Podcasts by Elo Bible (Dramatized)

Elo Bible (Dramatized)

The Elo Audio Drama New Testament (NVS) is a unique presentation of the Audio Bible with approximately 180 different characters and a digitally recorded sound track with full sound effects. For a list of other available languages go to our website at http://FaithComesByHearing.com. The mission of Faith Comes By Hearing is to bring His Church together and make disciples from every nation, tribe, language, and people: to give every person the opportunity to listen completely through the New Testament in their heart language.

Further podcasts by Faith Comes By Hearing

Podcast on the topic Christentum

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Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 1 - Matthew 1 from 2009-12-30T22:22:16

耶稣诞生了 - Jesus is born.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 2 - Matthew 2 from 2009-12-30T22:22:15

耶稣搬家了 - Jesus' family moves to Egypt, then to Galilee.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 3 - Matthew 3 from 2009-12-30T22:22:14

受施洗的约翰 - Jesus' way is paved by John the baptist.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 4 - Matthew 4 from 2009-12-30T22:22:13

撒旦考验耶稣 - Jesus is tested by Satan.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 5 - Matthew 5 from 2009-12-30T22:22:12

耶稣 - 幸福与律法 - Jesus preaches on happiness and on the law.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 6 - Matthew 6 from 2009-12-30T22:22:11

耶稣 - 浮夸与担心 - Jesus preaches on showiness and on worry.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 7 - Matthew 7 from 2009-12-30T22:22:10

先知与结果 - Jesus preaches on providence and on fruit-bearing.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 8 - Matthew 8 from 2009-12-30T22:22:09

耶稣医治了很多人 - Jesus heals many.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 9 - Matthew 9 from 2009-12-30T22:22:08

耶稣治病马太拜访 - Jesus heals more and calls Matthew.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 10 - Matthew 10 from 2009-12-30T22:22:07

耶稣派出十二门徒 - Jesus sends out twelve disciples.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 11 - Matthew 11 from 2009-12-30T22:22:06

耶稣与受施洗的约翰 - Jesus explains his relationship with the baptist.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 12 - Matthew 12 from 2009-12-30T22:22:05

耶稣管理安息日和魔鬼 - Jesus rules the Sabbath and the demons.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 13 - Matthew 13 from 2009-12-30T22:22:04

耶稣用比喻讲述天国 - Jesus tells parables about the kingdom.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 14 - Matthew 14 from 2009-12-30T22:22:03

耶稣创造了食物平息了风暴 - Jesus creates food and calms the storm.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 15 - Matthew 15 from 2009-12-30T22:22:02

耶稣讲述真诚的重要性 - Jesus teaches about sincerity.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 16 - Matthew 16 from 2009-12-30T22:22:01

耶稣预测了教会和自己的死亡 - Jesus predicts the church and his death.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 17 - Matthew 17 from 2009-12-30T22:22

耶稣与摩西和以利亚一起出现 - Jesus appears with Moses and Elijah in glory.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 18 - Matthew 18 from 2009-12-30T22:21:59

耶稣讲述宽恕的重要性 - Jesus teaches about forgiveness.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 19 - Matthew 19 from 2009-12-30T22:21:58

耶稣讲述离婚及财富 - Jesus teaches about divorce and about riches.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 20 - Matthew 20 from 2009-12-30T22:21:57

耶稣讲述未来天国国 - Jesus teaches about the coming kingdom.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 21 - Matthew 21 from 2009-12-30T22:21:56

耶稣进入耶路撒冷 - Jesus enters Jerusalem and is confronted.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 22 - Matthew 22 from 2009-12-30T22:21:55

耶稣回答有意刁难的问题 - Jesus answers trick questions.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 23 - Matthew 23 from 2009-12-30T22:21:54

对法利赛人的七个批评 - Jesus pronounces woes on the Pharisees.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 24 - Matthew 24 from 2009-12-30T22:21:53

的时代结束的迹象 - Jesus predicts the destuction of Jerusalem.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 25 - Matthew 25 from 2009-12-30T22:21:52

耶稣讲述审判的寓言 - Jesus tells parables about the judgment.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 26 - Matthew 26 from 2009-12-30T22:21:51

