Podcasts by Fascinated with Lea Skapetze

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze

Celebrating the time we live in. Fascinated by technology, people, books and human nature in general.

Further podcasts by Lea Skapetze

Podcast on the topic Technologie

All episodes

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
MIND UPLOADING - the way to becoming a machine? from 2019-07-17T19:44:41

Today I'm talking about THE most fascinating topic ever - uploading a human mind. How this should function and what a world of so-called "Emulated Minds" could look like - this is what I'm talki...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
The ten most fascinating people I follow on IG from 2019-07-09T17:05:10

COME BACK STRONGER… :-) After 5 weeks of taking a break from producing content I am now back - stronger than ever. In today's first episode in the era of "Fascinated with Lea Skapetze" I am talking...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#48 TEN travel starups you should better keep in mind from 2019-05-27T14:41:47

Innovative startups that are disrupting the industry - this is nothing new but it is very interesting when it comes to how this happened and happens in the travel industry. I have looked up 10 s...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#47 Will we all do space travelling in the future? from 2019-05-20T09:46:03

Space travelling - something that is only available to scientists and trained autronauts, isn't it? Well, not quite. Because there are technological developments that allow prohibitions of a ver...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#46 How can travel agencies survive in days of Uber and Airbnb? from 2019-05-13T20:45:05

Platforms like Uber and Airbnb have fundamentally changed the way we look at travelling. The DIY-Travellers are getting a serious problem for any travel agencies - so is there anything they can ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#45 Will Virtual Reality replace real life travelling? from 2019-05-10T14:36:53

Isn't travelling one of the most wonderful things in life that can be bought by money? It is. Though, there are technologies that have the potential to disrupt the entire travel industry, such a...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#44 The importance of DEEP READING and the danger of its loss from 2019-04-30T17:23:16

Deep Reading - it's not only about the information of a text you read! Find out more about the topic of deep reading in this episode...

Source:  Listen

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#43 RETROPERSPECTIVE: Has Siri fulfilled its predictions? from 2019-04-22T22:18:27

Siri and Alexa are technologies we couldn't imagine our world to be without - but eigth years ago, in 2011, the people could equally not imagine how a world largely impacted by voice technologie...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#42 Why podcasts are using concepts of radio in a better way from 2019-04-12T03:40:54

Podcast shows are not to underestimate when it comes to the transport of information and the formation of people's opinions in a democracy. Though, many people do not see why in a world of possi...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#41 TEN Reasons why E-Books are better than printed ones from 2019-04-08T03:49:25

What is more beautiful on Earth than the smell and the touch of a new book? This is the classic argument of every book-addicted person that cannot stand those modern readers with their e-books. ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#40 What impact the Internet has on our language - 4 main changements from 2019-04-04T03:28:59

YOLO. TGIF. TYL. ASAP. - This is only one driving force of changements we see in our current use of language that has been caused by the Internet. I am mentioning four of them today, so tune in ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#39 Why open markets matter from 2019-03-28T21:27:40

This is a plea for open markets without protectionism. I think it is crucial to remind people of what open markets have brought to our society, to our economy and life standard as a whole. It's ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#38 Three innovations that have revolutionized global trade from 2019-03-27T22:41:20

Today we're getting a bit more into the historical part of our fututure - and no, that's not paradoxical at all. Because in order to figure out what innovation could play a big role in the futur...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#37 The TEN most impactful emerging markets of the future from 2019-03-25T22:55:44

Emerging markets is a key word that can be dropped in any conversation in order to get attention: everyone would like to know what markets will flourish within the next years so that investments...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#36 Robert Rebholz von Optilyz - Warum man den Brief im Postkasten nicht unterschätzen sollte from 2019-03-22T05:00

Robert Rebholz ist Gründer des Unternehmens Optilyz, welches sich auf postalisches Direktmarketing spezialisiert hat. Im Interview reden wir über Unternehmertum, über die Geschichte von Robert u...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#35 The 5 worst mistakes you could make when investing from 2019-03-20T04:51:12

Investing is something beautiful - the increasment of money without you having to do something about it. Well, it's not that easy, actually, but almost. Though, many people loose a lot of money ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#34 These 5 Megatrends are shaping the way we are investing from 2019-03-19T04:46:21

There are five distinct megatrends that are shaping the way we are investing and are impacting the landscape of ETFs out there. Find out what these five are and what I think about them. I have r...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#33 Five FinTech Startups you should invest in from 2019-03-18T09:59:50

