from 2016-05-20T23:03:19

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Boundaries, Change and Healing...insights from the Healer's Perspective
Quietly Wondering (a new song)

Dear Friends,

One advantage to working with so many people in healing sessions is that I see the common threads we are all weaving into (and releasing out from) our lives. This week seems to be about BOUNDARIES and our own Healing Journey. I thought it might be useful to share a few insights...and a new song, Wondering Quietly, from a recent Sacred Chant Gathering

The Hero's Spiritual Journey
All of us have areas of our life that we control out of fear. Recognizing when we are in one of these situations allows us to choose not to control the situation, but to welcome a new experience because of the situation. Oftentimes at the end of a healing session I will remind the client (and myself) that all those people in our life, especially people who may have been spoken about in the session, have permission not to change at all. The healing session is for the client, and the client has permission to change as much as their soul chooses to change. No one else needs to change in order for you to receive the healing energies offered during a session (or during meditation, yoga, etc.) and have profound change occur.

Of course, our family and friends do sense when we are changing. And sometimes it seems that they will throw out a lasso, trying to pull us back into old patterns of drama and behavior. When this happens, it is good to remember a few things.



1. It's a spiritual pop quiz - are you really committed to changing?
2. Who do you want to have change with you?
3. Do you have permission to override their soul's choice not to change?


Bottom Line: If you are knowingly or unknowingly pulling anyone else along on your healing journey their energy will stop you from pursuing your own healing journey. That is one reason we often feel like someone else's energies, emotions or issues are in our space. Releasing the need to fix or heal another person is a major aspect of the Healer's Spiritual Journey.


In order to help release the energetic cords of connection between yourself and others I use the Four Questions for Healing that I have developed. Begin with the first question; ask yourself if all that you are feeling or noticing (emotions, thoughts, physical sensations) are really yours. This is a simple method to separate out the emotions, thoughts and even physical body issues that are truly yours, and those same issues that pertain to others.

When you change, others may not feel safe
Whatever shifts you are making are (ideally) offered out to all others as possibilities. The new choices you make are like little gift-wrapped treasures left on their front porch. When their soul decides to open the gift is not up to anyone but them. When there is a conscious or unconscious belief that your family or friends ought to change along with you it is like shoving the gift into their arms, whether they want it or not. Imagine how it feels to have anything, even a treasured gift, forced upon you!

For this reason your change may even be perceived by others as being dangerous to them. Recognizing when you want someone else to change is a key to pursuing your own healing journey. The energy cords that run between us will always update others about the changes you are making. How much someone listens to that information is not up to you. You can send an email, but the other person has to choose to read it and take the time to understand its content.

This is one reason that profound change is so difficult. The mythology of the Hero's Journey illustrates this concept of change and interconnectedness. The protagonist must leave the village and undergo a quest in a far off land. Only after the completion of the quest does the protagonist return to the village as the Hero. Change happens while separated from the village community. And that change can be met with acceptance or fear by those in the village.


Before you continue reading, move into a moment of contemplation. Click to listen to the sound healing below. I promise, there are plenty more insights and 'brain candy' in the next section!


Wondering Quietly
- an improvised song from a Sacred Chant Gathering
(if you are near Ann Arbor please join me for a simlar Gathering on Saturday, May 21)

Body-to-Body and Soul-to-Soul Cords
The spiritual connections we have with each other, soul-to-soul, are perfect. While incarnated, we have energetic cords available to us that reflect our soul-to-soul connections, as well as the energetic cords we share body-to-body with those in this lifetime. The body-to-body cords reflect our personalities and the issues our soul have decided to address in this lifetime. The experiences and resulting choices that you make travel along these energetic body-to-body cords and let others know when you are changing.

The cords carry an informational pulse that lets people in your life know what you are doing. (Yes, like a Facebook status update!) Each person can listen to the information, or choose to ignore it. When someone listens to the information about a shift you have made they may or may not choose to act on it. For this reason none of us can heal or change another person. Only their soul can do that. The changes you make are always offered to others as informational possibilities, nothing more.

