Episode 5 - 5 Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Selling - a podcast by Vanessa Shepherd & Terrica Strozier of Shes Got Vision

from 2020-09-22T17:07:32

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Episode #005 - 5 Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Selling

Show Description

This episode is all about actionable tips to help conquer your fear of selling and transform it into a routine part of your business that feels good.

Show Notes

[00:00:00] Terrica: Welcome to the marketing cocktails podcast. We're your hosts. Terrica Strozier, that's me a brand designer and sugar attic and Vanessa Shepherd a launch strategist and content creator. With the love of all things Disney each week, you'll hear our behind the scenes conversations and expert advice on marketing and launching your next offer while doing it all ethically and organically.

And given that bro marketer advice, the book. Thanks for spending some time with us today. Grab a drink and let's jump into today's episode.

Welcome to episode three of the marketing and cocktails podcast. Today, we're going to give you some practical tips and tricks on overcoming your fear of selling. I know that this is a really weighty topic for many business owners as we try to find that comfortable balance of selling, but doing so in a way that feels good and true to us so let's dive right into this episode

Vanessa: Alrighty today, we're talking about ways you can overcome your fear of [00:01:00] selling. If you have a business, your goal is probably pretty likely to make money. I know most people say, but the only way to make money is to sell something. Either products or services. So what really happens if you're really like definitely afraid of selling, you're probably going to not make as much money and you're going to become managing  a hobby instead of running a business.

But if you're ready to ramp up your income, then you need to overcome your fear of selling. So we're going to go over some tips for being able to reframe your selling mindset and overcome your fear of selling to the people who are going to absolutely love what you have to offer. Once they get to know you.

So the first tip we're going to run with is don't think of it as selling, think of it as having conversations. So if you're worried about being perceived as someone who's pushy, hard selling, you know, the used car salesman that everybody hates, then you can start off by simply having a conversation and getting to know the other person.

[00:02:00] You're not gonna be able to convince everybody to buy the first time you meet them, just like in real life, you know, become friends immediately. As you're going to be able to ask them questions about their business, maybe about their personal life, whatever it is that's going to help you really understand them in a better way.

By asking those questions, you'd be able to qualify them as potential prospect or somebody who is not a good fit for you. And then you can follow up with them at a future time. And what we're talking about, having conversations, it's not something that. It's just one method. So there's so many different ways to communicate with people that you can find what works best for you.

So some people might like to go and. Have conversations in DMS on Instagram or Facebook. Other people are email people. Some people are face to face people. I think people love taking phone calls. it's a matter of finding what method is that you're most comfortable with and that you're just like [00:03:00] feeling that this is a way that you can actually have a conversation and get people to know you a little bit better.

Terrica: so I'm gonna ask this question, cause I know you have a good answer. And it's one thing that I, struggle with a little bit when I first started is having the conversations for some people. once they, like you said, they kind of, you know, get into it, find a commonality and just kinda like talk to someone like they would in person.

But then there's a lot of people who say, Well, I don't have anybody to talk to. I don't, I don't have an audience,  where do I find the people?, Do i have to basically enact the digital version of cold calling , do I just go into somebody's DMS and be like, Hey, how you doing? my name's Terrica, nice to meet you. does that work? Is that sleazy?

Vanessa: With that high pitchy voice to dude that's awesome. Please don't do that. Yeah. Calling cold [00:04:00] calling drives me a little bit. Nuts. It does work for some things. It works for some industries. If you're a salesperson, you will spend half your life, cold calling people, but.

The people who wind up,  the MLM, people that hop into your DMS, they find you on Facebook and they're just there to try and sell you. Those are not people who are open to having conversations. And those are people that almost everybody hates so much so that they get mad from Facebook.

So if. And everybody has had this problem. Everybody will have this problem. And it depends on how big your network is or how small it is or what your, I don't know how comfortable you are with going out and talking to people. You can find somebody to talk to. Just about anywhere and everywhere and yeah, it's going to be hard and it's going to be awful and it's going to feel gnarly.

