KOTN Actual Play Podcast 25: Shit Luck: Ep 26 "Clean up in Aisle 2" - a podcast by Tom, Scott, Mike, Michael, Bob, Jim, Jonathon, Rachel, and Thomas

from 2011-02-08T19:08

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Chu Park, on the run after escaping a deadly ambush, finally returns to the Task Force. He's much the worse for wear and brings dire warnings. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Dr. Lucius is alerted to the situation and quickly steps in to manage the damage. Dangerously exposed and compromised the Task Force retreats to their safehouse hoping to sort out the recent turn of events.

Further episodes of Knights of the Night

Further podcasts by Tom, Scott, Mike, Michael, Bob, Jim, Jonathon, Rachel, and Thomas

Website of Tom, Scott, Mike, Michael, Bob, Jim, Jonathon, Rachel, and Thomas