Podcasts by Discipleship Parenting

Discipleship Parenting

The Discipleship Parenting podcast is not Christian parenting tips. It's diving into the Bible, applying it to our lives, and learning how to live it out and pass it on to our children. As parents, our kids hear what we say, but, more importantly, they see what we do. In today's world, more than ever, our children need us to show them the true life and adventure found in following Jesus.

Further podcasts by Chosen Gen Discipleship

Podcast on the topic Kindererziehung

All episodes

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 231: Incomparable from 2023-12-07T06:01

Isaiah 40 is a powerful chapter in the Bible that gives a stark contrast between God and ourselves. It is a humbling, yet needed reminder from God and it drives us to a proper place of awe, humi...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 230: Commemorating God from 2023-11-21T06:01

God knows that we need Him. It is why God established numerous ways for the people of Israel to remember who He is and what He has done. As Christians, we should continue this practice, commemor...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 229: You Belong from 2023-11-09T06:01

You belong. It is not because you have discovered yourself and found people that accept you as you are. No, our belonging is rooted in the God that created us, knows us, loves us, redeemed us, a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 228: Wartime from 2023-10-24T05:01

War has been in the news every day this year and our emotions are running high. Which side is going to win? How long will this last? What if more countries are forced to join? War is an importan...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 227: Clinging to Life from 2023-10-04T05:01

Life is hard. The struggles we face are real. Sometimes, we can feel like we are desperately clinging to life. Yet that's actually the best thing we can do as Christians. Join today's discussion...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 226: Stay Awake from 2023-09-21T05:01

Now is not the time to get comfortable, lose heart, or fall asleep. No, stay awake! It is the command of Jesus to Christians living in a dark world nearing the end. Yet what does this look like ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 225: Cleanse the Temple from 2023-09-07T05:01

In the Old Testament, King Josiah is grieved by the idolatry of the people and goes to work cleansing the temple of God. Fast forward to today, the Bible reveals that Christians are now the temp...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 224: Tell Them Why from 2023-08-23T05:01

The Bible is packed with life-changing truths. One of them is why God created us. As Christian parents, we have the amazing responsibility to tell our children the answers to these big life ques...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 223: Adoption from 2023-08-08T05:01

Adoption is a big deal. As Christians, we have all been impacted by it. Moreover, God calls us to care for orphans.  Join us as Justin and Katy talk about how adoption changed their lives. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 222: Respect Him, Love Her from 2023-07-21T05:01

In the beginning, God created male and female and brought the two together in marriage. It should be no surprise then that the way God made man and woman impacts our relationships in this sacred...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 221: Kids with Deep-Rooted Faith from 2023-07-07T05:01

Our desire should be for our children to have a deep-rooted faith. As Christian parents, God tells us in the Bible what we need to do. By God's grace, we will see the next generation in our home...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 220: Defeating Self-Love from 2023-06-23T05:17

Self-love is popular today, but is happiness really found when we love our authentic self and live out our truth? Let's talk about it. What does God say in the Bible?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 219: Demonstration of Power from 2023-06-13T05:01

The Church filled with the Holy Spirit is a demonstration of power in the world. God has equipped Christians with everything we need to boldly live and do His work each day.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 218: Radical World from 2023-06-01T05:01

Despite what is often said, the Christian life is not radical. No, it is the rebellious world that rightfully gets this title.  

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 217: Good News from 2023-05-19T05:01

We have good news! Yet we need to share some bad news first. We pray everyone joins us for this important podcast episode.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 216: Strike the Ground from 2023-05-12T05:01

It's time to strike the ground with arrows and not stop. It's time to gather empty jars until there are none left. It's time to desire all that God is and offers to us as Christians.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 215: Be Courageous from 2023-05-04T05:01

The world is increasingly wicked. Christians, it is time to be courageous! So what is it going to take and how do we overcome our fears?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 214: The Relationship Killer Called Jealousy from 2023-04-21T05:01

We often don't take our jealous thoughts and feelings as seriously as we should. The Bible doesn't mince words when it comes to this topic. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 213: Come and See from 2023-04-05T05:01

Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the promised Messiah. But don't just take our word for it, come and see for yourself!

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 212: I AM Your Solution from 2023-03-29T05:01

Life is full of challenges, needs, and unknowns. God loves us and cares about these things, and desires to give us the solution we need. It just might not be what we expect.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 211: The Riot and the Dance Review from 2023-03-22T05:01

When was the last time you stopped and marveled at God's creation? The Riot and the Dance, a nature documentary, may inspire you to step out your back door with your kids and discover the wonder...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 210: NEEDED: Parents from 2023-03-14T05:01

Your kids need you. That isn't a suggestion, it's simply the truth. Parenting is an awesome privilege entrusted to us by God. Let's embrace it with all the strength God provides. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 209: Praying in the Spirit from 2023-03-02T06:01

Do you grasp the desperate need for prayer in your Christian life? Do you know that Jesus has given his children his Spirit so that we can pray according to his will? Are you raising little pray...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 208: Flailing in the Shallow End from 2023-02-22T06:01

How strong is the faith of our kids? Are they only surviving because we rescue them? What about us as adults? Is our faith being propped up by others in our life?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 207: Willing to Suffer from 2023-02-15T06:01

Life is hard. Being a Christian promises to bring additional struggles and hardships. Let's be honest about what we are going through and encourage one another with God's Word. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 206: America from 2023-01-31T06:01

The book of Lamentations mourns God's judgment on His people, culminating with the fall of Jerusalem and the people being carried into exile. It's hard to read this book of the Bible and not fee...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 205: Q&A from 2023-01-24T06:19:33

We usually deep dive into the Bible and talk about its application for our lives as parents. This podcast we change it up by asking each other some questions.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 204: Finding Rest from 2023-01-17T06:01

Is true rest actually possible in a world filled with so many hardships, sorrows, and worries? Absolutely. Yet we won't find it in anything the world has to offer us. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 203: Unrestrained from 2023-01-10T06:01

Sin doesn't stay in certain areas of our life where we want it to. It is unrestrained.  