FinTech - Financial Technology - will change the way we transfer money, invest, buy and sell. This is why today, I am presenting you the five best startups in the field of FinTech of 2018/2019. ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#32 How will the bank branch look like in 2025? from 2019-03-15T04:38:01

We have talked about cryptocurrencies and financial transactions a lot within the last days - but what about the location where everything is carried out? What about the bank branch itsself, whe...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#31 Ripple is better than Bitcoin - how do they do that? from 2019-03-13T04:50:08

Today we are focusing one specific company in the landscape of Fintech Startups that raised within the last years: Ripple. First, I'll explain the system behind ripple and how everything about t...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#30 Will we have one currency or many? from 2019-03-11T05:31:35

This is a central question when it comes to the future of our financial system: will there be one currency or will there be many? The argument behind the thesis I will present in this episode is...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#29 Bitcoin - failed or future? from 2019-03-10T01:01:04

Is there anything else about money that is so controversial as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin? I can imagine a few other things people have so many different opinions about. In this episode I‘ll ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#28 Five main trends of the future of money from 2019-03-06T00:26:17

What can we expect by the future of money? Acutually, the financial sector is characterized by the slow changes that have been occured in the last years compared to other fields, such as transpo...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#27 Dan Faggella on how AI impacts industry and our entire lives from 2019-02-27T16:18:13

I had the great pleasure to talk to an actual expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence: Dan Faggella! He is the CEO of Emerj, that once was called Tech Emergence. They are analyzing the ec...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#26 How to practice self-education at work from 2019-02-26T05:29:33

Do not get me wrong here: I do not want you to lie to your employer in order to spend time on your self-education. This would be quite selfish and not a good solution to what we want to reach he...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#25 MY DREAM of how flexible education could change the entire world from 2019-02-20T04:31:14

I have a dream: flexible education for everyone, everywhere in the entire world. In these days this is partly realized by private organizations, so called "Online Universities" - but I would lik...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#24 iPad or school book? Is digital learning for kids good or bad? from 2019-02-19T05:03:03

Digital Learning - does this equal a four-year-old holding an iPad in his hands and playing games? Is this the education of tomorrow? Well, it might be. Though, I'd like to look at the scientifi...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#23 Ten reasons why lifelong learning is KEY and how to start from 2019-02-18T04:55:45

Nothing new: lifelong learning is preached by nearly everyone to be crucial in the time we live in. But why? In this episode I talk about ten reasons behind that statement. We'll also look at di...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#22 The importance of mathematics for the future of work and life from 2019-02-14T04:49:54

Mathematics - probably the most hated subject in school around the entire world. But what is the sense behind that subject? Most of the people think that the maths we learn in school is completl...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#21 Does everyone have to become a coder in 21st century? from 2019-02-13T12:42:43

Learning how to code - this is what many people think is THE thing you have to do as a young guy or a young woman in th 21st century. I will present to you the arguments for and against that sta...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#20 What will our children learn in the future? from 2019-02-11T09:44:22

The future of education might seem utterly unpredictable. Though, there are some assumptions seeming logic to one reflecting about what will be taught in the school of tomorrow. We all agree on ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#19 Politik meets Zukunft und Innovation - feat. Mario Brandenburg, MdB from 2019-02-08T13:08:04

Mario Brandenburg ist Abgeordneter des Deutschen Bundestages und im Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung beschäftigt er sich genau mit der Schnittstelle von Politik und ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#18 Studying online and while travelling the world - degree of 21st century? from 2019-02-07T15:18:08

Microdegrees, Nanodegrees and Global Degrees - these are not science fiction in these days but rather very solid alternative programmes to the traditional undergraduate course you have to spend ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#17 Education via YouTube - why has this become so successful? from 2019-02-05T04:35:20

YouTube has become so much more than a platform of beauty channels presenting their products and getting rich by doing so. Actually, the education category gets watched a lot more often than any...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#16 The virutal classroom of tomorrow: Massive Open Online Courses from 2019-02-04T04:52:16

Massive Open Online Courses did the race within the last years: they got more and more popular amongst students that cannot afford the exaggerated tuition fees of a traditional college education...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#15 SPECIAL EPISODE: 25 Ways of how AI will revolutionize the future of transportation from 2019-02-01T04:41:04

It's a wrap! Today I conclude the month of transportation by a huge repitition of nearly every technology we have talked about so far - I present to you 25 ways of how Artificial Intelligence wi...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#14 Reinforce direct mailing in the 21st century? Step back or step forward? from 2019-01-30T14:27:40

