Podcasts by Julia and Josh Pod of Fun

Julia and Josh Pod of Fun

Podcast by the wonderful Julia and Josh

Further podcasts by Julia and Josh

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

Julia and Josh Pod of Fun
Myspace Song update: Julia from 2008-08-29T07:13:22


These type of episodes are just things that Julia and Josh thought of just cause it's always good to know new music or know what kind of music they listen ...

Julia and Josh Pod of Fun
Their Lips Are Sealed from 2008-08-29T06:00:12


This is sort of another test episode, none are real until both Julia and Josh are here recording. This is the Julia and Joshs theme song. Coming soon: Kara...

Julia and Josh Pod of Fun
Julia's Short Introduction from 2008-08-29T05:24:02


This episode is just a small introduction. They are still in the building stages of this podcast. Be patient and don't give up on them!

Julia and Josh Pod of Fun
Intro (test episode) from 2008-08-29T03:48:20


This is just Julia testing out her recording abilities and computer and internet skills.