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 202: Counterfeit Life from 2022-12-16T06:01

A counterfeit is meant to trick you into thinking it's the real thing. It is the perfect word to describe so many aspects of the world and culture we live in. But the truth helps us see through ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 201: Moment by Moment from 2022-12-05T06:01

We've been away from podcasting the last month, but not without cause. We've been up to exciting things and along the way God has been teaching us to learn to be content to follow Him moment my ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 200: Think About It from 2022-10-20T05:01

God cares what we think about. Yet so often we don't stop and think. It is important that we don't find ourselves in Christian auto-drive. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 199: Applying Truth from 2022-10-03T05:01

Parenting is challenging. How do we help our kids take their knowledge of God's Word and apply it to everyday situations? 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 198: Entrusted With Time from 2022-09-26T05:01

Is time ours or does it belong to God? How we answer this question impacts how we choose to use it. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 197: Practicing Sin from 2022-09-08T05:01

Practice is a word we can all relate to. Yet what happens when we make a practice of sinning?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 196: Enemies of God from 2022-08-30T04:36:10

Friendship with the world means enmity towards God? Does that sound a bit harsh? It might actually make a lot more sense than we'd think. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 195: Witnesses from 2022-08-19T05:01

The twelve apostles didn't have to come up with a catchy story or a winning game plan to spread the gospel. All Jesus commanded them to do was to be his witnesses of what they had seen and heard...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 194: Rescue Me from 2022-08-04T05:01

Crashing waves. Lighting strikes all around. Wind that threatens to capsize the boat. God, rescue me!

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 193: Does God Exist? from 2022-07-21T12:25:58

This question is a common one. But is the answer actually illusive? It's important to talk about it because the implications are life changing. Listen

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 192: Belief Driven from 2022-07-07T14:01:01

What we believe is obvious because our lives show it. Let's look beyond the things we say and get to the heart of the matter. What do we really believe?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 191: Deadly Serious from 2022-06-20T05:01

God is deadly serious about some things. It's important that we understand them. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 190: Talking Tough Topics with Your Kids from 2022-06-09T05:01

How are you going to talk to your kids about all the tough things happening in the world? We can't just avoid them. So, let us dive in.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 189: Danger From Within from 2022-06-02T05:01

America isn't invincible. These days it's easy to see the dangers facing our nation, but do we see the imminent danger from within?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 188: Liars from 2022-05-19T05:01

We are all liars and we are good at it. So, it's not a matter of whether or not we will lie. The question to ask ourselves is: what are we going to do when God's truth confronts our lies? 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 187: Faithful Then and Now from 2022-05-12T05:01

We see God's faithfulness on display throughout the Bible. Fast forward to today and nothing has changed. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 186: Intentional from 2022-05-03T05:17:41

If you want something to be a part of your life, it takes being intentional and making it a top priority. So does making disciples. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 185: Freedom From Others from 2022-04-19T05:01

Relationships weren't meant to be this way. Sin wasn't supposed to infect everything. Yet this is the reality of the fallen world we live in. How do we find freedom when others cause us hurt and...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 184: Worthy of Our Extravagance from 2022-04-07T05:01

No gift is too costly. No sacrifice is too big. No treasure can compare. When we know Jesus, we realize he is worthy of our extravagance. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 183: It's Our Time from 2022-03-25T05:01

We all have one life. We don't get to pick the times we live. But now is our time. What are we going to do with it?  

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 182: Forgivable from 2022-03-17T13:30:02

If you are feeling discouraged and defeated, or questioning whether or not God could still forgive you, or maybe just need a reminder of his love, then this podcast is for you. Join us as we div...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 181: Courage Under Opposition from 2022-03-07T06:01

There is a spiritual battle raging that impacts our lives as we follow Jesus and live as His disciples. We should expect opposition as we actively advance against the darkness. In God's strength...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 180: The Cost of Love from 2022-02-22T22:22:24

The Bible tells us to love as Jesus loved us. Are we willing to go that far, or does our love have conditions and limits? Are we willing to love even when it comes at a cost?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 179: The Battle Belongs to God from 2022-02-14T06:01

We all face battles in our lives. When something threatens to bring us down, where do we turn? Who do we look to when the battles feel impossible or the enemies overwhelming? 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 178: Wars and Rumors of Wars from 2022-02-03T17:27:26

Russia amassing troops on the boarder of Ukraine, North Korea testing missiles, the Taliban taking over Afghanistan - these are just some of the wars and rumors of wars filling the news recently...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 177: Hypocrites from 2022-01-20T13:53:59

Not much fires us up like witnessing hypocrisy. Yet an honest look at our own lives and we quickly realize we are often just as guilty of the hypocrisy we so hate. So what is the right path forw...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 176: Who Is Jesus? from 2022-01-12T06:01

Many are willing to say he was a good teacher. Others are drawn to his love for all people. His birth splits all of history's dates in two. But, who is Jesus? There is no topic more important to...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 175: Give Forgiveness from 2021-12-21T15:39:18

Listening to a Christian radio drama last week got our family talking all about forgiveness. We love that God forgives us for our sins. We appreciate when others forgive us when we mess up. But ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 174: Citizenship from 2021-12-09T22:07:24

Where is your citizenship? As Christians, we must remember that this world is not our home. No, we are sojourners and exiles here and our true home is with God in heaven. As we journey on, let u...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 173: Christmastime from 2021-12-02T22:35:14

Guess what? It is Christmastime. It is a season of Christmas lights, the decorated tree, memorable songs, and favorite treats. It is also when we celebrate an unimaginable truth: God became man....