And there's something in your brain. That's going to tell you that I have nobody to talk to you like ever. Cause I never leave my house and I walk around my bathroom and nobody wants to talk to somebody who's walking around their house in their pajamas all day, but you have to get [00:05:00] out of your head. So think about how many Facebook groups are you in.

Or how many people do you know in your family, your circle of friends, your alumni from school, there's so many different ways to tackle it. That if you really start to think about it, you can probably find at least one person to talk to. Even if it's just a friend to be like, okay, I have this thing.

I'm trying to find people that I can. I talked to you about this thing. Do you know of anybody? That type of conversation helps too. That's the type of conversation that salespeople have to have all the time. I know when I was in sales and I thankfully did not have to cold call that many people, because there was always somebody that I could talk to who could refer me to somebody else.

And it started with, just talking to people that came into the store that would actually reach out because they found our information through awesome marketing materials. But those times when it was kind of dead and dry and I had to start finding people and pulling them out of the woodwork to talk to you, then I would go [00:06:00] back to the people who I had either already talked to or people I like, sort of knew I'd strike up conversations with them, even if it was just like a, Hey, hi, how you doing kind of angle to get in, to be able to talk to people.

So even though things feel hard, conversations are hard. I dunno, especially on a Monday, like there are times where it's going to feel like awful, but know that that's completely, honestly normal and everybody has that thought that I have nobody to talk to. But yet when you really start to think about it and journal it out, write it down, make a list of all the different people that you could talk to.

Even if you think that those people. Would have nothing to do with what you're offering. I've made a list of people and been like, these are the people I know the chances of them actually buying what I'm selling are pretty much slim to none, but nine times out of 10, when I talked to those people, those people know other people that I can talk to.

Terrica: That's true. a super [00:07:00] easy way that I've done this and. Ironically, I did this when we were in a creation phase. one of our upcoming offers is while I be classified as an introvert and just say this guy's not all introverts are antisocial just means that you don't get your kind of fuel from people.

You get your fuel from yourself. So, I said, you know what, I'm just gonna write a Facebook post on my personal one. I'm just going to put it out there. I'm going to let people then come to me. Cause I know that at this point, I don't really remember. I think I have maybe 500 to 800. Yeah. Facebook friends.

I'm like, somebody is going to see this post. Somebody will like it. Somebody will comment. And because they comment and it'll show up in like their feed and then somebody else will see it. And I don't really have to do any of the hard work. Minus respond to the people who already felt some visceral reaction and say, [00:08:00] Ooh, yes, I have that problem.

Or, Oh, I have a solution for you. And then I'm like, Now I can just use, like Vanessa said my own community online without having to pick up the phone and talk to anybody, or I don't even have to reach out to somebody and send them like a text message. I just put a post and said, Hey guys, this is what I'm doing.

do you think it's a good idea? what could make this better? and you have an easily warm audience. These are people where you are used to talking to, like you said, you went to school with them, you know, them through something and then. Sometimes I always like at the end to put like a little simple, just piggybacking off of what you said call to action.

Hey, if you know somebody else tag them, let people work for you.

Vanessa: And that's like the power of people, the power of networking, even if you're not like, quote unquote networking, we're going out to mixers or whatever. It's a matter of just letting people, putting it, putting your offer out there or putting what you're do out there or who you serve, or some little snippet of.

What you're doing. [00:09:00] It's amazing that just putting it out there, how other people that are like, Oh, I might not need that, but I know a guy right. Might do that. Or who might need that, or I don't need that now, but I'm gonna save that info and then we'll come back to it later. Exactly. There's so much, so much power and conversations.

It's awesome. Okay. So the next thing we were going to cover is why you should offer your help instead of just hard selling people. Hey, hard selling. Can you sell? So think about what is the end result, right? Every product or service, every product or service out there solves one problem or a problem or two problems, but it should solve at least one.

