Podcasts by HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives

To change the world it is necessary to understand the world. With the podcast series "Global Perspectives" the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) provides insights into its engagement in almost 70 countries in Europe and around the globe. Based on the values of democracy and participation the HSF supports regional developments and creates opportunities for an active exchange and discourse between stakeholders and those in charge. What different perceptions exist on international topics? What can be done to improve mutual understanding? How can we contribute to sustainable development by strengthening peace, democracy, rule of law and social market economy? The podcast series addresses these questions and outlines some projects of the Hanns Seidel Foundation. /// Um die Welt zu verändern, muss man die Welt verstehen. Mit der neuen Podcast-Reihe "Global Perspectives" bietet die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (HSS) Einblicke in ihr Engagement in fast 70 Ländern in Europa und der Welt. Auf Basis der Werte der Demokratie und Teilhabe unterstützt die HSS regionale Entwicklungen und schafft Gelegenheiten für einen aktiven Austausch und Diskurs zwischen Interessens- und Verantwortungsträgern. Welche unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen gibt es zu internationalen Themen? Was kann getan werden, um das gegenseitige Verständnis zu verbessern? Wie können wir durch die Stärkung von Frieden, Demokratie, Rechtsstaat und sozialer Marktwirtschaft einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten? Mit diesen Fragen setzt sich die Podcast-Reihe auseinander und berichtet aus einigen Projekten der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung.

Further podcasts by Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Data&Democracy from 2023-10-25T17:00

Can you still trust your own online trail? The invisible threads of digital manipulation are so subtle, and yet they have an enormous power. In our new episode of #GlobalPerspectives, we, like #...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Africa between East and West, global power shifts and a new world? – How is Africa and Europe responding to challenges and opportunities of advancing the rules based system from 2023-08-21T07:00

Since the COVID-pandemic and Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, global fault lines have deepened. System rivalry is becoming a buzzword and Africa seems to be in the center of it.

With the Rus...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Russia in Africa and the Wagner Group from 2023-08-20T17:00

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, reactions on the African continent were and still are divided. Africa remains the voting block with the most abstentions at the UN-resolutions on the war.<...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Folge 26: Food Crisis - Why are we failing to address food security? from 2023-06-20T07:30

Millionen Menschen leben in Hungersnot. Weltweit hat sich die Lage der #Ernährungssicherheit von Jahr zu Jahr verschlechtert. Die Vereinten Nationen kritisieren dies scharf: „Hunger ist das Erge...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
“A World in turmoil – Perspectives from countries of the Global South: Brazil, India and South Africa” from 2023-03-14T16:20

International cooperation faces immense challenges in the face of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and still unresolved consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the global l...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
NATO – The Alliance is not “braindead”, after all from 2022-08-23T10:18

“We cannot discount the possibility of an attack against Allies’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.” This passage from NATO’s 2022 strategic concept states a sobering outlook for the future ...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Good Governance and Democracy: What is at stake? from 2022-07-07T00:10

Democracies are under pressure worldwide. This year, for example, the Bertelsmann Transformation Index identified more autocratic than democratic states for the first time since 2014. At the sam...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Moldova – from Neutrality to EU Membership? from 2022-06-13T12:00

“Neutrality maybe works in times of peace, but not in times of war” (I. Groza). Moldovan security experts Denis Cenusá and Iulian Groza analyse the country's trajectory from neutrality to discus...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Pakistan's political development and its regional role after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan from 2022-06-02T11:22

In early April, Pakistan underwent a change of power, initiated by a vote of no confidence in parliament. These events momentarily catapulted the country into the media headlines. Recently, both...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
The Summit for Democracy – A New Approach in Geopolitics from 2022-01-13T10:20

After President Joe Biden first announced The Summit for Democracy during his election campaign in 2020, it finally took place in the beginning of December 2021. Over 275 participants f...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
After the COP26: Perspectives from Jordan and Lebanon from 2021-12-21T00:10

At the much awaited Climate Change Conference in November, the signatory states to the UN Climate Convention have not succeeded in jointly presenting a convincing way to limit global warming to ...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Populism – A Toxic Factor for Democratic Societies? from 2021-11-16T00:10