Within the last year the idea of reinforcing direct mailing as a mean of marketing has confronted me several times. I have even talked to the founders of a German company that has dedicated itss...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#13 Telecommunication in 2020 - eight pillars of changement from 2019-01-29T13:16:16

Telecommunication - we all do it every day and more often than we would want to admit. This will increase within the next years remarkably. There are eight pillars the entire landscape of change...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#12 The Green Ship of the Future from 2019-01-24T04:28:40

The Green Ship of the Future is a quite ambitious organization I have came across when researching the last week and I was fascinated by their mission and goals. See how GSF wants to contribute ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#11 The supply chain of the future from 2019-01-23T04:40:20

When we talk about the transportation of goods, it is crucial to look at the upcoming changes of supply chains. As nearly everything supply chains are insanely influenced by technological innova...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#10 Four ways your food will make it to your house in the future from 2019-01-22T13:43

We all love food - some of us adore it. However, our food has to go quite far in order to reach our houses. While there is not a really good alternative to ships in sight, it is the last mile to...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#9 How Tesla and Daimler will revolutionize the supply of goods by trucks from 2019-01-21T04:19:10

Tesla and Daimler - two automakers that drag when it comes to designing and creating new, futuristic vehicles - as we have already seen in the last episodes. This time we'll talk about two insan...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#8 Where on the world can you find the best public WIFI? from 2019-01-18T21:15:53

Public Wifi is ESSENTIAL when it comes to travelling in the year of 2019. We expect the trains as well as the busses we drive with, to provide us access to the Internet. It's just normal, isn't ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#7 How does the PLANE of the future look like? from 2019-01-17T04:43:53

I love flying. Though, the main points within the flying way of transportation that do not appeal to me are on the one hand the high costs, on the other the long time it takes myself to get to t...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#6 Two ideas about how the future bus might look like from 2019-01-15T04:11:31

Busses are insanely important for any kind of infrastructure, urban as well as rural. We use busses to get from A to B and save money, as usually the bus transportation is veeery cheap. So it ap...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#5 The Future of Trains - 4 visions how they might look like from 2019-01-14T04:13:18

Many people nowadays use the train to travel from one place to another, especially amongst comuters this mean of transport is very popular. Though the train of the early 21st century has many ma...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#4 The hitch of electric vehicles: charging systems from 2019-01-11T04:24:24

After having talked a lot about charging systems in the last episodes, I want to focus today on a potential hitch of these newly introduced vehicles: the number of charging stations that distrib...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#3 The first Porsche to be fully electric - What can we expect? from 2019-01-09T04:00:52

Porsche will launch their first fully electrical car called the Porsche Taycan. In this episode I give you on the one hand an overview about the technical facts of Porsche and on the other hand ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#2 Fully autonomous driving - which car companies are leading the race? from 2019-01-08T04:00:54

Fully autonomous driving is a technology of transportation of the very near future. One of the leading companies in this field might be Tesla but there are also a several other automakers which ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#1 A close look at Elon Musk's Hyperloop Technology from 2019-01-07T04:06:41

Elon Musk is revolutionizing the transportation of humans. As the topic of my first week will be extactly that one, I chose to talk about Hyperloop Transportation Technologies at first. It is qu...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#30 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - KI in der Fitnessbranche from 2018-12-23T03:53:31

Die letzte Folge des Jahres - passend zu den Festtagen, an denen man sich gerne das eine oder andere Mal überfrisst, gibt es heute ein Special: ich stelle euch vor, was KI in der Fitness-Branche ka...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#29 KI-Unternehmen in DE 2.0 - Avaya #discovership from 2018-12-20T05:20:24

Avaya ist neben Arago ein weiteres erfolgreiches KI-Unternehmen in Deutschland und fokussiert sich vor allem auf die effiziente Kommunikation mit dem Kunden - das schafft Avaya über verschiedene Pr...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#28 KI-Unternehmen in Deutschland? Arago revolutioniert Effizienz in Unternehmen #discovership from 2018-12-19T19:02:35

Unter der Reihe #discovership schauen wir uns gemeinsam Unternehmen an, die Produkte im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz vertreiben bzw. in dem Bereich relevant sind. Heute schauen wir hier ganz...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#27 Investieren in einen KI-Aktienfonds? Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence unter der Lupe from 2018-12-18T04:21:52

„Allianz Global Atrificial Intelligence“ ist der erste KI-Aktienfonds, welcher aus Europa gemanaget wird. Trotzdem investiert er das angelegte Geld zu über 90% in die USA. Diese und mehr Fakten zum...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#26 Wie wird eine KI zum Experten in einem Gebiet? from 2018-12-17T04:35:06

