Podcasts by Easy French Poetry (French Today)

Easy French Poetry (French Today)

Bonjour à tous and welcome to Easy French Poetry where I read some of the most Classic French Poems. I will read them twice: once slowly - so you may repeat after me - and once at a more natural reading pace. I will sometimes also talk about the life of the author, explain the vocabulary or do an analysis of the text using simple, everyday French.
You will find the full text of the poems accompanied by the audio on my website FrenchToday.com as well as much more audio material such as The Easy French Poetry Readings and Analysis series, Classic French Tales, French Verb Drills, reachable audio novels...

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Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Spleen" de Charles Baudelaire from 2011-10-17T11:56:46

Ce poème est écrit en Alexandrins, donc le rythme est très important,...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Dans la Forêt Sans Heures" de Jules Supervielle from 2011-09-19T19:17:06

À l'écart du mouvement surréaliste, la poésie de Supervielle est humaine, souvent inspirée par le monde qui nous entourre et la nature.

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Les Colchiques" de Guillaume Appollinaire from 2011-02-14T10:15:51

Poète et théoricien de l'Esprit nouveau, ses oeuvres annoncent déjà surréalisme. Dans ce poème, la femme est associée à une fleur des champs, la colchique. Mais la colchique est vénéneuse, c'est do...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"L'Abeille" de Paul Valéry from 2010-08-20T17:04:40

Paul Valéry croit que la poésie possède un pouvoir émotionnel qui peut être presque magique...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Le Paresseux" de Marc Antoine Girard de Saint-Amant from 2010-05-01T20:43:23

This poem in middle French, from the 17th century, is an hymn to indolence. Saint-Amant was a libertin poet, who enjoyed all the pleasures of life, liked to eat, drink, smoke and rest, as depicted ...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"De la Jeune Dame Qui A Vieil Mary" de Clément Marot from 2010-03-15T15:33:09

In this 16th century poem written in old French, a young woman is being married to an older man. She shares with us her attempts to seduce her husband, her torments and the decision she finally takes.

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Le Chêne et le Roseau" de Jean de la Fontaine from 2010-02-02T12:43:58

This fable tells a great story about a reed (which represent the people) and an all-mighty oak (representing the king)...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"La Maison Du Berger" d'Alfred de Vigny from 2009-06-01T15:56:47

This 19th century poem, 336 verse long, is in fact very philosophical and talks about the human condition. Written in Alexandrines, the poet entices a woman (Èva) to leave urban life, and live in N...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Les Vous et les Tu" de Voltaire from 2009-03-09T15:56:47

This is a sensual, yet very deep poem from Voltaire, 18th century.

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Carmen" de Théophile Gautier from 2008-10-28T13:40:58

Aujourd'hui, je vais vous lire un poème de Théophile Gautier, qui s’intitule “Carmen”.

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Le Niagara" de Louis Fréchette from 2008-08-05T00:11:31

"Le Niagara" by Louis Fréchette - Slow reading, author's life, analysis and fast reading.

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Sur Une Morte" d'Alfred de Musset from 2008-06-18T20:28:33

Poème "Sur Une Morte" d'Alfred de Musset

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
Poèmes de François Villon from 2008-02-25T20:51:16

"Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis" et "Épitaphe", ou "Ballade des Pendus".

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"La Feuille Blanche" de Paul Valéry from 2008-01-09T20:52:02

Simple reading of "La Feuille Blanche" de Paul Valéry

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"La Laitière et le Pot au Lait" de Jean de La Fontaine from 2007-11-20T23:54:21

Simple reading of "La Laitière et le Pot au Lait" de Jean de La Fontaine

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Le Corbeau et Le Renard" - with Full Analysis from 2006-02-20T13:47:02

This is a French as a second language Podcast, using poetry as a topic for discussion using everyday conversational French. Go to www.frenchtoday.com for more info on how to use this podcast accord...

Easy French Poetry (French Today)
"Le Corbeau et Le Renard" - with Full Analysis from 2006-02-20T13:47:02

This is a French as a second language Podcast, using poetry as a topic for discussion using everyday conversational French. Go to www.learnfrenchinboston.com for more info on how to use this podcas...
