Podcasts by Deez MFs

Deez MFs

5 friends collaborating to bring ignorance, pettiness and everything in between!

Further podcasts by Deez MFs

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Deez MFs
Deez MFs.......Rank Amateurs.....😂 from 2019-08-29T21:22:33

3 of Deez MFs tackle random topics. ......

Deez MFs
Ladies addition from 2019-08-15T23:11

This week for the red, white, and blue edition, the ladies took over for Deez MFs. They discussed side pieces, statute of limitations, the divide between men & women on FB and in society, male cont...

Deez MFs
Episode 3 from 2019-07-01T18:54:08

This week Deez MFs contemplated taking a shit around ur mate, washing your legs, men who can’t change tires, body counts and telling your partner your business. #melfacts #whitewashclothsmatter #...

Deez MFs
Episode 2 from 2019-06-24T18:51:08

This week Deez MFs talked about Infidelity, Marriage Material, and Dick Preferences. #melfacts #fuckyofeelingsmafia #swordfighting #3inchesmatter #askSonny #fuckthatho #triflinheffa
