Podcasts by EEG Podcast

EEG Podcast

This is a podcast series made by New York University's Entrepreneurial Exchange Group (EEG). EEG is the leading resource for anyone interested in startups and building things. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur, or someone who just wants to learn more, get involved with us. We'll help you become a part of our network.

Further podcasts by Entrepreneurial Exchange Group

Podcast on the topic Technologie

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EEG Podcast
Episode 02 - Stash Invest from 2018-03-19T16:46

Brandon Krieg, CEO and co-founder of Stash Invest, shares how he and his partner walked away from their six-figure jobs on wall street to launch an app that aims to make investing simple and acc...

EEG Podcast
Episode 01 - Vice Media from 2018-03-18T16:45

Sarah Broderick, COO and CFO of Vice Media, shares how Vice Media establishes a unique company culture that transcends geographic boundaries between international offices and employee age gaps t...