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 172: Reimagine Your Life from 2021-11-22T21:54:14

Let's try to reimagine what our families might look like as we live as Christians in a world that is walking in darkness. Too often we slide into the pattern shown us by the world - a life that ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 171: Let's Be Hospitable from 2021-11-02T04:54:35

Do you view hospitality as an important part of your Christian life? The Bible makes it clear that it is! That doesn't mean it's always easy or convenient. Be encouraged to see beyond the challe...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 170: Are We In The Battle? from 2021-10-18T05:58:01

There is a spiritual battle raging all around us. We have been called to take part in it - warring with the spiritual weapons God has given us. Are you engaged in the battle? Or, are you having ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 169: Convinced from 2021-10-11T05:01

When we truly believe something, it changes how we live from that point on. We can know what the Bible says, but being convinced of its truths is a whole different story. We are convinced. Are y...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 168: Servants of God from 2021-10-01T05:33:10

We have been purchased by the precious blood of our Savior, Jesus. Because of that, we follow Him as our Lord. Do we truly comprehend what that means?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 167: Movement of Obedience from 2021-09-17T19:57:14

God cares about obedience. It's not something we talk about often, but we should be. Let's pray God works in our hearts to make us people and families that break out of the cycle of what is "nor...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 166: Whatever It Takes from 2021-09-10T05:01

What we are doing isn't working. The majority of young people who grow up active in the church walk away from the faith by adulthood. This heartbreaking statistic burdens us to ask the question:...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 165: Special Guest: Bethany Beal - Embracing Biblical Womanhood from 2021-08-25T05:01

The world has much to say about what it means to be a woman and there is a lot of pressure to buy into that image. Yet what if the Creator didn't leave the job of defining womanhood up to our cu...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 164: Don't Give Up Ground from 2021-08-19T04:34:59

We've been weeding overgrown gardens and realizing how much work it is to take back ground lost to thistles and dandelions. Weeds never stop trying to grow back. So, fighting to keep the ground ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 163: A Powerful Recommendation from 2021-08-09T03:49:45

Sometimes something is so good that you just have to tell someone about it. Join us on the podcast today as we do just that!

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 162: Abundant Danger from 2021-08-02T04:16:17

Before God's people enter the Promised Land, He gives them a warning about the abundant danger they will face in the land they are going in to posses. The surprise is that this is not the danger...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 161: Train Like an Olympian from 2021-07-23T16:44:19

1 Corinthians 9:24-25 says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Listen

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 160: Trekking the Narrow Path from 2021-07-15T20:47:09

Following Jesus is an adventure, a challenging trek on the narrow path. In this episode, we share the journey God has had us walking the past year. We hope it encourages you as you press on livi...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 159: Fasting from 2021-07-01T12:33:19

Look throughout the Bible and you'll see lots of key characters fasting - David, Esther, Daniel, Paul, and even Jesus. But why? What is fasting? Why do it? Does it still matter for Christians to...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 158: The Small Battles are the Big Battles from 2021-06-25T05:13:07

We want to win the big spiritual battles in life. Yet we overlook all the seemingly insignificant battles that face us every day. We must recognize that these are not small battles at all. In fa...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 157: Fear God from 2021-06-18T15:21:37

As Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Let’s take a moment to get a small glimpse of God from the Bible. It is ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 156: God, the Bible, and Homosexuality from 2021-06-08T17:16:42

If God is real and the Bible is His Word, then that changes everything. We quickly understand that it doesn’t matter what one person thinks or another. It doesn’t matter what the world is celebr...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 155: Remember from 2021-05-21T04:14:33

Life has a way of constantly throwing challenging circumstances our way. It's easy in these moments to shrink back or look for God to prove Himself. But, the truth is, He already has. God will n...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 154: Out of Our Minds from 2021-05-14T21:06:21

The world is a mess. The culture is in chaos. While we may feel overwhelmed, we must remember it is all Listen

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 153: Boundary Lines from 2021-05-07T04:57:10

As humans, we don't like boundary lines. We've been told they hold us back from being who we truly are. Yet the Creator has established the entire world to function within clear lines and limits...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 152: What is Truth? from 2021-04-29T05:01:59

The world constantly throws out the same question that Pontius Pilate asked Jesus before he sentenced him to death, "What is truth?" Isn't that the same cry we hear today? What is gender? What i...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 151: Family Creed from 2021-04-20T05:05:49

It's easy to feel like you know what you stand for until the realities of life start beating against your foundation like crashing waves. When the fears, questions, and pressures arise, will you...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 150: Deluded from 2021-04-09T04:32:51

Are we susceptible to being deluded? Is it possible that we are placing our hope, trust, satisfaction, or identity in something as foolish as a lifeless idol? Isaiah chapter 44 speaks some blunt...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 149: Chapter 1 - Discipleship Parenting from 2021-04-02T03:30

Discipleship Parenting. What is it? Why does it matter? Does it even work? Dive into this special podcast episode where we share the first chapter of Chosen Gen's book, Discipleship Parentin...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 148: Double Down from 2021-03-25T04:39:05

Have you ever tried to live by God's Word and found things only got harder? Have you started discipling your kids in their faith only to find your family feels more messy than ever? Did you try ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 147: Let's Be Friends from 2021-03-16T04:07:26

Christian friendships are such a blessing! Join us as we discuss how to develop good friendships and what it looks like to be there for one another as the body of Christ. In a world of isolation...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 146: Seeing Jesus from 2021-03-05T05:06:58

All of us will encounter people in our lives who are hard to love. What gives us the ability to view others around us and look beyond their mess? The answer has everything to do with what you ar...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 145: Holy, Holy, Holy from 2021-02-26T06:14:01

Our view of God changes everything. The good news doesn't mean anything unless we first understand the character of God. In a world where mankind is elevated and pride is celebrated, we often ne...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 144: A Fruitful Family from 2021-02-18T21:00:10

How would you describe the way your family treats each other? For many of us, we could summarize our daily interactions as a struggle not to "bite and devour" one another with our words and acti...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 143: Special Guest: Todd Nettleton - When Faith is Forbidden from 2021-02-05T05:00

How do Christians stand firm while suffering for their faith in hostile and restricted nations? Why does it matter that we hear their stories and also share them with our kids? Join us as we tal...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 142: Not My Will But Yours Be Done from 2021-01-29T06:03

Jesus' life was all about doing God's will, no matter what the cost. As His followers, Jesus taught us to pray for the same thing. Is this the evident desire of the Church? As Christians, is a d...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 141: Rend Your Heart from 2021-01-22T05:29:32

The world is broken. The Church is divided. Families are a mess. Can we even come back from here? How do we start seeing believers strong in the faith, alive, and living boldly for Jesus in the ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 140: Spiritual Discernment from 2021-01-15T07:08:35

Do you have spiritual discernment? Join us as we talk about why this is such a critical trait of mature believers and how spiritual discernment grows in our lives.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 139: Special Guest: Ken Ham - Will They Stand? from 2021-01-05T05:00

We are kicking off this new year with a special guest who shares our heart and burden for the next generation. Join us as we talk with Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, about his new book ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 138: Coming Soon from 2020-12-31T05:00:49

So many prophecies were fulfilled with the birth of Jesus, the promised Messiah. At the moment of God's perfect timing, Jesus came. Before His ascension into heaven, Jesus tells us that He will ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 137: Merry Christmas from 2020-12-21T02:21:11

Daniel, Isaiah, and repentance, oh my! Let's get ready for Christmas this week by getting our hearts in the right place. 

