Podcasts by Modern Homemakers

Modern Homemakers

For more than 25 years Donna Otto has shared inspiration and practical wisdom. She is an Author and founder of Modern Homemakers (formerly Homemakers By Choice), a national organization which offers weekly teaching for a new generation of

Further podcasts by Donna Otto

Podcast on the topic Kinder und Familie

All episodes

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 10 from 2023-12-12T13:00

Today’s Material: The Gift of the Magi Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and th...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 9 from 2023-12-11T13:00

Today’s Material: God is in the Manger – Bonhoeffer Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningf...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 8 from 2023-12-10T13:00

Today’s Material: The Little Fir Tree Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and tho...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 7 from 2023-12-09T13:00

Today’s Material: Messiah – page 31 Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 6 from 2023-12-08T13:00

Today’s Material: The Fourth Wise Man Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and tho...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 5 from 2023-12-07T13:00

Today’s Material: Glad Tidings of Great Joy Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, a...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 4 from 2023-12-06T13:00

Today’s Material: The Greatest Gift – Pages 210-211 Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningf...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 3 from 2023-12-05T13:00

Today’s Material: The Polar Express Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and thoug...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 2 from 2023-12-04T13:00

Today’s Material: A Cup of Christmas Tea Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful passages, and ...

Modern Homemakers
Advent Reflections with Donna Otto–Day 1 from 2023-12-03T13:00

Today’s Material: Spiritual Formation Society of AZ Welcome to “Advent Reflections with Donna Otto,” a special podcast series where Donna shares her favorite books, meaningful pas...

Modern Homemakers
Praying the Psalms: Session 4 from 2023-12-01T16:00

Eugene Peterson says,  “The human, in another definition, is a creature who prays.”  Prayers are tools for becoming and being our best self. The Psalms are not necessary for salvation,

Modern Homemakers
Praying the Psalms: Session 3 from 2023-11-30T16:00

Eugene Peterson says,  “The human, in another definition, is a creature who prays.”  Prayers are tools for becoming and being our best self. The Psalms are not necessary for salvation,

Modern Homemakers
Praying the Psalms: Session 2 from 2023-11-24T21:53:37

another psalm study

Modern Homemakers
Praying the Psalms: Session 1 from 2023-11-21T19:18:29

Eugene Peterson says,  “The human, in another definition, is a creature who prays.”  Prayers are tools for becoming and being our best self. The Psalms are not necessary for salvation,

Modern Homemakers
Series on Psalms Intro from 2023-11-16T22:41:36

Psalms are intimate. They lead you to a closeness to God. The book mostly contains poems and sentiments of the heart. Slow down your pace when reading to allow the

Modern Homemakers
Staying in the Situation: Crystal&Blake from 2023-11-14T13:00

Listen with us today, as we hear a testimony from a woman who chose to stay and how the Lord has blessed her.

Modern Homemakers
Staying in the Church from 2023-11-09T21:27:22

Who is the church? Why did we change the church? We were created to live in community. Listen today for our view on why we should stay in church and

Modern Homemakers
Staying in Friendships from 2023-11-02T22:01:48

There are different types of friendships from casual to deep and holy relationships. Friendships are a sweet gift from God. We are commanded to love God and love others. Three

Modern Homemakers
Staying with a Solid Financial Plan from 2023-10-31T21:57:20

Finances are mentioned 2,800 in the Bible. The Bible calls us to store up our treasures in heaven and not treasure something other than God. God owns it all.  C.S.

Modern Homemakers
Staying in the Book from 2023-10-26T13:00

In this complicated, confusing world, every answer can be found in the Bible. Any questions you have regarding moral value, instructional value, or  “what-should-I-do” can be found in the truth

Modern Homemakers
Staying and Training the Will from 2023-10-24T13:00

Teaching vs training. Teaching happens in your head: teaching and training building on truths, imparting knowledge and principle. Training involves the will: directing observable behavior.   Both m...

Modern Homemakers
Staying in the Training and Teaching from 2023-10-19T13:05

Staying is a process that includes training and teaching your children. Children are not small adults, our children look to us to help build their self-concept. God gave you his

Modern Homemakers
Staying is Possible Through Forgiveness from 2023-10-17T13:00

Forgiveness is laying down of oneself. Forgiveness has three steps: 1) Putting away the offense; 2)  Graciously accepting the present; 3) Trusting for the future. Do not offer or receive

Modern Homemakers
Staying Home as a Full Time Mom from 2023-10-12T21:23:36

Join us as we continue to our series on Staying. Staying home as a full time mom is a high call on a woman’s life. Listen as Donna teaches on

Modern Homemakers
Staying as You Establish a Home of Faith from 2023-10-10T18:25:41

What is a home of faith? Join us as Donna discusses practical steps to creating and staying in a home of faith. A home where the parents receive and follow

Modern Homemakers
Staying in Marriage Until Death Do Us Part from 2023-10-05T22:42:52

Continue with Donna in her series on Staying. Staying in marriage until death do you part.

Modern Homemakers
Staying in Marriage After the Wedding from 2023-10-03T20:32:56

Four key elements to help us stay after the wedding: 1)The institution of marriage, 2)Forgiveness & Reconciliation, 3)Respect, 4)Acceptance. 1 John 1:9; Romans 5:1

Modern Homemakers
Staying as a Family of God from 2023-09-28T13:00

God did not want us to be alone, he gave Eve to Adam. God gave you your spouse. He wants you to be one with your spouse, His design is

Modern Homemakers
Staying: Seven Attributes for Daily Living from John from 2023-09-26T21:54:12

Reading in Revelation, a letter to seven churches correlating to staying. It’s not in an easy order or easy to understand. It was a letter of encouragement and judgment. John

Modern Homemakers
Staying the Course with Endurance from 2023-09-21T13:00

It takes endurance to stay the course. Endurance requires a commitment. Endurance requires being uncomfortable. Endurance requires preparation. 2 Corinthians 1

Modern Homemakers
Being There from 2023-09-20T03:00

Introduction to a new study on Staying. In this disposable-minded society, Donna teaches on the idea of staying. Staying in whatever God is calling you too. Getting there, being there

Modern Homemakers
Attention! Special Announcement from 2023-09-19T17:55:14

We hope you’ve enjoyed your summer break. We’re back with a special announcement!

Modern Homemakers
Reair: You are Who You Hang Out With from 2022-04-18T11:15

Reminder from last summer

Modern Homemakers
Week of Weeks…..Good Friday from 2022-04-15T11:50

Make this day special. Reflect on what Jesus did for you.

Modern Homemakers
Week of Weeks…..Wednesday and Thursday from 2022-04-13T11:45

Continue our Week of Weeks celebration with Donna.

Modern Homemakers
Week of Weeks….Monday and Tuesday from 2022-04-11T13:00

Celebrate Holy Week with Donna

Modern Homemakers
God Listens from 2022-03-23T12:54

John 11:41-42 Listeners and lovers attract others.

Modern Homemakers
The War in Ukraine is Awful from 2022-03-22T20:49:59

Read Psalm 31 Prayer from YouTube: https://youtu.be/NvfHwTafSEk

Modern Homemakers
Lent from 2022-03-18T20:17:41

It’s not too late to get started.

Modern Homemakers
The Big Yes Theory from 2022-03-09T17:10:41

Let’s listen to what the book of James and Thomas Kelly have to say…..

Modern Homemakers
4 Ways to be a Much Better Listener from 2022-03-07T14:36:52

develop your listening muscle

Modern Homemakers
Do It At Once! from 2022-03-04T14:40:03

How do we serve?

Modern Homemakers
Listening Through the Examine from 2022-03-02T13:18

Matt 11:15, Isaiah 6:9, 1 Sam 7&12, Mark 8:10, Jeremiah 5:21, Ezekiel 12:2, Psalm 139, Psalm 51:6 How do we listen?

Modern Homemakers
Repeat or Rewrite from 2022-02-28T17:16:51

Are you participating in His story for you?

Modern Homemakers
Listening is About Building Stronger Relationships from 2022-02-25T14:42

How do we listen with the fruits of the spirit? James 1:19-20

Modern Homemakers
Lost In My Underwear Drawer from 2022-02-24T02:58:27

You are just going to have to listen to this one!!!

Modern Homemakers
Grace from 2022-02-18T14:32:45

A woman of beauty is a woman of grace. Listen to Donna today!

Modern Homemakers
Mother’s Poetry from 2022-02-16T15:13:49

Doona reads Power of Mother by Dannae Pierre taken from her book, Healoing Prayers and Meditations

Modern Homemakers
Ruth, a Love Story from 2022-02-14T16:26:22

All 4 chapters of Ruth tell a beautiful story.

Modern Homemakers
Go Grow Up! from 2022-02-11T13:10

Eph 4:14-15, Heb 5:11-14, Do not be dull of hearing. Above all things do we desire spiritual maturity?

Modern Homemakers
Excerpt on Humility from 2022-02-09T13:00

Jesus came as a baby for a reason.

Modern Homemakers
Humility in Action from 2022-02-07T23:00:51

Donna shares about the life of her dear friend.

Modern Homemakers
9 Essentials of Marriage from 2022-02-02T13:36

Re-airing on Marriage this week while Donna attends a conference.

Modern Homemakers
5 Ideas about Marriage from 2022-01-31T13:36:09

Re-airing as we enter February

Modern Homemakers
Letting Go as We Listen from 2022-01-30T20:58:32

Would you agree with the statement, “all great spirituality is about letting go”? Listen to hear what Donna thinks!

Modern Homemakers
Possible Responses to Listening to One’s Story from 2022-01-27T21:12:37

Do you listen to people’s story? Ask questions that make them give you questions to get to know them.

Modern Homemakers
So Happy Together from 2022-01-21T13:27

Acts 12:1 & 2 How can owe be happy together? Listening to each other would be a good start. Listen to hear Donna’s special offer!!

Modern Homemakers
Mary’s Prayer from 2022-01-19T13:18

Donna reads us a beautiful prayer.

Modern Homemakers
Listening and Learning from Women in the Bible from 2022-01-18T14:14:22

These women were so strong and in such difficult circumstances. What can we learn from them?

Modern Homemakers
Distractions from 2022-01-12T17:25:31

What are you excessively attached to? Let’s listen to see what it says in Galatians and 1Timothy about this topic.

Modern Homemakers
Welcome to a New Year from 2022-01-11T17:45:37

Donna was given a special book called, God Guides by Mary Geegh. Listen to hear her insights.

Modern Homemakers
Simeon from 2021-12-22T13:48

Luke 2:21-35 Contemplate what Christmas is all about. He has a well laid plan for your life.

Modern Homemakers
Mary from 2021-12-20T13:00

Luke 1:26-33, Luke 2:34-35 Preparing our hearts for His coming.

Modern Homemakers
The Table from 2021-12-19T14:30

Power of the Table, Christmas edition. Proverbs 24:3-4, 14:1; Psalm 23 The importance of the table is all through the Bible

Modern Homemakers
Invitation, the first of the 3“I”Words of Advent from 2021-12-13T16:05:10

Matt 2:11 Invite Jesus in to your day to day, as He invites us in to do life side by side.

