Podcasts by Kicks and Tell

Kicks and Tell

Two dudes talking about sneakers and the culture of

Further podcasts by Marcus Coleman, Charlie Bostrom

Podcast on the topic Freizeit

All episodes

Kicks and Tell
Episode 2 - The Year of the Dunk from 2023-12-13T22:26:50.215138

We're back! Thank you all for the support with the first episode. Charlie and I (being Marcus) recorded this episode nearly a year and day after recording the last one. Its been a wild year so far ...

Kicks and Tell
Episode 3 - Backdoors and Bots from 2021-03-10T19:03:05

On this episode Charlie and Marcus catch up on some of the releases from January and February. The dynamic duo also discuss resale culture, backdoors, bots, and the Trophy Room fiasco. Also some in...

Kicks and Tell
Introductions and Sneaker of the Year 2019! from 2020-04-13T23:37:12

More on Drew the Barber: https://www.instagram.com/drewthebarber87/

