissibility of eating Chametz/Kitniyot on a Shabbat that follows the 7th da...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 42 from 2020-04-16T20:11:15

The principle of irui kli rishon- is there cooking of the small water droplets when refilling a tea cup on Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 41 from 2020-04-15T20:25:54

Why R' Zeira was avoiding his Rebbe, Rav Yehuda? The debate about aliyah and R' Zeira's journey of aliyah

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 40 from 2020-04-14T05:01:23

The principle and meaning behind kli sheini eino mevashel

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 39 from 2020-04-13T21:23:58

Cooking through the sun's rays or secondary hear, may one use the water heated by a solar heated water tank on Shabbat?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 38 from 2020-04-12T20:46:29

Principles and conditions of "chazara", hot plates on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 37 from 2020-04-11T19:11:41

Principles of Rabbinic prohibition "shehiya", blech and hot plate

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 36 from 2020-04-10T06:17:51

Shofar blasts and sirens before Shabbat, tosefet shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 35 from 2020-04-09T19:55:23

Defining Bein Hashmashot and when it begins- Rambam/Rabbeinu Tam

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 34 from 2020-04-08T06:09:58

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai "fixes" the safek tumah- perspective on doubts in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 33 from 2020-04-07T21:29:21

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai meets Eliyahu Hanavi in the story with the cave

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 32 from 2020-04-06T22:26:47

The prohibition to put oneself in a dangerous situation, one should not rely on miracles to occur

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 31 from 2020-04-05T20:00:29

The lessons from the stories of Hillel and Shammai

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 30 from 2020-04-04T20:38:21

David Hamelech died on Shabbat and Shavuot- custom of Rut and Tzidkacha- answer to why David didn't build Beit Hamikdash, but doors of Kodesh Kodashim opened for him

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 29 from 2020-04-03T04:32:26

The law of dragging a bench on shabbat and analysis of mekalkel vs. Mitasek

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 28 from 2020-04-02T22:00:47

The laws of the shin on the tefillin shel Rosh, how it should be made, why the letter shin specifically?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 27 from 2020-04-01T21:48:51

Halachot learned from "Ureetem Oto"- blind person wearing tzitzit, tzitzit at night, strings tucked in or out

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 26 from 2020-03-31T21:24:57

Defining a garment for tumah related laws, the modern day discussion of the status of paper, toilet paper, tissues in the realm of hilchot niddah

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 25 from 2020-03-30T21:36:43

Shabbat candles are for Shalom bayit, women's and men's role in the lighting of Shabbat candles

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 24 from 2020-03-29T21:04:09

Why we add al hanisim to Tefilla and Birkat Hamazon but not al hamichya

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 23 from 2020-03-28T19:30:54

The halacha of spending limited funds on Shabbat lights instead of Chanuka lights- analyze 3 reasons for Shabbat candles and approach of Rambam

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 22 from 2020-03-28T17:00:40

The menorah in the Beit Hamikdash is a testimony of Hashem's shechina

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 21 from 2020-03-26T21:17:16

The machloket Beit Hillel vs. Beit Shammai from the perspective of the Sefas Emes

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 20 from 2020-03-25T21:52:38

Lo tevaru eish- different interpretations, debate of Rav Yosi/Rav Natan, why Hashem 'waited' to create fire until after Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 19 from 2020-03-24T21:19:24

Sea travel within 3 days of Shabbos, analysis of rishonim, later commentaries and modern day discussion of cruise ships

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 18 from 2020-03-23T20:49:30

The fundamental debate about the melacha of "losh" (kneading) between Rebbe and Rabbi Yosi Brebbe Yehuda- analysis of Iglei Tal, Rav Neventzal- practical case of salt in soup, sugar in coffee, and ...

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 17 from 2020-03-22T21:49:24

Manufacturing a process that ends in a prohibition- debate of Beit Shammai/Hillel, analysis of causing the name of Hashem to be erased in a Torah indirectly

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 16 from 2020-03-22T02:00:49

The unique law of the earthenware vessel that only becomes tameh on its inside- thought by Rabbi YY Jacobson in the name of the Kotzker Rebbe

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 15 from 2020-03-21T18:48:32

The rabbinic decree on glass vessels- applications to using year round glass vessels for Pesach, glasstop stoves, and whether glass challah boards require tevila

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 14 from 2020-03-19T22:55:58

Not to hold a sefer Torah "arum"- 2 interpretations of this word and many applications to the honor that should be given to the sefer Torah

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 13 from 2020-03-18T23:25:29

Laws of harchakot- d'oraita or drabanan- debate of Ramban/Rambam, riding in a subway car touching opposite gender and husband doctor treating nidah wife who is ill