Modern Homemakers
Women of Christmas from 2021-12-08T14:41:30

Matt 11, Come and stay, Donna’s favorite 2 words. Hear how Mary and Elisabeth were both listening to the Lord.

Modern Homemakers
It All Began with a Yes to an Invitation from 2021-12-07T04:18:42

Luke 1 & 2 Is God inviting you to say yes to something? Are you listening for His invitations?

Modern Homemakers
The Wisdom of Marriage from 2021-12-01T13:00

What are you building? The wise woman builds up her house. Proverbs 14:1-2, Proverbs 24:3, 1Cor.3:10

Modern Homemakers
To Compare or Not from 2021-11-29T13:00

Romans 12:3 Let’s not think too highly of ourselves.

Modern Homemakers
Change My Heart from 2021-11-26T13:00

Can we become teachable? 1Cor 1:24

Modern Homemakers
Beatitudes with a Twist from 2021-11-24T15:46:38

Jesus first sermon. Do you pay special attention to how you act? Matthew Chapters 1-4.

Modern Homemakers
Christmas Products from 2021-11-23T04:37:02

Need a meaningful family gift? Listen to this short podcast showcasing a few products.

Modern Homemakers
Essential Prep for Advent from 2021-11-22T13:00

Remember Christ’s birth is WHY we do all this. Preparation will allow space for you to enjoy this season.

Modern Homemakers
Christmas Traditions from 2021-11-19T13:00

Does your family have any.? …..some ideas that everyone loves!

Modern Homemakers
Home for Christmas Gift Giving from 2021-11-17T14:37:10

Don’t let the gift giving rule you. Practical and meaningful gift giving ideas.

Modern Homemakers
Home for Christmas Organization from 2021-11-15T13:16

Practical tools for a meaningful and organized holiday season.

Modern Homemakers
The“Use What You Have”Principle from 2021-11-12T13:00

It’s that time of year again! We are entering the holiday season. How are you preparing?

Modern Homemakers
Are You Listening to This? from 2021-11-08T14:11:17

Luke 14:35 Are you really listening to the Lord’s voice in your life? Luke 14:13-35

Modern Homemakers
Who is Your Comfort? from 2021-11-05T14:33:29

He can and does hear your cries for mercy. Psalm 130

Modern Homemakers
Do You Like Limitations? from 2021-11-03T13:50

…..looking for limitations. Luke 4:1-13, the Spirit led Him into the wilderness. Where is He leading you?

Modern Homemakers
Loving Life as an At Home Mom from 2021-11-01T13:00

Why stay home? 2 Tim 3:16. Donna will explain this concept as well as give you the needed tools.

Modern Homemakers
How to Really Love Your Child, part 2 from 2021-10-29T14:37:16

What does loving discipline look like? Donna dives a little further into Dr. Ross Campbell’s book, How to Really Love Your Child.

Modern Homemakers
How to Really Love Your Child from 2021-10-26T13:33:15

Donna is using Dr. Ross Campbell’s book to share some amazing information on how we can love our children in a way that makes them secure in our love. Matt.

Modern Homemakers
Getting Your Kitchen Ready for the Holidays from 2021-10-20T13:00

Donna’s practical steps to getting your entire kitchen organized in 3 hours, only 15 mins at a time! You CAN be ready for the holidays.

Modern Homemakers
Though He Slay Me, Yet I Will Trust Him from 2021-10-18T13:00

Job 13:15, Donna talks about the amazing man that Job was. Do you TRUST God with EVERYTHING??

Modern Homemakers
David and Absalom from 2021-10-15T13:00

Suffering and forgiveness in the 3 chapters of 2 Samuel 16-18.

Modern Homemakers
Running the Race with Endurance from 2021-10-13T13:00

Donna reads 2 Corinthians 1:5-6, straying from Listening just a bit to include some topics that go hand in hand with Listening.

Modern Homemakers
Exhaustion Keeps Us From Hearing, Part 2 from 2021-10-11T13:02

“Come away and rest awhile” the rest of Ruth Haley Barton’s list of what makes us exhausted.

Modern Homemakers
Exhaustion Keeps Us From Hearing from 2021-10-08T13:00

Donna shares Ruth Haley Barton’s culture of exhaustion that we seem to live in. Let’s get out of this cycle and get rested.

Modern Homemakers
Listening for Life from 2021-10-06T13:00

Duet.6:4-9, Faith comes from Hearing. Are you a servant listener? Let’s learn how to improve on our listening skills

Modern Homemakers
Listening to God Through Scripture from 2021-10-04T13:00

Pick up tips from Donna on how to listen through scripture. Psalm 15:29, hearing His voice. Join us for this impactful lesson.

Modern Homemakers
Let Me Say It Again-Sacred Listening from 2021-10-01T16:38:47

A listening person makes a difference in every environment. Listen to Donna tell us again how to be good listeners. Mark 10:46-52

Modern Homemakers
Listening in a World of Distraction from 2021-09-29T13:00

Do you listen for God to speak to you, BEFORE you speak? Mark 11:14-17 Proverbs 18:13-15 for practical advise. What are your distractions? Listen to Donna encourage us to listen

Modern Homemakers
Willful or Willing Part Two from 2021-09-27T13:00

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Matt. 26:41 Listen to Donna talk about being vulnerable and willing to listen to our Heavenly Father about what and where

Modern Homemakers
Willful or Willing? from 2021-09-24T13:56:56

Are you a “ful” or an “ing”? Listen to Donna to find out how to be an “ing” As you listen to your Heavenly Father, something to think about.

Modern Homemakers
Listening for Love and Learning from 2021-09-22T14:12:22

This is this year’s theme. Donna shares from Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.” How can we balance God’s demands? Listen to hear the answer to

Modern Homemakers
Re-air Sermon on the Mount from 2021-09-02T05:30:08

Modern Homemakers
Re-Air Training the Will of Mama from 2021-08-25T17:47:29

As summer is winding down, and kids are going back to school, we hope you are doing well. Remember to write in with any prayer requests or questions at admin@modernhomemakers.org

Modern Homemakers
Re-Air A Listening Experience from 2021-08-21T05:11

This teaching comes out of 1Kings. See what God has in store for you today!

Modern Homemakers
Re-Air, Love God Love People from 2021-08-15T15:57:40

We can always use a reminder to do what God has called us to do, Love People!

Modern Homemakers
Re-Air, Character of Christ from 2021-08-05T15:59:21

Getting to know our Heavenly Father

Modern Homemakers
Re-air: Family is a Shelter in the Time of a Storm from 2021-07-15T14:28:29

Join Donna as she continues her teachings on the family.

Modern Homemakers
What is Family? from 2021-07-08T13:00

You are probably spending a bit more time with your family this summer, what is family??? Listen today!

Modern Homemakers
Finances, Family and Children, part 2 from 2021-06-24T13:00

Re-airing one of most popular series for your summer listening.

Modern Homemakers
Finances, Family and Training Children from 2021-06-23T02:22:03

Re-airing these useful tools for you this summer.

Modern Homemakers
Summer Challenge from 2021-06-05T02:45

Join Donna in her challenge for herself this summer. She hopes you will join her in enriching in enriching your soil. This lesson is taken from Mark 4:1-20.

Modern Homemakers
To Spank or Not to Spank from 2021-06-02T13:00

Donna bases the Do’s and don’ts of spanking on 4 passages out of Proverbs.

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child, part 2 from 2021-05-31T13:00

Deuteronomy 30:14-19 is one of the passages Donna shares in this continued study.

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child, part 1 from 2021-05-28T13:00

You don’t want to break the will of a child, just train them.

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of Mama from 2021-05-26T13:00

We want clean hearts and pure hearts as we person towards the goal of seeking the Lord.

Modern Homemakers
5 Manners Most Parents Forget to Teach from 2021-05-24T13:00

Practical tools for creating respectful children with exceptional manners.

Modern Homemakers
P.S. 10 Ways to Love Your Children from 2021-05-23T13:00

A bonus piece for YOU! It’s only 4 mins!

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for the Teenage Years from 2021-05-21T13:00

Today Donna is teaching out of Ephesians 6. It’s always good to prepare but if you find yourself there and didn’t prepare……it’s ok. Donna has some things you can do

Modern Homemakers
Learning to Love Your Children from 2021-05-19T13:00

Wouldn’t you think this would just come naturally? Well…….Donna shares with us on how to REALLY love your children.

Modern Homemakers
Servant vs Slave from 2021-05-17T13:00

Donna reads an amazing excerpt by Barbara Johnson, from her book, “Loving Life as as at-home Mom.”

Modern Homemakers
Ministry of Motherhood, Part 2 from 2021-05-14T13:00

How can we guide our children to a place where they want to choose God, for themselves?

Modern Homemakers
Q&A Session on Anger from 2021-05-12T13:00

Listeners had questions on Anger, so Donna took the time to answer 5 questions. We love when listeners write in!

Modern Homemakers
Be Not Anxious, Part 2 from 2021-05-10T13:00

Donna covers the last part of Mathew 6. God is ENOUGH!!!

Modern Homemakers
Ministry of Motherhood from 2021-05-07T13:00

Listen to Donna share the wonderful description of a minister. We are high officers and hold great responsibility of our, self contained units!

Modern Homemakers
Be NOT Anxious, Intro from 2021-05-05T13:00

Donna reads Mathew 6:24-34 out of the NAS version. We are continuing in our Sermon on the Mount series. Seek first His Kingdom……….for everything! How can we truly depend on

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount, Love Your Enemies from 2021-05-03T13:00

Donna is teaching from Mathew 5:43-48, Let’s “vote for nice!” as we practice kindness.

Modern Homemakers
Anger Series, Part 4 from 2021-05-01T19:55:19

Join us as Donna wraps up this series on Anger. Great tools for doing life in our anger-filled culture.

Modern Homemakers
Anger Series, Part 3 from 2021-04-28T13:00

Anger is really about You!……..OUCH!! Keep listening to our Anger series and soak in this inspiring information to live a counter-culture life.