耶稣被逮捕,受到审判 - Jesus is arrested and tried.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 27 - Matthew 27 from 2009-12-30T22:21:50

耶稣被定罪和钉在十字架上 - Jesus is convicted and crucified.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 太 福 音 28 - Matthew 28 from 2009-12-30T22:21:49

耶稣从死里复活 - Jesus is raised from the dead.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 1 - Mark 1 from 2009-12-30T22:21:48

耶稣的职分开始了 - The ministry of Jesus begins.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 2 - Mark 2 from 2009-12-30T22:21:47

马太跟随耶稣 - Matthew follows Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 3 - Mark 3 from 2009-12-30T22:21:46

使徒们被任命 - The apostles are appointed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 4 - Mark 4 from 2009-12-30T22:21:45

农夫母散布道 - The farmer sows the word.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 5 - Mark 5 from 2009-12-30T22:21:44

很多人被治愈了 - Various people are healed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 6 - Mark 6 from 2009-12-30T22:21:43

派遣了使徒,奇迹发生了 - The apostles are sent and miracles are performed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 7 - Mark 7 from 2009-12-30T22:21:42

洁净来自内心 - Cleanliness is said to be internal.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 8 - Mark 8 from 2009-12-30T22:21:41

4000个家庭得到了食物 - Four thousand families are fed by one small lunch.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 9 - Mark 9 from 2009-12-30T22:21:40

仆人为大 - The servant is the greatest.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 10 - Mark 10 from 2009-12-30T22:21:39

很难拯救富人 - It is hard for the rich to be saved.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 11 - Mark 11 from 2009-12-30T22:21:38

人们欢迎耶稣来到耶路撒冷 - Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 12 - Mark 12 from 2009-12-30T22:21:37

律法师问问题 - Teachers of the Law question questions.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 13 - Mark 13 from 2009-12-30T22:21:36

耶路撒冷和地球后来被毁灭 - Jerusalem and later the earth will be destroyed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 14 - Mark 14 from 2009-12-30T22:21:35

犹太人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Jews arrest and try Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 15 - Mark 15 from 2009-12-30T22:21:34

罗马人逮捕并审判了耶稣 - The Romans arrest and try Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
马 可 福 音 16 - Mark 16 from 2009-12-30T22:21:33

妇女们发现了一个空墓 - The women discover an empty tomb.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 1 - Luke 1 from 2009-12-30T22:21:32

预言了耶稣的诞生 - The birth of Jesus is foretold.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 2 - Luke 2 from 2009-12-30T22:21:31

耶稣真的诞生了 - The birth of Jesus is fulfilled.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 3 - Luke 3 from 2009-12-30T22:21:30

约翰让人民为天国做好准备 - John prepares people for the kingdom.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 4 - Luke 4 from 2009-12-30T22:21:29

撒旦耶稣摊牌了 - Satan has his showdown with Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 5 - Luke 5 from 2009-12-30T22:21:28

门徒被叫来 - The first disciples are called.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 6 - Luke 6 from 2009-12-30T22:21:27

任命了十二门徒 - The twelve apostles are appointed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 7 - Luke 7 from 2009-12-30T22:21:26

约翰的门徒跟耶稣谈话 - John's disciples talk to Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 8 - Luke 8 from 2009-12-30T22:21:25

风暴被平息了 - A storm is calmed and many are healed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 9 - Luke 9 from 2009-12-30T22:21:24

5,000人得到食物和耶稣被美化 - Five thousand are fed and Jesus is transfigured.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 10 - Luke 10 from 2009-12-30T22:21:23

72门徒受到委托 - Seventy-two disciples are commissioned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 11 - Luke 11 from 2009-12-30T22:21:22

祷告,鬼王和虚伪 - Disciples learn about prayer, Beelzebub, and hypocrisy.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 12 - Luke 12 from 2009-12-30T22:21:21

财富,担忧和小心 - Disciples are warned about wealth, worry, and watchfulness.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 13 - Luke 13 from 2009-12-30T22:21:20

呼吁悔改 - Repentance is called for.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 14 - Luke 14 from 2009-12-30T22:21:19

跟随耶稣花费巨大 - Following Jesus is costly.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 15 - Luke 15 from 2009-12-30T22:21:18

