Eliminating Hemorrhoids Once And For All [Episode #13] - a podcast by Dr. Jack & Mary Stockwell CGP, Upper Cervical N.U.C.C.A. Board Certified Ch

from 2015-05-01T18:43:49

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Imagine, if you will:  Candlelight, soft music… Your lover gazes softly at you from across the table.  The kids are at Grandma’s house.  The atmosphere smells of hormones.  Pupils are dilated.  A gentle touch, the promise of soon being much… much closer… 

Then it hits!  The dreaded “H-word.”  You know the one.  HEMORRHOIDS.  They know no bounds of race, creed, or economic status.  They care not to which political party you subscribe or what country club you’re a member of. 

The all too familiar burning, itching, irritation begs even the most dignified among us to stealthily conceal creams and wipes and pads promising freedom from this most undignified situation amongst the cereal and pasta in the bottom of the shopping cart. 

The problem is—as with most of our crisis care based healthcare system—that those creams and wipes and pads are really only focused on reducing symptoms… for a time.  They do nothing to address the reason behind (no pun intended) the symptoms.  

Well, what if I told you the reason behind the symptoms is ridiculously simple to treat?  Inexpensive?  Non-invasive?  Doesn’t involve humiliation or pulling or cutting or bleeding from the bum in front of a room full of medical professionals? Is your interest piqued yet?  

First let’s be clear on exactly what hemorrhoids are.  Hemorrhoids, in the most basic sense, are varicose veins of the lower rectum.  Well, what are varicose veins (just to be completely clear)?  Veins, just like every other part of the body, have something called “tone.”  This tone is the tightness, the resilience, the resistance of the walls of the veins to the pressure of the blood moving through them.  When the walls of the veins become lax, weak, flabby—just like when other parts become flabby, like the belly or the thighs or the chin—they begin to stretch out, sag, and lose the elasticity that allows them to rebound, causing the blood to pool and the vein to balloon from the pressure.   

Now, sure, these varicosities are unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable, but why should we care?  Varicose veins are an early indicator of something run amok with the vascular system as a whole, and the vascular system is the body’s delivery/pick-up highway that begins and ends with the heart.  So we’re not just talking about an embarrassing little problem that nobody wants to acknowledge.  We’re talking about the organ that pumps blood to every cell and organ and system in the body.  Pretty important if you ask me!  

Enter stone root—Collinsonia Canadensis—brought to King George by his botanist, Peter Collinson, introduced to it by the American Indians in 1600.  This tough little herb is known for its tonic (toning up) effect on everything it comes in contact with, with applications for everything from bruises to urinary incontinence to a congested liver to… yep, you guessed it… even hemorrhoids!  It can take time, and obviously the effects are greater with the compounded efforts of a nourishing diet, but this amazing plant is able to literally retract and pull up those distended veins.  

 So take heed!  Listen to that forbidden doctor within you.  If it’s sending you warning signs about the health of your vascular system, get hold of some of this life-giving stone root, and treat the real reason for those oh-so-blushworthy symptoms.  You won’t regret it! 

What you will learn in this episode:

  1. What the foundational reason for hemorrhoids is. 

  2. Why hemorrhoids are not talked about openly, and why doing nothing about it until it is too late is not worth it. 

  3. Why hemorrhoids are not just a senior problem anymore- and why we are seeing an increasing number of younger people with degenerative problems like it.

  4. How you are just one big collagen factory.

  5. Why hemorrhoids has everything to do with your vascular strength and your liver.

  6. Varicose veins? Hemorrhoids? Same thing. We will tell you why and how it all comes back to malnutrition.

  7. Who is Peter Collinson and how this botanist discovered a miracle herb that can change your entire venous system and your mucous tissues.

  8. How the body will give you warning signs when entering a danger zone for your health.

  9. Why antibiotics can be curative, but why you need to fix the reason for needing the antibiotic.

  10.  Learn all about Collinsonia Root and it’s uses-  what we call the “antigravity herb.”

  11.  Why the healthiest people of the planet have a diet rich in fat, saturated animal fat.

Download a transcript of this show!

Further episodes of Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Further podcasts by Dr. Jack & Mary Stockwell CGP, Upper Cervical N.U.C.C.A. Board Certified Ch

Website of Dr. Jack & Mary Stockwell CGP, Upper Cervical N.U.C.C.A. Board Certified Ch