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 136: With You Always from 2020-12-06T05:53:27

The Bible shows us that we can have confidence that God is with us and working all things for our good even when life feels chaotic. As we walk through a season that has thrown some curve balls ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 135: The Danger of Compromise from 2020-11-24T13:53:25

We can all understand that compromise in our walk of faith is not a good thing. But in the moment of decision, compromise often feels so small and inconsequential. Yet we must realize there is a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 134: The Knockout Punch from 2020-11-17T04:52:13

One day we are feeling great and full of joy. Then the very next day arrives and we find ourselves dealing with discouragement, defeat, and frustration. As Christians, how can we avoid this day-...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 133: Divided from 2020-11-05T05:39:59

The nation is divided and, even more concerning, so is the Christian Church in America. As the body of Christ, we must unite. So how are we going to do it? What needs to be done to bring us toge...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 132: Live It from 2020-10-30T04:39:09

Head knowledge can only get you so far. There is a point where you have to begin putting what you've learned into practice in real life. This is true in our faith as well. As disciples of Jesus,...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 131: Stay the Course from 2020-10-24T04:06:58

Are you feeling tempted to give up? Are you struggling to keep pressing on in the things God has called you to do? Are you worried that victory is never coming? Don't give up. Press on! What you...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 130: Adulterous Bride from 2020-10-16T04:27:02

Israel was chosen out of all the nations of the world to be God's special possession. He was their God and they were His people. And yet, we see them continually turn away from Him and follow th...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 129: Reclaiming God's Design for Sex from 2020-10-09T03:59:01

As Christians living in a sexually crazed culture, it's important we understand that sex is actually God's creation! It is a good, beautiful blessing to be shared by a husband and wife! As sinfu...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 128: Made For This from 2020-10-02T04:37:43

Our natural tendency is to focus on ourselves. The messages of the world only serve to add to our self-centered mindset. Yet we were made to worship something much greater than ourselves. We wer...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 127: Malnourished from 2020-09-24T04:57:39

It is not good to be malnourished. Yet the reality is that much of the Christian Church in America is exactly that. We are hungry and our lives show it. So what exactly are we talking about and ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 126: What Are You Thinking About? from 2020-09-17T04:59:36

So what do you think about? What thoughts, desires, hopes, and dreams flood your mind each day? What we think about is a strong driving factor of the actions of our lives, so there is no more cr...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 125: Speak Life from 2020-09-09T04:46:51

Our words have incredible power. They can speak life-giving hope that builds others up, or destructive and hurtful barbs that wound a person for far too long. How do we control our tongues and w...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 124: History Makers from 2020-08-27T21:48:52

Throughout history, young people have played pivotal roles in it. Kids are capable of so much more than we realize. God has wonderfully created them with a specific purpose. The kids sitting aro...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 123: Fully Satisfied from 2020-08-21T02:23:02

Jesus declares that He is both the bread of life and living water. In Him, we no longer need to hunger or thirst for righteousness because it is ours through faith. What an incredible gift! Yet ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 122: Adventurers from 2020-08-13T13:06:09

You were made to be an adventurer! Your Savior is calling out, "Follow me." Let's go. Let's walk through this life following him wherever he leads. Tune in today and be inspired to be adventurer...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 121: Overcoming Evil with Good from 2020-08-07T03:43:04

Overcome evil with good. Is this biblical command even possible? Yes it is! Tune in to this podcast episode and learn why this battle plan for victory over sin is so powerful and how you can be ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 120: When Jesus and Safety Collide from 2020-07-30T03:59:22

Safety. Our world lives for it. Our hearts desire it. Our priorities protect it. So what is a Christian to do when Jesus' words collide with safety in our personal lives? Can we hold on to them ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 119: Living from Victory from 2020-07-24T04:24:20

Jesus has saved us and given us eternal life through faith alone in Him. Yet what do we do about the sins that come so easily in our lives? How do we live a life of freedom and victory? Is there...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 118: It's Go Time from 2020-07-12T04:00

The time is now. No more being disheartened by the state of the culture. No more feeling hopeless and discouraged. No more being driven by fear and doubt. We have everything we need. Let's heed ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 117: Have We Conformed? from 2020-07-03T04:15

Christians, we are called by God to be holy and set apart. How are we doing? Is our faith shining as a light into the darkness or has it dimmed as we are easily ensnared by the sins of the world...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 116: Rest for the Weary Soul from 2020-06-26T03:55:01

Does life feel heavy? Do you find yourself worn down by the responsibilities of raising children? Does the Christian life feel like a marathon that has you physically and spiritually exhausted? ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 115: Darkness Masquerading as Light from 2020-06-18T05:02:31

We live in a tumultuous world filled with lots of noise from countless voices, many claiming to be Christian. How can believers have spiritual discernment so they don't find themselves tossed ba...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 114: Radical Reconciliation from 2020-06-07T19:33:05

Join us as we talk about injustice, love amidst chaos, and the power of Jesus. With God, radical reconciliation is possible. Let’s make sure God’s Word is driving our actions as His church so th...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 113: Aspire to Great Things from 2020-05-29T04:39:45

There is something inside all of us that wants our lives to matter. We want to make a difference in the world. What does that look like for us as Christians? Let's look at the one example that m...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 112: Life Changing from 2020-05-22T04:02:47