神查寻找迷失方向的人 - God looks for the lost.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 16 - Luke 16 from 2009-12-30T22:21:17

富人和拉撒路 - The rich man and Lazarus die and are rewarded.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 17 - Luke 17 from 2009-12-30T22:21:16

10个麻疯病人被治愈 - Ten lepers are healed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 18 - Luke 18 from 2009-12-30T22:21:15

诚信会得到奖赏 - Sincerity is rewarded.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 19 - Luke 19 from 2009-12-30T22:21:14

撒该向耶稣寻求帮助 - Zacchaeus turns to Jesus, who then enters Jerusalem.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 20 - Luke 20 from 2009-12-30T22:21:13

祭司长想陷害耶稣 - The chief priests try to trap Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 21 - Luke 21 from 2009-12-30T22:21:12

耶路撒冷毁灭的迹象 - Signs will warn of Jerusalem's destruction.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 22 - Luke 22 from 2009-12-30T22:21:11

犹大出卖耶稣,耶稣被捕 - Judas betrays Jesus, who is then arrested.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 23 - Luke 23 from 2009-12-30T22:21:10

彼拉多允许耶稣被钉在十字架 - Pilate allows Jesus to be crucified.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
路 加 福 音 24 - Luke 24 from 2009-12-30T22:21:09

耶稣复活现身 - Jesus is raised and appears to many.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 1 - John 1 from 2009-12-30T22:21:08

道成了肉身住在我们中间 - "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 2 - John 2 from 2009-12-30T22:21:07

耶稣清洁圣殿 - "How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 3 - John 3 from 2009-12-30T22:21:06

你必须重生 - "Unless a man is born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 4 - John 4 from 2009-12-30T22:21:05

你必须用心灵和诚实礼拜 - "God is a spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 5 - John 5 from 2009-12-30T22:21:04

子给予他喜欢的人生命 - "The Son gives life to those whom he is pleased to give it."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 6 - John 6 from 2009-12-30T22:21:03

耶稣的话是灵也是生命 - "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 7 - John 7 from 2009-12-30T22:21:02

耶稣的教义是来自神 - "My teaching is not my own; it comes from him who sent me."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 8 - John 8 from 2009-12-30T22:21:01

真理让你自由 - "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 9 - John 9 from 2009-12-30T22:21

耶稣 - 世上的光 - "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 10 - John 10 from 2009-12-30T22:20:59

我是好牧人 - "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and my sheep know me."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 11 - John 11 from 2009-12-30T22:20:58

复活在我,生命也在我 - "I am the resurrection and the life."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 12 - John 12 from 2009-12-30T22:20:57

人子将得到荣耀 - "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 13 - John 13 from 2009-12-30T22:20:56

耶稣做了榜样 - "I have set an example that you should do as I have done."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 14 - John 14 from 2009-12-30T22:20:55

我就是道路,真理,生命 - "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 15 - John 15 from 2009-12-30T22:20:54

我是葡萄树,你是枝叶 - "I am the vine, and you are the branches."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 16 - John 16 from 2009-12-30T22:20:53

圣灵的工作 - "When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all truth."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 17 - John 17 from 2009-12-30T22:20:52

大祭司般的祷告 - "I pray also for those who will believe in me . . . that they will be one."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 18 - John 18 from 2009-12-30T22:20:51

我的天国不是这个世界 - "My kingdom is not of this world."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 19 - John 19 from 2009-12-30T22:20:50

大功告成 - "It is finished."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 20 - John 20 from 2009-12-30T22:20:49

复活 - "Because you have seen me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 福 音 21 - John 21 from 2009-12-30T22:20:48

跟我来 - "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!"

