Podcasts by I Guess I Just Miss My Friend

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend

30 Day Instagram Movie Challenge meets 20 year friendship

Further podcasts by Johnny Stacey and Alex Couckuyt

Podcast on the topic TV und Film

All episodes

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
A film that puts you in deep thought: Fight Club and Charlie Wilson's War from 2021-02-28T03:56:13

Take off your shoes and start (stop?) smashing your IKEA furniture.

Fight Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham C...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
A film you hated that everyone else liked: Memento and Inception from 2021-01-31T05:21:35

We love, Christopher Nolan, I promise. But... (puts hands in the air).

Memento is a 2000 American neo-noir psychological thriller film written and directed by Christopher Nolan, ...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
Film that you never get sick of: Catch Me If You Can and Heat from 2021-01-10T11:47:42

Knock Knock!

Catch Me If You Can is a 2002 American biographical crime film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg from a screenplay by Jeff Nathanson. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
Favourite Animated Film: Princess Mononoke and The Prince of Egypt from 2020-11-22T11:53:36

It’s a(n anime) trap! Two years after a trip to Japan, Johnny finally convinces Alex to watch anime, under the pretence of the pod.

Princess Mononoke...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
Film with a job you want: Creed and Moneyball from 2020-11-15T07:56:28

You can't learn anything when you're talking. That's a fact of life. As long as you're talking, you're not listening. So stop talking and start listening!

Creed is a 2015 Amer...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
A Film with a Number in the Title: L4yer Cak3 and Ocean's 11 from 2020-11-08T09:53:02

Giving People What They Want. Good times today, stupor tomorrow. But this is now.

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
A Film with More than Five Words in the Title: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels from 2020-10-31T05:37:15

This episode is as long as my arm; I wish it was as long as something else.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Gondry (2004):  It follows an estranged couple who have erased eac...

I Guess I Just Miss My Friend
First Film You Remember Watching: "Snow White" vs. "Star Wars" from 2020-10-04T03:05:26

Alex and Johnny discuss Day One of their movie challenge