Join us as we discuss something that we think has the opportunity to greatly bless your life, marriage, and family. Let's discuss a book about a book that is truly life changing.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 111: Longing for More from 2020-05-08T04:22:12

Why do we find ourselves accumulating more and more and yet never having enough? How is it that we can get married, buy our first home or have a baby and still find ourselves unsatisfied? There ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 110: Identity Crisis from 2020-04-24T05:18:54

In life, it is so easy to let failures, weaknesses, or past mistakes start to define us. We take lies and speak them as truth to ourselves. We need to remember what God has to say about us. It i...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 109: Be Strong and Courageous from 2020-04-17T05:35:18

In the Old Testament, Joshua had every reason to fear as he took command of the Israelites as they were about to enter the Promised Land. Yet God spoke to him with great words of encouragement, ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 108: Never Stronger from 2020-04-09T14:46:37

Are you giving your very best, but realizing you are still coming up short? Are you struggling to persevere in the trials of life right now? Are you feeling disappointed that life is not going a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 107: Battle of the Mind from 2020-04-03T03:45:59

Do you find your thoughts being tossed around? They are steady one moment and the next they are full of fear and anxiety. As Christians, how do we win the daily battles of the mind? Victory is p...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 106: Spiritual Pandemic from 2020-03-25T05:18:27

While our attention is alert to the coronavirus pandemic, let's be aware of something much more serious that has infected the entire world - sin! Aggressive steps are being taken by governments ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 105: Unprecedented Opportunities from 2020-03-17T05:17:34

The coronavirus continues to dominate the news globally and its impact is being felt more directly each day. Yet in the midst of all the fear and uncertainty, there are unprecedented opportuniti...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 104: Coronavirus, Stocks and Fear from 2020-03-10T04:44:57

We can know the promises of God, but we are often hit by news that evokes fear in our life. Yet God can use these fears to reveal areas where we lack trust in him. These situations can be great ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 103: Impossible Love from 2020-03-03T06:06:52

1 John 4:19 says, "We love because he first loved us." As Christians, we see God's love for us demonstrated by Jesus death on the cross and we know our call is to love others. Yet to love in the...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 102: Stand Out from 2020-02-18T05:24:39

We all want to fit in and feel normal. In fact, we choose to do many things in life simply because we don't want to stand out. The challenge as Christians is that following Jesus means we look d...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 101: The Big Lie from 2020-02-07T06:11:18

This lie is a big one. It is believable. It strongly appeals to our natural desires. It also confronts us routinely. Yet, we must remember that it is a lie, and we can find victory over it knowi...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 100: For Such a Time as This from 2020-01-30T06:20:24

God created us to live in this moment of history, in the place that we are, in the families we are part of, with the jobs that we have, for his purposes. It’s time to rise up and start living ou...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 99: Grow from 2020-01-22T13:29:53

It is important to grow even though at times it is challenging and painful to do. As Christians, we are meant to continue to grow in our faith and spiritual maturity. While it can be a difficult...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 98: Heartbroken from 2020-01-13T13:23:02

When was the last time you found yourself heartbroken over something? It's a response you cannot force. As we discuss today's topic, may we all find ourselves heartbroken and may it drive us to ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 97: Thanks for Fleas from 2019-12-20T07:16:43

God cares about the big details of our lives, but has no interest in the small stuff, right? It is easy to feel this way, but it isn't the case. God is active in all things, working them for our...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 96: The Righteous Judge from 2019-12-11T05:51:14

We like talking about God as loving, patient, forgiving, and merciful, but not that He is also holy, righteous, and just. God is the righteous judge that will punish people for their sins. It is...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 95: We Are Rich! from 2019-11-21T12:00

Jesus is our greatest treasure and the Bible is filled with God's promises for every believer. We are rich! As Christians, let's use what God has blessed us with to courageously follow Him.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 94: Discipleship Works from 2019-11-13T05:52:27

God is clear in the Bible that discipleship works. As we look at our lives, we are actually great disciple makers in many things. Yet, let's make sure we are disc...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 93: Something Worth Fighting For from 2019-11-05T11:00:42

In life, we are willing to do hard things when we see that the benefits far exceed the costs. There is something in our marriage that fits this description. It is something that is challenging and ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 92: Wrestle Mania from 2019-10-29T04:12:41

Wrestle mania is real and happens throughout our lives as we struggle to make big decisions. Yet, we cannot find ourselves paralyzed to move or making decisions based on fears, insecurities, and li...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 91: Your Calling from 2019-10-20T04:41:50

Christians, Jesus has given us all a clear command in life. Do you know what it is? It doesn’t matter what your age is, where you work, what type of personality you have, where you live, how much y...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 90: Following Jesus Is Hard from 2019-10-09T05:13

Following Jesus is hard from the moment we pick up the Bible and the light of God's Word shines into the darkness of our sins. Yet, following Him is worth the cost! Don't turn around when things ge...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 89: Two Roads from 2019-09-27T12:46

Take a walk down two different roads with us today. Let's see that sin comes with a cost, a very great cost. It is only in walking with Jesus that we find real hope and true life. He's calling to e...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 88: God Of The Impossible from 2019-09-20T12:44:23

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! This truth is life-changing and emboldening. The God of the impossible that we see in the Bible is the same God working in our lives today. It's time ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 87: Jericho, Day 6 from 2019-09-13T04:42:59

You will have seasons in your life that will feel like Jericho, day 6. You've followed God's ways. You've been trusting that his plan is the best. But, you have yet to see him come through in victo...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 86: That's a Lie from 2019-09-06T05:13:16

I don't think we realize how much of our day we hear lies or speak them to ourselves. While most people brush off lying as nothing serious, that is, well, a lie. Lies are dangerous and can enslave ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 85: Don't Bow from 2019-08-19T03:17:25

We can’t compromise. We can’t conform. We can’t bow to the pressure. When it comes to making decisions that will impact our children’s faith, they need us to think beyond the immediate to their ete...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 84: Get Messy from 2019-08-08T21:27:17

Who doesn't like life all neat and tidy? Yet, what if it's best for us and for our families to get messy? What if it’s best for the church to step into the mess of others? In this podcast, let’s ta...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 83: Just Stop from 2019-08-01T04:31:26