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 1 - Acts 1 from 2009-12-30T22:20:47

耶稣回到天上 - Jesus returns to heaven.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 2 - Acts 2 from 2009-12-30T22:20:46

圣灵到来,教会创立 - The Spirit comes and the church is created.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 3 - Acts 3 from 2009-12-30T22:20:45

彼得和约翰因传教而被判入狱 - Peter and John are jailed for healing and teaching.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 4 - Acts 4 from 2009-12-30T22:20:44

教堂数量不断增加 - The church grows in number and in sharing.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 5 - Acts 5 from 2009-12-30T22:20:43

亚拿尼亚和撒非喇 - Ananias1 and Sapphira are killed for hypocrisy.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 6 - Acts 6 from 2009-12-30T22:20:42

选出七个管理饭食 - The church chooses servants for the Grecian widows.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 7 - Acts 7 from 2009-12-30T22:20:41

司提反挨石头打 - Stephen is stoned for preaching about Jesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 8 - Acts 8 from 2009-12-30T22:20:40

腓利改变了一个犹太教徒的信仰 - Philip converts a proselyte from Ethiopia.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 9 - Acts 9 from 2009-12-30T22:20:39

亚拿尼亚使名叫扫罗迫害者皈依信教 - Ananias2 converts a persecutor named Saul.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 10 - Acts 10 from 2009-12-30T22:20:38

彼得使名叫哥尼流的外邦人皈依信教 - Peter converts a Gentile named Cornelius.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 11 - Acts 11 from 2009-12-30T22:20:37

彼得向教会报告 - Peter defends his activity among the Gentiles.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 12 - Acts 12 from 2009-12-30T22:20:36

雅各被处决,彼得被监禁 - James is executed and Peter is imprisoned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 13 - Acts 13 from 2009-12-30T22:20:35

巴拿巴和保罗开始传教 - Barnabas and Saul (Paul) start on a mission trip.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 14 - Acts 14 from 2009-12-30T22:20:34

巴拿巴和保罗传教结束 - Barnabas and Paul return from their mission trip.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 15 - Acts 15 from 2009-12-30T22:20:33

耶路撒冷公会 - The church holds a conference regarding Gentile conversions.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 16 - Acts 16 from 2009-12-30T22:20:32

保罗和西拉前往亚该亚 - Paul and Silas travel to Achaia.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 17 - Acts 17 from 2009-12-30T22:20:31

保罗在雅典传道 - Paul preaches in Athens.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 18 - Acts 18 from 2009-12-30T22:20:30

保罗和他的同伴在格林多布道 - Paul and his companions teach in Corinth.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 19 - Acts 19 from 2009-12-30T22:20:29

保罗和他的同伴在以弗所布道 - Paul and his companions teach in Ephesus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 20 - Acts 20 from 2009-12-30T22:20:28

保罗返回到小亚细亚 - Paul and his companions return to Asia Minor.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 21 - Acts 21 from 2009-12-30T22:20:27

保罗回到耶路撒冷并被拘捕 - Paul returns to Jerusalem and is arrested.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 22 - Acts 22 from 2009-12-30T22:20:26

保罗在暴徒前为自己 - Paul defends himself to the mob.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 23 - Acts 23 from 2009-12-30T22:20:25

保罗在公会前为自己辩护 - Paul defends himself to the Sanhedrin.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 24 - Acts 24 from 2009-12-30T22:20:24

保罗捍总督腓力斯前为自己辩护 - Paul defends himself to Governor Felix.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 25 - Acts 25 from 2009-12-30T22:20:23

保罗在总督非斯都前为自己辩护 - Paul defends himself to Governor Festus.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 26 - Acts 26 from 2009-12-30T22:20:22

保罗在亚基帕王前为自己辩护 - Paul defends himself to King Agrippa.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 27 - Acts 27 from 2009-12-30T22:20:21

保罗坐船开往罗马 - Paul travels to Rome to appear before Caesar.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
使 徒 行 传 28 - Acts 28 from 2009-12-30T22:20:20

保罗抵达罗马等待该撒 - Paul arrives in Rome to wait for Caesar.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 1 - Romans 1 from 2009-12-30T22:20:19

犹太人都犯了罪 - The Jews have sinned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 2 - Romans 2 from 2009-12-30T22:20:18

外邦人都犯了罪 - The Gentiles have sinned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 3 - Romans 3 from 2009-12-30T22:20:17

世人都犯了罪 - All have sinned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 4 - Romans 4 from 2009-12-30T22:20:16

因恩典得到拯救 - Salvation is by grace.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 5 - Romans 5 from 2009-12-30T22:20:15