Modern Homemakers
Anger Series, Part 2 from 2021-04-26T13:00

God will provide the justice for our anger. We can get angry, but sin Not! Let’s not hold on to our anger or let it consume us. Listen to Donna’s

Modern Homemakers
Anger Series, Part 1 from 2021-04-23T13:00

Anger is in every temperament, but looks different in all of us. Anger can kill our bodies and our relationships. Let’s work to help the next generation handle their anger

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount, Anger. from 2021-04-21T13:00

Donna teaches out of Mathew 5:21-26. Just a few verses with so much punch in them. Can you recognize your own anger? Do you take that first flash of it

Modern Homemakers
The Hospitality of Christ from 2021-04-19T13:00

Listen to Donna as she reads through 1 Peter 4:8-9, in 2 different translations. While Jesus asks us to come stay with Him, He also wants us to follow His

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount from 2021-04-16T13:00

We continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount in Mathew, Chapter 5:38-42. Do we respond with love and kindness when we receive a personal insult, are threatened with

Modern Homemakers
Authenticity from 2021-04-14T13:00

Do you hang out with Jesus? It hard to not be your real self with someone when you are just hanging out. Listen to Donna share on this topic of

Modern Homemakers
The Heart of God from 2021-04-12T13:00

Isn’t wonderful to hear that Jesus has a heart for me and that He loves and wants to comfort me. Listen to what wonderful things Donna has to share with

Modern Homemakers
Thought This Was a Throw Away from 2021-04-09T13:00

Donna shares 3 Thoughts on being mindful. Endurance, Wisdom of physical habits and Spiritual practice of remembering. Righteousness is about remembering our choices. Listen to what Donna has to share

Modern Homemakers
Follow Up for Easter from 2021-04-05T13:00

Hear from Donna what stood out to her during this lenten season. What is it to be “child-like”? Mathew 18:3. In Mark 10:16-18, Jesus says, “let them come freely” It’s

Modern Homemakers
Seventh Statement,“Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit” from 2021-04-02T13:00

These words are found in the book of Luke and also in Psalm 31:5. We are being called to “let go” in the process of sacrificing and suffering as we

Modern Homemakers
Sixth Statement,“It is Finished” from 2021-03-31T14:39

Are you working on something you’ve been called to do? We can learn from Jesus’ life here on earth. He walked through an amazing sequence of small events to get

Modern Homemakers
The Fifth Statement,“I thirst” from 2021-03-29T13:00

Jesus always quenches our thirst. Do we ask Him? Go to Him? Donna shares with us how we CAN hear the voice of God. How we CAN abide with Him

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 25 from 2021-03-27T12:00

We’ve made it to Palm Sunday! Donna recorded this series in 2012, so some ideas for activities will need to be adjusted for the times we are living in, but

Modern Homemakers
My God My God, why has thou forsaken me? from 2021-03-26T14:00

Donna shares from Mark 15:34 and Psalm 22. Jesus was relentlessly obedient! Isn’t that what we want for our lives?

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 24 from 2021-03-25T12:00

Listen up! God is in hot pursuit of each one of us!! Let this lesson on the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son, a/k/a

Modern Homemakers
Woman Behold Thy Son, Son Behold Thy Mother from 2021-03-24T14:00

Jesus is our Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. Donna shares from John 19:25-27.

Modern Homemakers
Third Statement: Woman Behold Thy Son, Son Behold Thy Mother from 2021-03-24T13:00

Jesus is our Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. Donna shares from John 19:25-27.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 23 from 2021-03-23T11:00

Modern Homemakers
Today You will be with Me in Paradise from 2021-03-22T14:00

Luke 23. Christ is asking us to go with Him. We all have to choose to surrender daily.

Modern Homemakers
The Second Statement: Today You will be with Me in Paradise from 2021-03-22T13:00

Luke 23. Christ is asking us to go with Him. We all have to choose to surrender daily.

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount, Chapter 5 from 2021-03-19T22:14:31

Practice, Practice, Practice. Continue in our study of Mathew Chapter 5. Donna teaches on Marriage, Speech, Oaths and Integrity from the Sermon on the Mount.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 22 from 2021-03-19T20:58:20

Two words: Repentance and Humility. Donna focuses on what repentance and humility may look like in the lives of Christ followers.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 21 from 2021-03-19T04:00

The work of Modern Homemakers, formerly Homemakers By Choice, is a labor of love. Donna has been teaching and mentoring women for decades! Our website, modernhomemakers.org, has so much to

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 20 from 2021-03-18T20:43:01

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 19 from 2021-03-13T05:33

Do you read your Bible? Donna focuses on the Word of God in this message and wants us to grow in the Lord by reading His Word every day.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 18 from 2021-03-12T18:05:23

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 17 from 2021-03-12T12:12

Donna shares ways to prepare your house with tips for decorating for Easter.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 16 from 2021-03-11T15:08

Donna suggests a plethora of activities that you can do with your family in preparing your homes and hearts for Easter. You can make a set of Resurrection Eggs or

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 15 from 2021-03-11T12:51:52

Teaching an infant or small child to ‘wait happily’ to have their needs met is not usually a mom’s first reaction to the cries of their little ones. Donna refers

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 14 from 2021-03-10T13:50:31

Have patience! Wait on the Lord!

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 13 from 2021-03-09T06:32:58

Forgiveness is a way of preparing our hearts for Easter. Donna urges us to make forgiveness a way of life.

Modern Homemakers
Second Statement, Yes Yes, No No from 2021-03-08T17:00

Listen to the importance of keeping your word.

Modern Homemakers
Yes Yes, No No from 2021-03-08T16:00

Listen to the importance of keeping your word.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 12 from 2021-03-07T14:25:38

Donna helps us get organized and ready to decorate for Easter and the spring season.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 11 from 2021-03-06T10:00

If you’ve ever longed to be creative, Donna is here to teach you how that can happen, even if you think you don’t have a creative bone in your body!

Modern Homemakers
First Statement, Father Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do from 2021-03-05T06:00

Donna shares about the endurance that Jesus showed us as he kept walking. His walk to the cross. Then she shares His first statement from the seven statements He makes

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 10 from 2021-03-05T05:45

Prayers are NEVER a waste of time. We want to spend more time in prayer but have trouble finding the time to set aside for it. It’s a process that

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 9 from 2021-03-04T22:38:15

What is your wilderness? Christ went to the wilderness and fasted for 40 days. When you spend time fasting (not necessarily from food) and preparing your heart during Lent, you

Modern Homemakers
Celebrating Easter ~ Basket Ingredients from 2021-03-03T06:30

Plan on doing some of the activities that Donna suggests to help your families be ready for the holiest of weeks, Easter week! Start now to have all the items

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 8 from 2021-03-02T06:00

There are 47 days from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, but we traditionally only count Monday through Saturday each week, which adds up to 40 days of Lent (in commemoration

Modern Homemakers
Get Behind Me, Satan from 2021-03-01T06:30

In Matthew 16, where Peter learns that Jesus will die, Peter refuses to believe that it will be so. He is a stumbling block to what Jesus came to do,

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 7 from 2021-03-01T02:06

Lent is a time of self-examination. Prepare your hearts to allow God to do His work in your lives.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 6 from 2021-02-28T10:33

This series is originally from Lent 2012. Donna reminds us that God allowed Jesus to be the sacrifice for our wrong-doings. Join us in our time of preparation for Easter,

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 5 from 2021-02-28T09:28

In the plot to kill Jesus, there were events leading up to that day, among them when Mary anointed Jesus with very expensive oil, which Judas criticized. Mary was being

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 4 from 2021-02-27T08:13

Our journey continues toward Easter. There is a free resource on our web site for you to refer to which includes a scripture a day, as well as a list

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 3 from 2021-02-27T06:21:11

This series, re-aired from 2012, will help you and your family walk through Lent with a better understanding of what Jesus experienced, such as fasting and being tempted by Satan.

Modern Homemakers
Fasting from 2021-02-26T22:03:38

Fasting is a self-denial of normal necessities. We fast in order to intentionally attend to God with prayer. Lent is a season when we fast from certain actions or physical

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 2 from 2021-02-26T21:25:35

Do you identify with Jesus because of what He did on the cross? As we prepare for Easter during this season of Lent, let’s work toward a heart transformation.

Modern Homemakers
Preparing for Easter ~ Day 1 from 2021-02-25T04:09

Lent is a time of self-examination and preparing for the holiest of days… Resurrection Sunday! In this series, which last aired in 2012, Donna will help us with the tools

Modern Homemakers
Changes That Heal, Part 1 from 2021-02-24T06:28

God’s grace calls us into a relationship with Him. Where we are weak, grace abounds. Look to the truth for the changes that heal.

Modern Homemakers
Solidarity with Jesus and Others from 2021-02-22T05:58

A very important aspect of our walk of faith is solidarity. Christ identified with us and our human struggles, when he walked among us. Donna gave a heart-warming example of

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount: Character and Conduct from 2021-02-19T05:30

Christ alone gives us a faith to build our character on.

Modern Homemakers
Character of Christ – Psalm 15 from 2021-02-17T08:42

Psalm 15, which Donna refers to as “The Christian Constitution,” speaks of the character of Christ. There are 9 statements revealing what it looks like to be a Christian.

Modern Homemakers
Words Matter from 2021-02-12T05:30

What you say flows from what is in your heart. Taming the tongue is a difficult thing to do, but when we become intentional about what we say and how

Modern Homemakers
Reading of “The Children of the King” from 2021-02-10T07:23

This sweet short story by Max Lucado packs a powerful message to all who are raising children and need to be reminded that our Heavenly Father wants to spend time

Modern Homemakers
Technology / Theology from 2021-02-08T06:00

We spend a good deal of time on our devices, but where is our content coming from, and what are we looking at? Then, what kind of posts or comments

Modern Homemakers
Sermon on the Mount ~ Sand and Rock from 2021-02-05T06:38

How is your foundation? Are you a hearer or doer of the Word? Donna explains the only parable found in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew.

Modern Homemakers
Peaceful Fruit of Righteousness from 2021-02-03T05:45

Modern Homemakers
Created, Called and Conformed from 2021-02-01T05:48

Are you what you do OR are you doing who you are? God has given each of us a purpose, and we need to lean into Him and stay close

Modern Homemakers
Honest Woman from 2021-01-29T06:00

Are you honest with God, yourself and others? God knows your secret heart, so allow Him to transform you with His Word.

Modern Homemakers
Courtesy Counts from 2021-01-27T05:14

Being courteous is when we are attentive to the needs of those around us, whether it in the grocery store, or while driving, or in our homes or work places.

Modern Homemakers
A Listening Experience in 1st Kings from 2021-01-25T05:30

Elijah was a prophet who experienced God’s provision and obeyed God’s call on his life.

Modern Homemakers
Sacred Listening from 2021-01-22T05:30

Listening is an art, a choice, and a gift! Donna offers us 10 ways to become a better listener.

Modern Homemakers
Our Response to January 6th from 2021-01-20T06:20

After the attack on the US Capitol, Donna asks, “What does it mean to be a Jesus follower?” We have to remember that Jesus is first, not America or any

Modern Homemakers
Finding Quiet, Silence and Solitude from 2021-01-18T06:50

Years ago, when Donna was approached by a group of women asking her to mentor them, she originally said, “No!” After some time passed and they asked her again, she

Modern Homemakers
Utter Groundedness and Constant Risk Taking from 2021-01-13T06:50

What makes you smile? What sparks you? Is it the light of Christ? Donna talks about how Mother Teresa lived in utter groundedness and constant risk taking as a ‘missionary

Modern Homemakers
Love God, Love Others ~ Love and Sacrifice from 2021-01-11T05:44

The new covenant commands us to love God and love others. Making sacrifices every day for those who God has placed in our lives is the kind of love expected

Modern Homemakers
Welcome to 2021! One Way to Handle Suffering from 2021-01-08T05:01

Donna is grateful for all the support received by Modern Homemakers! She also welcomes all suggestions for topics you would like more teaching on. Amy Carmichael was a missionary in

Modern Homemakers
Review ~ Preview 2020 from 2020-12-30T08:00

Despite all the hardships of 2020 and living through a pandemic, there is much to reflect on and be grateful for. Donna urges all of us to set goals and

Modern Homemakers
An Advent Moment with Dietrich Bonhoeffer from 2020-12-23T05:15

Donna shares the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, written by him before he was martyred, from an Advent devotional that she has been reading. Waiting is one of the central themes

Modern Homemakers
Intimacy from 2020-12-21T05:32

Modern Homemakers
Iteration from 2020-12-11T06:00:50

God iterates or repeats His messages to us throughout His word. Don’t let the repetitiveness or the familiarity of His story keep you from re-reading it over and over again.

