Podcasts by Adulthood & Being Podcast

Adulthood & Being Podcast

This podcast aims at young people who may be looking into the future with fear and uncertainties in their eyes - to let you know that there isn't one path to becoming an adult and being a successful nine at that.

Rather there's a wide open array of options to take advantage of.

Further podcasts by Annie

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Adulthood & Being Podcast
Finding your footing as a Nigerian student in the UK from 2023-05-08T15:28:31

Biola, a sunderland university student shares juicy updates on navigating cultural differences and how to balance your activities.

Adulthood & Being Podcast
Introduction to Dear Generation Zee... from 2020-06-20T14:01:37

This episode aims to familiarize our beloved listeners to this podcast. We hope you have a great time with us!
