Podcasts by JNH Softwares Podcast

JNH Software's Podcast

Further podcasts by JNH Software

Podcast on the topic Technologie

All episodes

JNH Software's Podcast
Royalty Free Music&Pictures- 114 from 2014-07-08T03:55:45

Did you know that most music and pictures on the internet is NOT royalty free. So what this means is that you cannot re-use this material without the author’s permission.

JNH Software's Podcast
Location Services - 113 from 2014-06-02T20:09:39

"Location Services" is what your smart phone or device uses to know where your you are at all times. You might be surprised to learn how this is achieved and what information you give back in return.

JNH Software's Podcast
OneDrive by Microsoft - 112 from 2014-05-08T08:18:51

The latest Cloud storage "OneDrive" from Microsoft offers 7 GB of free space.

JNH Software's Podcast
Essential Apps for iPads&Tablets - 109 from 2014-05-08T08:09:24

Here are my 5 favorite (most useful) apps on iPads and Tablets.

JNH Software's Podcast
Windows XP End of Support - 111 from 2014-04-17T02:43:26

JNH Software newsletter, talking about what "End of Support" means for people using a computer that runs the Windows XP Operating system.

JNH Software's Podcast
Printing from iPad or Tablet - 110 from 2014-04-11T04:08

JNH Software newsletter, talking about how to print from a portable device like an iPhone, iPad, Android Tablet, Windows Surface or Google Nexus using WiFi and eMail.
