Podcasts by Language in Motion

Language in Motion

Inspiration, tips and tricks from stories of success and failure on the language learning journey.

Further podcasts by LIM Lessons

Podcast on the topic Sprachen lernen

All episodes

Language in Motion
Tutor Tips: Nate from 2020-10-30T21:36:31

In today’s episode, we learn helpful tips on how to be a successful language student - from the perspective of a language tutor. Learn about the key traits and actions that differentiate...

Language in Motion
Polyglot Tips: Nate from 2020-10-26T14:59:10

In today's episode, we hear stories and tips from American polyglot Nate. 

Nate speaks Portuguese, French and some Spanish and Swahili. He shares his secrets for learning and maintai...

Language in Motion
Italian: La particella CI from 2020-10-15T21:14:08

In today's episode we learn about a word widely used in Italian, which has many different meanings - so it can be confusing for Italian learners: "ci".

What does this "ci" mean? And above...

Language in Motion
Polyglot Tips: Angelica from 2020-10-14T18:11:11

Today we have an exciting episode. We’re going to hear from Italian polyglot Angelica. She speaks Italian, Spanish, English and some German and French. She will share her secrets for not...

Language in Motion
Portuguese: Comida Típica Brasileira from 2020-09-30T16:16:52

Eu queria falar pra vocês sobre 5 tipos de comida diferentes que se vocês forem ao Brasil vocês deveriam experimentar. Vocês provavelmente já ouviram falar muito em açaí e pão-de-queijo, mas ess...

Language in Motion
Portuguese: Saudações from 2020-09-30T16:03:57

Hoje eu vou ensinar pra vocês algumas saudações formais e informais (gírias) são usadas no Brasil.

Watch this video lesson on our Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/KZ2W9XDOh68

➡ Le...

Language in Motion
Spanish: El acento ortográfico from 2020-09-30T15:49:01

Esta vez les traigo un tema que les ayudará mucho con su ortografía: les enseñaré cómo y dónde acentuar las palabras de una manera sencilla.

Es muy importante destacar qu...

Language in Motion
Spanish: El Náhuatl y su influencia en el español from 2020-09-30T14:58:06

Hoy les hablaré sobre una de las lenguas indígenas de México, el náhuatl, así como su influencia en el idioma español.

El náhuatl es la lengua indígena de México con el mayor nú...

Language in Motion
English: Dialects from 2020-09-30T14:32:30

English is spoken widely all over the world – which is great, until you realize it’s not always the same English. Many people are already aware of the dialectal differences between the English s...

Language in Motion
Portuguese: Homógrafos from 2020-09-30T00:59:57

Hoje eu quero falar sobre homógrafos. Essas palavras tem a mesma grafia, ou seja, são escritas da mesma forma, mas são pronunciadas de forma diferente. Muitas vezes a pronúncia da palavra pode s...

Language in Motion
Spanish: Practica con estos trabalenguas from 2020-09-30T00:44:33

Se dice que se originaron en la Grecia antigua para aprender y desarrollar la mente. Cada país tiene sus propios trabalenguas. El mundo hispanohablante también... Te invito a intentar estos ¡tra...

Language in Motion
Spanish: Dialects from 2020-09-30T00:32:01

Algunos alumnos preguntan: Entonces ¿el español que se habla en Latinoamérica es similar al de España?

Bueno, la verdad es que no. Cuando un idioma se habla en tantos lugares diferentes s...

Language in Motion
Italian: Dialects from 2020-09-29T23:42:40

Oggi vi voglio parlare di una delle caratteristiche più eclatanti del Bel Paese, ovvero i dialetti. Tra tutti i dialetti italiani ho selezionato cinque dialetti, per ognuno dei quali ho un’espre...

Language in Motion
Portuguese: Parônimos from 2020-09-29T23:09:17

Hoje eu venho falar sobre parônimos. Parônimos são palavras muito parecidas na escrita e pronúncia, mas que não são idênticas. Como são muito parecidas, muitas vezes não percebemos a diferença e...

Language in Motion
Italian: Tongue Twisters from 2020-09-29T22:29:04

Oggi parleremo di scioglilingua in lingua italiana:

Manda il sale a Salamanca che a Salamanca il sale manca. 

Apelle, figlio di Apollo, fece una palla di pelle di pollo. Tutti...

Language in Motion
French: Idiomatic Expressions About Food from 2020-09-29T19:50:22

Comme vous le savez peut-être, nous autres Français sommes très -voire trop?- fiers de notre gastronomie, et obsédés par la nourriture… jusque dans la langue française ! De nombreuses ex...

Language in Motion
Spanish: How To Pronounce The Letter R from 2020-09-29T19:36:11

Existen dos formas de pronunciación de la letra R: La R suave y la R fuerte

Para aprender a pronunciarla de forma correcta debemos estar conscientes de la posición de la lengua.


Language in Motion
English: Adjectives Ending In -ED And -ING from 2020-09-29T00:33:45

Have you ever said “I’m boring” when you really meant “I’m bored”? Do you feel confused when deciding whether to use the ED or ING ending of an adjective? If you do, then this is the episode for...

Language in Motion
English: When To Use Make & Do from 2020-09-27T21:15

Make and do are two commonly confused verbs that are also very commonly used. In this episode, we review how to use them correctly.

Both verbs refer to performing...

Language in Motion
English: How To Use The Verbs Know/Meet, Lend/Borrow & Spend/Waste from 2020-09-27T19:56:29

Have you ever left an encounter with a new friend saying “Nice knowing you!”, only to realize hours later that your farewell was a foreboding expression rather than an expression showing...

Language in Motion
English: The Present Perfect with already, since, for, yet, just from 2020-09-27T03:41:28

This episode is a sequel to our previous episode on the present perfect. Today we will be clarifying how to use some words that usually come with the present perfect and are often confusing for ...

Language in Motion
English: The Present Perfect from 2020-09-26T21:09:50

There are various grammar rules that are present in different languages - the present perfect is an example of this which will make today’s lesson especially helpful for English language...

Language in Motion
English: Relative Pronouns from 2020-09-25T21:15:17

As a language learner, you may have asked yourself “What is a relative pronoun?” Or, if you haven’t, we hope you’ll still listen to this episode because relative pronouns are very import...

Language in Motion
English: How to Pronounce ED and S from 2020-09-24T20:57:46

In this episode we focus on pronunciation - specifically the pronunciation of ED and S.

Have you ever experienced difficulty pronouncing these sounds? Listen

Language in Motion
English: How to Pronounce TH from 2020-09-23T19:35:55

Do you know how to pronounce the TH sound in English? 

Learn the difference in pronunciation between words like “those” and “thin” in this episode.

