Podcasts by egghead.io developer chats

egghead.io developer chats

We sit down with developers to talk about the latest and greatest in web development. These conversations will take you deeper into the human side of coding web applications and deliver insight that you might not expect.

Further podcasts by Joel Hooks and John Lindquist

Podcast on the topic Technologie

All episodes

egghead.io developer chats
Using TypeScript with Basarat and Marius Schulz from 2023-12-12T18:38:09.088371

Two leading TypeScript experts, Marius Schulz and Basarat Ali Syed, discuss their initial reactions and excitement for TypeScript and how it has evolved and earned their trust over the years. Ty...

egghead.io developer chats
Using TypeScript with Basarat and Marius Schulz from 2022-03-07T00:08:41.139427

Two leading TypeScript experts, Marius Schulz and Basarat Ali Syed, discuss their initial reactions and excitement for TypeScript and how it has evolved and earned their trust over the years. Ty...

egghead.io developer chats
Using TypeScript with Basarat and Marius Schulz from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.335174

Two leading TypeScript experts, Marius Schulz and Basarat Ali Syed, discuss their initial reactions and excitement for TypeScript and how it has evolved and earned their trust over the years. TypeS...

egghead.io developer chats
Getting into Python from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.333438

Will Button and Miller Hooks, two experienced Python developers, have a conversation about the differences between Python and Javascript, and what that means to a new programmer.

egghead.io developer chats
Sarah Drasner talks about SVG animation with Greensock and Vue.js from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.324844

John Lindquist interviews Sarah Drasner, a senior cloud developer over at Microsoft and a Vue core team member. She is also known for making super cool animations. Today they discuss what got her f...

egghead.io developer chats
Michel Weststrate creator of Mobx and Immer Libraries for JavaScript from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.323336

Joel interviews Michel Weststrate, author of Mobx and his new library, Immer. Today they get into the power of Immer, its early success on Github, common mistakes in state management, and what is n...

egghead.io developer chats
Brian Vaughn, React Core Team from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.320598

Brian Vaughn speaks about his transition from graphic design to programming, his building of react-virtualized, him landing his job on the React core-team, and finally, React's goals with 17.

egghead.io developer chats
Learning and Experimenting with Physical and Digital Mediums with Keith Peters from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.173203

Today Keith Peters walks us through his experiences with getting books published, experimenting with code and math for the last two decades, and his time spent working in physical mediums like wood...

egghead.io developer chats
Math and Functional Programming Aren't Exclusive to Wizards with Brian Lonsdorf from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.171517

Join Brian Lonsdorf in a discussion on the purity of math and how it could be used to advance the greater software community, dispelling the myth that you need to be a wizard to use math and functi...

egghead.io developer chats
Incorporating Testers with Every Development Phase with Angie Jones from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.168923

Angie Jones, master inventor and automated testing engineer, joins us to talk about bridging the gap between the testing team and the rest of the development process, the challenges and limitations...

egghead.io developer chats
Negotiating Your Salary and Advancing Your Career with Josh Doody from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.167305

Josh Doody, the author of Fearless Salary Negotiation, offers us advice on how to get promoted, fight information asymmetry, not lose out on job and salary opportunities, and how to stay ahead in t...

egghead.io developer chats
Championing a11y and Being Authentic with Lindsey Kopacz from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.165437

In today's episode, Lindsey Kopacz discusses being authentic about your emotional state, blogging and the dev.to community, and the value of accessibility.

egghead.io developer chats
Turning Technical Concepts into Approachable Illustrated Metaphors with Maggie Appleton from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.159378

Today Maggie Appleton, the course illustrator at egghead.io, discusses how she became an illustrator, researching a technical topic she plans to illustrate, accidentally becoming a web developer, ...

egghead.io developer chats
Figuring Out What's Next after Your Needs are Met with Jason Lengstorf from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.156711

What do we do when all of our needs are met when we are making seventy-five thousand plus a year, working for a company with some prestige, have a home, and don't have to worry about food. Jason...

egghead.io developer chats
Organizing a Conference to Combat Brain Drain in His Hometown with J.C. Hiatt from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.155919

J.C Hiatt talks about what he did to organize the conference MagnoliaJS and why he did it to help his community.

egghead.io developer chats
Embrace Challenges With A Growth Mindset With Veni Kunche from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.153296

Veni Kunche discusses computer science degrees, growth mindsets, and diversity.

egghead.io developer chats
Build Performant And Reliable Applications With Molly Struve from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.148987

Molly Struve shares her approach to ensuring that projects are performant, reliable, and well-documented.

egghead.io developer chats
Making A Fulfilling Career Out Of Multiple Interests With Hiro Nishimura from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.146355