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 12 from 2020-03-18T03:00:40

The halacha of wearing tefillin until just before shabbat, may tefillin be worn on Shabbat? Checking pockets before Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 11 from 2020-03-17T02:30:18

The halacha that a shul must be the tallest building, the aggadah of governmental responsibility

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 10 from 2020-03-16T04:24:56

Saying Shalom in a bathhouse, writing Shalom in a letter and to someone not covering their head

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 9 from 2020-03-15T04:44:23

The prohibition to not get involved in certain activities before Shabbos, similar rules found by Lulav, Chanuka, Megilla, Bedikat Chametz, and discussion why it is not mentioned by Shofar

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 8 from 2020-03-15T02:59:02

When do the shvus (Rabbinic decrees) set in before shabbos? Communal acceptance of Shabbos, when does shabbos finish with regards to shvus?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 7 from 2020-03-13T03:30:25

Halacha of an item that was thrown and stuck on a brick-analysis of Tosfot, applications to babies in mothers arms, the mishkan and her vessels

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 6 from 2020-03-12T03:30:38

Is a desert a reshut harabim? Are 600,000 people of foot traffic required as criteria for reshut harabim?

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 5 from 2020-03-11T03:00:17

Mehalech k'omed dami of Ben Azzai, applications to standing for a zakein and talmid chacham going to a dirty alley

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 4 from 2020-03-10T01:41:42

Doing a lesser prohibition to prevent a more severe one, the case of the cup of beer and the wrong bracha, calling off a hatzala call when there is no actual pikuach nefesh

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 3 from 2020-03-09T01:29:19

Lifnei Iver in the case of the Mishna, tosfot vs. Other rishonim, the concept of lifnei iver as a bein adam lmakom and lechaveiro issue

Daf In-Sight
Shabbat 2 from 2020-03-08T03:10:51

Why the masechet opens with melechet hotzaa, is there is a chatzi shiur by this melacha, platas and returning cholent to the pot on shabbos, kreiva larayos of the Rambam and how its different than ...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 64 from 2020-03-07T17:50:35

Talmidei Chachamim Marbim Shalom Baolam, Rav Kook's comments

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 63 from 2020-03-06T02:30:36

The Torah endures by one who is Moser nefesh over it, Resh Lakesh

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 62 from 2020-03-05T00:56:18

The prohibition to count Jews, differences with Gemara in Yoma, ways of doing it permissibly, explaining the nature of the prohibition

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 61 from 2020-03-04T00:52:01

Yehareg Ve'al Yaavor for Torah Learning, public shaming as one of the big "3", analysis of Rabbi Akiva and the saying of Shema

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 60 from 2020-03-03T03:30:16

Baruch Dayan Emet, Rabbi Akiva, Nachum Ish Gam Zu, Hillel, Bitachon in Hashem vs. Oneself

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 59 from 2020-03-02T03:30:08

The beracha of hatov umeytiv, differences with shehecheyanu, hearing good news that also might have bad elements in it

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 58 from 2020-03-01T03:30:27

The bracha over seeing a king, Jewish vs. Non-Jewish, applicability in a modern royal leader, status of Prime Ministers of Israel

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 57 from 2020-02-29T17:36:24

The beracha over seeing avoda zara, the specific worship of 'markulis', the special wording of the beracha

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 56 from 2020-02-28T03:30:49

The 3 visions of peace in a dream: river, bird, and kettle, Maharal and Vilna Gaon's interpretation- the source for the minhag to break a plate at the tenayim ceremony at a wedding

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 55 from 2020-02-27T03:30:10

The yehi ratzon/ribono shel olam said for a dream that one does not understand, may it be said on yomtov/shabbos? What is special about birkat kohanim for this text's placement

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 54 from 2020-02-26T03:30:05

The brachot of gomel and sheasa li nes, what is the rule by an airplane? May a Holocaust survivor recite the bracha at a death camp they were in?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 53 from 2020-02-25T03:30

The order of havdala blessings, is meorei eish a birkat nehenin or shevach? May one use electric lights for havdala?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 52 from 2020-02-24T03:30:42

Washing hands should be immediately before one has a seuda, what constitutes a hefsek in between the netila and the seuda

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 51 from 2020-02-23T03:30:53

Rules of cups for blessings: how full? Which hand to hold in? Washing it out, lifting off table, where to look, non-damaged cups- may one use a disposable cup?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 50 from 2020-02-22T17:00:37

When does the obligation to form a zimun begin? What if a person joins a meal late or leaves a meal early?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 49 from 2020-02-21T03:30:05

Not blessing 2 themes in one bracha, principle of ein osin mitzvot chavilot chavilot, the reason behind this concept and application to the laws of Purim

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 48 from 2020-02-20T03:30:06

The 3 main berachot of Birkat Hamazon- different perspectives in the rishonim on the nature of these blessings- is the birkat hamazon born out of the eating or the satiation (or both?)