Modern Homemakers
The Invitation from 2020-12-10T06:00:03

Find out why Donna loves the word ‘Invitation’ and invite God to abide in your life.

Modern Homemakers
Where Are You? from 2020-12-07T06:00:09

God asked Adam and Eve when they were hiding in the garden, “Where are you?” There is not a single place we can hide from God, no matter where we

Modern Homemakers
Finding Rest in God Part 3 from 2020-12-03T06:33:34

Modern Homemakers
Finding Rest in God Part 2 from 2020-12-02T06:00:08

Modern Homemakers
Advent in Advance – Day 1 through 8 – ReAired from 2016 from 2020-11-28T06:40:58

Select some activities to do with your family (if you don’t have time to do one per day) and prepare your hearts for the birth of our Savior.

Modern Homemakers
Finding Rest in God Part 1 from 2020-11-27T06:41:19

Modern Homemakers
A Family is an Economic Unit from 2020-11-20T06:38

Be stewards of what God has given you to bring honor and glory to Him and to build your heavenly home.

Modern Homemakers
Hypocrisy: Three Forms in the Home from 2020-11-18T06:00:46

Your children need to know that you are living authentically, and not trying to project an image which leads to duplicity and hypocrisy. Be consistent in teaching the small things

Modern Homemakers
How We Heal and Stop Hurting from 2020-11-16T06:00:15

Our nation is hurting; we, as the church, are hurting, but we can unify and heal. When we come to repentance, we will find forgiveness.

Modern Homemakers
A Family is The Tower of Truth from 2020-11-13T07:44:06

Do your children know what your family stands for? Do you teach them to always tell the truth? They are watching you and they will model your behavior.

Modern Homemakers
A Family is the Center and Heart of Education from 2020-11-11T06:00:26

No matter what type of school your child is in, or even if you home school, education begins in the home. Help your children be curious about everything, teach them

Modern Homemakers
A Family is a Shelter in the Time of a Storm from 2020-11-09T06:00:45

Do you notice those around you who are in the storms of life? A family grows together when they come together and help each other through an illness or a

Modern Homemakers
Which Comes First: Faith or Politics from 2020-11-06T07:03:31

Donna starts out with tips on freezing fresh food, and then reflects on looking at politics through the lens of faith.

Modern Homemakers
Colossians 3:18-21 Looks at a Family from 2020-11-04T06:00:28

How we deal with and talk to our children about the issues we face these days makes a real difference in our families. In Colossians 3, God defines the family

Modern Homemakers
Evaluating Your Family Rules from 2020-11-02T06:00:57

Every family has rules whether they are written down or unspoken. Here are the rules of rulemaking!

Modern Homemakers
Home: The Most Significant Place In The World from 2020-10-30T07:48:20

Home should be loving, accepting, a safe place, a growing place, a shelter, and where memories are made with the ones we love the most!

Modern Homemakers
Looking For Inspiration from 2020-10-26T06:00:42

Donna has drawn inspiration from Christian evangelist and missionary, George Müller, who ran an orphanage in England for children. George never asked anyone for money, instead he prayed to God

Modern Homemakers
Intro to “What Is A Family?” from 2020-10-23T06:00:03

The Family is so many things to its members: a safe harbor, a place to grow in relationships, where we create lasting memories…and it is ever changing.

Modern Homemakers
Intro to the Schaeffers and “What Is A Family?” from 2020-10-21T06:18:33

Francis and Edith Schaeffer were evangelical missionaries who founded L’Abri Fellowship international study and discipleship centers, and each authored many books, which Donna encourages us t...

Modern Homemakers
Working With One Hand from 2020-10-20T06:01:50

We can learn a lot from this passage in Nehemiah 4. In rebuilding the wall, Nehemiah and his people labored with one hand and in the other they held a

Modern Homemakers
I Thought This Was A Throw-away…1 and 2 from 2020-10-16T21:54:10

The life of Isaac was simple, yet essential. Nehemiah encountered ridicule, but he countered with prayer!

Modern Homemakers
The Importance of Daily Living — Patience from 2020-10-14T06:00

Susanna Wesley is referred to the Mother of Methodism because of the way she taught her methods to her sons, Charles and John, who started the Methodist Church. The youngest

Modern Homemakers
Why Do You Pray? from 2020-10-12T06:00

Consider your prayers… 1 Samuel 1 tells us the story of Hannah who prayed for a son who she would ‘sacrificially’ give back to God.

Modern Homemakers
Ringing The Bells of Faith from 2020-10-09T07:38:18

Faith? or Fear? Donna references Galatians 3:1-5. The Galatians, who had come to know Christ, were fearful about what was going on in their community and world, just as many

Modern Homemakers
Called To Care Part 2 from 2020-10-07T21:45:28

Are you sharing Christ with others in your life? Use the power of the Holy Spirit in you to bear fruit by giving yourself to people in your life. In

Modern Homemakers
Called To Care Part 1 from 2020-10-05T06:00:31

Do you desire to keep the greatest commandment? This important message gives us the guidelines to “lean against the pressures that the world is pushing at us” and to live

Modern Homemakers
Easy Breezy Mac ‘n Cheesy…NOT! from 2020-10-02T06:01:35

What happens when you think something is going to be easy, but it’s not? With so much contempt in our country and world, as Christ followers, we are still called

Modern Homemakers
My Friend, Ted Wueste from 2020-09-25T06:33:33

Donna has known Ted since he was a teenager, and has walked alongside him on his spiritual journey. Now, as the director of the Spiritual Formation Society of AZ, Ted

Modern Homemakers
My Friend, Marian Gendall from 2020-09-21T07:01:21

The sweetest friendship grew out of Marian’s obedience to God when, even though it was hard to leave the only place she had ever lived, her family had to move

Modern Homemakers
My Friends on The Podcast Team from 2020-09-18T08:25:58

Julie, Crystal, Sherri and Nancy join Donna and share a little about themselves and why they serve on the Podcast Team. Donna would like to give each of them the

Modern Homemakers
My Friend, Sandy Wilson from 2020-09-16T06:00:36

Donna’s dear friend, Dr. Sandra Wilson, is a retired counselor and author of many books, including “Hurt People Hurt People” and “Into Abba’s Arms.”

Modern Homemakers
My Friend, Adele Calhoun from 2020-09-14T06:00:48

Donna’s friend, Adele Calhoun, recalls the early days of their friendship and how a mutual friend introduced them. Adele is a wife, pastor, author and spiritual director, among other things.

Modern Homemakers
First Show of the 16th Year from 2020-09-13T13:00

Donna ended the year with Enriching your soil from Mark 4. Did you sort out the tangles and untie the knots as Eugene Peterson says? This show is about Donna’s

Modern Homemakers
My Friend, Joan Malouf from 2020-09-11T06:00:27

Donna and Joan share giggles, memories, love of God and family. These two friends, who are dear sisters in Christ, have been there for each other through thick and thin.

Modern Homemakers
Edna and Esther from 2020-09-09T06:00:36

“Friendship goes both ways” is a list made by one friend, inspired by another friend, which Donna has used to improve her own friendships and we can do the same.

Modern Homemakers
Knowing The Word Devotionally from 2020-09-07T06:01:04

Do you have a desire to please God? Reading or listening to The Word, reflecting on it, letting The Word touch your heart, and contemplating on The Word are ways

Modern Homemakers
Friend of God from 2020-09-04T06:00:51

Abraham was called God’s friend. James 2:23 NIV Who is your ‘middle of the night friend’ you can call when you are in need? Donna will be introducing us to

Modern Homemakers
Know The Book from 2020-09-02T08:00:39

Knowing the contents of God’s Word and why He wrote it, and that Jesus is in the book from Genesis to Revelation, is an important part of YOUR foundation. And

Modern Homemakers
Remembering Emilie Barnes from 2020-08-31T06:00:12

Emilie went home to Jesus 4 years ago today, and Donna honors her memory with sweet recollections of their friendship.

Modern Homemakers
Know and Be Known from 2020-08-28T05:25:07

God has intimate and infinite knowledge of you and He will never stop pursuing you!

Modern Homemakers
A Thirst to Think from 2020-08-24T07:06:25

When you watch the news, do you let the opinions of the news station influence how you think? What about when you go to church? Be a “thinking woman” and

Modern Homemakers
Are You A People Pleaser? from 2020-08-21T06:23:01

Galatians 1:10, NLT: “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.” This is

Modern Homemakers
Who Has Helped Me from 2020-08-19T18:01:49

Donna shares the sweet story of the people in her life who were her Sunday School teachers and mentors. Are there people in your life who you can influence for

Modern Homemakers
How To Clean Practically Anything from 2020-08-17T05:15

Take it from the one who wrote the book, “Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time!” Donna shares several tips on keeping a clean home.

Modern Homemakers
Decluttering! from 2020-08-14T05:00:21

“Put it back where you got it from!” is one of the many Otto Mottos that Donna has lived by and has taught us over the years. Start at the

Modern Homemakers
The Pink Dress from 2020-08-12T02:27

Learn something personal about Donna and her creative side, as she recounts when she first learned to knit and how it changed her.

Modern Homemakers
Training Your Child To Be Money Wise Pt 2 from 2020-08-10T15:00:57

The 12 Principles that Donna has taught in this 2 part series on money will be on the Modern Homemakers web site.

Modern Homemakers
Training Your Child To Be Money Wise Pt 1 from 2020-08-07T05:00

Donna gives us practical tools for training our children to use God’s gift of money for His purposes, including hands-on activities teaching financial principles. The “ABCs of Handling ...

Modern Homemakers
Finances, Family and Training Children Pt 2 from 2020-08-05T05:55:36

Donna offers many ideas for training your children in the area of money. Children model us, good or bad! Showing thankfulness and being hospitable are 2 of the many ways

Modern Homemakers
Finances, Family and Training Children Pt 1 from 2020-08-04T19:55:31

What is your posture when it comes to training your children about money? Parents need to lead by example and teach that God owns all the gold and silver and

Modern Homemakers
Scripture, Money and Our Hearts from 2020-07-31T22:42:44

God is still on the throne! Trust Him with your finances and listen to Him when it comes to stewarding the gifts He has given you. Go to ThriveInLoveAndMoney.com to

Modern Homemakers
Thrive In Love and Money by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn from 2020-07-29T21:10:41

Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn learned very important concepts about the ways men and women are different when it comes to money and they spell those ways out in their new

Modern Homemakers
Every Penny Matters from 2020-07-27T15:09:31

You will see by Donna’s illustration, with all the pennies she saved for many years she was able to purchase her daughter’s wedding gown, that every penny does indeed matter!