Not only since Donald Trump came to power many have had the subjective feeling that the rise of populist forces is a growing problem, especially in democracies. Trust in institutions and decisio...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Ahead of the COP26: Namibias fight for climate change mitigation and adaptation from 2021-10-19T00:10

In early November, the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will be taking place in Glasgow, Scotland. Representatives from 196 states will be negotiating the next steps for globa...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Which way for Germany’s foreign policy after the 2021 elections? from 2021-09-21T00:10

After 16 years of Angela Merkel, Germany’s federal election will not only pave the way for a new government but also for a brand-new foreign policy. At least potentially. Taking a deep-dive into...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Potenziale der öko-sozialen Marktwirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das Beispiel Vietnam und die Region Lateinamerika from 2021-07-06T00:10

Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer stehen heute vor immensen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, Armut zu bekämpfen und ein ökologisch nachhaltiges Wachstum zu erreichen. Diese Folge der Podca...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Next Generation EU – A Recovery For Europe from 2021-06-15T09:41:19

The main focus of this episode will be the EU’s NextGenerationEU Plan, especially the new Recovery and Resilience Facility as the centrepiece of this newly created instrument. With a total volum...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Potenziale der sozialen Marktwirtschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das Beispiel Südafrika from 2021-06-08T09:54:37

Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer stehen heute vor immensen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, Armut zu bekämpfen und ein ökologisch nachhaltiges Wachstum zu erreichen.

Diese Folge de...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
The role of non-Western powers in the Western Balkans from 2021-05-04T00:10

The EU’s declining image in the Balkan region has enabled other non-Western powers - most notably China, Russia and Turkey - to increase their influence in that area. Looking at EU-accession can...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Föderalismus und Dezentralisierung: Chancen für die Demokratie? from 2021-04-20T00:10

In vielen Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern gibt es Dezentralisierungsprozesse, meist mit dem Ziel, eine größere Effizienz und Legitimität staatlichen Handelns zu erreichen. Oft geht es auch um...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
European Recovery in the Post-Pandemic-Era – A French Perspective from 2021-03-23T00:10

Europe has been in the grip of the Covid pandemic for more than a year now. France is among those countries that were affected the most in socio-political and economic terms. But the post-pandem...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
China in der Corona-Pandemie: Findet die Volksrepublik zu neuer Stärke? from 2021-03-02T00:10:44

Weltweit kämpfen die Staaten mit dem Corona-Virus und seinen Folgen. Einzig China scheint aus der Krise verhältnismäßig gestärkt hervorzugehen. Die Hintergründe dafür und auch ...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Moscow’s Partnership with Beijing – is Russia lost for the West? from 2021-02-09T00:10:11

Moscow’s Partnership with Beijing – is Russia lost for the West? In June 2019, the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, described the Russian President Vladimir Putin as his “b...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Südamerika: Wie die Pandemie die Probleme des Kontinents verstärkt from 2021-01-19T00:05:50

Das Corona-Virus trifft die Länder Südamerikas schwer. Der Kontinent scheint mit der Pandemie am stärksten zu kämpfen, auch auf der wirtschaftlichen und der sozialen Ebene. Worin liegen die Ursache...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
The Visegrád countries’ perspective on Germany´s EU-Presidency from 2020-12-29T00:10:04

The Visegrád countries’ perspective on Germany´s EU-Presidency

As Germany´s Presidency of the Council of the European Union ends on the 31st of December 2020, we asked speakers...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Afrika: Die Pandemie und ihre Folgen from 2020-12-08T00:10:38

Zwar sind die von vielen Experten prognostizierten gesundheitlichen Horrorszenarien in Afrika bisher nicht eingetreten. Die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen der Krise treff...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
US Election Special: The self-image of a global lead-nation in transformation from 2020-11-17T00:10:25

The 2020 US elections have been referenced as the most important in the history of the United States, and the count has been close...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
India in times of COVID-19 from 2020-10-27T00:05:49

Is India facing special challenges in times of COVID-19 due to very complex structures of its society? What does migration mean for India and how is this aff...

HSS Podcast - Global Perspectives
Global Trade and WTO Reform from 2020-10-06T00:10:32

As trade relations have become increasingly politicised and global trade has collapsed during the Covid-19 pandemic, this podcast ...
