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Brian King and Jenna Arnold set off on two quests: to finally force each other to watch Game of Thrones and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Brian can't remember multiple story arcs or recognize faces, Jenna isn't a fan of kids' shows or anime. This will be fun.

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Podcast on the topic TV und Film

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Chapter 2: The Southern Kingsroad from 2017-01-08T02:01

GoT S1E02 / ATLA S1 E03

As it turns out, both of these shows are just about animals being bros. That's great, but who's to judge what's good or bad? 

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Chapter 1: The Boy in the Winter Returns from 2017-01-06T01:54

GoT S1E01 / ATLA S1 E01-02

Jenna and Brian outline the agreement that might ruin their relationship, and react to their first viewings of their new favorite shows. ...