And if it doesn't, you have a problem with your product service. So approach each potential lead with the idea of helping them solve a problem instead of selling them on your product. Helping has a more positive connotation than selling days. And that kind of frame of thought makes it easier for you to [00:10:00] start qualifying conversations when all the qualifying conversation is, is just something that can help you assess whether or not the person that you're actually talking to could be a good fit for you, or maybe they could be a good connector for you.

Terrica: So the connector is that person that's going to be able to connect you to other people who are. A good qualifying fee for whatever it is you're selling. Yeah. That's, I'm an approach. I've all I'm gonna say. I've always taken because after my first was like my second yeah. Job, but I was working at six flags and my boss just put me right on the front line and I was Terrica.

There you go. Get people to come to our booth and buy these customize t-shirts and bags. I'm like, Well, don't how to get these people over here. I don't even want to talk to these people. I want to go in the back in the hide. but one thing that I quickly learned and I reframed was at my core. I always loved to help people.

Usually when I talk to people, I'm always Oh, you need help with that. Sure. I was, I was that kid. I [00:11:00] was a teacher's pet. I'm going to run and help everybody. So I realized that it the same way if I reframed it and figured out. What their issue was or what they were having a problem with or what could I solve then that problem solver in me immediately activated

I connected with people a lot easier. It felt more comfortable for me. And then on the other end, people. Felt that authenticity. Cause I'll say this don't fake help people if it's not in you and you are a hard seller, then go at it like that. Cause people will at least respect you for coming to them directly and a direct approach then that kind of, twofold approach where you, you put that facade up, you act one way when you really try to do another, and then people feel so slighted and just taken advantage of at the end of the day.

But what I've always done. And as I. Worked through many other jobs. [00:12:00] After that, I went through the perspective of helping, because that made me connect with people easier. They connected with me and they're like, you're working for me.  I'm with that, let me help you. Let me buy a couple extra shoes.

You're  so helpful.  you know, that's a good deal. You got me a good deal. I was only gonna buy  this one pair of pumps, but you know what? I could use that pair of flats in those boots over there. Let me do that. I mean, Oh, one time I had a customer come. Yeah. I mean, they were just going to buy a few things.

They left spending a thousand dollars, when I worked in banana Republic, but it was because they were like, you're just so helpful. You helped me pick out things. You gave me the best deals. You didn't sell me on it. You told me what the flaws of it were, you know, plus the pros and I made an informed decision, so sure.

Sign me up, take my money.

Vanessa: I think how many supervisors hate when you point out the flaws of a product or service and that's so crucial, I'm the same way. So I'm also, I help her or as people in my family call me grandma's pet. Cause I help so much. [00:13:00] Grandma grandma's pet. Well, I grew up with my grandparents and I was a lot of the time with around cousins.

And that was just, that was our family dynamic. It was fine. so yeah, grandma's pet morph needed. Teacher's pet, which morphed into, you know, somebodies pet out there. It's kind of a, I don't know. My family's weird. It's fun, but helping, helping isn't a bad thing. So it's all the helpers out there. Other people will make you feel bad for being a helper.

Don't feel bad about being a helper. That's who you are naturally embrace it. but I had the same thing, like working in retail sales  bigger kind of sales environments. I was always the person who would help people figure out what they came into the store for first and then connect them with what they wanted.

And nine times out of 10, they bought something else. Or if they didn't buy something else on the spot, those, those buggers came back and they brought like 10 of their friends and they would only deal with me. I had people. Oh, my gosh. It's so fine. So I had people when I worked in, in, at Skechers, they would come in.

And they only wanted to deal with me [00:14:00] after one good experience. They were like, no, we don't want to deal with anybody else. I had to have my butt hauled out from like deep backstock. Cause I was assistant manager. I wasn't just like a sales person then. And my job that day was to like help unload this gigantic shipmate.

So I was covered in all the cardboard dust and the dot that like the gnarly dust that comes with a deep stockroom. I like, what do you mean I need to be out on the floor. This is, this is not what I'm dressed for today. Like, this is not cool, but the people didn't care that I looked kinda gnarly. They were like, Oh, sorry, we pulled you away from something, but we really need your help.

