Podcasts by FirePitChilling


We're a close group of friends having real discussions with comedic banter and different opinions on things you would discuss around a campfire.

Further podcasts by FPC

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Love from 2017-07-26T03:23:22

Love is complicated. Love is happiness. Love is... fake? Is it even real? Buckle up. Though we were excited to talk about this topic, we did not anticipate a conversation of this magnitude. It's a ...

Fear from 2017-07-22T03:20:13

Fear of losing your sanity, the ones you care about, and not realizing your full potential. What are YOU afraid of? Certainly not heights... Although we're a bit short staffed this week, we clearly...

Retrospect from 2017-07-10T05:52:26

Life is a rollercoaster full of many ups and downs. And in retrospect, some of our lowest points end up being the most laughably inconsequential moments. Sit back, grab a snack, and listen to the g...

Social Media from 2017-07-02T22:05:41

Likes, followers, Facebook, and Top 8 drama. Oh, and our middle school social media handles. Come check out some of our great (or not so great) moments in the rise of the social media era.