Modern Homemakers
You Are Who You Hang Out With from 2020-07-10T06:28:26

There is no subject that God didn’t cover in his Word, and friendship is no exception! The Otto Motto: You Are Who You Hang Out With is one that Donna

Modern Homemakers
Stuffing Your Files from 2020-07-08T06:18:28

Are there quotes that resonate with you? Or books you want to read? Maybe you have written down your testimony, life goals, or family mission statement. Donna talks about stuffing

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: A Place for Service from 2020-07-06T06:18:09

Is your home a place of hospitality? To minister to your family is to serve them. Teach your children to serve others.

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: The Bedroom from 2020-07-03T06:45:05

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: The Kitchen from 2020-06-29T06:00:38

The kitchen is more than a room to cook in. It is also a room where charity takes place. Charity is not only giving to the poor, but it also

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: The Dining Room from 2020-06-26T20:56

Humans love ceremony! Even if you don’t have a formal dining room, make meal time a special occasion as often as you can for your family. Donna has many suggestions

Modern Homemakers
A Graduation Speech Without the Pomp and Circumstance from 2020-06-24T04:39:33

When Elisabeth Elliot died 5 years ago, Donna found among her belongings a graduation speech that Elisabeth wrote in 1974 and delivered at Eastern University. It’s message is timeless, and

Modern Homemakers
Remembering My Mother of My Heart from 2020-06-22T18:58:41

It is such a beautiful thing when you can get a glimpse into the heart of a truly humble follower of Jesus, as Donna was privileged to do as a

Modern Homemakers
What is a Mother of My Heart? from 2020-06-19T07:19:07

Mentoring a younger woman is to share your experiences and wisdom, your time and energy. That’s what Elisabeth Elliot was to Donna Otto, and what Donna is to the younger

Modern Homemakers
Remembrance of Elisabeth Elliot from 2020-06-17T18:53:59

The friendship between Donna and Elisabeth Elliot was more like a mother/daughter relationship, and Donna shares her eulogy that she gave at EE’s memorial 5 years ago. Being taught and

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: The Entry and Living Room from 2020-06-16T07:14:05

If you enter your house or bring guests through the front door, is it a welcoming space? Many of us come and go through the garage into the house, but

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: Making Your Home a Haven of Peace from 2020-06-15T05:15:26

Donna offers practical ways to make your home a haven of peace, where everyone in your family will want to be at the end of a long day. Try to

Modern Homemakers
We Are Not Now What We Shall Be from 2020-06-13T08:09:30

Are you taking seriously the ways God is desiring to transform you (especially in this time of the pandemic)? The quote, “We are not yet what we shall be, but

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: Your Door and Four Walls from 2020-06-08T06:21

Within our own four walls, as a family, we owe our lives to one another and we lay down our lives for each another.

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground: What A Home Is and Is Not from 2020-06-06T04:13:45

Your “YES” to Christ makes you and your home Holy Ground! “The beauty of the house is order. The blessing of the house is contentment. The glory of the house is hospitality. The crown

Modern Homemakers
Home Begins With You! from 2020-06-03T03:20:27

Home is Holy Ground and it begins with you! Make your home welcoming so that you can glorify God with how your family makes memories there or when you have

Modern Homemakers
Home is Holy Ground Intro from 2020-05-29T07:42:46

We have been spending a lot more time in our homes during this pandemic. How and what do you want your home to be? Donna has free printable tools for

Modern Homemakers
Embrace Suffering ReAir from 6-8-16 from 2020-05-15T15:55:01

Nobody wants suffering in their lives, but we live in a fallen world where suffering is inevitable. Christ suffered and died for us. We must share in Christ’s sufferings in

Modern Homemakers
Embracing Change ReAir (from 1-23-19) from 2020-05-14T13:07:47

Whether forced by the pandemic or not, making changes in our lives can expand us, but growth takes time and discipline. God is always wooing and pursuing us, and desires

Modern Homemakers
Living Through the Unimaginable ReAir from May 2017 from 2020-05-11T22:12:58

You may be living through a difficult time right now, on top of what everyone is going through during the pandemic. Donna recalls seeing the play “Hamilton” with her grandson,

Modern Homemakers
Living Through a Difficult Time ReAir from 2020-05-08T13:46:19

How can we be joyful during this difficult time? Our JOY comes from the Lord and we must recognize it to get through any difficulty. We are being refined and

Modern Homemakers
The Courage of Ruth and Bathsheba from 2020-05-06T02:15:02

Ruth is a woman of courage who did the opposite of what anyone else would have done. She made a choice instead of feeling like she was choiceness. Bathsheba was

Modern Homemakers
Courage Plain and Simple from 2020-05-04T07:22:36

“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” CS Lewis “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the

Modern Homemakers
Courage During the 2020 Pandemic from 2020-05-01T20:43:59

Courageous living is about eternal values.

Modern Homemakers
Triumphant Song of Confidence from 2020-04-12T05:07

“Adoration is the spontaneous yearning of the heart to worship, honor, magnify, and bless God. We ask nothing but to cherish him. We seek nothing but his exaltation. We focus

Modern Homemakers
Statement #5 – I Thirst from 2020-04-09T10:14

Ask yourself, “Am I living water or stagnant water?” There are 3 things you can do to become “living water.” 1. Learn His voice, 2. Abide in His love, and

Modern Homemakers
Statement #4 – My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? from 2020-04-08T06:00:40

What are you doing with your hands? Those of us who are having to stay at home during this pandemic, don’t miss what God is calling you to do. Jesus

Modern Homemakers
Statement #3 – Woman, behold, thy Son! …behold, thy Mother! from 2020-04-07T07:00:20

Jesus cared for his mother, even from the cross! He creates new families among those who love him. God is giving us opportunities and calling us during the crisis of

Modern Homemakers
Statement #2 – Today you will be with me in Paradise from 2020-04-06T16:31:25

Transformation is not a one time event; it is ongoing

Modern Homemakers
Statement #1 – Father, Forgive Them… from 2020-04-05T16:56:44

As the prodigal son came to his senses and went home to ask forgiveness, we, too, can humble ourselves and ask forgiveness from our Heavenly Father and be free from

Modern Homemakers
Jesus Keeps Walking from 2020-04-05T07:00:15

Modern Homemakers
Reminding Children of Your Values from 2020-03-30T07:11

During this time of an extended quarantine, while you have your kids under your roof, teach them to value Self, Stuff and Others, and, most importantly, teach them to value

Modern Homemakers
Forced to Miss Richard Foster: Living Courageously in Dark Times from 2020-03-27T10:20

What has been cancelled or postponed in your life? Donna helps us deal with disappointment and teaches us how to live courageously!

Modern Homemakers
Fun, Family and Figuring it Out from 2020-03-25T06:38:04

Modern Homemakers
Organize During The Virus from 2020-03-23T07:00:34

Modern Homemakers
The Virus is Not in Control! from 2020-03-20T07:37:20

Life as we now know it in March 2020 is going to take sacrifice, cooperation and patience for things to turn back around. We must ‘do the next thing’ and

Modern Homemakers
Seven Last Words from 2020-03-18T07:00:11

Even though this is titled Seven Last Words, Donna indicates that she will cover the Seven Last Statements of Jesus over 7 podcasts. Take this time to prepare your hearts

Modern Homemakers
Parenting with Amy Cavness from 2020-03-16T14:40:59

Amy and Donna discuss having a plan, or a blueprint, for raising confident, responsible, respectful kids. With God’s plan, parenting will still be challenging, but will be less of a

Modern Homemakers
40 Ways To Help Children Prepare For Easter from 2020-03-13T14:18:52

You can pick and choose from the ideas Donna mentions and help your kids learn all about the sacrifice of Jesus.

Modern Homemakers
Virus!!! Again!!! from 2020-03-12T18:04

We have lived through viral pandemics before. When most of the world is caught up in the fear of what may happen due to the Coronavirus, we as Christians are

Modern Homemakers
Soul Work ~ Interview with Holly DelHousaye from 2020-03-11T06:17:36

Holly DelHousaye has mentored countless women over the years. She wrote The Soul Work Guide to Life, a self-guided workbook ‘that will help you focus on your unique contribution to

Modern Homemakers
Less Is More from 2020-03-09T06:00

Readying your heart for Easter should include spending time in the Word, which means slowing down and doing LESS during this season so you have MORE time with the Lord.

Modern Homemakers
Staying In A Leaving Culture from 2020-03-06T07:10

Scripture calls us to ‘abide’ or to stay in our marriages. It may be unpleasant at times, but God is doing a work in our lives to bear fruit, just

Modern Homemakers
Why Stay Married with Crystal Goodman Pt 2 ~ Bent But Not Broken from 2020-03-04T07:29:40

When Crystal stopped trying to ‘fix’ her husband, and instead lay him at the feet of Christ, she had a break-through! They reconciled and now have great joy in their

Modern Homemakers
Why Stay Married with Crystal Goodman Part 1 ~ Bent But Not Broken from 2020-03-02T04:38:35

When Crystal’s marriage started to unravel she was devastated. She now realizes she was stuck trying to figure out “why” this was happening, but her faith in God and several

Modern Homemakers
Lenten Purpose from 2020-02-26T08:07

Lent, a time set apart by the church, starts with Ash Wednesday and is a time to reflect, as Jesus did in the wilderness. It is a time to pray

Modern Homemakers
Household Life Hacks from 2020-02-24T07:04

With Spring on the horizon, get some Spring cleaning underway with Donna’s ‘clutter-proof’ principles on getting organized in all areas of your home.

Modern Homemakers
Consider Elements of Loving Your Neighbor from 2020-02-21T08:00:57

In a culture where there is a lack of civility, be the change you want to see by loving your neighbor; love the person, even if you don’t like their

Modern Homemakers
Live Together In Unity ~ Psalm 133 from 2020-02-19T14:59:06

Christ calls us to UNITY! If we are united with Christ, we can be in unity with our fellow man. Unity always trumps diversity!

Modern Homemakers
Unity Changes The World from 2020-02-17T08:39

Maintain unity with Christ so that you will be unified with others.

Modern Homemakers
Radical Forgiveness from 2020-02-14T07:45

Jesus radically forgave his enemies and did it in a ‘quiet’ way. When we are hurried, and have overbooked our schedule, we are more likely to become annoyed or angry

Modern Homemakers
I’ve Been Thinking… from 2020-02-12T07:45:21

Americans have lost civility and have become contemptuous. Donna wants to know your opinion about the ‘things she’s been thinking about’ such as politics, the impeachment proceedi...

Modern Homemakers
Elisabeth Elliot’s Take on Forgiveness from 2020-01-22T06:46:39

Elisabeth Elliot’s wise counsel on forgiveness comes from her experience of forgiving the people who murdered her husband and 4 of his colleagues in Ecuador. She said, “Forgiveness is a

Modern Homemakers
The Four C’s of Forgiveness from 2020-01-20T05:54:37

How many times are we instructed to forgive? 70 x 7? It’s not about a ‘number’ as much as it is about the fact that there is no limit to

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Andrea Doan on Forgiveness of Self from 2020-01-17T16:57:31

Andrea talks about the acceptance of living with chronic illness and the ways that she has found to listen to God’s voice instead of the critical voices in her head.