Maybe the best thing any of us can do right now is just stop. Less talking. Less thinking. Less planning. It's time to stop and spend time with God.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 82: Selfishness from 2019-07-25T12:41:40

Are you selfish? Me too. Selfish ambition is listed in the Bible as an act of the flesh. In other words, it comes naturally to all of us as sinners. Yet, as Christians, we live life by the Spirit w...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 81: Take a Step of Faith from 2019-07-19T18:54:02

Have you ever felt this way? You are questioning where God wants you or what His purpose is in the place He has you. I think we can all relate as we have all found ourselves in this situation at le...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 80: Overcoming Instant Gratification from 2019-07-10T04:21:35

We live in a culture where instant gratification is the norm. While it can be an amazing thing to get orders on the same day, this lifestyle becomes a problem when it impacts our faith. In fact, as...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 79: Church On The Move from 2019-06-27T04:36:05

God designed the human body to be active. In the same way, as the body of Christ, God has equipped us and commanded us to go and do. Let’s examine our lives to make sure we are all working toget...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 78: Cloud of Witnesses - George Muller from 2019-06-20T03:01:02

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race mark...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 77: Cloud Of Witnesses - Gladys Aylward from 2019-06-12T19:28

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race m...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 76: Kids, Rise Up! from 2019-06-06T18:34:56

Christian parents, it's time to encourage our children to rise up. The world has left the next generation in a sad state and this is unfortunately true inside the church too. Let’s show them the tr...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 75: Men, Rise Up! from 2019-05-29T03:27:54

Christian men, rise up! Our marriages, our children, our churches, this world, need us and the time is now. Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 74: Women, Rise Up! from 2019-05-22T01:22:13

Ladies, there are so many outlets in the world telling us that it's our time to rise up. As a Christian woman, I agree! Let's rise up and let God lead us to a life of strength, beauty and purpose.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 73: Equipping Parents For Discipleship from 2019-05-03T03:11:54

How do we grow in our faith as a husband and wife? How do we teach our kids to know the Bible? How do we overcome the constant messages of the world all day, every day? It all starts with opening u...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 72: Mission Impossible - Fears from 2019-04-25T05:20:52

Armies, and giants, and storms, oh my! We are not the first people to have fears. Yet, throughout the Bible God tells us not to fear. How is this possible? Find out in this podcast episode.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 71: Mission Impossible - Provision from 2019-04-17T16:37:55

In this podcast series, we are looking at incredible stories from the Bible where God shows us through his actions that He is completely capable of handling the areas in our lives that cause us to ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 70: Mission Impossible - Obstacles from 2019-04-10T04:44:45

There is one consistent factor in all the impossibly awesome stories of the Bible: God. We have an incredible, all-powerful God that hasn’t changed. Let’s live with complete faith in our God that h...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 69: Stories Of The 60% from 2019-04-04T13:59:09

God gave us a burden for what is happening in the next generation of the Church. Do you share it with us? Perhaps the statistics are still just statistics for you. But what if they were kids you kn...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 68: Culture Watchman from 2019-03-27T12:07:54

In an increasingly unbelieving culture that knows less and less about the Bible, how do we, as Christians, live as a watchman? And how do we speak without fear and in love? Let’s turn to God’s Word...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 67: Family Watchman from 2019-03-21T12:03:03

Christians are called to be a watchman and today we discuss what that looks like in our families. It's not easy to have tough conversations with our spouse or children. Yet, it is crucial we share ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 66: Watchman from 2019-03-14T12:33:47

We all have many titles and responsibilities in life. As a Christian, you can add one more to your list: watchman. In a culture that is in grave spiritual danger, God is asking all Christians to be...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 65: Be Encouraged! Victory Is Near from 2019-03-07T12:47:35

Be encouraged, Bride, your victorious, glorious Bridegroom is returning soon! This truth gives us freedom, hope, joy, power, and boldness as we live to do God's work. We are loved! We are forgiven!...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 64: Be Encouraged! You are Part of the Family from 2019-02-28T12:57

As a believer is Jesus, you are part of the Christian family and a citizen of God's kingdom. This is amazing news and offers us a lifetime of blessings, encouragement, and support. This world is to...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 63: Be Encouraged! The Truth Sets You Free from 2019-02-14T05:19:42

Ever wrestle with discouragement? We do! How can we battle the lies of defeat or inadequacy or fear or failure? Victory and freedom are found in the truth! We'd love to have you join us for this po...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 62: Be Encouraged! You Are Not In Control from 2019-02-07T05:30:22

All the news in the world got you down? Having a hard time trusting God with things in your home or family life? Worried about your future? Be encouraged! There are some Biblical truths that speak ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 61: Raising Kids That Love the Bible from 2019-01-29T12:47:37

Raising kids that love the Bible is a crucial topic, but let's be honest it sounds boring to discuss. We have taken that challenge head on and hope we have taken this important topic and also made ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 60: Marriage Maker - The Bible from 2019-01-22T12:50:11

Married couples, this is a must listen to podcast episode. Are you reading the Bible together? You absolutely need to be. Let's look at the many ways God's Word blesses marriages and unites us on a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 59: Rising Up To God's Calling from 2019-01-16T13:05:05

It's time to rise up. It's time to conform our lives to the Bible. This podcast episode looks at the important role men play in fighting for the next generation and how women can help to encourage ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 58: It's Time To Jump from 2019-01-09T04:23:47

God continues to burden our heart for the next generation of the Church. However, time has continually stopped us from giving more to this mission of fighting for the next generation. But, no longe...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 57: Seeing the Big Picture in 2019 from 2018-12-18T04:53:28

Sit down and be encouraged by a heartfelt conversation with Justin and Katy as they wrap up 2018 and look ahead to 2019. As we consider the coming year, are we really focused on the most important ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 56: The Letters - Lukewarm from 2018-12-11T12:45:16

The final letter addressed to the churches in Revelation is sent to the lukewarm church of Laodicea. What makes Jesus want to spit this church from his mouth and what has blinded the Laodiceans to ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 55: The Letters - The Key from 2018-11-30T13:12:03