Receiving Change more easily in Our Life
When we are grounded into our own body we tend to be able to receive the information that travels along the body-to-body cords from others with ease. We can feel the quality of vibration that is our physical body and the quality of knowing that reflects messages from our own soul. Therefore, we know what is ours to do and what is not ours to do. We can let other people explore and have new relationships to the world, and then bring those new ideas to us. New ideas are not threatening, they are a curiosity to be explored.

When any of us is ungrounded we tend to be fearful, and maintain a high degree of control over our life experience. We don't feel safe and spend much of our attention and life-force in organization and control modes. We define our world by all that is perceived as external to ourselves, i.e. other people. Because we define ourselves by how we believe others see us, we rely on others to define our world. When someone in our world begins to change, our world is threatened.

Separating Yourself Energetically from Others
This is especially true of people in our lives who are narcissists or those who tend to control others. When clients are dealing with such people the body-to-body energy cords can be very active, and attempts at change, or even thinking about change, can bring up much discomfort. Client's report that it feels like the other person is 'reading your mind' and preventing you from moving forward.

I have developed a trick to utilize in this situation. This will prevent others from psychically seeing the changes that you are making, and encourages you to not wander over into their energies as well. Remember, if someone's energy is in your space then your energy is also in their space. Since you can't change them, start with what you can change: yourself!

To begin, sense the body-to-body energy cords that exist between yourself and the other person. You don't need to be super psychic to do this. Allow yourself to sense any area of discomfort, heaviness or even loopy thoughts you are experiencing. These are all symptoms of the body-to-body cords being active between yourself and another person.

As you feel whatever you are feeling, allow yourself to also open into your own heart, and your own compassion. How much pain is the other person trying valiantly to protect themselves from experiencing? When any of us puts effort into protecting ourselves, it is likely because whatever we might otherwise experience is very scary and painful. Compassion for another allows you to find the soul-to-soul cords that exist between yourself and another person, whether they are incarnate in physical form or have passed into spirit..

From this quiet heart space imagine encouraging the other person to remain exactly where they are. Imagine telling them that they have enough strength to follow the journey of their own soul. This is a healing that you can offer, but not impose. You might even imagine that this encouragement is wrapped up in a gift box and placed near them. Do not force them to open it in your imagination. Simply leave it for them to discover, when the time if right.

Now allow that other person to create an image of you out of their own energy. Sort of like a scarecrow or replica version of you. The replica that you see may not at all look like you. Allow that version of you to reflect how the other person may see you.

Remember, we can only see in others what we can see already in ourselves. And we tend to see in others that which we are most needing to love and/or change in ourselves. Many clients find that the scarecrow version of themselves looks very little like how they see themselves! And there are often insights about wounds that you and the other person are working on together, at a soul level. As you allow your imagination to translate spiritual information during this process you are apt to psychically sense what someone else is projecting onto you. And, you might spend a moment or two asking what you are projecting onto them that isn't really what their soul and body are like in this lifetime.

There are many levels to this process, and each time you do it new insights will arise. Ultimately, encouraging another person to build an energetic scarecrow replica of you lets them interact with the replica instead of your personal energies. It is not something that needs to be done for everyone in your life. It is a tool that is available when necessary.

You changed, they don't have to change
In order to maintain boundaries with others we must begin within ourselves. My mentor-teacher John Friedlander used to tell students to 'send a psychic change of address card' to people in our life after a workshop. I believe that this was his way of indicating that we had undergone a change, but no one else needed to move. That is why at the end of a healing session I say you have permission to change, and no one else needs to change. You can keep shifting and changing, and all those with whom you share your life can feel safe in their own worlds, feeling only the change that their souls are ready to receive. You changed, they don't have to change.

