ESSAY and SONG Mystery: Fear builds Walls -- Compassion melts them - a podcast by Healing Chants

from 2018-08-07T10:30

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Letting Our Wall Fall - Compassion as a response to fear

sound shaman



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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.




a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear



with special guiest

MYSTERY: a healing song with voices, overtone chant, Tibetan singing bowls

The 3 New SuperMoons and 3 Eclipses we are experiencing this Summer work together, reminding us to cultivate much needed Spiritual Principles

COMPASSION in response to Fear
Total Lunar Eclipse July 27
(Africa/Asia) Full Moon

Fear builds Walls -- Compassion melts them
s healing music video from a spiritual energy perspective

Dear Friends,
There are moments when we are called to rest into the deepest space within our heart. This space opens to us through grace, and allows us to experience compassion towards people and situations generating fear. As we enter into the next months, we will continue to experience astrological events that heighten both the Sacred Masculine and the profane, power-hungry energies that have been tagged as mascuine in our western society. We shall yet learn the difference!.

Water has long been associated with the Divine Feminine. The gentle persistent action of waves wears down stones, and when driven by a storm's fury can tear down the mightiest of sea walls. Before we leave our polarized consciousness (assigning good/bad or right/wrong to our experiences) we must fully understand it. And so we nowembrace the potential changes offered to us by the grace and mystery of the Divine Feminine during tthis week of energies surrounding the longest Luncar Eclipse of the century. And this prepars us for the influx of Sacred Masculine energies (from Sirius) that tend to speed up our daily lives, and help us bring ideas into form very quickly.

You can read more about these current energies in the previous newsletter. And if you would like support in healing an issue or lining up your life to receive clearer insights and bring spiritual energies into form,please be in touch. A Private Healing Session may be very useful..( This is a good time to work on ourselves, so that we are ready to be launched forward by these incoming energies.

May we each remember our place as spiritual beings capable of choosing compassion, and seeing new possibilities in others and our world.
Many blessing to each of you,


(texts from the video below)




Some issues and beliefs that are being acted upon energetically now:


- Our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Revealing our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sensing our inner power, and using it to empower others.

- Recognizing anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.






The wall we have built around ourselves, whether to keep something out or to keep us safe, is cracking. These cracks represent the issues that we need to address in our lives.

The wall represents beliefs and behaviors that inhibit us from expressing and doing that which we are meant to do now.

As we allow the wall to be broken down, we allow the related beliefs and behaviors to come into our awareness.

When we seek to maintain the wall, we are unable to look beyond our fear. We attempt to hold back what is behind the wall.

But at some point the amount of energy we expend trying to patch even one crack in the wall will overwhelm us.

Giving into change is our only choice.

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.

Read more about this video and related spiritual energies

(texts from sound healing video)



PS This cycle continues through mid-September, as we have another eclipse, SuperMoon and the annual Sirian Portal bringing us accelerated energies until then. And I do have Private Healing Sessions available for you during this time.(


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I offer a song, Inner Truth, to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here


Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Winter Solstice​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor



Sound and Healing Workshop - Ann Arbor



Meditation by Phone/Online


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pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
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Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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Further episodes of NORMA GENTILE sound shaman

Further podcasts by Healing Chants

Website of Healing Chants