We are diving into the letter to Philadelphia. While Jesus begins each letter in Revelation by describing himself, this one is particularly powerful because it talks about his authority as the King...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 54: The Letters - You Have a Reputation from 2018-11-19T13:00:38

"I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up!" In the letter to Sardis, Jesus gives this church a strong rebuke. By all their outward appearances, this church...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 53: The Letters - Don't Tolerate Jezebel from 2018-11-08T15:53:51

“Nevertheless, I have this against you: you tolerate that woman Jezebel.” Jesus’ message to the church in Thyatira calls out Jezebel and those who have committed acts of idolatry and immorality wit...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 52: The Letters - The Double-edged Sword from 2018-10-25T11:31:41

In the letter to Pergamum, Jesus points out that he is the one with the sharp, double-edged sword. Why introduce himself to the church in Pergamum in this way? What was going on that needed fightin...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 51: The Letters - But You Are Rich from 2018-10-18T04:08:20

In the letter to Smyrna in Revelation, we get a picture of a church facing afflictions, poverty, slander, and persecution. Yet, Jesus reminds them that he is the First and Last, he died and came to...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 50: The Letters - First Love from 2018-10-11T12:15:09

The letters to the churches in Revelation offer encouragement and challenges for Christians today. In the letter to Ephesus, Jesus commends them for their hard work and perseverance. Yet, he rebuke...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 49: Teaching Our Kids To Pray from 2018-10-03T03:42:40

It is critical that we teach our kids how to pray because prayer is powerful and is a blessing God gives us as Christians. Yet, for many of us parents, it can be an intimidating area because we kno...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 48: Training in Righteousness from 2018-09-19T02:42:07

We are in the race of faith and we want to give this life our all. So, it is important that we train just like an athlete that is intent on the prize. As Christians, we need to examine our diet (hi...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 47: The Prize from 2018-09-13T03:40:08

Jesus has won us an incredible prize. Do you know what it is? Do you understand why this prize is so valuable? It is important to know the answers to these questions because they are eye-opening an...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 46: Educating For Life from 2018-08-29T03:11:31

Back to school is in the air, on our minds and all over social media. Why? Because our kids' education is a big deal. As we launch into a new year of academics and extra curricular activities, let'...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 45: Unending Forgiveness from 2018-08-20T04:13:41

Is your life marked by unending forgiveness? As Christians, this is how God has called us to live in response to the love and forgiveness he has given to us. This sounds great until we have to do i...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 44: Radical Love from 2018-08-14T11:28:26

Is the phrase "radical love" just Christian jargon, something cool to use for a book title or possibly a podcast? The answer is absolutely not! The love that causes a perfect, holy God to come to e...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 43: Unwavering Trust from 2018-08-07T03:30:14

Can you imagine living a life of unwavering trust in God? The awesome thing is that God hasn't made it an unattainable goal. It simply takes getting into God's Word to remember who he is and the pr...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 42: Unshakable Hope from 2018-07-31T03:13:17

Bad news abounds and sin flourishes. Yet, as Christians, we have an unshakable hope! The Bible reminds us of many important truths that conquer the discouraging lies of Satan. We are equipped to li...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 41: Thorns from 2018-07-24T04:05:45

Life's worries. Thorn. Desire for riches. Thorn. Chasing after pleasures. Thorn. Do you have any thorns in your life? As Christians, we want to produce a crop for God and this requires understandin...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 40: Are You Good Soil? from 2018-07-12T04:06:29

The path, rocky ground, among the thorns, and good soil. Guess what? One of these is you. In the parable of the sower, Jesus describes a farmer sowing seed, which is the word of God, onto these uni...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 39: Taming The Tongue from 2018-06-27T02:50:41

I've got some juicy news! You won't believe what I just heard! The Bible compares the tongue to a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. We can all understand this comparison. We have a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 38: Ending Division from 2018-06-20T11:19:26

The world is full of division and that spills into the Church. Yet, it doesn't have to be this way. As Christians, it is possible to end these divisions when we find our unity in the Spirit, living...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 37: Suicide and Despair from 2018-06-11T12:12:07

Tragic suicides can't stay out of the headlines and statistics show it is a rising issue in the United States. There are many factors that can cause us to despair or have suicidal thoughts, and Sat...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 36: Alarm Clock! It Could Be Our Kids from 2018-06-05T03:21:15

Parents, this is our alarm clock. We can't afford to hit the snooze button this time around. We need our eyes to be opened to what is happening to our kids.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 35: Living On Offense from 2018-05-22T04:31:59

Do you feel strong enough to live out your faith in this crazy world? Or, do you find yourself discouraged, fearful, and shrinking back? Jesus promises that the gates of hell will not overcome his ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 34: Raising Mission-Minded Kids from 2018-05-09T00:20:44

As Christian parents, we understand the responsibility of sharing Jesus with our children. However, do we take the next step and share their role in spreading the Good News with the lost? It is cri...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 33: Living the God Life from 2018-05-01T02:24:27

We all want to live the good life, but Satan has us deceived that it is found apart from God and his commands. The truth is that living the good life is living the God life. We see this lesson lear...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 32: The Powerhouse of Love and Truth from 2018-04-25T01:37:25

Somewhere along the way we bought the lie that we have to suppress the truth in order to be loving. No, it's the powerhouse combo of truth and love that offers freedom and new life to all!

