Podcasts by Mos Fillozofo, Filozofo

Mos Fillozofo, Filozofo

Ky është një kanal filozofik ku diskutohen tema në lidhje moralitetin, pyetje ekzistenciale, seksualitetin etj.

This is a philosophical channel in which we discuss topics related to morality, existential questions, sexuality, etc.

The show is produced by Jon Syla and Artur Vllahiu and it is run in Albanian.

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Further podcasts by Jon and Artur

Podcast on the topic Philosophie

All episodes

Mos Fillozofo, Filozofo
Episode #1 … A jemi të pa-moralshëm nëse konsumojmë mish? from 2020-01-10T22:49:20

Sot diskutojmë për dilemen e madhe morale të kohëve moderne - Veganizmin.

The show is produced by Jon Syla and Artur Vllahiu. In today's show we talk about themes such as morality of meat...
