EP34 💔 內容策展演算法如何影響我們看待失去的伴侶關係?| Content curation - a podcast by tech-society-design // 科技社會設計

from 2021-10-19T11:09:08

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🎻 什麼是內容策展演算法?

😢 當我們意外在線上看到前任伴侶的消息...

😅 當內容策展演算法處理我們失去的關係時...

🧯 重新定義人與人之間的連結與不同人際關係的分類

#內容策展 #演算法 #社群媒體 #人際關係 #伴侶關係 #人機互動 #Content curation #Curation algorithm #Romantic relationship #HCI #CSCW

🔎 深入了解更多:

  1. Anthony T. Pinter, Jialun “Aaron” Jiang, Katie Z. Gach, Melanie M. Sidwell, James E. Dykes, and Jed R. Brubaker. 2019. “Am I Never Going to Be Free of All This Crap?” Upsetting Encounters With Algorithmically Curated Content About Ex-Partners. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3, CSCW, Article 70 (November 2019), 23 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3359172




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📖  看更多人機互動文章:https://medium.com/%E4%BA%BA%E6%A9%9F%E5%85%B1%E7%94%9F%E4%BD%A0%E6%88%91%E5%AE%83/%E5%88%B0%E5%BA%95%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%98%AF%E4%BA%BA%E6%A9%9F%E4%BA%92%E5%8B%95-%E4%BA%8C%E5%8D%81%E7%A8%AE%E5%90%91%E6%9C%8B%E5%8F%8B%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8B%E4%BA%BA%E6%A9%9F%E4%BA%92%E5%8B%95%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%AA%E6%B3%95-%E4%B8%8B-5a01e7d53b1f

💪 如果對節目的主題感興趣,搜尋「人機互動」了解更多!


🎧 🎧  Music by Kesta - Sun Hope

🎧 🎧  Origami Repetika - Plumstead Reflections

🎧 🎧  Yung Kartz - So Gone

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