Podcasts by Health Talk by RORA PHI

Health Talk by RORA PHI

Health and Healthcare Informative Podcast

Further podcasts by Roraworld

Podcast on the topic Gesundheit und Fitness

All episodes

Health Talk by RORA PHI
Silent Killer Diseases from 2019-01-30T13:36:44

This episodes is about the different types of common killer diseases, symptoms, preventive measures....

Health Talk by RORA PHI
You, Your Emotions and Your Emotional Goals from 2019-01-16T06:09:06

What is emotional goal, the importance and how to set these goals...

Health Talk by RORA PHI
Health Talk with RORA PHI Intro.... from 2019-01-08T23:15:39

This episode is an introduction, it’s telling you who we are and what to expect in all our episodes going forward. It also introduces our next episode, giving an insight to our guest on the show!
