Podcasts by Making Work Work

Making Work Work

Martha Follent is a performance consultant, NLP certified trainer, Time Line Therapy practitioner and Certified Hypnotist. Together with Liz Mead they examine techniques, stories and tools to take people to the next level, bringing out the potential so that they can make the most out of their personal and work life.

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Making Work Work
Making Work Work #3 - Limiting Beliefs and Self Sabotage from 2023-12-13T15:37:23.174614

In this episode of Making Work Work, Liz and Martha explore the effect that limiting beliefs can have on your career and personal lives. Martha offers some techniques from hypnosis and NLP to help ...

Making Work Work
Making Work Work #4 - Dealing with the Pain Body from 2008-11-11T16:29:05

Christmas is a difficult time for some people, and emotions can come to the surface. Why is it that these times are more difficult than others? Why do the issues come up? Martha explores the 'pai...

Making Work Work
Making Work Work #2 - How people can be the best they can be from 2008-08-25T21:25:12

In our second show of Making Work Work, Liz and Martha explore the topic of How people can be the best they can be - examining the tools and techniques that can be used to improve personal performa...

Making Work Work
Making Work Work #1 - People in the workplace and change from 2008-08-23T08:36:41

In this first edition of Making Work Work, Liz and Martha explore the topic of People in the workplace, and change.