Hiro talks about rediscovering web development, how she went from working help-desk to becoming a freelance consultant, the unexpected challenges of freelance, and how jargon makes it difficult for...

egghead.io developer chats
Turn a side project into a career with Nick DeJesus from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.142852

Nick DeJesus talks to Joel Hooks about how he went from a gamer to a developer because of one side-project.

egghead.io developer chats
Real Community Can't Be Faked With Rosie Sherry from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.140352

Rosie Sherry talks with Joel Hooks about creating a true community.

egghead.io developer chats
Jacky Alciné on How The Software Field is 75% Code and 25% Presentation from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.133391

Jacky and Joel Chat about first languages, motivation, good questions, and mentorship.

egghead.io developer chats
Alex Reardon on Balancing Work, Life, and Large Side Projects from 2022-02-22T10:53:15.131287

Alex Reardon explains how he managed to fit in creating a course with a busy home life and a full-time job.

egghead.io developer chats
What is a Senior Engineer with Tomasz ?akomy from 2021-02-12T15:05:29.172146

Joel chats with Tomasz ?akomy about what defines a senior developer, Svelte, learning in public, and speaking at conferences.

egghead.io developer chats
Ryan Florence Talks About Bringing Web 1.0 Philosophies Back With Remix from 2020-12-19T06:47:13

Ryan Florence and Joel Hooks chat about what Remix is and what lead to its creation.

egghead.io developer chats
Chris Biscardi on Showing Up, Learning, and Doing the Work from 2020-11-21T02:45:27

Programming might be the quickest path for someone to start earning six figures. But, it may be a quick path, it is not an easy path. You have to either be having fun or be interested in some wa...

egghead.io developer chats
Shawn Wang Talks About How To Grow Your Reputation As A Developer from 2020-11-10T06:40:42

Shawn Wang chats about learning in public, being a specialist vs a generalist, and mentorship.

egghead.io developer chats
How Shirley Wu Built A Career As A Freelance Data Visualizer from 2020-03-13T14:00:09

Shirley Wu chats about her career as a freelancer, what data visualization is, how to get started with learning data visualization, taking data visualization into the real world, and her tech stack.

egghead.io developer chats
How Courtland Allen Grew Indie Hackers with Content, Consistency, and Community from 2020-02-28T21:23:05

Courtland Allen, the founder of indiehackers.com, chats with Joel about what defines an Indie Hacker, how he started his website, community building, the influence of revenue, and the subtle ways t...

egghead.io developer chats
Accessible Design Systems With Sarah Federman from 2020-01-24T15:00:05

Sarah Federman talks with Joel Hooks about accessible design systems

egghead.io developer chats
Segun Adebayo is the UX Engineer that built the Chakra UI design system from 2020-01-10T15:00:02

Segun Adebayo talks about how he ended up becoming a UX engineer as well as the Chakra UI design system.

egghead.io developer chats
Personal Growth From Open-Source And Meetups With Monica Powell from 2019-12-19T06:28:50

Monica Powell talks with Joel Hooks about the journey to her first development job, attending and organizing meetups, contributing to open-source, and time travel with git.

egghead.io developer chats
Test Driven Accessibility with Erin Doyle from 2019-12-17T00:41:57

Erin Doyle talks with Joel Hooks about React and how she takes a test driven approach to accessibility.

egghead.io developer chats
Writing The Book On Data Visualization With Amelia Wattenberger from 2019-12-11T23:29:12

Amelia Wattenberger talks with Joel Hooks about the book she wrote on data visualization with D3.

egghead.io developer chats
Get Comfortable Learning On Your Own With Khalal Walker from 2019-10-11T12:00:32

Khalal talks about his experience writing the dad jokes SMS bot, how CS curriculums can kill the joy of coding, and the problems with bootcamp marketing.

egghead.io developer chats
Out With The 10x Developer And In With The 10x Mentor With Tracy Lee from 2019-09-17T14:00:37

Tracy Lee talks about the value of learning to code as an entrepreneur, mentorship, code bootcamps, and how to break into the industry.

egghead.io developer chats
Learn To Debug Properly And Ask Better Questions With Justin Samuels from 2019-08-30T14:00:19

Justin Samuels talks switching majors, debugging, asking questions, and representing Atlanta.

egghead.io developer chats
The Elegant System of Management with Will Larson from 2019-08-27T00:32:26

Will Larson talks about the moral dilemmas and decisions that managers have to make.

egghead.io developer chats
Putting Emphasis on User Outcomes with Marisa Morby from 2019-08-17T00:09:04

Marisa Morby is a professional product manager. A common question she gets is "what's the difference between a product manager and a project manager?" There's a lot of overlap, but the differenc...

egghead.io developer chats
Escaping the Software Trough of Despair With Laurie Barth from 2019-08-14T19:00:04