因信仰而得到拯救 - Salvation is by faith.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 6 - Romans 6 from 2009-12-30T22:20:14

服从于罪或神 - Everyone is a slave to sin or to God.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 7 - Romans 7 from 2009-12-30T22:20:13

肉体的挣扎 - 律法与恶欲 - The flesh struggles within itself.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 8 - Romans 8 from 2009-12-30T22:20:12

生灵中的生命 - Life in the Spirit frees from the flesh.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 9 - Romans 9 from 2009-12-30T22:20:11

神的自主选择 - True Israelites are those who are faithful.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 10 - Romans 10 from 2009-12-30T22:20:10

信仰来自聆听 - Faith comes by hearing the word about Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 11 - Romans 11 from 2009-12-30T22:20:09

以色残余 - God's olive tree receives pruning and grafting.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 12 - Romans 12 from 2009-12-30T22:20:08

活祭 - Sacrifice your life and do not act like the world.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 13 - Romans 13 from 2009-12-30T22:20:07

顺从上有权柄的 - Submit to the governing authorities.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 14 - Romans 14 from 2009-12-30T22:20:06

小心彼此的两只 - Be careful of each others' consciences.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 15 - Romans 15 from 2009-12-30T22:20:05

彼此接受 - Accept one another.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
罗 马 书 16 - Romans 16 from 2009-12-30T22:20:04

欢迎我的朋友们 - Greet my friends.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 1 - 1 Corinthians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:20:03

身心结合 - Be united in mind and spirit.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 2 - 1 Corinthians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:20:02

神的智慧的至高无上的 - God's wisdom is superior to man's.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 3 - 1 Corinthians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:20:01

在教会内部的分裂 - Do not destroy God's temple (His people).

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 4 - 1 Corinthians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:20

使徒的职分 - The apostles were earnest in their work.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 5 - 1 Corinthians 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:59

不道德亵渎教会 - Do not put up with immorality in the church.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 6 - 1 Corinthians 6 from 2009-12-30T22:19:58

身体 - 圣灵的殿 - Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 7 - 1 Corinthians 7 from 2009-12-30T22:19:57

没有嫁娶 - Remaining unmarried can be beneficial.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 8 - 1 Corinthians 8 from 2009-12-30T22:19:56

祭偶像的食物 - Eating meet sacrificed to idols can harm a weak brother.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 9 - 1 Corinthians 9 from 2009-12-30T22:19:55

保罗交出了他的权利 - Paul didn't always take advantage of the apostles' rights.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 10 - 1 Corinthians 10 from 2009-12-30T22:19:54

对盲目崇拜的警告 - Do not be overcome by temptations.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 11 - 1 Corinthians 11 from 2009-12-30T22:19:53

主的晚餐 - The Lord's Supper must be done in the right way.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 12 - 1 Corinthians 12 from 2009-12-30T22:19:52

属灵的恩赐 - There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 13 - 1 Corinthians 13 from 2009-12-30T22:19:51

爱的方式 - Love is superior to miraculous gifts.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 14 - 1 Corinthians 14 from 2009-12-30T22:19:50

有秩序地崇拜 - Worship assemblies must be carried out in an orderly manner.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 15 - 1 Corinthians 15 from 2009-12-30T22:19:49

复活与福音 - The resurrection is a central part of the gospel.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 前 书 16 - 1 Corinthians 16 from 2009-12-30T22:19:48

为圣徒捐钱 - Share greetings among the church.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 1 - 2 Corinthians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:47

保罗捍卫他的品质 - Paul defends his integrity.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 2 - 2 Corinthians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:46

宽恕罪人 - Reaffirm your love for a penitent sinner.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 3 - 2 Corinthians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:45

新约的职分 - The ministry of righteousness abounds in glory.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 4 - 2 Corinthians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:44

正义的职分 - We are undergoing temporary affliction.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 5 - 2 Corinthians 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:43

基督的爱控制激励我们 - The love of Christ controls us.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 6 - 2 Corinthians 6 from 2009-12-30T22:19:42

向信徒敞开你的心扉 - Open your hearts to believers, not to unbelievers.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 7 - 2 Corinthians 7 from 2009-12-30T22:19:41