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Jessica Hodge on Private Worship from 2020-01-15T13:46:10

Donna’s special guest is Jessica Hodge, a worship leader at a local Phoenix church, who shares with us the ways that she has developed a deeper prayer life and some

Modern Homemakers
Why So Much Talk About Forgiveness? from 2020-01-13T06:26:04

In Luke 7, a ‘sinner woman’ washes Jesus’ feet with expensive oil and dries his feet with her hair. She is forgiven of all her sins because of her act

Modern Homemakers
Welcome to 2020! Two Powers for the Future from 2020-01-10T21:11:53

Have you set a resolution for the new year? What has God been calling you to do? Forgive what has happened to you in the past because that will accomplish

Modern Homemakers
‘Twas The Day After Christmas – read by David Otto from 2019-12-26T14:48:55

David Otto is one of the Voices of Modern Homemakers and reads a selection that will remind us just WHO is the reason for the season! Keep Jesus in your

Modern Homemakers
Advent 2019 Week 4 – The Angel Candle from 2019-12-20T06:26:49

Do you have the heart of Mary? Mary had a surrendered heart.

Modern Homemakers
The Call Interrupts read by Mark Morelock from 2019-12-18T06:10

In this excerpt from “The Call of Christmas Anthem” by The Skit Guys, we learn that we are called to be prepared for interruptions that we do not expect in

Modern Homemakers
The Girlfriends’ Christmas Readings from 2019-12-16T02:54:51

As we get older and our kids grow and don’t need us as much, we can find ourselves being emotional at the holidays. Andrea, Nancy and Donna read selections that

Modern Homemakers
Advent 2019 Week 3 – The Shepherd’s Candle from 2019-12-13T06:29:53

How amazing it must have been for the shepherds who were visited by angels to inform them of the birth of The Messiah! They followed a bright star to the

Modern Homemakers
All Is Well read by Susan Tuten from 2019-12-11T04:07:47

Modern Homemakers
Advent 2019 Week 2 from 2019-12-06T06:48:45

On the second Sunday of Advent, we light the Bethlehem candle and read Luke chapter 2. Try to picture Mary, 9 months pregnant, riding on a donkey, for a long

Modern Homemakers
The Gift of the Magi reading from 2019-12-02T07:32:39

Traci and Michael Tope talk about how Donna Otto’s teachings at HBC/Modern Homemakers have made a difference in their lives. Traci is one of the ‘Voices of Modern Homemakers’ and

Modern Homemakers
Advent 2019 – Week 1 from 2019-11-29T07:53:22

Prepare your hearts for the birth of our Savior by participating in Advent activities. Start by setting up an Advent wreath and read Scripture and other books about the birth

Modern Homemakers
Edit Your Perfect Thanksgiving – Do The Next Thing from 2019-11-27T01:01

Happy Thanksgiving from the Modern Homemakers team! Donna encourages you to simplify your plan and do what God is calling you to do this Thanksgiving.

Modern Homemakers
Delays and Detours from 2019-11-25T07:41:02

We often desire the shortest, easiest way to things in life, but God’s directions may include a delay or detour, as was the case with the Israelites (Exodus 13:17-18). Don’t

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Andrea Doan from 2019-11-22T07:30:53

Andrea is one half of “The Girlfriends” who sit down to chat with Donna from time to time. This time, we learn more about her life as a girl growing

Modern Homemakers
The Girlfriends on Friendship Pt 2 from 2019-11-20T07:00:36

Andrea and Nancy talk about respect in friendship and valuing one another. As their friendship deepens, so do their hearts for one another.

Modern Homemakers
Spiritual Formation Tools from 2019-11-18T07:38:38

Two change points in Donna’s life has led to greater spiritual formation: taking a Sabbath rest day during the week and finding a woman to be her spiritual director. If

Modern Homemakers
Spiritual Formation Movement from 2019-11-13T08:06:38

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Amy Cavness Pt 2 from 2019-11-11T08:48:40

Modern Homemakers
Your Great Work ReAir from 2019-11-08T08:05:51

Take courage! Keep raising your children and loving your husband, because God is with you and will see you through. Don’t let distractions take you away because you are doing

Modern Homemakers
Friends of My Right Hand from 2019-11-06T07:43:50

Close friendships are a ‘call and response,’ meaning you are there for each other, praying for one another, and encouraging one another throughout your lives. A ‘friend of your right

Modern Homemakers
A Gracious Woman Knows How to Dress from 2019-11-04T09:00:30

Modern Homemakers
A Gracious Woman Knows Courtesy Counts from 2019-11-01T09:36:11

Emerson said, “Grace is more beautiful than beauty.” Being courteous and respectful is more attractive and will draw more people to you than physical beauty. Courtesy is biblical!

Modern Homemakers
Gracious Woman – Taming the Tongue from 2019-10-30T09:39:22

How many times have you wished you could take back something you’ve said? We have all used our tongue in unkind ways. Scripture tells us not to let any unwholesome

Modern Homemakers
Friendship with God from 2019-10-28T09:28:53

Modern Homemakers
The Girlfriends on Personality Types and Friendship from 2019-10-25T10:55:44

The Girlfriends are back and have a lot to say about personality types and friendship. They have great insight into the differences between introverts and extroverts because they live it

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 8 from 2019-10-24T09:31:39

Tell others what you like!

Modern Homemakers
Friends of the Heart Pt 2 from 2019-10-23T09:12:52

If you are interested in staying tight in a friendship, you need to choose carefully, be committed in the relationship, and consistently care for your friend.

Modern Homemakers
Friends of the Heart Pt 1 from 2019-10-21T09:40:52

There are several ingredients that are important to close friendships. Intimacy, as in a confidant, Acceptance, Humor, Willingness to Make Sacrifices, Perseverance, and Forgiveness. Donna has so mu...

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Dr Greg Crow on Communication from 2019-10-18T01:57:13

Dr. Greg Crow and Andrea Doan are Donna’s guests and they discuss the ever important issue of Communication in Marriage. They will cover the subtopics of conflict resolution and ways

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 6 from 2019-10-17T09:39:27

Be in the present moment with your loved ones!

Modern Homemakers
Do You Know How To Show Anger? from 2019-10-16T09:31:50

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 5 from 2019-10-15T00:31:12


Modern Homemakers
Gracious Woman from 2019-10-11T09:43:25

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 4 from 2019-10-10T08:34:28

Intimacy with your spouse is a way of showing kindness. The Bible tells us that your body is his, and his body is yours. Join the Kindness Challenge with Shaunti

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Jane Wilson on Gratitude from 2019-10-09T08:34:32

Did you know that having a grateful spirit will benefit you spiritually, cognitively, psychologically, socially and physically? Not everyone is born with a grateful spirit, but 40 per cent of

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 3 from 2019-10-08T08:31:09

This tip asks how do you respond to someone who may make you upset. Don’t fly off the handle. Respond in self-control!

Modern Homemakers
Quiz! Are You a Gracious Woman? from 2019-10-07T08:30:33

Leading up to Donna’s quiz, which you will find on the Modern Homemakers web site, Donna unpacks Luke 17:11-19, which is the parable of the ten lepers who Jesus healed,

Modern Homemakers
Crock Pot vs Instant Pot Patience from 2019-10-04T07:49:45

What God calls us to in patience is waiting. Patience is ‘receiving the gift of time,’ not trying to hurry time up. Do you ever think about the coming of

Modern Homemakers
Kindness Tip Number 2 from 2019-10-03T07:40:16

Each Tuesday and Thursday, Donna will offer a different tip on ways to show kindness to anyone who you may come in contact with. Join the 30-Day Kindness Challenge on

Modern Homemakers
Valerie Shepard on Motherhood ReAir from 2019-10-02T07:32:33

This teaching took place in front of a live audience over 20 years ago, and it is so full of wisdom from a mother of 8 children! Valerie Shepard offers

Modern Homemakers
Things to Come from 2019-09-30T12:25:28

What do Friendship, Kindness, Girlfriends, Spiritual Formation and Trust have in common? They are all subjects Donna will be covering this season and she gives us an overview of what

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Valerie Elliot Shepard from 2019-09-27T09:35:54

Donna’s special guest is her dear friend Elisabeth Elliot’s daughter, Valerie, who is here to talk about her book titled ”Devotedly,” which is the account of her parents’ courtship based

Modern Homemakers
Kindness as a Way of Life – Expressions from 2019-09-25T09:31:15

Just as the Welcoming Prayer, which Donna has been reading at the beginning of each podcast, is about consent, Christ is calling us to consent to a deeper way with

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Shaunti Feldhahn on The Kindness Challenge from 2019-09-23T12:58:11

We are about to embark on a challenge that will improve your relationships! Bring everyone you know on board! 

Modern Homemakers
Kindness as a Way of Life Intro from 2019-09-20T13:56:15

Are you lighting the light with kindness? Colossians 3:12 tells us, “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patienc...

Modern Homemakers
Interview with Amy Cavness from 2019-09-18T07:16:14

Amy Cavness is talking with Donna about the book “Doing Life with Your Adult Children” by Jim Burns. Amy has 3 adult children and shares some great nuggets of wisdom

Modern Homemakers
Summer Books from 2019-09-16T07:31:31

Donna’s list of books she read over the summer include The Kindness Challenge, Devotedly, Doing Life with Your Adult Children, Gift from the Sea, Basking in His Presence, Spiritual Rhythms

Modern Homemakers
Welcome Back! from 2019-09-13T08:42:52

Welcome back to a new season! Donna has spent the summer planning and preparing for a year chock full of interviews with many people who she would love for all

Modern Homemakers
Lessify and Know When Enough is Enough ReAir from 2019-09-02T09:34:20

God calls us all to obedience. Donna tells us to ask ourselves 3 questions: 1. What am I being disobedient about? 2. How is my life complicated? 3. How much

Modern Homemakers
What is a Family? ReAir from 2019-08-26T09:31:04

We are to teach our children what God’s word says. Deuteronomy 6: 4-9. Paul taught the Colossians in 3:18 what a family is.

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 5 ReAir from 2019-08-19T09:33:08

There’s a reason that this was one of the top 10 podcasts from the last 2 years! Donna packs so much wisdom into this final part of the Training the

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 1 ReAir from 2019-08-12T09:40:13

This message was taped in front of a live audience many years ago, but the wisdom is timeless and applies to every generation!

Modern Homemakers
Whose Approval Matters Most? ReAir from 2019-08-05T09:40:30

It is common for followers of Christ to seek the approval of others, BUT God’s approval matters most! We are to imitate Christ and outdo one another in preference and

Modern Homemakers
Be A Builder ReAir from 2019-07-29T09:31:50

Nehemiah had a vision and consulted with the Lord before asking the king if he could return to help rebuild the city of his people. Nehemiah refused to be sidetracked

Modern Homemakers
God Is For You ReAir from 2019-07-22T17:30:39

Even when you think you’ve failed, when you fall into the “slough of despond,” YOU are still on God’s ‘favorite list.’