Laurie Barth talks about how to retain what you learn and provides solutions to the broken interview process.

egghead.io developer chats
Gaining Freedom and Helping Others Find Success with Pariss Athena from 2019-07-22T05:08:57

Pariss Athena talks about how becoming a developer gave her freedom and the means to help others succeed.

egghead.io developer chats
How Vue Earns Its Beginner-Friendly Reputation with Natalia Tepluhina from 2019-07-20T01:56:19

Natalia Tepluhina talks about why Vue has such a great community and gets regarded as the most beginner-friendly framework.

egghead.io developer chats
Get out of Your Head and Start with Your Users with Janelle Allen from 2019-05-17T15:00

Today we are joined by Janelle Allen, a learning designer, who talks to us about backward design, how she grew into her role, the increase in quality of online courses, the importance of contact wi...

egghead.io developer chats
Building Vue Vixens With Education and Inclusiveness With Jen Looper from 2019-05-14T01:59

Jen Looper, the founder of Vue Vixens, joins us today to talk about the Vue Vixens community, what makes a great workshop, how she chooses what tools to invest into for her career, and how her Ph.D...

egghead.io developer chats
Being Curious and Facilitating the Success of Others with Stacey Mulcahy from 2019-04-29T23:19

Stacey Mulcahy joins us today to discuss Arduinos, cute dogs, growing your creativity, organizing a community, and facilitating the success of others.

egghead.io developer chats
Creating Authentic Content and Developing Yourself with Emma Bostian from 2019-03-28T15:00

Web development is a fantastic field where people, for little to no money, can self-teach everything you need to make a career, and it's amazing, right? That doesn't mean that there isn't a time...

egghead.io developer chats
Heading Gatsby's Learning Experience and Bridging Gaps with Marcy Sutton from 2019-03-15T15:00

Marcy Sutton is the Head of Learning at GatsbyJS. She discusses the van life, migrating her blog from Wordpress to Gatsby, what she does as the Head of Learning, the potential that Gatsby has as a ...

egghead.io developer chats
Making Dumb Stuff That Makes Strangers on the Internet Smile with Sara Vieira from 2019-03-12T20:07

Today we are joined by Sara Vieira, a developer advocate and maker of wacky stuff on the internet. She joins us today to talk about why she makes all of her weird experiments, how being a lazy deve...

egghead.io developer chats
Developing Yourself While Teaching Others with Ali Spittel from 2019-02-22T16:00

Joel and Ali Spittel discuss her time in a teaching position, code challenges, blogging platforms, teaching beginners, and getting involved in local dev communities.

egghead.io developer chats
The Changes Gatsby and Mdx Are Making to the Internet with Chris Biscardi from 2019-02-15T21:43

Joel and Chris Biscardi discuss, live-streaming, Gatsby becoming a dominant force, MDX replacing markdown, and building resources for maintainers.

egghead.io developer chats
Learning to Code from Scratch on the Modern Web with Tae'lur Alexis from 2019-01-25T14:00

Tae'lur Alexis joins us today to talk about her experience with learning to code from scratch and becoming a professional software developer in 2018.

egghead.io developer chats
Switching Careers and Learning in Public with Tania Rascia from 2018-12-12T16:00

Tania Rascia joins us today to talk about her experiences in transitioning from a professional chef to a web developer and the tools she used to get there.

egghead.io developer chats
Opening Programming's Gates to Women's Communities with Diana Rodriguez from 2018-11-30T16:00

Today Diana Rodriguez talks to us about her experiences with fostering women's programming communities all over the world, as well as her own experiences with growing as a developer.

egghead.io developer chats
Exploring Concepts and Teaching Using Focused Zines with Julia Evans from 2018-11-20T02:00

Today Julia Evans talks to us about her zine empire, the advantages of monetizing over staying free, how keeping the topic focused can be a better entry-level lesson than a high-level overview, and...

egghead.io developer chats
Being a Passionate and Deliberate Engineer with Jem Young from 2018-10-19T15:00

Jem Young talks to us today about being a passionate developer, how the software you write is an extension of you, being deliberate in the libraries you include in your codebase, and trusting engin...

egghead.io developer chats
Success and Failure in the Interview Process with Dave Smith from 2018-09-28T15:00

Dave Smith is on the Alexa Team at Amazon.
Tune in today to hear about interviewing skills, what Dave looks for in candidates, and some obvious things to avoid when interviewing.

egghead.io developer chats
Eve Porcello on GraphQL from 2018-09-21T15:00

Eve Porcello joins us today to talk about speaking at conferences, GraphQL, starting a project to learn something with, and web-accessibility with the High Fives Foundation.

egghead.io developer chats
Jason Lengstorf on GatsbyJS from 2018-09-14T15:00

Today’s guest is Jason Lengstorf, a developer on the GatsbyJS team. Today Jason discusses his career path, what Gatsby accomplishes, how Gatsby compares with other static site generators, what's co...