神的忧伤产生懊悔 - Sorrow according to God produces repentance.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 8 - 2 Corinthians 8 from 2009-12-30T22:19:40

慷慨解囊 - Abound in monetary sharing with believers.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 9 - 2 Corinthians 9 from 2009-12-30T22:19:39

神喜欢乐善好捐的人 - God loves a cheerful giver.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 10 - 2 Corinthians 10 from 2009-12-30T22:19:38

只能夸口基督 - Boasting should be in Christ only.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 11 - 2 Corinthians 11 from 2009-12-30T22:19:37

保罗作为使徒受苦受难 - Paul could have boasted in the flesh.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 12 - 2 Corinthians 12 from 2009-12-30T22:19:36

神的恩典是足够了 - When I am weak, then I am strong.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
哥 林 多 后 书 13 - 2 Corinthians 13 from 2009-12-30T22:19:35

检查审视自己 - Each person should examine himself.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 1 - Galatians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:34

没有别的福音 - The Galatians quickly deserted Christ for a different gospel.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 2 - Galatians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:33

保罗是外邦人的使徒 - Paul was entrusted with the gospel to the Gentiles.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 3 - Galatians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:32

以信为本 - The true children of Abraham are those who have his kind of faith.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 4 - Galatians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:31

让法律奴役 - Keeping the Old Law instead of the New is like being enslaved.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 5 - Galatians 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:30

基督叫我们得以自由 - Live by the Spirit instead of according to the flesh.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
加 拉 太 书 6 - Galatians 6 from 2009-12-30T22:19:29

互相帮助做正确的事 - Help one another do the right thing.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 1 - Ephesians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:28

教会 - 基督的身体 - The church is the body of Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 2 - Ephesians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:27

教会 - 神之家 - The church is the house of God.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 3 - Ephesians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:26

教会 - 基督的后嗣 - The church is the fellow heirs of Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 4 - Ephesians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:25

基督身体的团结 - The church is the body of Christ working together.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 5 - Ephesians 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:24

教会 - 基督的新娘 - The church is the bride of Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
以 弗 所 书 6 - Ephesians 6 from 2009-12-30T22:19:23

教会 - 神的军队 - The church is the army of God.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
腓 立 比 书 1 - Philippians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:22

坏情况下取得好结果 - Bad circumstances have brought good results.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
腓 立 比 书 2 - Philippians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:21

有基督无私的胸怀 - Have the unselfish mind of Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
腓 立 比 书 3 - Philippians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:20

提防传播犹太教的老师 - Beware of judaizing teachers.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
腓 立 比 书 4 - Philippians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:19

喜悦 - Rejoice!

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
歌 罗 西 书 1 - Colossians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:18

基督是造物主 - Christ is the Creator and is preeminent.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
歌 罗 西 书 2 - Colossians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:17

基督到来 - The cross took away the old standards and ordinances.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
歌 罗 西 书 3 - Colossians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:16

发现全新的自我 - Put away your former practices and adopt the Lord's way.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
歌 罗 西 书 4 - Colossians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:15

祷告打开传道之门 - Pray for open doors.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 1 - 1 Thessalonians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:14

帖撒罗尼迦的信仰 - The Thessalonians received the gospel accompanied by God's power.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 2 - 1 Thessalonians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:13

帖撒罗尼迦和福音 - The Thessalonians accepted the gospel for what it really was.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 3 - 1 Thessalonians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:12

提摩太鼓舞人心的报告 - The Thessalonians sent Timothy with a good report concerning their progress.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 4 - 1 Thessalonians 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:11

救主即将到来 - The Thessalonians had areas in which they could progress even more.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 5 - 1 Thessalonians 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:10

第二次的到来 - The Thessalonians needed to be ready for the second coming of Christ.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 后 书 1 - 2 Thessalonians 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:09

耶稣会再次显现 - Jesus is definitely coming again.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 后 书 2 - 2 Thessalonians 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:08

无法无天的人 - The great falling away will happen before the second coming.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 后 书 3 - 2 Thessalonians 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:07

对闲散的警告 - Do not be lazy while waiting for the second coming.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 1 - 1 Timothy 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19:06

不可传异教 - Instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 2 - 1 Timothy 2 from 2009-12-30T22:19:05

