Podcasts by Front End Center

Front End Center

Front End Center is a podcast by Chris Landtiser that talks about design, development, and how to keep things simple and effective.

Visit https://fec.fyi to listen to all available episodes!

Further podcasts by Chris Landtiser

Podcast on the topic Technologie

All episodes

Front End Center
Quality Assurance from 2016-12-31T00:25:12

Quality Assurance may sometimes seem like an extra drain of time and effort after already putting so much work into your project. It can be the difference between worthwhile results and "just good ...

Front End Center
Architecture: CSS from 2016-12-27T16:22:17

There are many right and wrong ways to develop CSS. How do you build a good foundation for your architecture?

Music by:

Soundshrim, Ambient Background - https://www.jamendo.com/tr...

Front End Center
Front End Architecture from 2016-12-16T19:17:12

Building a database or application without a plan seems crazy. Why is that the standard expectation for so many front end developers today?

Soundshrim, Ambient Background - https://www.jam...

Front End Center
The Price of Free Work from 2016-11-04T17:30:45

Getting professional recognition can be a difficult and complex task. Does the value of providing free work and resources merit the time it takes out of your day?


Front End Center
Memorable Work from 2016-10-22T00:23:33

What makes a product or experience memorable to a user? What impact does front-end design and development have on the success of a project?


Front End Center
Remote Work from 2016-10-14T22:52:51

Working remotely can be equal parts blessing and curse. What are some of the best ways to make the most of your time for you and your client?


Front End Center
Scalable Vector Graphics from 2016-10-07T22:34:46

What's the difference between a scalable image and a traditional one, and how much trouble are they to use?

Front End Center
Front End & Virtual Reality from 2016-09-25T00:35:35

What role does front-end work play in virtual reality, and what do the new rules of three dimensional interfaces look like?

Front End Center
Personas from 2016-09-16T20:29:01

Personas can be a powerful corner stone or an Achilles Heel for projects of every kind. Knowing the right way to leverage them makes all the difference.


Front End Center
User Friendly Browsing from 2016-09-10T00:34:27

The reign of terror of internet popups is steadily subsiding. But is there a new pretender to the Throne of Annoyance from interstitial ads?


Front End Center
HTTPS from 2016-09-03T00:26:18

What value does HTTPS add for you as both a developer and a user of the internet? Is there an easy way to implement it and reap the rewards?


Front End Center
Flexbox from 2016-08-26T22:17

There's a lot of different ways to layout a web page front-end. Flexbox is one of the newer tools in the box that makes development easier and way more intuitive!


Front End Center
Static Site Generators from 2016-08-20T00:46:44

Static Site Generators can be an incredibly useful and versatile tool, but where are they best suited and where do they struggle?


Front End Center
Easy to Win, Hard to Lose from 2016-08-13T00:47:20

Is failure something that should be avoided as a developer? Or is embracing and channeling that failure an innate part of getting ahead and growing your skills?


Front End Center
Email, Cruel and Unusual? from 2016-08-05T23:24:44

Designing HTML email is a much more complicated task than you might expect. What makes your inbox so much more complicated than the rest of the internet at large?


Front End Center
Accessibility from 2016-07-29T23:26:49

The tenth episode survey is here! http://survey.podtrac.com/start-survey.aspx?pubid=5uK6noCPbwDm&ver=standard

Accessibility means more than just making a couple of well-meaning tweaks to y...

Front End Center
Mobile First as a Foundation from 2016-07-21T20:36:38

Planning a website can be handled in a flexible order, but what about when it comes time to actually structure your code? What benefits does a mobile-first approach bestow?

Front End Center
The Structural Columns Of Front - End from 2016-07-15T23:35:06

Some elements of design and development universally support every kind of project. What are the important patterns we can learn to improve our own work?

"CAPTCHA!" by Mark.Nine:

Front End Center
The User's Goal is Down from 2016-07-08T20:53:38

When you're in unfamiliar territory and having to make big technical or design decisions on the fly... just remember: the user's goal is down!

Front End Center
Users: Experience & Interface from 2016-07-02T16:33:01

Users are at the core of design and development projects. If you build it, they will come! What considerations should be taken for users, though, and which users should get the most attention?

Front End Center
Diverse Development from 2016-06-24T17:12:51

Front-end development has a lot to learn and do. Is it better to focus on being a jack-of-all-trades? Or should you put all your effort into being the best at one thing?

Front End Center
JavaScript All The Way Down from 2016-06-19T17:52

JavaScript can turn up in places you'd never expect. Where did it come from, and why does it seem to be able to do a little bit of everything, for better or worse?

"Odyssey" by Midwest Col...
