Podcasts by Dope Talks with Jay and Rae

Dope Talks with Jay and Rae

We could try shutting up but everyone knows that's for chumps.

Further podcasts by DopeTalks

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Dope Talks with Jay and Rae
Anarchy in Ravenna (and everywhere else!) from 2019-07-01T10:39:35

https://www.amazon.com/Most-Dangerous-Superstition-Larken-Rose/dp/145075063X https://www.amazon.com/Anarchism-Noam-Chomsky/dp/1595589104 https://www.amazon.com/Libertarian-Manifesto-Samuel-Edwar...

Dope Talks with Jay and Rae
Episode 3: Revenge of the Flat Earph from 2019-07-01T08:22:23

We left Jay at the bottom of a well & flat earth denier Starry taught us that the sun is actually a giant lightbulb, tied to a dome of some kind.

Relevant links: behindthecurvefilm.co...

Dope Talks with Jay and Rae
Dope Talks, Episode Two... Artist Ashley Dearing from 2019-03-10T11:50:51

Paint & sip horror stories. Flat earth is a hazard. Everyone shits on Thomas Kinkaide & we jam Tiger Army.


Dope Talks with Jay and Rae
Dope Talks, Episode One... Star Wars (duh) from 2019-02-25T14:20:39

In this episode, Rae derails a polite conversation by having a swear-word meltdown over Ahsoka Tano, Jay refers to the dark side as the "passion side," Lumpy Spacejeff loses his mic and we play ...
