Podcasts by DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross

DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross

Cracking the life code with TAI CHI.
Fighter| Father| Healer | Teacher

Further podcasts by David-Dorian Ross

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross
New Year New Life from 2019-12-18T20:36:57

Tai Chi helps bring balance into your life. When you practice it you will understand discipline, motivation. 

With this and more you will be able to apply this to all aspects of your...

DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross
Tai Chi for Entrepreneurs from 2017-08-03T20:55:52

It turns out that the principles of Tai Chi are also the principles perfect for being a successful entrepreneur.

DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross
Advice to Parents from 2017-07-23T23:12:36

When the time you have on earth begins to run out, you realize what is truly important.

DR. TAI CHI | with David-Dorian Ross
Who You Are v. What You Do from 2017-07-20T16:13:47

The Difference between Who You Are and What You Do