Künstliche, wissensbasierte Expertensysteme sind zurzeit voll im Kommen - überall sollen sie eingesetzt werden und zum Teil menschliche Experten ersetzen, bzw. ergänzen. Ich erkläre dir heute, wie ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#25 Evolution maschinell simulieren? Zellen durch Automaten darstellen? from 2018-12-14T04:12:48

Heute wird es wieder etwas technischer: ich umreiße, was ein zellulärer Automat und was evolutionäre Algorithmen sind. Wir schauen uns außerdem nochmal genauer an, wie man anhand dieser und weitere...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#24 Künstliches Leben erschaffen - wie geht das? from 2018-12-12T04:22:03

Künstliches Leben - was bedeutet das überhaupt? Wie soll man Leben bitte auf künstlichem Wege erschaffen können? Und wie hängt das Ganze mit Künstlicher Intelligenz zusammen? Diese und mehr Fragen ...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#23 Fünf Gründe, warum KI in der Medizin nicht mehr wegzudenken ist from 2018-12-10T00:09:39

Warum machen Roboter in der Medizin oftmals einen besseren Job als manche Ärzte? Diese provokante Frage habe ich mir für diese Podcast-Folge gestellt und schließlich fünf Gründe hierfür ausfindig g...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#22 Algorithmen zwecks personalisierter Werbung - lohnt sich das? from 2018-12-06T04:48:13

Immer mehr Websites nutzen Algorithmen, um ihre Werbung für den Kunden zu personalisieren. Dabei werden Unmengen von Daten eingesammelt und eine Künstliche Intelligenz soll darin Muster erkennen bz...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#21 Intelligente Sprachassistenten - oder auch: die Alexa-Revolution from 2018-12-05T04:48:48

Digitale Sprachassistenten sind wohl eine der innovativsten Anwendungen Künstlicher Intelligenz der letzten Jahre. Das spiegelt sich zum Beispiel auch im weltlweiten Umsatz wieder - der exponentiel...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#20 Transhumanismus und Singularität - Neil Harbisson als erster Cyborg from 2018-12-04T05:00:26

Das Verschmelzen von Mensch und Maschine, der Übergang von Biologie zu Technik - für die einen absolute Horrorvorstellung, für die anderen ein logischer nächster Schritt in unserer Evolution. Und f...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#19 Starke Superintelligenz - wann übernehmen die Maschinen? from 2018-12-03T04:44:53

Unter einer starken Superintelligenz verstehen wir eine Maschine, welche den Menschen als Individuum in seiner Leistungsfähigkeit und Intelligenz übersteigt. Dabei gibt es drei verschiedene Arten v...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#18 Virtual Reality auf dem Handy? Wie macht Occipital das? #discovership from 2018-11-30T05:00:43

Virtual und Augmented Reality sind eine der wichtigsten Technologie-Innovationen, die wir in den letzten Jahren erleben konnten. In der Industrie wird diese auch schon forciert eingesetzt und ist e...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#17 Hat KI in Südostasien Potential? from 2018-11-29T05:36:19

Asien ist Vorreiter in quasi allem - oder? Wie sieht es denn tatsächlich aus im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz? Was fehlt den Asiaten, um auch wirklich ganz vorne mitspielen zu können? Und wel...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#16 John McCarthy - der Vater Künstlicher Intelligenz? from 2018-11-28T05:12:18

John McCarthy trug maßgeblich zur Entwicklung Künstlicher Intelligenz bei. Seine Arbeit wurde mit dem berühmten Turing-Preis gekrönt und seine Programmiersprache LISP ist die älteste bis heute verw...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#15 Cyber-Monday-Geschenk von Amazon - Free AI for everyone? #aiupdate from 2018-11-27T05:24:17

Unter dem neuen Format #aiupdate gibt es von mir die Neuigkeiten aus der AI-Welt kurz und knackig in einer Folge präsentiert - vor allem gestern war so ein Tag, der Cyber Monday, da tat sich in der...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#14 Wie schnell passiert technologische Entwicklung? - More than Moore from 2018-11-23T04:31:19

Das Moore'sche Gesetz spielt in der Frage, wie schnell eigentlich technologische Entwicklung passiert, eine ganz entscheidende Rolle. So ist es unbestreitbar, dass diese Entwicklung irgendwie expon...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#13 Wie viele Menschen werden durch Maschinen ersetzt? from 2018-11-22T04:40:11