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 47 from 2020-02-19T03:30:36

Story of Rabbi Eliezer freeing his slave- Rav Kook's explanation of the Torah's presentation of slave ownership, can a Golem be joined to a minyan? The novelty of this halacha according to the Rosh

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 46 from 2020-02-18T03:30:41

The worker's birkat hamazon text, not to do melacha while saying a bracha, rule by Kriyat shema, davening from a smartphone

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 45 from 2020-02-17T03:30:25

The source for zimun, is the birkat zimun an independent bracha or attached? Different practices of Sephardim and Ashkenazim- what should be said outloud.

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 44 from 2020-02-16T03:30:59

Ikar/Tofel principle, 4 scenarios/categories, bracha rishona/acharona, does the tofel lose its bracha requirement?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 43 from 2020-02-15T16:45:03

The berachot made over smells- what category of beracha is it? What kind of foods/sources of smell require the beracha? What about food that is really just for eating?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 42 from 2020-02-14T03:30:34

The bracha on wine/bread exempts beverages/food during meal from requiring a new bracha- is this because of the bracha on wine/bread or because of the importance of wine/bread?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 41 from 2020-02-13T03:30:14

Many foods before you- which food does one bless first? 7 minim, what is enjoyable most, whole vs. cut pieces, when you have set courses at a meal, impossible burger with lettuce

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 40 from 2020-02-12T03:30:39

How to define a tree for fruit: roots, trunk, or branches? The halacha of eggplant, i.e. using laws of nature to define a halacha, what bracha to make on a banana

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 39 from 2020-02-11T03:30:53

The bracha on juice extracted from fruits vs vegetables, debate between Rosh/Rashba, Bracha Rishona/Acharona on fruit soup

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 38 from 2020-02-10T03:30:55

What is Trima? The berachot on potato kugel, apple sauce, mashed potatoes, pringles- debate between Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rav Elyashiv

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 37 from 2020-02-09T03:30:24

The 5 grains and their practical application, why are the 5 grains so special? What if the grain only acts as a binding element- honey cake, breaded schnitzel, licorice?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 36 from 2020-02-08T17:53:33

Beracha on medication: with taste, without taste, non-kosher. Beracha before and after on non-kosher food.

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 35 from 2020-02-07T03:30:30

Nature of birchot nehenin- deoraita or drabanan, case of safek, beracha rishona vs. Acharona

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 34 from 2020-02-06T03:30:34

Shaliach tzibbur that makes a mistake, the case of aseret yemei teshuva mistake, the shaliach tzibbur represents the level of the tzibbur based on episode of meraglim

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 33 from 2020-02-05T06:38:48

Bracha sheeina tzricha vs. Bracha levatala- the source for this law, when it is prohibited and when it is permitted

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 32 from 2020-02-04T05:11:33

A Kohen who murders cannot bless the birkat kohanim, the case of Pinchas, reckless driving and kohanim combat soldiers, does teshuva work?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 31 from 2020-02-03T04:13:46

The prohibition to sit or walk within the 4 amot of a person who is in the middle of davening, the reason based on the tefilla of Chana, the Rambam's formulation of the halacha, the severity of ...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 30 from 2020-02-02T04:00:07

The direction one should face for tefilla, the source for this halacha in Melachim I Perek 8, Reb Tzaddok's explanation, Mishna Berura on our kavana when facing the Beit Hamikdash

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 29 from 2020-02-01T17:00:45

The basis for 18 and 19 berachot in amida, who were Shimon Pakuli and Shmuel haKatan

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 28 from 2020-01-31T03:30:15

Aggadah of Maariv Reshut or Chova- comments of Rav Kook: why talmidei chachamim are called ba'alei treisin, the role of a communal leader, the admissions policy of Rabbi Elazar vs Rabban Gamliel, t...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 27 from 2020-01-30T03:30:27

The status of maariv based on "temidin and avot tiknum", what is reshut? Differences between maariv and Shacharit/mincha

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 26 from 2020-01-29T03:00:47

Machloket Tanaim and Halacha the latest time to daven mincha, the Magen Avraham's reasons for permitting the "early" shabbos minyan and the debate on whether we rely on this- a creative solution to...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 25 from 2020-01-28T03:00:41