And I helped them and they were awesome. They went away a couple months later they came back and they kept buying shoes. Yeah. It was amazing. I was like, how many pairs of shoes do you need? I like shoes too, but holy man, what are y'all fitting at? Army is awesome, but that's the power of. Helping people connect to them with the right product, how they tell him about the pros and cons about everything on the floor.

I actually took those experiences with that one kind of family. I would trained my staff on how to do the exact same. [00:15:00] There was one person. She took it to heart cause she was also kind of like a natural helper, a little bit integrated as well. And she became our top performing salesperson. And then I had her work with other new people.

I'm like kept the cycle kind of continuing for as long as I was in the store. It was really cool to see the power of just being able to help somebody instead of sitting there hard, selling them on every feature and benefit of the actual product.

Terrica: Well, at that point , in my last position, I have people who are willing to leave where I was because. I said that I was leaving. They're like, well, I guess it's time to go. And I'm like, you didn't come from me. They were like, yeah, I didn't. But I stayed because of you.

Vanessa: Oh, that's powerful.

Terrica:  but at the one thing I always like to connect and, this'll be my mantra is that at the  core of helping you connect with the individual for who they are, there's no fluff for everything.

It's a genuine connection. I see [00:16:00] you have a need, I have a solution. This is where it is. And in that is that little bit of empathy.  I see you having a problem. Let me give you a helping hand. I'm now in business that helping hand comes with. A price tag, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing because at that point, people are still grateful for a solution to the problem that may be having.

they're having issues with that. They're willing to compensate you. Like, Hey, all my guys, you helped me so much. I'm more than willing to pay your price. that's not a big deal. You don't have to be, It doesn't have to be an issue. That was an issue for me for a while is that I will help people.

And then at the end I'm like, and, and, and it costs 200 bucks. Can you pay that? Please? I'll send you an invoice and I felt so bad cause I wanted to do it for free, but free. Doesn't keep a roof over your head free. Doesn't fill your stomach and free. Won't keep electricity on. So at the end of that, you still have to get paid [00:17:00] and you're worth getting paid.

You're always worth getting paid. Yes. But that goes, all of that kind of goes into this thing of people are like, Holy crap. I need to have conversations and you need to help people. And that sounds like really, really, really big. So it's like a big meaty thing. It does sound that way, but the best advice we can give you is to start small.

So you're not going to try and conquer all of these things or, you know, Selling or launching something huge in a single day, you're going to start small. You're going to talk about your business. Maybe it's a family and friends or people, you know, that might fit your audience or who might just be like a good connector person.

Vanessa: You can also spread  your reach and your local community is by networking in person or, whether that's at a business event or just the people you meet. It's amazing how many conversations you can strike up in a grocery store. Just put that out there or hair salon, like in the line at the checkout [00:18:00] and.

Terrica: You bond over  people magazine cover, and then that sprouts into a whole nother conversation. And the end of the day, they're like, it's so nice to meet you. You're like you too. And then your head you're like, I don't know that person. How did we end up?

Vanessa: I've had my husband say this same thing. How do you know that lady? I don't. And he's like, I you're fooled me. I would've thought you guys were friends or something. You get to know people really quickly just by, just by talking to people. And if you think about it, that way you can network online, you can, use social media or groups or whatever.

It's whatever you're going to be able to do to just connect with one person. Pick 1% a day, 1%, every few days, whatever frequency you're going to be comfortable with. Start small and take it one step at a time. And they basically just rinse and repeat like all of those steps until you have this well oiled networking machine that is able to produce leads or [00:19:00] connections, that'll help you take the business.

You have stay and grow over the longterm. And that's another thing I kind of wanna emphasize. You want to make sure that you're doing this in a way that's, ethical. I'm not sleazy. I'm not gross because if you, if you do it the other way, you know, the gnarly way that makes me feel gross and cringy on the inside sales men, way.