Modern Homemakers
Life Question #5 with David Otto – Where Will You Serve? ReAir from 2019-07-15T09:33:53

This question assumes you will serve, as we are instructed in the Bible. Cast your gifts towards others and you will be as blessed as the people you are serving.

Modern Homemakers
Questions From Our Listeners June 2018 ReAir from 2019-07-08T09:38:05

Parenting questions, etc. are answered regarding teaching your children respect for authority while respectfully challenging same, and other wise words for parents.

Modern Homemakers
Guard Your Heart ReAir from 2019-07-01T09:32:01

Each Monday for 10 weeks, we will re-air the most popular podcasts from the last 2 years. What does it mean to have a heart transformation? Guarding your heart has

Modern Homemakers
See You In September from 2019-06-28T09:36:27

Donna’s summer challenge: Choose one of the disciplines (one chapter) in Richard Foster’s book, “Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth,” that will encourag...

Modern Homemakers
A Quote That Changed My Life from 2019-06-26T09:39:31

Elisabeth Elliot was a great influence in Donna’s life and a great friend/mentor to Donna. We get to benefit from their relationship when Donna passes down Elisabeth’s wisdom and teachings

Modern Homemakers
Do You Have Hurry Sickness? from 2019-06-24T09:36:07

Many of us are addicted to being busy! Hurry sickness becomes a part of who we are, but God commands us to take a sabbath and rest. Jesus had a

Modern Homemakers
Garage, Car, Attic, Guest Room Organization from 2019-06-21T09:35:59

With Donna’s storage system and method of organizing, you can free yourself of all the clutter in areas where you tend to store or hide stuff. When it comes to

Modern Homemakers
Budget Organization from 2019-06-19T09:16:40

This is one lesson you will want the entire family to hear! Get ready to take notes! Our sin nature is to hoard and want more, but Donna gives sound

Modern Homemakers
Kids – Summer Ideas from 2019-06-17T09:35:01

Summertime may be down time for most kids, but Donna encourages us to continue training our children to grow to be independent. Read, play family board games, exercise, have theme

Modern Homemakers
Kids – Organization from 2019-06-14T09:33:57

Young children and older children, alike, should be helping with household chores and it’s never too late to teach them the principles of organization which Donna teaches us. Kids should

Modern Homemakers
Master Bedroom, Closet and Wardrobe from 2019-06-12T09:08

More organization advice from Donna on making your master bedroom a sanctuary where you both want to spend time in a clean, orderly, relaxing, space. Donna also gives great tips

Modern Homemakers
Welcoming Home from 2019-06-10T09:38:31

Home is a place of traditions and making memories, a place to return to with joy. It is a place where God lives, a place of shelter, safety and warmth.

Modern Homemakers
Prayer Basket from 2019-06-07T09:38:53

A prayer basket is a simple organizational tool that will help you “Go Grow Up” in Jesus! Gather a few items to keep all together in one place to be

Modern Homemakers
Go Grow Up, Part 2 from 2019-06-05T09:34:21

Choose growth! Donna shares 3 essentials for growing up spiritually in Christ, and encourages us to read the Bible, memorize verses, and to really practice choosing to GROW UP spiritually.

Modern Homemakers
Go Grow Up, Part 1 from 2019-06-03T09:51:59

It’s the old “Baby Bottle vs. Steak!” Hebrews 5:11-14 says, “ …you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to t...

Modern Homemakers
Eclectic on Organization, etc. from 2019-05-31T09:38:12

Mentoring is one of the subjects of this collection of topics which Donna covers. Donna’s definition of mentoring is “giving your life perspective away.” Our mentor also gives us 30

Modern Homemakers
Paper, Paper, Paper Part 2 from 2019-05-29T09:42:27

In part 2, Donna shares her system for dealing with mail, including junk mail, and shares how to organize files, your desk area, and ways to keep it all accessible

Modern Homemakers
Paper, Paper, Paper from 2019-05-27T09:36:47

Paperless society? Not really! We still all have piles of paper to deal with and Donna is going to tell you her secrets to getting it all under control. Once

Modern Homemakers
Kitchen Organization Pt 2 from 2019-05-24T09:33:36

The GOAL of the kitchen is to feed your family nutritious meals. Donna teaches the principles that are part of the warp and woof (look that one up!) of her

Modern Homemakers
Kitchen from 2019-05-17T09:32:51

The kitchen is the most complicated room in the house. It’s up to you to make it less complicated. “Having a prepared home encourages a prepared lifestyle which encourages a

Modern Homemakers
Getting Him to Help You from 2019-05-15T09:31:49

Housework should be team work! It’s not about what’s fair or equal, but assessing together what needs to be done and negotiating the tasks. When you welcome your husband into

Modern Homemakers
Clean, Prepare, and Order Your Home from 2019-05-13T09:33:22

Donna reminds us that PREPARATION is the key to ORGANIZATION! If you want to be more organized, try developing a couple of the habits mentioned by Donna. She covers the

Modern Homemakers
Hints on Hospitality from 2019-05-08T09:34:46

Here are some hints on hospitality designed to make your home life more manageable, thus reducing stress, especially when you are having guests in your welcoming home!

Modern Homemakers
Home Improvement Principles Pt 2 from 2019-05-06T09:34:29

Are you carefully stewarding the resources which God has given you? Take a tour of your home with paper and pen in hand and take stock of what you need

Modern Homemakers
Home Improvement Principles Pt 1 from 2019-05-03T09:33:39

Ephesians 5:15-17 instructs us to be wise in how we live, making the most of every opportunity. When it comes to our homes, this means to be orderly so that

Modern Homemakers
Top 6 Causes for Clutter from 2019-05-01T09:39:03

Ouch! is what you may be saying when listening to the reasons Donna cites for the clutter in our homes, BUT when you follow her sage advice and practice letting

Modern Homemakers
Present Over Perfect from 2019-04-29T09:35:28

Donna mentions a book she picked up called “Present Over Perfect”. Perfectionism can keep us from living in the present and being there for the people in our lives. Donna

Modern Homemakers
Feed My Sheep from 2019-04-26T09:33:39

In John, chapter 21, we learn just how gracious and merciful Jesus is when he instructs Peter (who had denied Jesus 3 times), and the other fishermen, to cast their

Modern Homemakers
Conclusion of Change My Heart Series from 2019-04-24T09:25:42

There is a spiritual formation movement in America and there is always a possibility for spiritual transformation in our lives. In order to be children of the light (and not

Modern Homemakers
Today You Shall Be With Me In Paradise from 2019-04-22T10:51

The 7 last phrases that Jesus uttered while on the cross are the subject of Donna’s teaching. In Luke 23:42-43, Jesus tells one of the criminals hanging next to him

Modern Homemakers
Friday of Holy Week from 2019-04-19T10:05:02

Modern Homemakers
Wednesday of Holy Week from 2019-04-17T10:29:16

Modern Homemakers
Monday of Holy Week from 2019-04-15T10:15:31

This is Holy Week, the Week of Weeks, a week to take some time to ponder the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Mary used reckless abandon when she poured

Modern Homemakers
United Heart from 2019-04-12T21:58:45

Modern Homemakers
Pure Heart from 2019-04-08T09:27:23

Modern Homemakers
Listening In Lent from 2019-04-05T21:41:02

As humans, we don’t like to repent, but 40 days of Lent call us to reflect and repent, and also to change and prepare our hearts for Easter and the

Modern Homemakers
Diagnosing Your Heart for Transformation from 2019-04-03T09:58:10

Donna asks 10 questions which will help you diagnose the ‘condition’ of your heart to find out what it takes to change your heart. You may be surprised at what

Modern Homemakers
The Hidden Heart from 2019-03-29T10:27:25

Each of us has a hidden heart that can sometimes get us in trouble! Unkind words can flow from our hearts, disguised as witty or sarcastic comments. But the Lord

Modern Homemakers
Martha or Mary Type? from 2019-03-27T09:24:11

In Luke 10:38-42, we hear Martha complain to Jesus that Mary should be helping her in the kitchen. Jesus reminds Martha that Mary, who is sitting at Jesus’ feet and

Modern Homemakers
A Few Words About Retreating from 2019-03-25T09:32:30

We are a culture that is worn out! Retreating is the cessation of something to do something else, to engage in a better way. Clear your calendar, shut down your

Modern Homemakers
Guard Your Heart from 2019-03-13T10:19:43

In pursuing a changed heart during this Lenten season, be careful to not mock the Lord by leaving your ‘space’ unchanged. God is faithful to help you change, so harvest

Modern Homemakers
Change Our Hearts This Time from 2019-03-11T09:29:37

This Lenten season is a good time to work on changing your heart in ways you may never have thought of. Donna shares the ways that she worked on her

Modern Homemakers
A Changed Heart – Cultivate My Heart For Change from 2019-03-08T09:10:58

Do you want inner change or are you stuck somewhere? It is never too late to change if you have an adaptable heart. Jesus calls us to come, follow, and

Modern Homemakers
A Changed Heart – Intro to Series from 2019-03-06T09:08:50

Be ready to be inspired to make significant changes in your life and your heart after hearing what Donna has to say on the subject. We may view change as

Modern Homemakers
Judgment ~ Pure Poison from 2019-03-04T09:05:02

Donna was convicted by what scripture says about judging and teaches us that judgment takes up all the room that we have for loving. Ask Jesus to change your heart,

Modern Homemakers
Easter is Coming! from 2019-03-01T09:12:51

Easter falls on April 21st but the Lenten season leading up to Resurrection Sunday begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6th. It is a time of setting ourselves apart and experiencing

Modern Homemakers
Good Stuff: Recommendations from 2019-02-25T10:15:17

Here are some recommendations from Donna. Timothy and Kathy Keller’s devotional book, The Songs of Jesus, offers daily devotions in the Psalms. Barbara Rainey wrote three books that are offered

Modern Homemakers
Financial Habits from 2019-02-22T10:23:56

Donna lists many ways to help you steward the money God has provided for you. Teach your children good money management from an early age.

Modern Homemakers
Finances in the Family from 2019-02-20T12:36:28

We are reminded by Donna that God owns all the silver and all the gold, so teach your children the principles of money spelled out for us in scripture.