Das Horror-Szenario beim Gedanken an Künstliche Intelligenz: alle Menschen verlieren ihren Arbeitsplatz, das wirtschaftliche und vor allem soziale System bricht in allen Ländern zusammen und die Ma...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#12 Symbolsystem oder Machine Learning? #booksknowbetter from 2018-11-21T07:16:34

Heute wird‘s wieder win bisschen technischer im zweiten Teil der Learnings aus dem Buch von Jerry Kaplan: wann benutzt man Symbolsysteme und wann benutzt man Machine Learning? Und was ist das überh...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#11 Robotik, Computer Vision, Spracherkennung und NLP - vier Bereiche der KI #booksknowbetter from 2018-11-20T06:16:14

Mit dieser Folge möchte ich eine neue Reihe starten: #booksknowbetter! Ich lese fortwährend Bücher, die im Zusammenhang mit KI stehen und hier verschiedene Aspekte beleuchten - und dieses Wissen mö...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#10 Self-driving cars - wer hat seine Finger hier im Spiel? from 2018-11-16T05:40:20

Die wohl populärste Anwendung von KI: autonomes Fahren. Ich stelle euch in diesem Podcast fünf Unternehmen vor - und nein, Tesla behandle ich separat ein andermal:D - die im Bereich des autonomen F...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#9 Herausforderungen für KI in Unternehmen from 2018-11-15T05:24:11

Künstliche Intelligenz ist keine Zukunftsmusik, sondern bietet Lösungen für die Probleme von heute - aber wenn dem so wäre, warum haben eigentlich noch nicht viel mehr Unternehmen KI in ihre Prozes...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#8 Google AI - was macht Google im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz? #discovership3 from 2018-11-14T04:36:52

Wir setzen zusammen unsere Betriebsbesichtigungen fort und gehen mit #discovership in die 3. Runde... diesmal kein Unternehmen, das von Vornherein bereits auf KI spezialisiert war, sondern hier als...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#7 Welche Länder befinden sich im Rennen um die Weltherrschaft im Bereich KI? from 2018-11-13T05:24:31

Künstliche Intelligenz und deren wirtschaftliche Umswetzung - ein Kopf an Kopf Rennen zwischen China und den USA? Ja - mit fünf weiteren Teilnehmern. Ich stelle euch heute die sieben Länder vor, di...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#6 Nvidia als eines der erfolgreichsten KI-Unternehmen - weshalb? #discovership2 from 2018-11-09T07:47:44

Neben AIBrain, womit wir uns im der letzten Folge bereits ausführlich beschäftigt haben, gibt es ein weiteres Unternehmen, das sehr erfolgreich im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz unterweg ist u...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#5 Wie AIBrain mit seinen Produkten den Markt erobert #discovership1 from 2018-11-08T05:19:38

Heute kommen wir weg von der Theorie und hin in die Praxis: wir schauen uns das erste von insgesamt zwei Folgen an, in denen ich ein Unternehmen mit euch anschaue, das Produkte im Bereich KI vertre...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#4 Wie nutzen Unternehmen KI? from 2018-11-07T04:38:35

Ob Machine Learning, Installation von Computern zur Produktivitätssteigerung oder einfach die effektivere Zusammenarbeir von Mensch und Maschine: die meisten Unternehmen erkennen die Benefits von K...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#3 Wie funktioniert KI? - Neuronale Netze verstehen from 2018-11-06T04:53:40

Was macht Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie lernen Neuronale Netze? In dieser Folge lernst du, warum man in narrow und general artificial intelligence unterscheidet, was das bedeutet und wo die Chancen u...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#2 Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz? from 2018-11-05T05:13:37

Egal was du machst - schreib in den heutigen Tagen „Künstliche Intelligenz“ drauf und es hört sich gleich viel interessanter an. Gut und schön, dass scheinbar doch so viel Interesse am Thema vorhan...

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
#1 Welche drei bedeutenden Bereiche verändert KI? Mit Daniel Jung from 2018-11-04T12:31:12

Welche drei sind die bedeutendsten Bereiche, die durch Künstliche Intelligenz in den nächsten Jahre revolutioniert werden? Mit New Learning Entrepreneur Daniel Jung.

Fascinated with Lea Skapetze
Intro - Was hier abgehen wird from 2018-11-04T09:51:15

Hey liebe Querdenker und Visionäre dort draußen! Ihr seid hier genau richtig: bei dem Podcast für Künstliche Intelligenz! Wir werden uns zusammen mit der Technik, Psychologie, Philosophie und den U...