Those guys, the sleazy guys, the bro marketers, they're out there for quick sales and a quick buck, make a million today and just take their business. Start another one tomorrow. The rest of us who want to do things the right way who want to grow something that has a future in it, has legs and provides for our family or provides for the next generations, whatever your dream is.

Those being able to build a business that fulfills that longterm dream takes doing things the right way, doing things ethically, treating people like people, being respectful, being, kind, being. Just helpful at the base root of it, because if you're not, then your business isn't [00:20:00] going to last very long.

Terrica: That's, that's so true. and I always look at the people who are willing or I'm going to say willing at that point, their focus is to make the quick buck, like, how am I going to make my next, dollar that in that transaction of. So speech and communication, everything, because it's a transactional internet.

Every conversation is a transaction, but in, during that process, I almost feel like they failed to see the individual there. That person doesn't have. a face, really that person doesn't have any feelings. They're just an end to me means to an end. There we go other way around. but that's what that is.

And that's why when you come out of the situations you feel as on the consumer and you feel so icky and you're either like, Oh, that was. Like the most [00:21:00] revolting process or you feel like, Oh man, I feel like I was stripped of everything because they don't see you anymore. You are just a body and I always push, you never want to have that in business.

You won't have a sustainable business like that. Nobody wants to feel like, Oh, all I am is a dollar to you. That's like in a comparison, I went to a small college rather than a big college. Cause I said, I don't want to just be a number. I want you to see my face. I want you to know who Tara is and I want to matter.

And I want to be able to go to somebody and be able to speak. And you'll like, Oh, Hey Tara, how you doing? You got an issue rather than, Oh, Hey, your number zero zero zero one five two. How are you today?

Having been somebody who has gone to a small college and a big university, I can testify that. Yes, the small ones you get, they get to know you a little better though. Pro-tip, it's really hard to skip class at a small institution. [00:22:00] They know you and they'll be like, and then have you ever had parents or other people come.

Well, what happened is something happened with your family? Didn't want to come to class. I was just tired that day, but I can't tell you that crap, that doesn't work. but definitely start small. I. Fell into the trap of, of selling and it feeling really overwhelming. So I did absolutely nothing for a while.

I just put my website up and I just hoped by some divine intervention that people would just come my way. that didn't work people. Sorry, I didn't go viral. He has a dream like reality. It's a movie, it's a good movie, but it's just a movie. Right. And so. I love this approach because in going through these, these tips that we're giving you to, overcome [00:23:00] your fear of selling, you also find ones that just feel really good to you.

And any, I'm not gonna say any action in business, cause there's some ones that just don't feel good. Pay taxes. Don't feel good. Doing finances don't feel good. That tedious admin stuff for a lot of people don't feel good. I get that. But something as vital to your business is selling, you should find some Avenue that a part of it feels good so that you can do it over and over and over again, because you're going to have to, yeah, it brings us through a really good point.

Vanessa: To, to find the way that feels good, but to find that thing that feels good to find just what feels natural to you too, you're going to need to focus on your goals. Like, why are you in business? Why did you create these products and services? Why, why do you want to help those people? What, whoever your people are to solve, whatever problem that your product and service.

Solves. And what's your timeframe for meeting those goals? Like you need to [00:24:00] know kind of what all of those things are so that you can go, okay. So I need to sell this thing. I want to do it by X date. I want to do this many sales, even mapping out something as simple as that. That's setting a goal basically, and giving yourself this like reasonable deadline, and that's going to help you be motivated to sell instead of, I don't feel like it today.

So I'm going to binge watch Netflix shows and pop some popcorn and then just curl up my blanket and hope that tomorrow is a better day when really. Every single day that you take one small action and you only have to break it down and do one thing a day. Talk to 1% day, take one step every single day.

So that you're working towards that deadline. You're working towards those goals. Be able to fulfill them. If you have a supportive spouse, talk to them. If you have a business partner, talk to them. If you have somebody who's just helping to keep you accountable, who's [00:25:00] just a really good friend and a really good support.