egghead.io developer chats
Lynne Tye, founder of keyvalues.com from 2018-08-29T10:35

This episode is a chat with Lynne Tye, the founder and developer of keyvalues.com, a place for Software Developers to find the team and company that is right for them.

egghead.io developer chats
Jen Luker, a11y champion from 2018-08-22T01:02

Jen Luker is a software engineer at Formidable Labs Inc. She has worked as a full-stack developer using PHP, Javascript, and CSS, but has a particular fondness for frontend technologies.


egghead.io developer chats
swyx (Shawn Wang) on infinite building from 2018-08-15T18:33

Tune in to hear Shawn talk about what it means to be an infinite learner and builder and how he uses this approach to further his career.

egghead.io developer chats
Henry Zhu, Maintainer of Babel from 2018-07-30T19:00

Today, Henry Zhu, the lead maintainer of Babel, discusses what it's like to work on a large and important open source project. Henry gets into how Babel receives funding, how corporations are ...

egghead.io developer chats
Phil Pluckthun, Creator of Dank Mono from 2018-07-13T15:00

Phil Pluckthun is the creator of Dank Mono, a new monospaced programming font with ligatures. He is also a core contributor to Styled Components, a component-based CSS Library.

Tune in to ...

egghead.io developer chats
Ives Van Hoorne, creator of CodeSandbox from 2018-06-27T16:00

Ives Van Hoorne is a developer who built Code Sandbox, a fantastic online editor (we use it a lot at egghead).

Today, Ives talks about a childhood interest that would lay the groundwork fo...

egghead.io developer chats
Health and Wellness for Developers from 2018-06-14T21:59

Our guests all began in similar situations. They were all almost 300 pounds or more and decided they needed to make a permanent change. John Lindquist, Leonard Souza, and Taylor Bell discuss what c...

egghead.io developer chats
Evan You, creator of Vue.js from 2018-05-29T16:38

John Lindquist interviews Evan You, the creator of Vue.js. They discuss what made Evan want to become a developer, how he landed his first job, why he created Vue, and finally proxies and why they'...

egghead.io developer chats
Iheanyi Ekechukwu on education, programming, and managing side projects from 2018-04-19T16:32

Today Joel catches up with Iheanyi Ekechukwu. Iheanyi is a Product Engineer currently working at DigitalOcean. He previously worked at IBM on Watson. They also talk about Iheanyi's education, stack...

egghead.io developer chats
Jack Doyle, creator of Greensock from 2018-03-13T20:25

John Lindquist speaks with Jack Doyle, the creator of Greensock. They discuss a number of things including the motivation behind the creation of Greensock, managing GSAP forums, and how he transiti...

egghead.io developer chats
Reactive Programming and the P2P Web with André Staltz from 2018-02-26T19:08

Joel Hooks interviews Andre Staltz, an open-source hacker, and creator of Cycle.js. Andre quit his job to become an open-source hacker and now spends 30% of his time on open-source development and ...

egghead.io developer chats
React Router with Michael Jackson from 2018-02-19T21:07

John Lindquist, co-founder of egghead.io, interviews Michael Jackson, co-creator of react-router and co-founder of React Training. Michael talks about his experience with running a massively popula...

egghead.io developer chats
Data Viz using D3 with Ben Clinkinbeard from 2018-02-12T19:51

John Lindquist interviews Ben Clinkinbeard, a veteran developer and egghead instructor. He currently works as a consultant, focusing on data visualization. Ben discusses his career path, the benefi...

egghead.io developer chats
Angular Web Applications with Juri Strumpflohner and Rob Wormald (Angular Core Team) from 2018-01-17T22:27

John talks with Juri Strumpflohner, an industry expert and angular trainer; and Rob Wormald, a developer on the Angular core team, getting into how Angular has evolved with the 2.0 release, powerfu...

egghead.io developer chats
Learning React with Kent C. Dodds from 2017-12-29T18:22

Kent C. Dodds, a leading React expert, speaks with John Lindquist and Joel Hooks, the co-founders of egghead, about how React is a fantastic technology to learn for both newcomers to programming an...

egghead.io developer chats
Dan Abramov, co-author of Redux from 2017-12-22T17:34

Joel Hooks co-founder of egghead.io, interviews Dan Abramov, co-author of Redux. They discuss the "Redux phenomenon" and the notion of improving the developer experience.

egghead.io developer chats
Functional JavaScript with Paul Frend and Brian Lonsdorf (Dr Boolean) from 2017-11-22T17:31

John sits down with Paul Frend and Brian Lonsdorf (aka Dr Boolean) to talk about functional programming concepts like transducers.