The laws of prayer in front of tzoah (waste), urine, foul smelling odors; may one spray lysol to cover up smell and reestablish environment for prayer? Praying near a baby with modern hygiene

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 24 from 2020-01-27T03:00:16

The volume of one's tefilla, the tefilla of Chana as a source for this halacha, the Gemara in Sotah related about the ovrei aveirah, the helpful psak of the Shulchan Aruch Harav

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 23 from 2020-01-26T02:30:56

Summary of daf halachot, need to go to bathroom- may one daven/say kriyat shema? Status of modern day bathrooms in halacha

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 22 from 2020-01-25T17:00:01

Permitted Torah for a Baal Keri, the concept of being machmir, mar ukva's father waiting 24 hours between meat and milk, Yosef being machmir more than his brothers, when should one take on a halach...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 21 from 2020-01-24T02:30:22

Review of main halachot of daf, what to do if you are behind and shaliach tzibbur has begun repetition, what to do if congregation is up to kedusha and you are still in your silent amida, the princ...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 20 from 2020-01-23T02:30:46

Kriyat Shema D'oraita or Midrabanan? What would one do if they are not sure if they recited Shema? Which paragraphs of shema would be included in this debate? How Kriyat Shema is viewed by the Bavl...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 19 from 2020-01-22T02:30:36

Gadol kavod habriyot, where we find this concept in Shas, applications in halacha, the source and meaning behind kavod habriyot

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 18 from 2020-01-21T03:00:51

Importance of halvayat hamet, Rambam on this mitzvah, bittul Talmud Torah for halvayat met, the nature of the exemption of the onein from mitzvot

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 17 from 2020-01-20T03:00:50

Chatan saying shema on wedding night, concept of osek bamitzvah, tirdah d'mitzvah of the Rambam

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 16 from 2020-01-19T03:00:12

personal additions to one's tefilla, the special yehi ratzon of Rav, the history of birchat hachodesh and its place on Shabbat

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 15 from 2020-01-18T19:14:19

Is one required to hear the words of shema that they themselves are reciting? Is contemplating a 'word'-oriented mitzvah like saying it? Can Shema be recited in any language?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 14 from 2020-01-17T03:00:09

The obligation to wear tefillin while reciting Shema, why Chazal did not say the same about tzitzit, what if one doesn't have tefillin?

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 13 from 2020-01-16T03:00:05

Interrupting Kriyat Shema for greeting or responding, why Yaakov didn't interrupt his Shema to greet Yosef, connected halachot of other parts of tefilla one is allowed to interrupt for

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 12 from 2020-01-15T03:00:19

Chazal wanted to add the parsha of Balak into Shema, the meaning of the pesukim according to Ramban and Rashi, the concept of Tircha d'tzibbur, why these words of Bilaam almost made it into Shema

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 11 from 2020-01-14T03:00:38

The source for birchat hatorah, the requirement to say birchat hatorah over the oral Torah, why the bracha is before learning and not after

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 10 from 2020-01-13T03:48:25

Rabbi Meir praying for someone else to do teshuva interferes with their will, the importance of praying for others, listen to the wisdom of one's wife

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 9 from 2020-01-12T05:00:42

Hashem's promise to Avraham that his descendants would leave Egypt with great wealth, the goal of yetziat mitzrayim, a fundamental of semichat Geula l'tefilla

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 8 from 2020-01-11T21:24:49

Shnayim Mikra vEchad Targum, the acronym of Shemot, the requirement of even the "less" important pesukim, which commentary to study

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 7 from 2020-01-10T01:58:33

Baruch Dayan Emet/Tov VeHameytiv, When bad things happen in the world to good people, the tefillin of Hashem and the tefilla of Hashem

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 6 from 2020-01-09T05:00:08

The importance of davening with a minyan, the source for 10 being a minyan, not missing a day of going to minyan, the added element of davening in a beit knesset and not separating oneself from the...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 5 from 2020-01-08T03:00

  • Don't leave another alone while they are still davening
  • Two people should daven together at the same time even without a minyan
  • Yissurin (Suffering) may be difficult t...

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 4 from 2020-01-07T05:00:15

Saying Ashrei 3x a day, why we don't say the great Hallel everyday, the lesson of the missing nun in Ashrei

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 3 from 2020-01-06T05:11:06

The history of kaddish, answering "amen yehei shmey rabbah", Rabbi Yossi and the voice in the churvah

Daf In-Sight
Berachot 2 from 2020-01-05T08:22:20

  • Making an early erev shabbat minyan in summer months
  • Is Shema of morning/evening one mitzvah or two? 
  • What is the meaning behind the 2 daily recitations?