为所有人祷告 - Offer prayers in behalf of all men.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 3 - 1 Timothy 3 from 2009-12-30T22:19:04

监督者的资格 - Overseers and servants must be above reproach.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 4 - 1 Timothy 4 from 2009-12-30T22:19:03

在信仰上做信徒的榜样 - Show yourself as an example of faith to the believers.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 5 - 1 Timothy 5 from 2009-12-30T22:19:02

给教会的指示 - Give special honor to true widows and to elders who lead well.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 前 书 6 - 1 Timothy 6 from 2009-12-30T22:19:01

为真道打美好的仗 - Fight the good fight of faith.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 后 书 1 - 2 Timothy 1 from 2009-12-30T22:19

保留纯正话语 - Retain the standard of sound words.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 后 书 2 - 2 Timothy 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:59

避免世俗的空谈 - Avoid worldly and empty chatter.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 后 书 3 - 2 Timothy 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:58

你所学的要存在心里 - Continue in the things you have learned.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 摩 太 后 书 4 - 2 Timothy 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:57

做传道的工作 - Do the work of an evangelist.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 多 书 1 - Titus 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:56

做长老的资质 - Instructions for appointing elders and rebuking rebels.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 多 书 2 - Titus 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:55

教授纯正的道理 - Instructions for teaching various groups.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
提 多 书 3 - Titus 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:54

行善的指示 - Instructions for doing what is good.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
腓 利 门 书 1 - Philemon 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:53

保罗对阿尼西母的请求 - Philemon is encouraged to accept his slave Onesimus as a brother.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 1 - Hebrews 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:52

耶稣比天使更加荣耀 - Jesus is superior to the angels.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 2 - Hebrews 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:51

耶稣被人性化 - Jesus was made to be human like His brothers.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 3 - Hebrews 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:50

耶稣比摩西更加荣耀 - Jesus is superior to Moses.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 4 - Hebrews 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:49

神的子民的安息日 - Jesus will provide an eternal Sabbath rest.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 5 - Hebrews 5 from 2009-12-30T22:18:48

耶稣是伟大的大祭师 - Jesus is the Great High Priest.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 6 - Hebrews 6 from 2009-12-30T22:18:47

对叛教者的警告 - Jesus is recrucified by those who fall from the faith.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 7 - Hebrews 7 from 2009-12-30T22:18:46

麦基洗德的祭师命令 - Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 8 - Hebrews 8 from 2009-12-30T22:18:45

耶稣大祭司的新盟约 - Jesus is the High Priest of a new covenant.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 9 - Hebrews 9 from 2009-12-30T22:18:44

借着基督的血得到救赎 - Jesus took His own blood to the Most Holy Place.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 10 - Hebrews 10 from 2009-12-30T22:18:43

基督的牺牲是永远的 - Persevere in the faith you previously had.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 11 - Hebrews 11 from 2009-12-30T22:18:42

凭借信仰 - Acceptable faith was demonstrated by Old Testament heroes.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 12 - Hebrews 12 from 2009-12-30T22:18:41

神慈爱地教训他的儿子 - God disciplines His sons in love.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
希 伯 来 书 13 - Hebrews 13 from 2009-12-30T22:18:40

尊重你的领袖 - Honor your leaders and stick to the true teaching.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
雅 各 书 1 - James 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:39

审判之后的喜悅 - Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
雅 各 书 2 - James 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:38

信心没有行为是死的 - Faith without works is dead.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
雅 各 书 3 - James 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:37

没人能制服舌头 - No one can tame the tongue.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
雅 各 书 4 - James 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:36

抵挡魔鬼 - Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
雅 各 书 5 - James 5 from 2009-12-30T22:18:35

要有耐心,直到主来了 - Be patient until the coming of the Lord.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 前 书 1 - 1 Peter 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:34

过圣洁的生活 - Live a life of holiness.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 前 书 2 - 1 Peter 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:33

过顺服的生活 - Live a life of submission.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 前 书 3 - 1 Peter 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:32

过有忍耐的生活 - Live a life of endurance.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 前 书 4 - 1 Peter 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:31

