How to Spot FAKE Moldavite - a podcast by Ashley Leavy

from 2017-07-05T04:51:32

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Unfortunately, there is a LOT of fake Moldavite on the market. False information from people who claim to be experts on Moldavite can be misleading, so being able to identify authentic Moldavite is important.


The following article was contributed by Mike Eggleston of Inner Vision Crystals.


Moldavite is an amazing and rare stone. It is the first stone that I really "felt" energy from. I remember getting my first kilo nearly 10 years ago, and having to take breaks sorting through the stones. It has lead me on a journey that has become my career. I do not believe in coincidence, or the illusion of it - all things are connected. I view crystals as one of many tools to be used to raise our awareness and our consciousness.

Moldavite is such a beautiful and mysterious stone.

It’s the only Tektite like it, with the ability to facet some of the most beautiful green gemstones in the world. The stones themselves range from piece to piece, no two stones truly alike. The many differences in color, shape, and texture show the vast range of this stone. This variation exists as it cooled and fell back to earth, and then was buried under millions of years of erosion. They vary from the spiky textures of Besednice, to the thick, large stones of South Bohemia and Chlum. It is highly prized by collectors both for its rarity and its metaphysical appeal. It is deep in mythology and lore, ranging from Grail stories to its healing and awakening powers.

This green stone from the Czech Republic is truly one of the most amazing of all the stones in this world!

My company, Inner Vision Crystals, is at the forefront of exposing the fake Moldavite being sold on ebay and other parts of the web. We are in a very unique position, being the largest US Source for Moldavite. We work with our Czech Source, and handle more Moldavite than most can dream of on a daily basis.  I can now, after 11 years, tell fake Moldavite from real, from just a picture.

Watch this quick video to see a fake that was tested by Inner Vision Crystals at Colgate University’s Geology Department in Hamilton, NY:

Watch this video to see an authentic Moldavite stone up close and personal:

I estimate that up to 95% or more of all the Moldavite being sold on eBay from locations in Asia, both rough and faceted, are fake.

Fake Moldavite is hitting the market from China, in more shapes - probably from molds. This can be identified by a wet / shiny melted glass look. However sellers are changing this by acid-washing the pieces to get that "rough texture" look.  This should be a dead giveaway. It’s easy to tell the difference if you know what you are looking for. Many are the same shapes, "perfect", in all sizes. Be sure to compare with these real Moldavites.

I recommend avoiding dealers from China & Thailand online if their products look like the pieces on this page. Also, if it’s much cheaper than other dealers (though some are now charging top dollar for this fake stuff!).  Again, this is primarily being seen on sites like eBay, DHgate, Amazon & Etsy.

At the 2015 NY / NJ Gem show, there were many rough looking pieces, ALL Large and definitely fakes. I played with them and couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I emailed the dealer later to let him know.  All these have the same textures / skins, were poured in molds, and were then given acid baths or some kind of treatment to appear rough.They all look exactly the same and a few are even the same piece from the same mold!

High quality, fake Moldavite is coming out of Thailand with Certifications!

They have good color but are virtually flawless, with none of the tell tale signs of Moldavite.  Although some are starting to use glass material with bubbles, but the color is way off.  I saw this material in Tucson two years ago. A well known dealer from Thailand tried selling ...

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