Podcasts by IFC Midnight

IFC Midnight

IFC Midnight houses our international genre cinema, including horror films, sci-fi movies, thrillers and erotic arthouse flicks.

Further podcasts by IFC Films

Podcast on the topic TV und Film

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IFC Midnight
Human Centipede 2 "Making Of" from 2023-12-13T15:47:19.274652

IFC Midnight
Human Centipede 2 "Making Of" from 2022-03-07T05:07:53.130905

IFC Midnight
Human Centipede 2: Tom Six Discusses the Story Concept from 2021-01-31T22:10:42.023393

Director Tom Six discusses what inspired the outrageous concept for the new sequel, "The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence", followed by a teaser for the film.