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 31: By Our Love from 2018-04-17T04:00

What's love got to do with it? Well, as followers of Jesus, it has everything to do with our lives. In fact, Jesus said our love is how people would know we are his followers. Yet, we need to look ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 30: A Ten or a Two? from 2018-04-10T01:35:06

Are you a ten or a two? In this podcast episode, we want to examine our lives to see if we have the markers of faith that would cause us to trust in God like Joshua and Caleb. They were two of the ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 29: Persevere from 2018-04-04T01:44:18

I'm saved. Now what? It's time to persevere in our faith! Our lives as Christians are not promised to be easy and without struggle. In fact, the opposite is true. Jesus says that in this world we w...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 28: Freedom From Entangling Sins from 2018-03-27T03:34:43

Since Jesus has paid the price for all sin and we are forgiven through our faith alone in him, we can start to believe that sin doesn't matter. But, don't let Satan deceive you! Sin still matters a...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 27: Living A Life On Mission from 2018-03-20T03:06:44

I’m saved. Now what? The answer is life-changing. God has called us to live a life on mission that is defined by three things: Love God. Love others. Go and make disciples. When we understand this ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 26: Does My Life Make Sense? from 2018-03-13T03:24:58

Join us as we dive into a new podcast series titled: I'm saved. Now what? This first part of the series takes a challenging, yet refreshing look into our own lives by asking ourselves the question:...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 25: Prayer - Overcoming Common Struggles from 2018-03-06T03:43:19

While prayer is critical to the lives of Christians, that doesn't mean we all have thriving prayer lives. In fact, many of us may feel our prayer lives are struggling or even non-existent. How do w...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 24: Prayer Is Powerful from 2018-02-28T03:41:09

Prayer is a powerful tool we've been given as Christians, not because of any special powers it gives us, but because we have the privilege to bring our requests before the God of the universe. Dive...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 23: Coming Before a Holy God from 2018-02-13T03:39:59

Do you feel like praying? While we know prayer is such an important aspect of the Christian life, for many, it feels like something we have to do rather than something we get the privilege to do. T...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 22: Suiting Up for Battle, Part 2 from 2018-01-28T23:49:21

How are we shielded by faith, guarded by the helmet of salvation and ready to strike back with the sword of the Spirit? Find out on this podcast episode as we conclude our series on spiritual warfa...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 21: Suiting up for Battle, Part 1 from 2018-01-16T03:47:11

Jesus has won the ultimate victory over sin, death and Satan. However, Satan still has power to tempt and deceive on earth until Jesus returns at his second coming. So, as we walk out our Christian...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 20: Understanding the Enemy from 2018-01-03T03:38:58

The spiritual battle we live in is real and so is our enemy - Satan. That is why it is important we understand who he is, what tactics he uses against us, and how we can stand in the victory God ha...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 19: The War from 2017-12-21T00:01:41

As Christians, we can easily forget the spiritual war that rages around us. But, we are needed to rise up in the battle, not sit on the sidelines. In what ways can we stay focused on what really ma...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 18: The (Not-So-Easy) Simple Solution from 2017-12-07T02:00:42

There is no denying that if the Church does not rise up and fight for the next generation, they will quickly get swept up into the current of worldliness and unbelief right before our eyes. Somethi...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 17: Virginity or Purity? from 2017-11-09T05:01:33

“Don’t have sex before you are married.” For most of us who grew up in Christian homes, we probably had this command ingrained into our brains. Why? Because sexual intimacy is one of the most speci...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 16: Itching Ears from 2017-10-19T04:06:32

Paul warns of a time when people will surrounds themselves with others that are willing to tell them what they want to hear, things that go against the Bible. However, before we move on feeling con...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 15: The Idol of Approval from 2017-10-04T11:31:57

The desire to be liked is normal, but this can quickly become an idol when our need for approval starts to consume us and we begin to compromise on God's Word to fit in. Chasing after people's appr...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 14: The Idol of Pleasure from 2017-09-21T02:49:05

We all are drawn to things that promise to satisfy the desires of our flesh. However, we can see that worshiping at the idol of pleasure will never satisfy us or bring us lasting joy. Learn why it ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 13: Identifying and Overcoming Idols from 2017-09-07T23:27:10

It's easy to talk about idolatry and worship as general terms, but it gets much more personal when we start to examine our own lives for idols that may be present in our hearts. How do we discover ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 12: Idolatry and Worship from 2017-08-22T02:16:11

Idolatry is something we all struggle with on a daily basis whether we know it or not. God commands us to have no other gods and to love him with all our heart. In this podcast episode, we want to ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 11: Why Am I Here? from 2017-08-04T01:43:07

If we are are hand-knit creations of God, then why did he make us? Why are we all here? Is there a purpose for our lives? If so, how do we live out that purpose? Find the answers to these questions...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 10: Who Am I? from 2017-07-26T02:18:30

Whether you are a Christian or not, there are certain questions about life that all of us will think about at some point. This podcast episode we are going to look at one of them: Who am I? Am I a ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 9: The Road Less Traveled from 2017-07-11T01:54:52

We were never meant to live our lives taking the wide road that the world is walking. God has a mission and a purpose for each of us. So how do we walk on the narrow road, the way that the Apostles...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 8: I AM: Jesus is Lord from 2017-06-12T02:16:26

We often talk about Jesus as our Lord, and as a general statement, we are okay with that. However, if Jesus is Lord of all things, that means he is in authority over each of our lives; that is wher...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 7: I AM: God is Love from 2017-06-01T02:55:44

God is love, but we cannot understand the depth of his love until we see our true condition. We are sinful to the core and stand guilty before God, our just and holy judge. Yet, our loving God did ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 6: I AM: God is Holy from 2017-05-18T02:41:24

How does understanding God's holiness impact our lives every single day? How does it affect how we parent our kids? And why does this even matter? Join us as we talk about these questions and more ...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 5: I AM: God the Creator from 2017-04-28T04:45:23

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God is the creator of all things. This is a foundational truth that changes everything. If God is the creator, then he has the...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 4: How to Start Reading the Bible from 2017-03-30T02:55:54

The Bible isn't a book just for pastors or the super educated. The Bible is for everyone, and God wants you to read it for yourself! This podcast episode will give you information on how to read th...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 3: Why Read the Bible? from 2017-03-08T01:23:35

Why is it so important that we as Christians read the Bible? Tune into this podcast episode to learn five reasons why reading God's Word needs to be a top priority in our lives.

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 2: What's the Big Deal about the Bible? from 2017-02-14T01:56:39

What's the big deal about the Bible? What makes it so incredible and unique from any other book in history? This podcast episode takes a look at how incredible the Bible is and why we can trust tha...

Discipleship Parenting
Episode 1: How to Fight for the Next Generation from 2017-01-31T03:12:48

60% of young people raised in the Christian Church will leave before adulthood. Why is this happening and how can we fight for the next generation?