Talk to that person. Share your goals with them. Share your deadlines, share why, what makes you motivated? Speak it out loud, right at your journal. Whatever's going to help you to stay focused on why the heck are you doing this in the first place? because when other people wind up asking you about, well, how's it going?

what progress have you made? Are you making progress? How's it feeling you're like, who have you talked to today? All those lines. I know sometimes they feel like a hassle. You're like, Oh, I didn't talk to anybody today. I feel really guilty. Don't it's okay. Just know that you need to take one step today, but being asked about your progress, that helps you.

That helps keep you motivated, even if you don't realize it because there's somebody else out there who's in your corner, who can actually like, they want to see you succeed as much as you want to see you succeed. If that makes sense. Yeah, exactly. And setting those goals and even getting to the point.

Terrica: Like you said that you want to [00:26:00] sell, maybe you're per out there. And it's the service of one-on-one service book, X amount of clients, this month. Cause then it'll help me meet my revenue goal. I want to sell X number of products cause that will help. Then you can take that plan of action and then Institute ways.

To sell the, helping meet that goal, but then you can do them in ways that maybe don't take as much effort. Maybe you take the time to go line, and then you say that life, and then you break it up into pieces where there's part of it, where you address questions that are, issues for your potential client.

And then you schedule those to go onto your Instagram or you put them on IGTV and you push people to that. Did you have to get on a call and talk to him? No, but you had to do the work on the back end to still push your message out there. So that's still a form of having a conversation and you still have a form of, selling, you have a call to [00:27:00] action at the end of that, and then people can still drive, but you still, so in the midst of it have to do something because doing nothing, it's no results.

I'm a Testament of that. lack of planning gets, you no, results. Sometimes you can, pull some shit together, we've all done it. I pull a paper together and like two hours and sometimes, it flies. Sometimes it flies, sometimes it doesn't. But when you get into. Presenting offer or selling.

You don't want to rush those things. You don't want to just pull it out of your butt and be like, Hey, I have this thing now. I do agree that sometimes done is better than perfect. You don't have to agonize over it, but you need to have a plan in, in motion , to get this traffic that you want to have these conversations you want to, as a good transition to the next step to get people excited about what you have to offer.

Vanessa: Yeah. And if you [00:28:00] are one of those last minute people it's okay. We've all been there. We've been last minute people to mandatory, especially with school projects. I don't know. Anyway. but if you're always a last minute person and you're never planning.

You're not building a longterm business. You're not thinking about how to set up that foundation. And we're going to keep coming back to that week after week, we're going to come back to building this foundation. So if you're, if you're really not excited about your products and services, a you're, you're walking down the wrong path, man.

if you can't be excited about the products and services or the people you're serving, then you may be picked the wrong offer, the wrong product, the wrong service, the wrong people. You need to be able to cut through all of the crap and all of the hardship and all the overwhelm and the gnarly newness that comes with building your own business.

You need to be able to be excited about your products and services. You need to be able to be excited about even some of your audience and some of the people you're serving [00:29:00] granted, you're not going to be excited about all of them. They're going to be hiccups. They're going to be things that's fine.

That's human nature to have that thing. But at the core of it, if you can't be excited about your products and services, And you're not proud of what you're offering. You're doomed to failure.

Terrica: Oh, I mean, for sure. and I'm gonna continue to use real world examples, but how many times have you walked into the store?

And there's a sales person that come in and they're like, hi, welcome to store X. How are you doing today? Just look around, tell us what you like. Maybe we'll help you. Maybe we won't.

Vanessa: I'm a robot man.

Terrica: Oh, you don't want to be here. you don't seem interested in a product if I ask you questions, you don't have any answers.

Right. I'm going to leave. I'm good. I'm going to go across the street to the store that comes in and says, Hey, how are you today? What are you looking for? Oh, okay. They seem a little more upbeat. Oh, I'm looking for, you know, A new computer come this away. Let's show you all [00:30:00] these things. Oh my gosh. Have you seen our new model?