My blessings of change and transmutation to each of you,


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May 11-20​, 22-31​

Private Healing Sessions


May 21​

Ann Arbor, MI
Sacred Song, Chant and Healing (a participatory gathering on the Full Moon)


June 20​ at 8pm​ Eastern/5pm​ Pacific

FREE WORLDWIDE MEDITATION (by phone and online facebook streaming video)


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) May 17-20​ & May 22-31​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


click to enlarge

ANN ARBOR, Michigan
Saturday May 21​ from 4pm​-6pm​ - - - - - - - Flyer Here
Sacred Songs, Chants and Healing
not a workshop, not a concert, something inbetween...

LISTEN to a Song created in a similar gathering last week

Just as Hildegard created sacredness with daily devotional chanting, we can too. Click on the image to the left, and you will see how the caps of one level of the circle of Angels(and humans) creates the body and face of the next highest row. In this illumination, Hildegard clearly shows the interdependency of all realms, from the highest of the Angelic levels down to those of us here within the Earth.

Come celebrate this season in a circle of sacred chants as Norma Gentile leads a sequence of Sacred Songs and Healing Chants. All are welcome to participate by chanting, singing, toning or meditating.  This is a time of shared co-creation in sound, Spirit and deep silence. A love offering of $10 (or more) is suggested, and no one is turned away.  

LOCATION: Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd​, Ann Arbor​





FREE MEDITATION (by phone and online video)
​Monday​, ​June 20​ at ​8pm​ EDT (New York City time) 5pm​ Pacific Time
(will be recorded and available as a free audio meditation podcast and facebook video)

I offer this time on the Full Moon and Solstice for whatever meditation my guides, usually Mary and Michael, might share with those who feel drawn to join in the meditation.

This hour includes a series of silent and spoken meditations, most likely from my guides Mary and Archangel Michael. Plan on finding a quiet space where you can lie down and be deeply at rest and undisturbed for the duration of the meditation. This will be recorded and posted as a free podcast for download or can be watched online at Healing Chant's Facebook Page.

Previous Meditations are available at iTunes>Podcasts>Norma Gentile or Here

All are welcome to participate. There is no charge. If you are able to make a donation that is most welcome. Donations help me to edit, upload and maintain this meditation freely available to everyone.


To Participate:
ONLINE: will be live streamed (audio and video) at the HealingChants facebook page

PHONE: all callers must enter
Access Code 654222#

United States and Canada (712) 775-7031
View Other International Numbers

Please note:

- Callers may be charged for the cost of the call within your own country.
- Recordings of previous meditations are available to stream or download here

Donations Welcome!

Paypal Email:

Checks to:
Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197


Norma's Meditations (free podcasts)

Healing from within Polarity
THE GIFT OF POLARITY: How and Why we use Polarity in our Lives.


Listen to excerpts now:

1. Our souls choose to explore both sides of Polarity
We created Polarity


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #49 from February 21, 2016

As long as we have physical bodies here on Earth, we are creating within polarity. Our bodies are perfect examples of this polarity; organs that exist on both left and right sides, a brain with two hemispheres, and of course our upper and lower 8th chakras. We are designed to grow in our understanding of polarity while incarnate. Only by entering fully into polarity can we encounter our next step. When we resist this process, we may become disenchanted with our life, feeling sluggish and uninvolved; or we may spiral out of our bodies, feeling euphoric but disconnected from what surrounds us.

This meditation will assist you in becoming aware of the issues that you may be avoiding, and provide you with a nurturing safe environment in which to consider them. Here your guides and angels are present. Notice insights and ideas that may occur to you. These will be how you address your life issues. This is a time for you to choose how you desire to move forward.

This meditation includes two channeled healing songs. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available oniTunes and at Amazon.


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.


Norma's Healing Songs

for all the ages of our worlds


Being - Doing
A healing song for Balance

And of course if you like my music, you can find my recordings
online here and at amazon.comiTunesCDBaby

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Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



   Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing ChantsPO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA734-330-3997, www.healingchants.cominfo@healingchants.comYES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.   

Click here to see other Newsletters


Further episodes of NORMA GENTILE sound shaman

Further podcasts by Healing Chants

Website of Healing Chants