TIPS FOR DRIVING YOUR RACE CAR (OR VW BUG): How to more easily navigate current world energies - a podcast by Healing Chants

from 2015-04-11T19:51:06

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new healing song Transmutation & audio meditation

Tips for Driving Your Race Car (or VW Bug) 
How to more easily engage with the energies of this moment

Dear Friends,
Here is a little essay that may help in your understanding and navigating the energies currently surrounding us, along with links to a new song and audio mediation. The guide who inspired this essay (and the song) makes the point that all beings, both humans and angels, are affected by and witnessing this unfolding of events.




from Norma's Hathor guide Atamira

Even if you don't know why, it is perfectly normal to feel a sense of gratitude, and perhaps even tears of relief during the healing process. All that you are as a soul and who you are as an incarnate being drew to yourself patterns to explore and learn from in this lifetime. And many of these patterns are no longer needful. Likewise, the guides and angels that assisted you to follow those promptings of your soul have completed their task. You have learned so much in this lifetime and your soul knows best what the next explorations will be.

Certainly at this time in the planet, there is a unique opportunity for those of you in form to explore things that simply will not be available to you again. And despite how you look upon the chaos and the violence that results from your current explorations, your soul looks upon all these things as opportunities.

This point in time has a metaphor in your reality. It is somewhat like the type of car you decide to drive. You can choose to drive a powerful racecar that uses the high energies of this time frame as high-octane fuel. Or your soul may decide that a VW Beetle is just fine. It's maximum speed may be only 60 mph (the ones Norma grew up with), no matter the power potentially available in the high-octane gas, and that's just fine. But some souls say, "wow, look at the possibilities!" and they simply must go for that 300 mph potential of the racecar. "Let's get something that can really move on a straightaway!"

This soul sees possibilities. This soul says, " I haven't explored this yet. I haven't a sense of what happens when I drive so fast." And so the soul looks out and begins to create a lifetime with (from the soul's vantage point) spectacular possibilities of new experiences. These souls decide that they want to drive that 300 mph racecar in life. Other souls say, "We'll be in the grand stand. We'll be the observers. We'll be the ones standing still." This is equivalent to holding a sacred space in healing.




from Norma

For those of us* who are standing still and holding space, for those who are feeling that sense of deep stillness, know that we are simply the observers; the witnesses to those souls that are taking advantage of the incredible power that is available on the planet right now. It seems counter-intuitive to say that as we simply hold space with neutrality, without judging how souls are using the power available to them, we actually support a smoother ride for all of us. But this is what I sense to be true. When we try to help other souls adjust their course, that's when their car speeding at 300 mph hits a bump and turns over. Our interference is causing more bumps on the road. We cannot know the choices that their souls are making. We cannot adjust their course. Being able to stand in our own neutrality and simply witness means less bumps for those that are choosing to drive their car very fast.



In this context *us* refers to both humans as well as guides and angels. All beings are witnessing this unfolding of events.

This is, of course, a very simple metaphor for all that is passing on the Earth right now.

Let's return back to our individual lives. Whatever our own issues are, they are the equivalent of driving our car at 300 mph. They create chaos and disturbance within our lives. Many of us share similar issues, and there is a natural resonance among these. Therefore, as any one of us resolves our version of the issue, others resonating with that similar issue comprehend in some way that there is indeed a resolution. A message travels out on the spiritual ethers like a bell ringing at dawn: someone changed this pattern, and you can do it too. In this way we understand that what we do might also be gently offered as a gift to all in the world who are facing the same issue.

I offer below many free resources for your own exploration and journey. There is a 
song inspired by Atamira, the Hathor guide, along with the audio meditation from which the essay above was excerpted. See below for those, and the opportunityto purchase Unfurling Love's Creation, my musical album at a special pre-release price with free shipping.


My blessings to all,

Transmutation (Water - the first element)
an improvisation for voice and piano from the Hathors

From time to time, due to astrological alignments, we have the opportunity to move difficult, intractable underlying life patterns into a cosmic stream not unlike the flow of water from a faucet. This song was recorded during one of those astrological portal times.

Each eclipse has a purpose. That purpose is brought into our awareness in the days and weeks before an eclipse. It may be something uncomfortable. The discomfort is present to draw our attention to what needs to change. And it is uncomfortable precisely because it does not fit us.

The presence or lack of water is the issue I am most aware of right now. As I was recording, a gentle rain began to fall. That is what you hear in the background

Your Choice Point
A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues


more info

Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shipping for US/Canada or $10 shipping to most other countries. 

pre-release special
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Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls


Past Sound Healings

a spontaneous song from Spirit-----
mp3 or video

What if sound could act as a carrier wave for Spirit?

Never imposing healing or change.

Bathing you in possibilities,
and allowing whatever your Soul and Body desired,
to manifest


Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





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Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #45 from April 4, 2015

Your Choice Point
A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues




Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences. The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

I included an improvised song of mine, 
Transition, inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.

Listen to a sample: Redefining Sin

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

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Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

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Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




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