It's amazing that vibrancy right there. I'm like, Ooh, I'm a little into why they are. They like super excited about this product because they be commissioned or they're super excited. Cause it's amazing. I don't know, but I'll listen to you and they will tell you. One way or the other I've actually had salespeople.

Vanessa: It'd be like, yeah, I'm just here to pay for my school. Tuition. The product is great. I use it. I actually, I get it. I got a discount on it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna use it. But I'm really excited about commissioning and hooking up with the product. I've had people tell me, it's hilarious. They're blatantly honest.

And I thought it was hilarious because in my, yeah, I never would have done that, but I've also had the other people, when you walk into, I don't know, Some store and they're like, Oh my gosh, I love this thing over here. What do you need to do with this product? Oh, that was, it's not for you, but I love that one, but if I was you and I only need to use it for it.

Yeah. I use this other one over here. Those people you can call are excited about what they're [00:31:00] doing and what they're selling. Yeah. And you just, you, when there's an excitement behind it, either you put all your blood, sweat, and tears to creating it, and you just are excited about the solution that it provides for people.

I'm excited for the value, excited that you're finally finished, that is out in the world. Take that. That energy and put it into your delivery. When you have conversations, when you write your emails, when you get on live, because people feed off of that energy, they're like, Oh my God, they're excited.

They're pumped back. This has to be good. Like at least if nothing else, I gotta go read the sales page because they're coming with this crazy energy. Like every time I see them talking, they're so excited about it. Because they realized the value. at that point I've had people talk to me. Oh my God, this is the best one.

I'm like, sure. It is. It is no. Let me tell you why. It's amazing. All right, go ahead, Nikki. Going [00:32:00] after awhile, it does sound kind of good. Okay. Keep going. Ooh. Can I test that even though you were like, I'd rather be anywhere else, like driving with dumpster fire instead of being here buying missing, but by the end of it, you're like, I'm so stoked for whatever it is.

I just bought it. Yeah, exactly. And even if I don't buy it, I show appreciation to the person like, Hey, I chose it this time. Maybe it really wasn't in my budget. Like I really even can't make it work, but man, do I appreciate the energy you brought the information you brought. The even answers to some of my problems or my questions that you had Oh my gosh.

Even if I don't buy now coming back again, it goes back to that story that you get people to do good experience. They're bringing like 10 people, like I didn't buy today, but y'all, she's amazing when she's on the floor so much energy. She's so helpful. You [00:33:00] gotta go. Like you just, even if you buy one thing, come on and go with me because unfortunately in.

Business right now, whether it's brick and mortar or online finding that really just good overall experience. It's hard to find it's not as common as it should be. And so when you give that just amazing energy and that solution, like people remembering you, it sticks in the brain. And even if they don't buy right now, they'll come again.

Terrica: Next time. Maybe they really can't afford it, but they're like, I'm saving her, come back again and see what she's offering. Like maybe in like a couple months, that's when I have a little bit more, available.

Vanessa: And we see that happen all the time in the online space, offline space. you'd be really surprised how many people are just like I, so vibe with your energy that I saved, like I, I worked an extra [00:34:00] job.

I did this thing and I saved up and I'm here because I'm excited that you're excited.

Terrica: Yeah. And that's so amazing. That's so validating when someone comes to you and says that they were willing to go those routes, positive routes, like guys, don't go get a new credit card. max it out.

Put yourself in crazy debt, but people are willing to make, you know, do sacrifices or work more or take time, whatever, because they feel like your service or what you have to offer is so valuable that they're willing to do that. That's validating, it's humbling. It's like, Oh gosh, this is why I do this.

Vanessa: Yeah. And if, and if you're somebody who's feeling like, Oh my gosh, I could never get to that point. You'll get to that point. You absolutely will. Because , when you're proud of what you're offering, it's so much easier to get into selling mode. it's so much easier to have conversations with people.

And all it takes is like doing your market research, understanding your audience's pain points, being able to relate to people on a human level, don't be a robot I'm creating that product or service is going to alleviate [00:35:00] those pain points, just making whatever it is you're offering the absolute best. It can be don't over promise and under deliver under promise and over deliver every single time you're going to blow people's minds every single time.