Modern Homemakers
Sluggard or Not? How being a sluggard affects your change pattern from 2019-02-18T10:32:40

Are you sitting around dreaming about the things God has already told you to do? Donna uses many examples from the Proverbs on the different characteristics of a sluggard. These

Modern Homemakers
Kindness in Marriage – The Last of the 9 Essentials of Marriage from 2019-02-08T10:15:29

Colossians 3:12 reminds us to clothe ourselves in kindness, which is more and more uncommon in our culture. Jesus modeled kindness and always had time to heal someone or spend

Modern Homemakers
Mystery and Grace Upon Grace – 9 Essentials of Marriage from 2019-02-06T10:26:27

The mystery of marriage, designed by God, can be difficult to comprehend. Donna is committed to staying in her marriage until the end and encourages all of us to do

Modern Homemakers
Sacred Intimacy from 2019-02-04T10:12:34

Marriage was God’s idea and sexual intimacy is designed not only for procreation, but for pleasure between a husband and wife. Have a pen and paper ready to take Donna’s

Modern Homemakers
What’s New? from 2019-02-01T10:10:43

Thomas Keating wrote “The Welcoming Prayer,” which Donna has made a practice of reading daily and encourages us to make a habit of it too. She also tells us about

Modern Homemakers
3 More of the 9 Essentials of Marriage from 2019-01-31T00:12:45

Is your confidence in God? You may be married to the man who God has given to you, but your confidence should be in God! Listen as Donna explains about

Modern Homemakers
One More of 9 Essentials of Marriage: Respect from 2019-01-28T10:21:20

Ephesians 5 gives husbands and wives clear instructions on how to do marriage. Women are to respect their husbands and men are to love their wives as Christ loves the

Modern Homemakers
Call and Change of Peter from 2019-01-25T10:23:10

Donna gives us a clear picture of Peter’s relationship with Jesus. Even though Peter didn’t really think Jesus, a carpenter, should be telling him to let his nets out again

Modern Homemakers
Embrace Change from 2019-01-23T06:01:21

Change can be disruptive and change can be expanding (helping you to grow). It takes discipline for a new habit to take root. If you want to know if a

Modern Homemakers
Elisabeth Elliot: Lamp For My Feet from 2019-01-21T10:18:44

More with Lars Gren, 3rd husband of Elisabeth Elliot, who shares his favorite book written by Elisabeth and reads an excerpt from “No Graven Image.”

Modern Homemakers
Remembering Elisabeth Elliot with Lars Gren from 2019-01-18T10:09:56

Lars Gren was married to (Donna’s mentor) Elisabeth until her death. He recounts how he met her and how their love story developed, sharing sweet details of his affection toward

Modern Homemakers
First and Second Essentials of Marriage from 2019-01-16T10:30:32

1. The Institution of Marriage is God’s idea. Let no man separate it. 2. Forgiveness and Reconciliation go hand in hand in order for your marriage to thrive. Reconciliation takes

Modern Homemakers
9 Essentials of Marriage Intro from 2019-01-14T11:28:43

Whether you are married or not, you will learn something from Donna about relationships. It’s never too late to make a good marriage. Be counter cultural, apply His concepts, and

Modern Homemakers
Whose Approval Matters Most? from 2019-01-11T19:45:52

It is common for followers of Christ to seek the approval of others, BUT God’s approval matters most! We are to imitate Christ and outdo one another in preference and

Modern Homemakers
Are You Married For Life? from 2019-01-09T10:27:28

Be in agreement with your spouse to close your exits in marriage and stay married for life! Be a witness to each other’s lives. Marriage is an ongoing sacrament of

Modern Homemakers
Quiet in the New Year from 2019-01-07T10:04:17

Where there is no silence, there is no solitude. Solitude is a discipline that you need to cultivate in order to be able to listen to God. Donna emphasizes the

Modern Homemakers
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to 2019! from 2019-01-04T10:05:24

Welcome to the New Year! Donna suggests choosing a word or phrase to guide you towards a goal you have for the year. Make good habits and ditch the old,

Modern Homemakers
The Day After Christmas from 2019-01-03T00:49

Donna reads Doug Brendel’s “The Day After Christmas,” which prompts her to ask, “How much of a part did Jesus play this Christmas?” Take some time to review and reflect

Modern Homemakers
A Life Choice That Matters from 2018-12-21T10:10:57

If you want your future to look different, do the hard work that it takes to build a future for yourself. Think of a phrase or word to guide you

Modern Homemakers
The Three Words of Christmas 2018 from 2018-12-19T10:57:57

Iterate, Invitation and Intimacy (with God). Read the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke 2, even if you have read it 100 times! The Word of God is alive! Donna

Modern Homemakers
Last Thoughts of Christmas from 2018-12-17T10:55:17

If you are experiencing depression or sadness this Christmas, Donna has suggestions for you, including staying active, volunteering, or meeting with a counselor. Don’t swallow the Christmas h...

Modern Homemakers
Christmas Voices Pt 3 from 2018-12-14T09:03:34

Joseph is the voice of TRUST…trust in God. The wisemen are the voice of adoration, while Herod is the voice of deception. John is the voice of preparation, preparing the

Modern Homemakers
Christmas Voices Pt. 2 from 2018-12-12T10:38:33

Each year, you can learn more about each of the people who played a part in the account of the birth of our Lord. Donna goes into detail about the

Modern Homemakers
Christmas Voices Pt. 1 from 2018-12-10T09:02:51

During Advent, we await the coming of Christ, because not only did He come once before and will come again, He calls us to come and to stay. Donna explains

Modern Homemakers
Gift Giving At Christmas from 2018-12-07T15:28:39

Be intentional about gift giving. Donna has wonderful suggestions on making a list for 2019 now and putting aside money for gifts which you can purchase throughout the year as

Modern Homemakers
Listening to God at Christmas from 2018-12-05T10:31:47

Pause long enough this Christmas to listen to God, without the distractions of technology. Listen with the intent of taking action. Be intentional about the ‘voices’ (ie. music you listen

Modern Homemakers
The Voices of Christmas from 2018-12-03T10:15:42

There are many voices of people who are a part of the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. Donna asks you to choose one of the voices and reflect

Modern Homemakers
Children and Manners from 2018-11-30T09:44:48

Manners matter! They are about demonstrating respect and are important values in everyday life. Teach your children manners around company and in public.

Modern Homemakers
Christmas and Children from 2018-11-28T09:14:48

Try not to let the hustle and bustle create chaos and disrupt life during this season. Give your children a choice of what they want to participate in and let

Modern Homemakers
Advent Beginnings from 2018-11-26T09:39:04

Advent is a holy time! It’s an opportunity for us to pause long enough to remember why Jesus came and to look forward to His coming again. Do things differently

Modern Homemakers
Making Christmas Memories from 2018-11-21T10:06:53

Christ’s birth is SIGNIFICANT! This Christmas, create memories that are tied to Jesus’ birth. Make time to celebrate His birth by having a birthday party. Donna has so many memory-making

Modern Homemakers
I Am So So So Thankful For… from 2018-11-19T15:35:16

Donna shares what she is thankful for.

Modern Homemakers
Reason to Remember from 2018-11-16T09:30:23

There are many places in Scripture where God calls us to remember.

Modern Homemakers
Give Light to My Eyes in Marriage from 2018-11-14T08:32:58

The psalmist David is complaining and pleading with the Lord in Psalm 13. When days get too full this time of year, give up your complaining. Don’t put marriage on

Modern Homemakers
Entitlement and Acceptance in Marriage from 2018-11-12T08:21:24

Marriage is God’s plan, so that we might see the relationship between Jesus and us! The enemy does not want us to stay married. When we believe we are entitled

Modern Homemakers
Cultural Changes and Truce In Marriage from 2018-11-09T08:25:02

Do marriage God’s way, not the culture’s way! It takes courage to stay together, to stay relational, and you DO NOT have to follow the culture. Let your word be

Modern Homemakers
Communicating With Your Mate from 2018-11-07T08:27:38

The busy holiday season is the time of year when we have communication breakdowns with our spouses. Speak your mate’s language and overcome the barriers that lead to unresolved issues.

Modern Homemakers
Passion and Vincent Van Gogh from 2018-11-05T08:37:21

Donna’s favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. When she re-read a book about him this summer, she was reminded of his great passion and now inspires us to find our

Modern Homemakers
The Girlfriends On Holidays from 2018-11-02T08:34:27

The Girlfriends are back to share with us the traditions they cherish with their families, as well as the things that turn them off about the commercialization of Christmas. They

Modern Homemakers
Taming the Tongue from 2018-10-31T12:33:46

Have you ever been hung by the tongue? We all have said things that we wish we could take back. Donna gives us ways to tame our tongues that are

Modern Homemakers
Book Review on “Life Without Lack” from 2018-10-29T08:15:32

One of Donna and David’s summer reads was “Life Without Lack: Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23.” Dallas Willard, the author, wrote about living a life of contentment and

Modern Homemakers
Holidays Are Coming! from 2018-10-26T09:15:15

Are you ready for some sound advice about how to prepare for the holidays so that you don’t overdo it? Get the “Home for Christmas” seminar that is available on

Modern Homemakers
Why Do I Suffer? Reflections on 1st Peter from 2018-10-24T09:15:15

Donna gives an overview of 1st Peter and talks about why we suffer. We should not only expect suffering, but embrace it.

Modern Homemakers
An Assault on America Pt 2 from 2018-10-22T09:15:55

Psalm 15 may be relatively short, but it is packed with 9 rules to live your life by. Donna calls it The Christian Constitution. Practice discipline!! If you are seeking

Modern Homemakers
An Assault on America Pt 1 from 2018-10-19T09:15:59

Reputation is who people think you are. Character is who you really are. It takes CHARACTER to avoid the traps of the enemy. When you make the decision to follow

Modern Homemakers
Anger is Temporary, Grace is Permanent from 2018-10-18T09:41:48

Psalm 30 is a psalm of thanksgiving written by King David, probably giving thanks for the temple. We are the temple where God resides and Donna reminds us that God’s

Modern Homemakers
Eclectic October 2018 on Do The Next Thing from 2018-10-15T09:15:54

Do the next thing and get out of debt! Donna has suggestions for ways to stop the madness and get out of debt. She talks about a number of topics,

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 5 from 2018-10-12T09:24:46

Donna packs so much wisdom into this final part of the Training the Will of a Child series. Are you practicing authentic Christian living? You need to model a life

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 4 from 2018-10-10T09:37:25

Training is hard work, mommas! Training is the shaping of a habit and you are your child’s first teacher. Train them to have good habits, and teach them to know

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 3 from 2018-10-08T09:14:13

Donna talks about the difference between TEACHING and TRAINING your children. Training is NOT breaking your child’s will, but having them repeatedly do an action until it becomes habit or

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 2 from 2018-10-05T08:59:49

Part 2 of Training the Will of a Child focuses on what God’s Word says about how to raise up a child, when to realize when enough is enough, and

Modern Homemakers
Training the Will of a Child Pt 1 from 2018-10-03T05:15:55

Are you submitting to God’s authority and growing in wisdom? Donna’s teaching from 2008 is timeless and full of wisdom. The world is ever changing, but God does not. His

Modern Homemakers
The Girlfriends On Parenting from 2018-10-01T07:00:29

The Girlfriends tackle the topic of listening to your kids and really hearing what they have to say without trying to fix the problem immediately. When having a sensitive conversation

Modern Homemakers
Life Question #5 – Where Will You Serve? with David Otto from 2018-09-28T16:33:05

This question assumes you will serve, as we are instructed in the Bible. Cast your gifts towards others and you will be as blessed as the people you are serving.

Modern Homemakers
Life Question #4 – Is This A Spiritual Issue? with David Otto from 2018-09-26T08:11:13

We should go to the Holy Spirit for every issue in our lives to receive guidance on how to deal with any situation. When we pray in the Spirit, we

Modern Homemakers
Life Question #3 – Who Is My Neighbor? with David Otto from 2018-09-24T04:48:20

In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus answers the lawyer’s question by telling him that the 1st greatest commandment is to Love God, and the 2nd is to love your neighbor as yourself.