过有自制的生活 - Live a life of self-control.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 前 书 5 - 1 Peter 5 from 2009-12-30T22:18:30

过谦卑的生活 - Live a life of humility.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 后 书 1 - 2 Peter 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:29

让你们所蒙的恩召坚定不移 - Make sure of the Lord's calling and choosing you.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 后 书 2 - 2 Peter 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:28

假先知和师傅 - False teachers are bringing about their own destruction.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
彼 得 后 书 3 - 2 Peter 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:27

神会意外返回 - The day of the Lord will come at an unexpected time.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 一 书 1 - 1 John 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:26

在光明中行走 - Light

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 一 书 2 - 1 John 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:25

新诫命 - Commandments

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 一 书 3 - 1 John 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:24

收养 - Adoption

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 一 书 4 - 1 John 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:23

神就是爱 - Love

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 一 书 5 - 1 John 5 from 2009-12-30T22:18:22

胜过世界 - Victory

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 二 书 1 - 2 John 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:21

继续遵行真理 - If we don't continue walking in the truth, we are in opposition to the Lord himself.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
约 翰 三 书 1 - 3 John 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:20

丟 特 腓和 低 米 丟 - Diotrephes gets a bad report, and Demetrius gets a good report.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
犹 大 书 1 - Jude 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:19

小心腐敗的人 - Watch out for the people who sneak in and try to corrupt the valid teaching.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 1 - Revelation 1 from 2009-12-30T22:18:18

基督荣耀显身 - Christ appears in a glorified state.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 2 - Revelation 2 from 2009-12-30T22:18:17

給四个教会的信 - Jesus dictates letters to four churches.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 3 - Revelation 3 from 2009-12-30T22:18:16

信-教会又多了三个 - Jesus dictates letters to three more churches.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 4 - Revelation 4 from 2009-12-30T22:18:15

神得到赞美 - God on his throne receives praise.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 5 - Revelation 5 from 2009-12-30T22:18:14

羔羊坐在受印的宝座上 - The lamb takes the sealed scroll.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 6 - Revelation 6 from 2009-12-30T22:18:13

前六印坏了 - The first six seals are broken.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 7 - Revelation 7 from 2009-12-30T22:18:12

受印的有十四万四千 - 144,000 followers of the lamb are sealed.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 8 - Revelation 8 from 2009-12-30T22:18:11

第七印坏了 - The seventh seal is broken, and the first four trumpets are sounded.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 9 - Revelation 9 from 2009-12-30T22:18:10

第五和第六個号角 - The fifth and sixth trumpets are sounded, which are the first two woes.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 10 - Revelation 10 from 2009-12-30T22:18:09

约翰吃了小书卷 - John eats a little scroll.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 11 - Revelation 11 from 2009-12-30T22:18:08

约翰量度神殿 - John measures the temple.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 12 - Revelation 12 from 2009-12-30T22:18:07

龙与男孩 - The dragon persecutes the male child.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 13 - Revelation 13 from 2009-12-30T22:18:06

七头怪兽 - The seven-headed beast comes up out of the sea.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 14 - Revelation 14 from 2009-12-30T22:18:05

地球上收获的时间到了 - The earth is harvested.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 15 - Revelation 15 from 2009-12-30T22:18:04

唱摩西的歌 - The song of Moses is sung.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 16 - Revelation 16 from 2009-12-30T22:18:03

倒出了七碗 - The seven bowls of wrath are poured out.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 17 - Revelation 17 from 2009-12-30T22:18:02

朱紅色的野兽与女子 - A woman sits on a scarlet beast.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 18 - Revelation 18 from 2009-12-30T22:18:01

巴比伦大城倾倒了 - Babylon the Great falls.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 19 - Revelation 19 from 2009-12-30T22:18

野兽被惩罚 - God's people rejoice as the beast is punished.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 20 - Revelation 20 from 2009-12-30T22:17:59

死者受到审判 - The dead appear at the throne and are judged.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 21 - Revelation 21 from 2009-12-30T22:17:58

新耶路撒冷 - The New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven.

Elo Bible (Dramatized)
启 示 录 22 - Revelation 22 from 2009-12-30T22:17:57

在神的城市一切皆好! - All is well in God's city!