And your excitement will become contagious. Among your followers, your fans, and even people you don't know because those followers and fans are going to go tell 10 of their friends and they're going to come back your direction. And it, it all comes back in, in a big, huge circle, which is pretty awesome.

Kind of as a bonus tip, ask for testimonials from happy clients or people who just told you how much they loved your thing. whatever it is you're selling, whether there's a product that they love, do your website, that darn social media posts, those are all testimonials, save them. if you do nothing else at them, you should be using them in your marketing.

And we will get into that more later. But if you do nothing else with them, read them when you have a moment of doubt. Let those happy testimonials lift you up because [00:36:00] reading the success stories and the kind words will do wonders for if you're having a moment of doubt, if you're not feeling as confident as you were, a couple of months ago.

So those things help more than you realize, just like pick you up and to both your business and to helping your marketing.

Terrica: Oh, yeah. I have a whole  note section with good things that people say

Vanessa: I've saved every like little letter or no or whatever for my whole career, which is a long time. It's been crazy.

And also remember to be yourself, just be yourself. When you're promoting your business offerings, don't try to copy your competition. Please. Don't become a carbon copy of somebody else online. That's that's, that's weird. That's  getting into robot territory, don't do that. Don't try to emulate your favorite mentor guru for a marketer.

Next door don't do that either. Nobody likes that. They also hate it and most people will come after you legally, not a good thing to do. You. At your [00:37:00] core are unique. Your people will be attracted to you because you're unique. I have people who come to me just because I like bright colors. I have a love of travel, a love of Disney.

I have a weird quirky personality, and because I am the ultimate marketing or that people have met and people come to me because that's me and they're okay with it. Even if I have my moment of doubt and I'm not good with it on some days. Because I'm unique. And because Terrica is unique in her own way, people come to her because she's got teal hair.

And because she's helped filler at delivering an awesome customer service that they make, she asked tough questions, like a bajillion times over people come back. They're like uncomfortable as hell. And you're like, crap, they're never coming back. And then they'll come back and be like, Here's the thing, ask me some more questions.

I dare you. I'm ready for you this time. It's amazing, but people will come to you because you're unique. Every single [00:38:00] person out there is unique. And as long as you're yourself, you're not trying to be somebody you're not, you're not trying to fake and it totally tell you make it. People will come.

They'll find you. And it's just a matter of. You might not have a conversion problem. You might have a traffic problem. Just being able to get in front of enough people. And sometimes that takes time and that is totally okay. You're going to make it work out. Yep. For sure.

So, We're going to wrap it up for the day, but if you need more action tips for confidence selling you're to want to join our membership group, launching made simple where we'll be discussing all things.

Launching marketing was fancy products and services we've been talking about and even touching on how to fine tune your marketing for increased profits. Oh yeah. You can increase your profits. We'll help you out. One of the topics we cover is sales. It's embedded into the core of marketing. It's a good half of the process.

Awesome. and that whole process. Of making sales easier when you have the right [00:39:00] sales copy and the right tactics in place. And that's something we definitely cover inside of the core of launching made simple. And we're constantly giving our students lots of action steps that they can put to use right away with feedback to help keep improving their offers, their funnels and their launches visit.

She's got vision.com to join, and we can't wait to see you inside the group.

Thanks for listening. Y'all you can find the show notes at she's got vision.com/podcast. If you've enjoyed what you've heard today, please leave a review and subscribe to the podcast. And because word of mouth is still the best marketing Avenue. Please tell a friend to share it. If you do, don't forget to tag us.

Yeah, she's got vision on all platforms until next time. Y'all we're wishing you much success. I remember there's always time for cocktails.

Further episodes of Marketing & Cocktails

Further podcasts by Vanessa Shepherd & Terrica Strozier of She's Got Vision

Website of Vanessa Shepherd & Terrica Strozier of She's Got Vision